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Normale Version: Forgotten (JJ) - Achtung Spoiler!
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Hallo ihr Lieben :hi:

Irgendwie war mir jetzt auch mal danach, eine FF zu schreiben, also habe ich mir ganz spontan mal was einfallen lassen Wink Ich hab sie auf Englisch verfasst, weil ich finde, dass eine englische FF einen ganz andere, viele dramatischeren Effekt hat. Ich war zwar ein Jahr drüben, aber mein Englisch ist noch lange nicht perfekt, als behaltet eure fehler für euch Big Grin Ihr wisst doch schon, was gemeint ist. Der erste Teil ist etwas kurz geraten, aber es ist ja auch erst einmal nur ne Flashback!
Das Genre ist natürlich eine JJ-FF, auch wenn es am Anfang nicht so aussieht, aber lasst euch überraschen.



She remembered everything. Every little detail, every thought, every emotion, every tiny movement. June 3rd. A beautiful summer day; warm, sunny, and a little breeze playing with her dark curls. Birds were singing in the trees, children in cute suits and dresses running around and all her friends, the whole town, was gathered around them. In the last row she saw Luke. Their eyes met for a moment. Her heart beat faster. “I’m sorry”, her eyes said. “It’s okay, it’ll be alright”, his answered but they didn’t mean it. As she looked closer at him, she noticed a few tears running down his face. He wiped them away with the sleeve of his black suit. They both knew it should have been their big day. But they messed up.
Chris looked at Lorelai in awe. The dress she wore was plain but looked simply irresistable on her. She didn’t wear a veil or anything but her hair sparkled in the sun and the diamonds she wore in her darkbrown curls reflected the light. One could compare her with an angel or even Audrey Hepburn. He truly was the happiest man on earth. It was a long way they had gone before she finally recognized that he was the right for her. Of course, he had always known that they belonged together. And now they would enter the bond of marriage. Finally.

Cause it's you and me and all other people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

Beep.Beep. “What the hell is that bugging noise?”, Lorelai thought and tried to open her eyes. A sharp pain passed thorugh her head. Outch. “Lorelai?”, a voice, which sounded familiar somehow, asked but she couldn’t tell who it belonged to. She tried to think. “Lorelai?”, it asked again. No reaction again. Luke pressed the nurse button and waited. She felt that person next to her taking her hand. A nice feeling. Someone opened the door and came in. “What is the matter?”, a voice asked. “I think she woke up, doctor. Her eyes fluttered and she moaned.” The doctor examined her eyes with a little flashlight. Lorelai tried to push his hand and the light away but her hands wouldn’t obey her. “Mrs. Hayden?” Again, no reaction. Lorelai? Mrs. Hayden? Were they talking to her? “Ma’am?”, the doctor tried again. With an effort, she opened her eyes and looked around. Or at the least she tried for her neck was stiff. Everything was white: the wall, the ceiling, her covers and smelled so sterile. I’m in a hospital, she assumed. But how did I get in here? The person in the frock, obviously the doctor, smiled at her. “Welcome back!” She smiled at him weakly. “Where am I?”, she croaked, her voice hoarse and low. “You’re in the Hartford Hospital”, the other, familiar, voice answered. Until now, she hadn’t even looked at the other person who was still holding her hand. He must have been a few years older than herself, she thought. Even though he was sitting, she could tell he was tall. His eyes were blue, his face stubbly and he wore a base cap the wrong way.
Luke looked at her. The wounds and cuts had all healed well. Only a scar on her forehead remained which was now covered by her hair. Some parts of her body were still kind of blue or purple, even now. But they said it would all go away and she would look normal again. Provided that she’d wake up.

Wie gesagt, das war erst einmal nur der erste Teil, weiteres folgt bald! Bitte FB! Und Lyric ist aus "You and me" von Lifehouse.

