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Normale Version: All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13]
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also, endlich endlich endlich geht es weiter!
möchte mich nochmal bei allen entschuldigen, die jetzt so lange auf meinen neuen teil gewartet haben und auch an alle die den neuen Teil lesen werden obwohl ich die ganze zeit leere versprechen gemacht habe, was das fortsetzen angeht. Tut mir wirklich leid.
jedenfalls will ich jetzt wieder öfters weiterschreiben. und hier ist nun der neue teil:

Chapter 11:

The next morning Rory was sitting on the bus to Hartford, she was about to see Tristan. She was kind of excited, although she tried to talk herself into not being. It kind of felt like the first time she kissed Dean, in Doose’s market…
“OK, calm down Rory”, she told herself “I’m probably just excited to see the great DuGrey mansion…”
Everyone at Chilton knew Tristans family was extremely rich. Actually, almost everyone from Chilton was, except Rory. But even for Chilton standards Tristan was rich.
When Rory finally arrived in Hartford, the address Tristan had written down wasn’t hard to find. She could already see the house miles away. It had this huge fence in front of it, with a tremendous garden and a pool.
“OK, now how am I supposed to get in here, with this gate around the whole house?!”
It took Rory a while to find the speaker next to the gate. After some maid finally let her enter the property, Rory headed toward the door and rang the doorbell. After no one answered, she thought she’d just open the door herself. To her surprise, it wasn’t even locked. The entering hall was huge. It had this beautiful marble floor and very antique furniture and decorations. But when Rory looked up towards the ceiling, she had to catch her breath for a second. It was the most beautiful architectural work she had ever seen. It had very special shapes and in between glass windows, decorated with a gorgeous crystal lamp. It looked like a palace to Rory.
But now she had to go find Tristan. Where the hell was he anyways? He knew she was coming, so it actually would have been nice, if he at least opened the door!
Rory didn’t know where to go look for him first, so she just tried calling for him.
“Tristan…? Are you here? It’s me, Rory…”
“You know, you shouldn’t be yelling around in other peoples houses”, she suddenly heard a voice behind her. As Rory quickly turned around, Tristan was standing there with his sweet grin.
“Oh my god. Don’t ever scare me like that again Tristan!”
“What? I didn’t do anything…”
“No, but you scared me jerk” Rory said with played anger. “There is something like saying something when the other person expects it.”
“Oh really… but what would be fun about that? Besides… If you wouldn’t have been staring at the ceiling like you were in Trance you would have seen me standing here.”
“Fine. You win. Let’s get to work…”

Tristan led Rory into some kind of workroom. It was huge, like the rest of the “house” of course. There were study tables, with computers and a small library.
“I can’t believe this. You have a library in your house?!” Rory said with excitement. Tristan thought she was quite cute, when she got excited about something as simple as a library.
“Well, it’s actually not our library, just part of it. We have a really big library upstairs…”
“Oh my god, are you kidding me? This is amazing…”
“OK, now calm down Julia, let’s get started.” Tristan said.
Rory felt her heart beat, when he just called her Julia.
She sat down at a table and got out her Notebook and some stuff she already had researched over home.
“Well, Romeo, then let’s get to it.” She said while designating him to sit down.
Suddenly Rory saw a piano in the corner of the room.
“Unbelievable! You got a piano in here too?” Rory noticed while walking towards it.
“And not only one…” Tristan said while standing right behind her.
“You know how to play the piano?” he asked.
“Not really, but I love listening to it” Rory said.
“Really? Wanna learn?” Tristan asked and sat down on the piano chair. Rory sat down next to him, her heart beating faster and faster. Then she said something totally unlike her.
“You know, us in front of a piano… brings up some nice memories huh?”
Tristan looked deep into her eyes. Again, there was this moment they had already shared at school. Rory thought Tristan would kiss her, but nothing happened… he just looked at her too.
“Tristan?” Rory whispered.
“Don’t you wanna kiss me?” she said softly.
Tristan had to smile. He wouldn’t have expected that. She was right, he wanted to kiss her and he usually would have. But Rory made him feel different than usually, she made him show his sensitive side in a way.
“Well, maybe you need to learn to go for what you want and not wait for someone else to do it …” he said softly.
Rory’s heart was beating, she was almost sure Tristan would be able to hear it. Did he just tell her to kiss him? Since Rory wanted it, she had to take the risk and leaned forward… the moment their lips touched, the world seemed to stand still. Rory felt like fireworks went off inside her, it felt so amazing and so right…


