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Zitat:OK - A Quick Summary -

Rory and Logan at at his Dorm room when they enter there is 25 year old girl - Rory thinks it is wone of Logan's girls, but it is actually his Sister, Honor. They play just broefly with Rory over that. Honor is ther becasue she just got engaged to some guy called Josh. Honor want Logan to come home to dinner there when she tells the family.

Rory is introduced as his girlfriend - He sort chokes getting it out, but he does. Honor says he has nevber done that before except Alyssa Milano when he was 10. Honor wants Rory to come with Logan becasuse it will be Festive and Distracting.

Cutting to the Chase -

When all are at the Huntzberger Mansion, Mitchum is still at the office. Grandpa is a Grump. Apparently Honor and Josh are accepted, but Grandpa goes on about Famiyl and such. THEN Rory realizes they are talking about hernot being acceptable. Logan then catches on. Reason is that among other things Rory wants to work.

A bit of back and forth - Logan and Rory leave. Logan's last line in the Sides trying to explain The Why to Rory

LOGAN (Frustrated) Josh isn't marrying the heir to the Huntzberger fortune. You Are! (realizing what he just said) I gotta get outta here

I wil get the detailed summary up a bit later.

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Zitat:Grandpa Huntzberger - Guest Star / MALE / 70 TO 79

70's He is a strong willed, grouchy, mean and VERY WEALTHY man. He ran a newspaper for years before he handed it over to his son Mitchum Huntzberger (Gregg Henry), who will eventually hand it over to his son Logan (Matt Czuchry).


So, so, ein zukünftiger Herausgeber und eine angehende Journalistin. Rieche ich da Vitamin B??? Big Grin Wink

Wir wissen doch schon länger, daß Logans Vater Herausgeber ist - und Logan das später mal übernehmen soll. Deshalb macht Logan ja auch bei der Zeitung mit (na ja, zumindest theoretisch) - und deswegen ist Doyle ja auch immer ganz aufgelöst, wenn Logan halt mal wieder nix macht bei der Zeitung und er dann Logans Vater erklären soll, warum das so ist...
so jetzt ein wenig mehr von der 19.Folge schrieb:Episode 5.19 - But, I'm A Gimore - Casting Sides Summary
Episode 5.19 - But I'm A Gilmore
Projected Air date: 26 Apr 2005

Info taken from Sides in the Shooting Script 3/1/05

The information summarized below is taken from the 5 Sides published on 3/1/05 for Elias, Shira, Honor, Man, Woman.

I will include context and stage descriptions where appropriate.

There is very little blacked out dialog and Stage Direction..
Elias Huntzberger - Grandfather Huntzberger - Mitchum's Father, Logan's Grandfather
Shira Huntzberger - Logan's Mother
Honor Huntzberger - Logan's Sister
Man - part of a twentyish Man - Woman Couple checking in at the Dragon Fly
Woman - Part of a twentyish Man - Woman Couple checking in at the Dragon Fly

Editor Note: A fragment of Scene 6 is picked up in progress. The scene is between Doyle and Paris. Doyle has a fever. It looks like it is in Paris Dorm Room

Interior - Assumed Paris Dorm Room - Day (Day 1) - Scene 6 -

Doyle tells Paris that he thinks he has a fever. Paris tells him that if he thinks he has a fever, then he probably has a fever.

Paris appears unsympathetic and says to tell that she doesn't know how feeling his head is going to make a difference. It's not as if she has any healing powers. Paris rants, "I'm not a shaman, damnit!."

Stage Direction: Paris exist the room.

Doyle as Paris where she is going - She tell him she be right back.

Stage Direction: Paris rushes out of the room.

Doyle calls out, "Paris?"

Stage Direction: Doyle sighs and collapses deeper into the pillow.

End of Scene 6

Interior Dragonfly Inn/Reception - Day (Day 1) - Scene 7 -

Stage Direction: Lorelai enters and goes behind the desk, where Michel is busy tending to a couple in the twenties

Michel asks the couple if they are really splitting the cost of the room between two credits cards. The Man confirms and Michel tells him not problem.

Stage Direction: Michel takes the cards. The Woman looks a little put out.

