19.01.2006, 22:53
21.01.2006, 16:10
Haligh schrieb:hört sich lustig an. rory bricht zusammen :biggrin: das gabs doch noch nie oder?
wann kommen diesmal eigentlich die Promos. könnten doch schon früher kommen als sonst oder?
edit: hab gerad was im anderen thread gesehen:
hey. ich wollte auch gerade den thread ansehen aber es geht nicht. wie macht ihr das, das ihr den sehen könnt. ich will auch!!! *schluchz* :heul:
26.08.2006, 09:00
Deutscher Titel: "Das perfekte Brautkleid"
Quelle: TV Highlights 09/2006
Quelle: TV Highlights 09/2006
13.09.2006, 18:04
"Feeling that he has missed too much and wants to get to know his newly discovered daughter April, Luke goes to have a talk with her mother, his former girlfriend Anna Nardini. Meanwhile, Lorelai sets a date for the wedding after finding the perfect dress, but she is worried by the nagging feeling that something is about to go wrong. Back at Yale, Rory happily moves into a dingy off-campus apartment with Paris and Doyle, and tries to avoid running into Logan. However, when Logan shows up at her apartment and declares his love for her, Rory breaks down. "
June 3rd was the date of Rory's court date after the boat incident in the season 5 episodes Blame Booze and Melville and continued in A House Is Not a Home and now the date of the wedding.
Luke: And you never told me she wore a brace! Why was she wearing a brace?!
Anna Nardini: She'd just read Deenie.
Deenie, by Judy Blume, is a book which, like many of her books, deals with a real life issue that faces children in the world today. In the book, a thirteen-year-old girl named Deenie (who is seemingly destined for a modeling career) finds she has a deformation of the spine called scoliosis. Deenie has to wear a back brace for 4 years or more! Luke's daughter, April, most likely wanted to experience what wearing a back brace would be like.
Rory: My, what big ears you have, Grandma!
Dr. Shapiro tells Rory that he hears that Rory got in some legal trouble. Rory retorts with this line, referencing the classic tale Little Red Riding Hood. In the story, Little Red Riding Hood is a girl who goes to her grandmother's house, but instead of finding her grandmother lying in bed, she sees the Big Bad Wolf in her grandmother's clothes lying in the old woman's bed. The girl recognizes some striking differences between her human grandmother's appearance, and the wolf's. "But Grandma," one version of the tale relates, "What big ears you have!" "The better to hear you with," the wolf replies.
Lorelai: (to Paul Anka) Hey, Judas, get back here right now!
Lorelai is referring to Judas, who betrayed Jesus.
Lorelai: (talking about Rory's new room) It's Angela's Ashes!
Angela's Ashes is an autobiographical book by Frank McCourt. Lorelai is referring to the miserable conditions Frank and his family lived in in Ireland back in the first half of the 20th century.
Sookie: You've got the golden ticket!
The golden ticket is a reference to the classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie (originally a book by Roald Dahl), in which Charlie Bucket finds a golden ticket that allows him access to the Chocolate Factory.
June 3rd was the date of Rory's court date after the boat incident in the season 5 episodes Blame Booze and Melville and continued in A House Is Not a Home and now the date of the wedding.
Luke: And you never told me she wore a brace! Why was she wearing a brace?!
Anna Nardini: She'd just read Deenie.
Deenie, by Judy Blume, is a book which, like many of her books, deals with a real life issue that faces children in the world today. In the book, a thirteen-year-old girl named Deenie (who is seemingly destined for a modeling career) finds she has a deformation of the spine called scoliosis. Deenie has to wear a back brace for 4 years or more! Luke's daughter, April, most likely wanted to experience what wearing a back brace would be like.
Rory: My, what big ears you have, Grandma!
Dr. Shapiro tells Rory that he hears that Rory got in some legal trouble. Rory retorts with this line, referencing the classic tale Little Red Riding Hood. In the story, Little Red Riding Hood is a girl who goes to her grandmother's house, but instead of finding her grandmother lying in bed, she sees the Big Bad Wolf in her grandmother's clothes lying in the old woman's bed. The girl recognizes some striking differences between her human grandmother's appearance, and the wolf's. "But Grandma," one version of the tale relates, "What big ears you have!" "The better to hear you with," the wolf replies.
Lorelai: (to Paul Anka) Hey, Judas, get back here right now!
Lorelai is referring to Judas, who betrayed Jesus.
Lorelai: (talking about Rory's new room) It's Angela's Ashes!
Angela's Ashes is an autobiographical book by Frank McCourt. Lorelai is referring to the miserable conditions Frank and his family lived in in Ireland back in the first half of the 20th century.
Sookie: You've got the golden ticket!
The golden ticket is a reference to the classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie (originally a book by Roald Dahl), in which Charlie Bucket finds a golden ticket that allows him access to the Chocolate Factory.
14.10.2006, 09:16
Lora21 schrieb:hey. ich wollte auch gerade den thread ansehen aber es geht nicht. wie macht ihr das, das ihr den sehen könnt. ich will auch!!! *schluchz* :heul:
Ich kann´s auch ned sehen, da bricht mein Compi immer die Verbindung ab, bei der Seite!:heul:

kann mir einer beschreiben, was passiert?????
Würd mich freu´n:freu:
LG Mia
11.11.2006, 20:44
Mann, das war ne geile Folge!
Wie Rory am Ende durchgedreht ist, war sooo krank
Und Logan hat endlich "die drei Worte" ausgesprochen
Und Lore und Luke waren süÃ
Und Anna war hm - komisch
Wie Rory am Ende durchgedreht ist, war sooo krank

Und Logan hat endlich "die drei Worte" ausgesprochen

Und Lore und Luke waren süÃ

Und Anna war hm - komisch

11.11.2006, 21:34
Es war heute eine echt geile Folge. Sie hat mir echt gut gefallen. Man kannte Rory gar nicht so, so wie sie Logan angeschrien hat.
Aber das Brautkleid von Lorelai war einfach traumhaft. Es stand ihr super gut.
Aber das Brautkleid von Lorelai war einfach traumhaft. Es stand ihr super gut.
11.11.2006, 21:48
ja,obwohl (bei der szene, als luke sie im Kleid sieht) sieht es so aus, als ob sie einen dickeren bauch hätte (kann aber auch nur das kleid so komisch machen..)
aber sonst war die folge super
vor allem,dass rory nicht einfach logans entschuldigung (die eig, keine war) NICHT annimmt
aber sonst war die folge super

vor allem,dass rory nicht einfach logans entschuldigung (die eig, keine war) NICHT annimmt
13.11.2006, 11:28
Die Folge war echt zuu geil.
Vor allem wie Lore wieder auf all die Dinge gekommen ist, unglaublich
Das Beste fand ich allerdings Rory's Sitzung beim Psychologen, und dass Lane und Ms. Kim zusammen Sake getrunken haben
(ich nehm mal an, das war Sake).
Logan soll sich verpissen
Vor allem wie Lore wieder auf all die Dinge gekommen ist, unglaublich

Das Beste fand ich allerdings Rory's Sitzung beim Psychologen, und dass Lane und Ms. Kim zusammen Sake getrunken haben

Logan soll sich verpissen
13.11.2006, 21:39
Palaveri schrieb:Die Folge war echt zuu geil.Kann dir nur zustimmen...
Vor allem wie Lore wieder auf all die Dinge gekommen ist, unglaublich![]()
Das Beste fand ich allerdings Rory's Sitzung beim Psychologen, und dass Lane und Ms. Kim zusammen Sake getrunken haben(ich nehm mal an, das war Sake).
Logan soll sich verpissen