- Community in Deutschland

Normale Version: Kiss Kiss (JJ - engl.) one-shot
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Seiten: 1 2
Ui, die Geschichte is ja voll süß! Und, wie vorhin schon jemand geschrieben hat, auf Deutsch wärs sicher weniger toll!

Oh, it was such a pleasure to read this! Please tell me more about our cute JUST FRIENDS couple!! :biggrin:
You would like to hear more? so then I have to ask the writer ^^ for more storys about our just friends couple Wink

maybe there is more. maybe not. I don't know. I have no ideas. But I'm going to think about luke and lorelai so I hope I will get some ideas for an other story Wink

thanks for your review and for being so nice. I'm flattered.
Seiten: 1 2