hoffe der teil hat euch gefallen. Wie immer leg ich viel wert auf FB, ob negativ oder positiv.
juchuuuuuuuu!!!!!Endlich gehts weiter!!!!Hast ich mal weieder selbst übertroffen!!!Hoffe es geht bald weiter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ahhhhh *alyssa umrenn* *durchknduddel* du hast tatsächlich weitergeschrieben.....
du ahnst gar nicht WIE arg ich mich darüber freue...das ist eine der sehr wenigen ff hier im forum, die ich überhaupt noch lese Rolleyes
Hach ist das geil....ich weiß noch genau wo wir vor dem letzten teil handlunsgmäßig waren....kann mich irgendwie an voll die kleinen einzelheiten von deiner ff erinnern, obwohl es so lange her ist, dass ich sie gelesen habe....
*sigh* ich liebe einfach deinen schreibstil...ich hatte richtig Tristans Haus vor meinem Auge...oder viel mehr seine villa :biggrin: ich würde für mein Leben gern mit Rory tauschen...auf einem klavierhocker neben tristan zu hocken und dann hören, dass man ihn küssen soll *gg* aber holla die Bitte würde ich mit sicherheit nicht ablehnen :lach: meine mammie hat schließlich gesagt ich soll immer alles tun was man mir sagt :lach:

freu mich rießig dass du weitergeschrieben hast :knuddel: (falls ich es noch nicht erwähnt haben sollte *g*)

lg JamieA
juhuuuuu *jubel*!!!! :dance:

DANKE!!! für deine Fortsetzung! (und schon wieder is Jamie vor mir *grins*)

Ich fand den Teil suuuuper!!! Ich mag deinen Schreibstil auch total! und tristan Confusedabber: Confusedabber: Confusedabber: ^^

ich bin so gespannt, wies weiter geht yeeaah Rory hat sich getraut!!! Smile

schnell weiter schreiben, ich liebe deine ff!!!

lg amélie
Ah das war mal wieder ein toller Teil Wub hast nichts verlernt in deiner FF-freien Zeit. Ich mag deinen Schreibstil unheimlich gerne und auch deine Art Sachen zu beschreiben ist toll. Schön detailiert, aber auch nicht so, dass es langweilig wäre. Sehr schön. Handlungsmäßig fand ich die Romeo-Julia Sache gut. das passt unheimlich gut zu den beiden und der Kuss war natürlich der krönende Abschluss. So süß und auch toll beschrieben. Da wird man glatt eifersüchtig... Hoffe mal, dass es schnell weiter geht... Smile *knuddel*
Wann kommt der nächste Teil?????Mach bitte schnell weiter!!!!!


Confusedabber: Confusedabber: Confusedabber: Confusedabber: Confusedabber: Confusedabber: Confusedabber: Confusedabber: Confusedabber: Confusedabber:
hoffe es geht bald weiter Smile
kanns kaum noch erwarten
vielen lieben dank für eure netten kommentare!! freue mich wirklich sehr über jeden post. Wie gesagt, finds toll dass ihr meine FF noch nicht vergessen habt trotz der langen auszeit.:o ich will mich bemühen die FF jetzt regelmässiger fortzusetzen.
hier also der neue teil: (etwas kurz, aber dafür folgt der nächste spätestens morgen)

Chapter 12

Rory and Tristan started making out, right there, next to the piano. Suddenly Tristan stopped and looked deep into her eyes.
“What? Did I do something wrong?” Rory aked shily.
“No No! You’re incredible and the most amazing girl I’ve ever met… I wanna be with you Rory!”
Rory had to smile, but almost started crying too. She wouldn’t have thought Tristan could say something as nice and sweet.
“What is it? You’re not gonna run out crying again, are you?”
“No… it’s just…Look, I want to be with you too, I just can’t right now. Not before I brake up with Dean. But you have to know that I haven’t felt this much for him for a while now as I do with you. Just please be patient. It’s going to be rough for me to just dump him like that…”
“OK, I understand that. But can I keep on kissing you until then?” he grinned.
“You better!” Rory said and kissed him again.
“OK, but now we really have to work on our project.”

When Rory finally got on the bus back to Stars Hollow she felt so great. But part of her also felt totally guilty. She did not know how to break the news to Dean. When she got home it was dark already. She didn’t notice Dean sitting on the footsteps to the house ‘till she almost tripped over him.
“Oh my god, Dean!! You totally scared me!”
But Dean didn’t say anything, he just looked at her.
“What the hell are you doing here!?” Rory asked confused.
“Rory what time is it?” Dean said out of nowhere.
“It’s seven… why… Oh jeez! Dean I’m soo sorry.”
“We arranged to meet at 5, Rory. At 5!” he said angrily.
“I know… Dean, I’m really sorry. You’ve been waiting here for two hours?”
“Looks like it, doesn’t it?” he said still sounding upset.
“OK, Look. Can I make it up to you somehow?” Rory asked.
“Well, you could start out with a kiss…” he said.
Rory hesitated a moment… but after this it was the least she could do, so she gave him a kiss. After she wanted to pull away, but Dean pulled her closer to him and gave her a long and intense kiss. But Rory didn’t feel anything.