The Man asked the Woman, "What's the matter?"

The Woman tells him that when she offered to split she didn't expect that he would say yes. The Man asks her,"Why did you offer?"

The Woman says that this is their first weekend away together and she was trying to be polite.

The Man says, "Fine, I'll pay for it." He tells MIchel to put the whole thing on his card.

The Woman counters, "No, put it on mine." The Man says that his card is fine.

The Woman asks if she can talk to him for a second?

Stage Direction: The couple steps away and begins a quiet but heated discussion.

Michel turns to Lorelai and says, "Oh, they always step away when it starts to get good."

Stage Direction: The phone rings. Lorelai answers.

Lorelai into the phone, "Dragonfly Inn, Lorelai speaking."

Sookie is on the phone and Lorelai asks her how the doctor's appointment went.

End Of Scene 7

End of Casting Sides for Man and Woman.

Editor Note: Scene 8 starts at the bottom of the page and is just a fragment.

Interior Sookie's House - Continuous - Day (Day 1) - Scene 8 -

Stage Direction: Sookie is lying completely flay on her couch. We will Intercut for the remainder of the phone call.

Sookie tells Lorelai on the phone, "The bastard put me on bed rest!"

Editor Note: Scene 8 continues.

Editor Note: Scene 11 ends on page 22 starting from a prior page. The dialog is between Rory and Logan only and has been blacked out.

Interior Logan's Dorm/Common Room - Continuous - Day (Day 1) - Scene 12 -

Stage Direction: The door opens. Rory and Logan enter.

Logan is saying to Rory that he has a paper over...

Stage Direction: Logan stops. Rory looks. Sitting on his couch is a very pretty, blonde, twenty-five year-old girl. She smiles broadly at Logan. Rory's happy demeanor falls away.

The Girls says to Logan, "Well, look how long you make a girl wait for you."

Logan calls her by name, "Honor..."

Honor ask him if he really thinks he is worth it?

Stage Direction: Rory watches this exchange, very annoyed.

Logan asks Honor what she is doing here? Honor comes back that she is apparently begging for some affection.

Stage Direction: He smiles and hugs her. Rory shifts around uncomfortably.

Honor says it is so good to see him. Logan says, "You too."

Rory pipes up with, "Uh listen Logan maybe I should go."

Logan says, "What? Oh sorry, God I just... uh, Rory this is my sister, Honor. Honor, Rory Gilmore."

Rory in a relieved way - Sister? Really? Oh well, nice to meet you.

Honor returns with it is nice to meet you too.

Rory looking at Logan says, "Hey, your sister's here. Cool."

Stage Direction: Logan looks at Rory and smiles. He knows she didn't think it was his sister.

Logan asks Honor what the occasion is?

Honor complains that she had to see him since he never checks his email, she had to beg Jeff to let her in so that she could show him this.

Stage Direction: She holds out her hand and shows him an engagement ring.

Logan - "Holy..."

Honor tells him that it happened last night.

Logan says that Josh finally gave in, huh?

Honor tells Logan to stop and that Josh was lucky she ever looked at him in the first place.

Logan tells her, Well, congratulations."

Stage Direction: Logan gives her another hug. It's clear these two are very close.

Logan tells Honor to tell Josh that the bachelor party's on him.

Honor explains that is exactly what she wants. Logan planning the bachelor party. She continues with, "Listen, I need a favor, I'm going to tell them tomorrow night at dinner, and I need you there for support."

Logan complains - Come on.

Honor tells him that she backed him up when he wanted to take a year off school and sail around the world. She wired him the money when he sunk the yacht, and...

Logan - Okay, Okay - I'll be there.

Honor - "Thanks You, I love you, I love you, I love you. Okay. Now I can breathe and focus on you." She turns to Rory and says Hi.

Rory answers - Hi.

Honor apologizes that she is totally blanking...Your name is...?

Rory replies - Rory. Rory Gilmore.

Logan chimes in with, "Yeah. Rory's my...(he hesitates -- this is hard)...girlfriend."

Stage Direction: Both Rory and Honor look at him. Rory in amusement and Honor in shock.