Ich hab noch was hinzugefügt Smile

Ok, das is jetzt hier FB von Isi und mir Wink

also erstmal...wirklich kurz...aber das ändert sich ja hoffentlich noch. is echt echt hart, dass Du L&C hast heiraten lassen und vor allem an June 3rd... das is wirklich ganz ganz übel!!!
und dann...BAMM... is sie auf einmal im Krankenhaus und Luke is bei ihr.... uiiii... was is nur passier?
aber Mrs. Hayden...wuäh...das klingt SOOOOOOOOOOOO Falsch!!!

ok...das is unsere erste kann ja zu so nem ersten kapi noch nich so viel sagen...

grüssle Jule und Isi
maxi schließt sich also auch dem kreis der autporen an.
ein schöner erster teil.
ich hab auch schon überlegt ob ich mal was auf englisch schreiben soll, war aber zu unsicher. schön dass du es gewagt hast, ist nämlich wirklich gut geworden...

Lorelai Hayden?? seht ihr, wieder ein contra-chris-punkt. lorelai danes oder gilmore-danes hört sich vieeel besser anBig Grin
ich hoffe doch sehr, dass sich der name noch mal ändert!!

die fragen, d9ie sich bei mir aufwerfen sind:
wieso hat sie chris geheiratet und audgerechet am 3. Juli??
was ist passiert?
wo ist chris?

nunja. mach schön weiter, bitteSmile

also ich find es richtig toll :dance:
und lorelai hayden klingt wirklich nicht besonders gut
ja genau was ist passiert?

hoffe kommen noch mehr teile !!! Wink

LG miri
Ein wirklich toller Anfang, hoffe es geht bald weiter.
Aber das Mrs. Hayden war schrecklich!!! Aber da wundere ich mich doch, warum Chris nicht an ihrem Bett wartet ...
Hi! (Deinen Namen weiß ich ja immer noch nicht..Wink )

du hast also angefangen...

ein bisschen kurz, aber ein schöner teil..
das english ist perfect, zumindest ist mir nichts aufgefallen:

zu FB:

Das Einstieg hat mir gut gefallen, obwohl sie of all days am 3rd June geheiratet haben....
Aber ich bin jetzt echt gespannt, warum sie im hospital liegt, und warum Luke bei ihr ist..

Der Anfang hat mir super gefallen, das mit every, every,every....

Also Lorelai Hayden hört sich einfach nur falsch an....aber ich bin positiv, weil du ja JJ bist.....

okay, freue mich auf den nächsten Teil!!

:freu: Danke für das liebe FB! Smile Tja, eure Fragen werden sich wohl nach und nach beantworten, aber hier kommt erst einmal ein jeuer Teil!!!


Luke remembered that day as clearly as it had been yesterday. It was late, maybe 10 o’clock, and he was wiping the tables when someone stormed into his diner. “Hey, easy, dude! Can’t you read a simple word?! It’s CLOSED.” That someone winced but didn’t go away. Ready to yell at that person, Luke turned around and …. “Rory!” There she stood, crying, looking like a five-year-old child who is totally panicked. “Luke….”, she began to cry again and wiped her nose. “Rory, what happened?”, he asked and placed her on a chair. A strange feeling began spreading itself in his stomach. Rory tried toll pull herself together but failed. “Mom …… the police ….. hospital”, she just brought out and stared at the floor. He started to get nervous. “Where?”, he asked, his voice full of concern. “Hartford.”

This strange feeling became unbearable as soon as he arrived at the hospital. He had brought Rory to Lane’s house, so she could calm down there and talk to someone about it. A nurse passed him. “Excuse me, Ma’am, could you tell me where I can find Lorelai ..”, he hesitated, “Hadyden?” “They just brought her to the intensive care unit. But the doctor and the police are waiting for you, sir. It’s on the 2nd floor, you can’t miss it.” Luke thanked her. Questions shot thorugh his head. Intensive care? Police? What had happened?
As he walked into the 2nd floor, a doctor greeted him. “Are you here for Lorelai Hayden?” “Yes, doc. What the hell is happening here? Her daughter came to me, totally in shock and I still don’t know what’s going on.” “I can’t tell you that, unfortunately. But Offcier O’Grady would like to talk to you later, if you agree.” Automatically, Luke nodded but his thoughts were with Lorelai. The doctor looked into his eyes and said: “You may see her if you want to. But I warn you she’s not a pretty sight right now.” He swallowed hard. “Where is she?” “Down the floor, the last door on the right.”

