Zitat:Lorelai and Rory go to the Gilmores. There they meet 10-year-old Charlotte, the granddaughter of Emily and Richard's friends. Charlotte acts a bit like she is the Gilmores' maid of the episode in order to make up for a class on table manners she missed the previous week. Charlotte, along with other young teenage girls, will attend a cotillion. As the title of the episode says, Lorelai will attend the event. At Yale, Paris supervises tutors who are helping students prep for the SATs. Rory acts as a tutor. Michel also appears.
Was zum Teufel ist denn bitte ein "Cotillion" ?!? An diesem Wort verzweifele ich noch xD
Also laut LEO, ist es ein Tanz bzw. ein Figurentanz :confused:
ist so ein französischer tanz ja, ich kenne das wort aber für so eine art debütanten ball
Das ist ein Gruppentanz. Ich weià ja nicht, ob einer mal Sissi geguckt hat, aber im ersten Teil tanzen die am Ende den Cortillon, als Sissi der Heiratsantrag gemacht wird. Vielleicht hilft das einem ja weiter

irgendwo stand doch das emily in dieser staffel den debütantinnen "unterricht" gibt oder hilft. vlt hat es ja was damit zu tun ?
krass das es schon spoiler zur 3. folge gibt.
Zitat:Lorelai und Rory lernen beim Freitagabendessen bei den Gilmores die 10jährige Charlotte kennen, die Enkelin von Freunden von Emily und Richard. Sie verhält sich wie ein Hausmädchen von Emily und es stellt sich heraus, dass Emily ihr Nachhilfe gibt, da sie die letzte Stunde eines Kurses in Tischmanieren verpasst hat. Charlotte wird mit ein paar anderen Mädchen zum Kotillion-Ball gehen, auf dem auch Lorelai sein wird.
(Quelle: Fanforum.com)
Scheint irgendein Ball zu sein, obwohl ich mich auch erinnern kann, dass das bei Sissi damals der wichtigste Tanz gewesen ist, oder der Abschlusstanz oder so, jedenfalls öfters erwähnt.
hier sind weitere sides zur episode:
Scene 2 - Night 1 - Gilmore House Foyer - Continuous - The door is opened by a ridiculously adorable ten-year-old girl (Charlotte). Lorelai and Rory are confused as the girl asks to take their coats. Charlotte has some trouble with the coats that are bigger than she is. Lorelai asks if she's got it and Charlotte says she's fine. [blacked out]
Scene 3 - Night 1 - [Blacked out lines throughout] Emily says "Well done, Charlotte" and Charlotte thanks her. Emily introduces Charlotte to Lorelai and Emily and says that her grandparents (Arhtur and Beverly) are good friends of theirs. Richard says Arthur is a hell of a golfer. Charlotte comments tha he used to be a scratch, but now he's a three. Charlotte asks if she can offer anyone a cocktail. Emily says she [Lorelai] will have a martini, extra olives. Charlotte asks if she wants it straight up or on the rocks. Lorelai says straight up. Charlotte heads to the bar and the Gilmores sit. Lorelai gives Emily a look. [blacked out chunk] Charlotte gives Lorelai her drink. Lorelai jokes: "Nothing for you? Are you driving tonight?" Charlotte chuckles and remarks that she's only ten. Emily says that Charlotte missed last week's session on table manners so they're making it up tonight. Charlotte apologizes and tells Lorelai and Rory that her grandparents had taken her to a Count Basie tribute at Tanglewood. Emily regards her drink and comments to Charlotte that she might have noticed her ice cubes have melted. Charlotte apologizes. Emily goes to make herself a new drink. Lorelai whispers to Charlotte that this is her chance to get out while she still can and Lorelai can tell her all of the good escape routes. Charlotte smiles and says that Mrs. Gilmore warned her that Lorelai would be full of smart remarks. [Hee!]
Scene 11 - Day 2 - Yale Daily News - Tutoring is in session. PARIS monitors and assesses from the sidelines. She approaches a male tutor and his 15 year old tutee. The tutor is telling her that something is a good sentence except that she should never end one in a preposition. Paris says that if she ended the sentence in a preposition then it wasn't a good sentence. She says the tutor is coddling her. Paris moves to the next team. The tutor checks his students work, but too slowly for Paris. Paris moves on to Rory and her student (Eric). Rory is quizzing him on analogies and he's not doing that well. Eric says she's really smart. Rory says that's sweet, but he's just as smart. She promises.
Scene 14 - [Blacked out description] Emily says that the dresses the girls will be wearing at the cotillion with have a much fuller bottom so sitting will be an entirely different experience. She asks Tiffany what the rule of thumb they can apply is and Tiffany replies with "Fannies out". All of the girls sit in unison, pushing their fannies out. Michel claps.
Scene 21 - [scene in progress] Lorelai goes to the punch table and is getting herself a cup when Charlotte approaches with her grandparents. Lorelai asks how she is and Charlotte says she's having a wonderful time. She performs the introductions. Aurther remarks that she's "the famous Lorelai". Beverly remarks that Charlotte said she was a delightful dining companion. Like Oscar Wild and Slim Keither rolled into one. Charlotte asks if she told her grandfather that they ate sand dabs, he remarks that she did. Charlotte tells Lorelai that she'd never eaten sad dabs before. Beverly says it's a lovely party and that Emily did a remarkable job with the girls. Lorelai says her mother is remarkable. The musicians have stuck up a waltz. Charlotte is excited and exclaims that hte dancing is starting. The children start to partner up and take the floor. A ten-year-old boy (Tobey) approaches Charlotte and politely asks if she would like to dance. Charlotte says she would be delighted. Tobey offers Charlotte his arm and they go to the dance floor. Lorelai watches as the kids all begin to waltz. Arthur and Beverly watch happily and remark that they have to get the camera and excuse themselves from Lorelai. [blacked out chunk that is the end of the act]
Das hört sich für mich irgendwie so BlaBla an,weià auch nicht genau.Aber vielleicht auch nur,weil ich halt am LL-Thema interessiert bin und nichts mit Emily oder sonst was...
@appleby: hast irgendwie recht. das sind alles ganz nette spoiler aber die meisten sind so nichtssagend. nie kommt mal was über lorelai und luke oder rory und logan.