Editor Note: The is a two line exchange between Rory and Logan about that Girlfriend Declaration that is blacked out.

Honor asks Logan, "I'm sorry, did you say 'girlfriend'?"

Logan tells her, "Yes."

Editor Note: There is a one line dialog from Rory, it is blacked out, but appears to be the words "It's true."

Honor comes with the Standard WB's - Oh My God!. She has never heard him call anyone his girlfriend before! Well, Alyssa Milano, but that he was ten and in a weird "Who's the Boss" phase...

Logan comments that time sure flies when you being pushed out the door.

Honor - "Okay, I'm sorry, listen, you must come to dinner, too."

Rory stutters a bit - Oh, uh...

Honor comes with "No really (with attitude) 'girlfriend,' (back to waspy) says the whitest woman in the world, come. Please come. It will make it more festive and distracting."

Logan tells her that "we'll see."

Editor Note: Scene 12 continues, but the part 1 of Honor casting Side ends.

End of Part 1 of Casting Side for Honor.

Editor Note: Scene 23 is picked up in progress. It is apparent Rory and Logan are walking up to the front door of the Huntzberger Mansion. The first part of the dialog on page 42 is blacked out.

Exterior Huntzbeger Mansion - Night (Night 2) - Scene 23 -

Editor Note: Scene in progress and pick up with Logan and Rory ringing the doorbell.

Stage Direction: Logan rings the doorbell, which sounds like a hunchback in a bell tower is controlling it. After a beat, the front door swings open. A panicked Honor is standing there.

Honor exclaims that they are late.

Logan tell her it is only fifteen minuets.

Honor describes it as a morgue. It's awful. It's almost like they already know what she is going to tell them.

Logan tried to reassure her with the fact the she has been with Josh for three years now.

Honor says that she doesn't understand it. She called them and told them that Logan was coming and that usually makes Mom happy. And that she told them that he was bringing Rory so they'd be on their company behavior, but from the minute Josh and she walked in the door it's been iceberg city. Honor said that Josh is completely panicked. Shaking.

Logan - "Wow. Sorry"

Honor says don't be sorry, just get in there and stop it.

Stage Direction: Honor rushed back inside. Logan turns to Rory. Rory smiles.

Editor Note: There is a 4-line dialog and 1-line Stage Direction that is blacked out. Based on context, it appears it is some sort of loving reassurance to Rory by Logan.

End of Scene 23

Interior Huntzberger House/Entryway - Continuous - Night (Night 2) - Scene 24 -

Stage Direction: They have stepped into a cavernous marble entryway with a massive staircase going up. Honor has already hightailed back toward the living room. Rory is now mesmerized, staring up and turning in a slow circle to take in the ceiling.

Editor Note: The is a 1-line dialog by Rory that is blacked out. From the context, it appears to be a comment about the ceiling or entryway./i]

Stage Direction: Honor turns just as she reached the living room door.

Honor in a fierce whisper tells them to hurry!

Stage Direction: Honor exits. Logan takes Rory's hand.

Logan says to Rory - "Come on."

Rory is pointing up and asks Logan, "Have you seen this ceiling?"

Stage Direction: Logan drags ROry off as she continues to stare.

End of Scene 24

Interior Huntzberger House/Living Room - Continuous - Night (Night 2) - Scene 25 -

Stage Direction: A larger, white, sterile room that makes the Gilmore house seem warm and cuddly. There's a large bar at one end, and several seating areas just close together enough to be able to talk to one another but far enough apart that they seem a little too far apart. At one end of the room sits a tall, thin, blonde , chic, later forties to fifty-year old woman. This is Shira Huntzberger, Logan's mother. Perfect hair and make-up, Shira is dressed in a perfect white pair of pants and a perfect white shirt with just enough jewelry to say, "I'm rich," but not enough to be tacky. She holds a glass of white wine and looks a little concerned. Opposite Shira sits a man, about seventy-five years old. This is Elias Huntzberger, Logan's Grandfather and Mitchum's father. Elias is the one who Rory saw in the original pictures of the Life and Death Brigade. He, too, looks unhappy. He sits with an empty highball glass with only a few melting ice cubes in it. On one couch sits a skinny, sweet-looking but slightly nebbishy young man of about twenty-seven. Judging from the uncomfortable look on his face, we assume this is Josh. Honor is just reaching her seat as Logan and Rory enter.