Beep. Beep. The first thing he noticed were all the machines that were standing in the room. Some monitors showed her heart rate, pulse and other stuff he couldn’t interpret. He stepped beside her bed and shrank from her sight. “Oh my God, who did that to you?”, he whispered, almost soundless. Bandages were covering her arms but her neck and face were all black and dark purple. She had several cuts and bleeding wounds which hadn’t stopped bleeding yet. Her once so pretty face looked distorted and disfigured, he wouldn’t have recognized it if he hadn’t seen those long darkbrown curls. The doctor had come in. “It’s horrible, isn’t?” Luke felt anger coming up inside …. Who? Who dared to touch her, to beat her like this? “But that’s not all, you know. She was pregnant. Fifth month, I guess. Lost the child. Gawsh, it’s a miracle that she’s still alive. Lost a lot of blood. If the police hadn’t found her, God knows.” He saw how Luke’s hands were trembling, his knuckles white and suddenly he looked at him with those desperate blue eyes. “Will she survive?” “Like I said, she’s lost a lot of blood. She’s in a coma right now. Her wounds are really bad not only those you can see but the internal ones, too. If she wakes up, she’s got a fair chance to live a normal life again. If not ….”, he went still.

He had gone outside to take a deep breathe. His brain was still processing what he’d just seen. Leaning against a wall, he tried to calm down and think. “You should sit down or you’ll faint”, a friendly voice besides him said. He looked up. “Officier O’Grady?”, he asked. “Lucas Danes?” “Yes” Relief went thorugh his body. Answers, finally. “Why don’t you sit down, Mr. Danes? I have a few questions to ask”, the policeman proposed and sat down himself. Pulling out a note pad and a pencil, he watched Luke closely. “Are you related to Mrs. Hayden?” “We used to be engaged.” Officier O’Grady raised an eyebrow. “When did you break up?” Luke thought about it. “4 months ago, I’d say.” “Did your afterward relation go well?” Now, he became angry. “Excuse me, sir, but I just saw my ex-fiancé totally beaten up, half-dead if you want and I want to know what the hell is going on here. What happened?”, he almost screamed now.
“Calm down, Mr. Danes, I can understand you but please relax, I’ll tell you”, O’Grady soothed him. “The neighbors said they heard a fight and saw Mr. and Mrs. Hayden storming out and immediately called us. We don’t know what they argued about yet. Unfortunately, there are no witnesses who can tell us what happened than but it looks like HE did it to her ….” The voice trailed off. This pig, this dirty asshole, how could he do this to her, Luke thought, clenching his fists. “We arrested him and have him in pending trial right now. But we can’t do anything against him until Mrs. Hayden has stated that he’s guilty.”
aaaaah! ich hasse ihn! da war also mal wieder das c-monster in action?
ich glaube ich weiß jetzt, wieso deine Fic so heißt-
lore kann sich kann nichts erinnern?
also ich fand, dass du sehr gut lores zustand beschrieben hast.
und Lukes gedanken dazu waren toll.
Rorys reaktion war prima.

aber ich habe ein problem mit dem teil:
wenn lore im 5. monat schwanger war- dann war es LUKES KIND!!!
Und damit wissen wir auch, wieso chris das getan hat!!!
Dieser miese, fiese... *fauch*

also, ich warte schon sehnsüchtig auf einen neuen teil!

LG. Tina


NICHT gut!
NICHT schön!
SEHR traurig!
Sie kann doch nich (moment jule hat ne krampf inner hüfte)
(weiter gehts) einfach so Lukes Kind verlieren!!!!!!!!!
DAS geht nich!!!!!
Och menno was is chris denn für ein schwuler dummer mieser verfluchter gemeiner und stinkender Sack????????
das is nich toll das kann er doch nich machen und außerdem wieso tut er das?!
da kann lorelai doch nichts dafür wenn sie von luke schwanger ist!!!!
gah wir könnten den kerl umbringen... mitm stumpfen gegenstand versteht sich!

War aber trotzdem ein tolles kapitel

LG, Jule und Isi

Dieser blöde...aargh...ich hasse ihn (nicht das ich das schon vorher getan habe)...

Luke's baby.bah...
Ich hoffe sehr, dass sie sich irgendwann erinnern kann...aber der titel lässt nicht darauf zu hoffen...

der Teil war aber toll geschrieben, Luke's feelings and stuff...I'm almost speechless....

greets, CedJo

PS. Have I mentioned I hate Christopher??
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