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böser, böser Dean! Nono na gut Rory ist auch kein Unschuldslamm, aber du weißt ja, dass ich viel lieber Dean die Schuld gebe :biggrin:
Wieder ein sehr schöner Teil. Und awww Tristan hat auch Gefühle und kann die sogar zeigen Wub Sehr süß! Hoffe nur, dass sie bald mit Dean Schluß macht. Ja ein bisschen Drama ist schon ok. Solange es ein Trory-Happy-End gibt, bin ich glücklich, aber das weißt du ja auch. Bin ja genau so ein überzeugter Trory-Anbeter :biggrin: wie du ^^
Freu mich schon auf den neuen Teil!
Danke fürs FB @Nat *knuddl*

und hier ein neuer Teil:

Chapter 13

After Dean left, Rory went to the living room where Lorelai was watching a movie. It was this really stupid movie called “Ray Romano” where this geeky guy Ray had to become a member of his family’s Mafia business. For some reason Lorelai loved the movie though and has seen it at least 10 times. But when Rory sat down next to her on the sofa, Lorelai paused the movie.
“Sooooo… fill me in!” She said excitedly.
Rory was sure Lorelai has been anxiously awaiting her return to hear all the details.
“Well, my life’s a mess!”
“Why, hun?”
“I’m such a bad person!”
“Rory!” Lorelai just said “What happened?”
“I kissed Tristan… and then, I kissed Dean. And now I’m here, and I feel like a slut”
“Soo… you kissed Tristan. But it wasn’t the three of you right, cuz that would be…”
“Mom! Please!”
“OK,OK, sorry, couldn’t help it.” Lorelai grinned.
“So you kissed Tristan, does that mean you wanna be with him?”
“Kinda. I do… that’s what I told him.” Rory said.
“But then you have to brake up with Dean!”
“No, really!…. You think I don’t know that!” Rory said kind of angry.
“Uhm, no, doesn’t look like you realize that if you just kissed Dean before!!”
“God. It takes time! I can’t just go to him and throw away a year in one second! It’s
hard!” Rory yelled.
“I can imagine it’s hard, Rory. But it’s not fair to Dean. You have to tell him, he deserves it! Because he’s always so sweet and nice to you and would never do anything to hurt you…”
“I know all that Mom! Just give me some time…”
“Ok, fine. What does Tristan say?”
“He understands…” Rory said.
Lorelai started up the movie again, so Rory decided to finish watching it with her. When the movie was done, Rory went straight up to bed and fell asleep.

The next day it was Sunday and Lorelai and Rory went to go eat breakfast at Luke’s, as usual.
“Luuuke, coffee!” Lorelai yelled the minute she stepped into the door.
“OK, but could you from now on at least wait and give me your order when you’re seated!?” Luke said a bit grumpy
“Fine” Lorelai said and sat down. “Coffee!”
Lorelai looked over to Rory and noticed she hadn’t said a lot all morning.
“Hey, what’s wrong Rory, the whole thing about yesterday still bugging you?”
“Yeah…” Rory answered.
“Look, I’m sorry we kind of yelled at each other. After thinking about it, you’re right. It does take time and you know what to do sooner or later…”
“No, you were right. I know Dean doesn’t deserve this.”
Luke came over to their table. “Here, your stupid coffee! You guys just wanna kill yourselves or are you going to order some food too?”
“Uhh… I kinda feel like Cherry Pancakes.” Lorelai said.
“You know we don’t have that here! Blueberry, take it or leave it…”
“Fine! I’ll take it! But you know… at Al’s Pancake world they do have Cherry Pancakes!” Lorelai yelled.
Luke just shot her a dirty look and walked away.
“Poor Luke…Mom, you know he’s sensitive when it comes to competing with other places!” Rory grinned.
“I know…” Lorelai laughed.

After breakfast the two of them went back home. They had planned to go shopping today, Lorelai needed new boots. Rory was in her room when the phone rang, so she went to go answer it.
“Hey, Rory?” Tristan’s voice said.
“Tristan! Hey. What’s up?”
“Just wanted to check on you… no regrets yet?”
“Of course not…how did you get this number anyways?”
“Well, there’s this thing called a phonebook…” he started saying.
“You looked me up?” Rory grinned.
“You looked me up! Aww…” Rory had to tease him.
“Yeah, yeah fine, I did.” He said. “So, what are you up for today?”
“I’m going shopping with my Mom. How bout you?”
“Not too much… just sitting around wishing it was tomorrow…”
“Oh, how come?” Rory asked.
“Because tomorrow I get to see you again” he said.
Rory’s stomach felt like it was jumping up and down. Him just saying such nice things made her heart beat. And when they ended their phone call she was in this really great mood.

hoffe natürlich wieder auf viel FB jeder art.Wink
wie sind die charas so getroffen? Findet ihr Tristan ein wenig zu sehr "out of character" oder gehts?
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