Honor to all - "Well, look what the cat dragged in."

Logan apologizes that they were late.

Stage Direction: Honor sits next to Josh and pick s up her martini. Logan crosses to his mother, who puts a smile on her face for her son.[/i

Shira tells Logan that it is alright, they are still waiting on his father.

Logan greets his grandfather, "Grandpa, good to see you."

[i]Stage Direction: Logan crosses and shales his grandfather's hand.

Elias asks Logan if he got those books that he sent.

Logan tells him that he did and thanks him. Logan greets Josh, "Hey Josh, it's been awhile. You're looking well."

Stage Direction: Logan gives Josh a slightly less formal handshake.

Josh returns the greeting.

Logan says to everyone, "Everyone, I would like you to meet Rory Gilmore."

Rory greets everyone and remarks that it is really nice to meet you. The house is amazing. Seriously. There should be a docent at the door.

Shira with a weak smile thanks ROry.

Stage Direction: Logan and Rory sit on the sofa across from Honor and Josh.

Logan tells his mom, "You know Rory's grandparents, Mom, Richard and Emily."

Shira responds, of course, and asks how are Richard and Emily?

Rory tell her that the are doing very well. Shira says that is wonderful.

Stage Direction: Shira smiles weakly then lets her face fall back into the slightly tried and worried look she had when they walked in. The room falls into silence except for the sound of Elias swirling the ice cubes around in his glass. Rory decides to jump in and try to break the ice.

Rory asks, "So, you were at the wedding, right?

Shira responds that yes they were and it was lovely. Emily always knows how to plan an event.

Rory confirms that she does.

Stage Direction: Beat

Shira says that she should send her a note.

Stage Direction: The room falls silent again. Rory looks over at Honor. Honor points to Josh and mouths, "This is Josh." Rory smiles and waves and mouths a "Hi Josh." Josh weakly "Hi's" back and then shrinks deeper into the couch.

Logan asks his grandpa if he can freshen his drink for him?

Stage Direction: Elias grunts in agreement and holds his glass out. Logan gets up and takes it and goes over to the bar.

Shira apologizes and asks Rory if they can get her something.

Logan tell him Mom that he has it.

Stage Direction: Logan heads to the bar to make drinks. Rory looks around the room. She notices the paintings. One in particular catches her eye. She squints and leans back, trying to see if she can see the signature. Logan comes back over and hands Rory a drink.

Rory tells Logan that she doesn't think she should...

Logan - "Club Soda, Ace."

Rory thanks him.

Stage Direction: he sits. They sip their drinks. Rory glances over at Elias, who is now swirling his new drink around in a circle like he was the empty glass with the ice cubes. He seems to be glaring in Josh's direction. A maid comes in carrying a silver tray with a piece of paper on it. She brings it over to Shira who is a little distracted. She looks up.

Shira looks at the maid - "Hmmm?"

Stage Direction: shira takes the paper and read it. She sighs, tosses the paper back on the tray and with a small wave of her hand, waves the maid away.

Shira tells the group that Mitchum is still at the office and they might as well start dinner. So...

Stage Direction: Shira gets up and heads into the dining room. Elias gets up grumbling to himself. Honor pulls Josh to his feet.

Honor tells Josh that he'll feel better when he has some food.

Josh says he'll feel better when they're leaving.

Stage Direction: Honor passes Logan and Rory.

Honor says to Rory - "So, sorry, We owe you one."

Stage Direction: Honor and Josh cross off to the dining room. Logan heads off after them. Rory follows. She stops in front of a picture.

Rory asks if the painting is a Velasquez?

Logan tell her to come on.

Stage Direction: Logan pulls her off.

Rory - "It is! That's a Velasquez! This house is so cool!"

Stage Direction: Logan pulls Rory off to dinner, as we: FADE OUT.

End of Scene 25

End of Act Two.

Editor Note: Scenes 26 and 27 are omitted form the Sides. We pick up Act Three in progress with Scene 28.

Interior Huntzberger House/Dining Room - Night (Night 2) - Scene 28 -

Stage Direction: The room has the same feel as the living room. White, marble, sterile, elegant but cold. Shira sits at one end of the table. Elias sits at the other. Rory and Logan sit next to each other on one side and Honor and poor sad Josh sit on the other side. Two servants are putting bowls of soup in front of everyone. Josh digs into his the second it hits the table.

Logan asks his Grandfather - "So, Grandpa, how's the new boat?"

Elias responds - it's a boat, it floats.

Logan says that he hears it is beautiful and asks when he can take her out.

Shira says that Logan doesn't have the best track record when it comes to boats.

Logan says that is other people's boats. Ours are very safe.

Honor chimes in, "We should do a summer trip. Maybe hit the Amalfi Coast again. All of us, Rory, Josh, you and me...

Stage Direction: Elias slams his spoon down.

Shira asks questioningly - Dad?

Elias calls for the maid Maria!

Stage Direction: A maid hurries over.

Elias says the soup is too hot and to bring him a salad.

Stage Direction: Maria takes the plate away. Honor and Logan look at each other.

Shira says that she will be right back.

Stage Direction: Shira gets up and exits out of the dining room. Honor and Logan look at each other knowingly. Honor mimes smoking a cigarette.

Rory leans in to Logan and whispers - What?

Logan leans in to Rory - "Mom's a stress smoker."

Rory continues whispering that she doesn't understand why everybody's upset that Josh seems fine.

Logan whispers back that the Huntzbergers aren't interested in fine.

Elias calls out to Shira and she answers, Yes Dad? from off-screen.

Elias asks what time that Mitchum said he would be here.

Stage Direction: Shira comes back in, waving her hand as if waving smoke away.[/i

Shira tells Elias that she doesn't know, he didn't say.

[i]Stage Direction: Shira sits back down at the table.

Elias remarks that this is ridiculous.

Shira entreats him - "Please Dad..."

Elias says we're all just going to sit around this table and pretend that there;s nothing going on.

Shira says that they should just wait for Mitchum.

Elias barks back that he is old and doesn't have the time to wait for Mitchum.

Logan tries to lighten thing up a bit with, "Guys, please. Not in front of the gazpacho.

Shira plaintively - Oh don't joke now, Logan.

Elias starts in - That these are serious matters to be discussed. This is an important family. marrying into it is a serious business, but no, we can't discuss it until Mitchum gets here.

Stage Direction: The maid brings over his salad.

Elias asks what is that and before she can answer tell her to go away.

Stage Direction: The maid hurries away.

Logan begins "Okay, I'm sorry, I have to jump in here. grandpa, we all respect you and Mom and Dad but the bottom line here is Honor has to be happy. Now, if she loves Josh, then..."

Honor interrupts telling Logan she appreciates his defending her, but she can take it from here. She tells them that she had hoped that you would be happy for me but obviously that's not going to happen. They didn't even let her announce it to then before they formed and opinion and she is sorry that they feel the way the do but Josh and her made it official last week. They are engaged now and no matter what you say we are going to get married. In June.

Stage Direction: Beast.

Shira responds with of course they are getting married. They have been dating for three years and she had already put on hold the Japanese Tea garden for the twenty-fourth.

Honor is a bit taken aback and says, "Oh. Well...that sounds great. Thanks."

Stage Direction: Honor looks at Logan utterly confused. He's a little confused himself.

Logan then says that they should all celebrate then.

Elias booms in with that they will celebrate when we've finished their discussion.

Honor asks which discussion?

Elias answers back with the discussion about unsuitable people marrying into this family!

Honor - What?

Shira says she'll be right back.

Stage Direction: Shira gets up and exits.

Elias addresses himself to Logan - "You should know better that this, Logan. I know you like to joke around and tease us but I always thought that at the end of the day you understood what your responsibilities to this family were."

Stage Direction: Logan floored. Rory looks at him. Suddenly it dawns on her. they aren't talking about Josh. They are talking about her. Her mouth drops opens from shock.

Logan yells out - "Mom! I suggest you come back in here right now!"

Stage Direction: Shira appears in the doorway, holding one arm out of sight hidden by the wall.

Shira tells Logan that he hasn't thought about this. She means that she is sure Rory understands. Rory wants to work and asks Rory - "Isn't that Right?" Shira continues with Emily's always talking about Rory wanting to be a reported and travel around doing this and that. "A girl like Rory has no idea what it takes to be in this family, Logan"

Logan - "On My God"

Shira continues - "She wasn't raised that way. She wasn't bred for it. And this isn't at all about her mother, it;s just you come from two totally different worlds."

Elias comments - "It would never work. Not for you and certainly not for us."

Logan heatedly - "Okay. This conversation is going to end right now. I..."

Elias continues - "You are going to be taking over this company, that's what you are going to be doing! And when you do that you are going to need the right kind of person at your side! This isn't college, Logan..."

Shira asks Logan whatever happened to the Fallen girl" "I loved her. Do you talk any more."

Logan - "No we don't talk. We never talked. You talked!"

Shira - "Oh, what a shame. I just loved her."

Logan turns to Rory - "Okay - Let's go."

Stage Direction: Logan and Rory get up. Logan leads her toward the dining room door.

Shira pleads - Logan, you have to understand. You bring this girl home with no warning at all, Honor tells us you're calling her your girlfriend, we have to take that seriously. Logan...come back here."

Stage Direction: They exit right past her. In frustration she takes a drag from her hidden cigarette.

End of Scene 29

End of Casting Sides for Shira, Elias, and Honor.

Interior Huntzberger House/Entryway - Continuous - Night (Night 2) - Scene 29 -

Stage Direction: Logan and Rory head toward the front door.

Rory says to Logan she doesn't understand.

Logan says that they are psychotic. What more is there to understand?

Editor Note: There is typo in the script here. The name Lorelai is mistakenly used where Logan is meant.

Rory asks Logan - "But...but...why don't they think I'm good enough?"

Logan - "Rory"

Rory a bit panicked - "I mean, I'm a Gilmore! Don't they know that? My ancestors came over on the Mayflower!"

Logan tell hers - Rory, don't try to analyze it. There's no rhyme or reason."

Rory a bit more panicked - "I had a coming out party. I went to Chilton and Yale...I mean how come they're okay with Josh> He didn't even say anything. He just sat there. At least I noticed the Valasquez!"

Logan ends with - "(frustrated) Josh isn't marrying the heir to the Huntzberger fortune. You are! (realizing what he just said) I gotta get out of here."

Editor Note: The Casting Side ends here. It appears that Scene 29 may continue.

End of Casting Sides for Episode 5.19 - But I'm A Gilmmore
Wow viel über Loagen und Rory.
Das freut mich ja :freu:

*rory+loganfan ist*


Cat schrieb:Wir wissen doch schon länger, daß Logans Vater Herausgeber ist - und Logan das später mal übernehmen soll. Deshalb macht Logan ja auch bei der Zeitung mit (na ja, zumindest theoretisch) - und deswegen ist Doyle ja auch immer ganz aufgelöst, wenn Logan halt mal wieder nix macht bei der Zeitung und er dann Logans Vater erklären soll, warum das so ist...

Nur diejenigen, die sich die Folgen der 5. Staffel ansehen können...... in Spoilern hab ich noch nix drüber gelesen....

Weiss jemand wann Rory und Logan zusammenkommen? Kommen sie überhaupt zusammen? (Sorry hab da echt keinen blassen Schimmer... Unsure )
naja in diesem Spoiler nennt Logan Rory sein "girlfriend" und stellt sie seiner Familie vor. In diesem Fall wird sich der Titel wohl sehr eindeutig hierauf beziehen. Rory ist eine Gilmore und dennoch scheinen die Huntzbergers nicht besonders begeistert von der Tatsache zu sein, dass sie mit Logan jetzt zusammen ist.....das werden sicher noch wunderbare finale Folgen..... Smile
oh ahnt man da dass sich klein logan wegen klein rory gegen seine großte böse familie stellt?! dieses "you are" und dann realizing könnte ja bedeuten, dass er wirklich mehr für sie empfindet (was er ja eh tut weil er sie als girlfriend vorstellt).
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