08.12.2006, 20:28
Dies ist die Fortsetzung zu meiner letzten Fanfiction Dirty Little Secret. Bevor ihr diese hier lest, empfehle ich euch wärmstens, erstmal DLS zu lesen 
Titel: Ever And A Day
Disclaimer: Gilmore Girls gehören Amy Sherman-Palladino, FF-Titel sowie Kapitel-Titel gehören AFI. (Finns Nachname entstammt meiner Feder...)
Rating: ab 12
Sprache: englisch
Autor: Anima Sola (trueanimasola@aol.com)
„Finn, watch it!“, Rory laughed, as they both tumbled through the room, almost knocking down the big mirror standing in the middle of it.
Finn didn’t care and continued waltzing around to the music in his head, his hands on her waist, her white dress twirling with every movement. He smirked at her, as her gloved hands ran down the sides of his black tuxedo. He then jumped at her, tickling her, before he pulled her up on his arms, with Rory giggling helplessly. They then found themselves standing in front of the mirror.
“I supposed that’s meant to be done afterwards, Finn”, Rory laughed, one arm around his neck.
“How should I know, love?”, he grinned, tilting his head at their reflections. “I’ve never been married before!”
“Well, me neither”, she replied with a smile, kissing his cheek. “But I’ve been to a lot of weddings!”
“And this whole carrying the bride thing, how do you know that? Have you been following the couples to their rooms afterwards?”, Finn mocked, brushing his lips from her mouth over her chin to the necklace she was wearing.
Rory laughed. “You know me so well”, she grinned, putting her other hand on his face, kissing him deeply. He took a step backwards and collapsed into an armchair, with Rory (and mostly with her dress) falling on top of him.
“Ah!”, he laughed as he was half way covered by white fabric. “Suffocated by a dress, what a lovely way to die”, he grinned, pulling her closer to him.
“Isn’t it?”, Rory laughed, her arms around his neck, her lips closing around his. “I never imagined that getting married would be so much fun”, she then breathed against his lips.
“Me neither, but you know, love”, he said, locking eyes with her. “We are not getting married!”
“What?”, she blurted out, staring at him.
“Well, we have to go to the ceremony first, darling”, he smirked.
“What? Oh!”, she then gasped. “Oh dear! We’re late for our own wedding!”
She clumsily jumped off him, flattening her dress, straightening her hair in the mirror. “I knew it was bad luck if the groom sees the bride in her dress before the wedding!”
“So I’m bad luck?”, Finn said, approaching her from behind, pulling his arms around her waist, watching their reflection. “I like your dress”, he then whispered, looking up and down the white dress with its laced borders and its corsage top and its approximately thousand layers of skirt.
Rory giggled. “And I like your tux, specially the top hat!”, she mouthed, looking up at the upper corner of the mirror, where the top hat balanced on its frame.
Finn grabbed it and placed it on top of his head, running a finger along its brim, smirking at her. She laughed and then got hold of his hand, dragging him to the door. Pulling it open, she then saw the face of her mother, who stared at them rather surprised.
“Mom!”, Rory said, trying to explain what Lorelai had witnessed.
“Lorelai”, Finn chimed in as well. “We –“
“Relax, I’ve never expected anything else from you”, Lorelai grinned. “But getting married is nevertheless about getting married, so –“
“We better get married”, Rory and Finn said in one voice, before looking at each other, laughing.
“Come on, then”, Lorelai said and directed them to the front door of Miss Patty’s Dance Studio (where they got dressed and prepared for their outdoor wedding).
Lorelai handed them coats; a black one matching Finn’s tuxedo and a white one matching Rory’s dress. She herself wore a pink one matching her maid of honour dress. She walked ahead of the couple towards the gazebo where everyone stood in warm coats, waiting for bride and broom to arrive. Lorelai then grabbed Finn’s arm and walked with him to the steps of the gazebo, where Colin, Finn’s best man, already waited for his friend to stand beside him. Lorelai stood on the other side next to Lane; both of them were Rory’s maids of honour.
Rory watched the scene from where Finn and her mother had left her, how the gazebo was lovely decorated and fully loaded with tons of sparkling snow. She observed how her breath formed little white clouds in front of her face and smiled.
Marrying in the snow had always been a dream of her – even though she never expected to be a bride this soon, yet she had been very happy when Finn agreed to fulfil her dream to marry in the gazebo in Stars Hollow. After he had proposed to her on her 21st birthday, they had decided to marry as soon as possible – for his parents (who considered to move to Australia right after the wedding) to join them at the ceremony. Now they were standing amongst Rory’s family and their mutual friends, waiting for the wedding to begin.
“Ready to get serious, kiddo?”, Rory then heard her father’s voice from next to her.
She smiled at him, happy about him making up with the family by attending her wedding. Christopher held out his arm and Rory hooked into it, looking up at him. “I’m ready, dad.”
They then walked towards the aisle between the rows of chairs. Traditional Australian music, a ceremonial mixture of bagpipes and didgeridoo, echoed through the square as Rory walked, led by her father, towards the steps of the gazebo, with Finn awaiting her with a huge smile on his face. When she arrived at Finn’s side, Christopher kissed her cheek and walked over to stand next to Colin.
Rory, however, shot a glance at Finn and grinned widely. He replied her grin and wrinkled his nose playfully, before they both faced the minister, trying hard not to laugh, while they grabbed each other’s hands and squeezed it lightly.
“Today, we are here, on this lovely winter’s day –“, the minister began.
But Rory’s thoughts already drifted off, she felt the warmth of Finn’s hand through her glove, she saw the snow all around town and she imagined the sun to make the snow sparkle even more. It was indeed a lovely winter’s day – the perfect day; snow, sun and Finn. She turned around to him, noticing that he was watching her as well, and smiled.
“– two young lives into one. So, now, Rory and Finn?”, the minister just said, looking at them both.
They soon snapped back to look at the minister, nodding.
“Rory and Finn, will you please face each other?”
They did, Rory’s hands in Finn’s, their smiles mutual.
“Please repeat after me; I, Rory Gilmore –“
“I, Rory Gilmore”, Rory repeated, looking at Finn, with her stomach turning and her smile connecting her ears. ‘This is perfect’, she thought, while the minister continued. ‘Perfect!’ She repeated what the minister told her and when he asked her if she would take Finn to be her husband, she finished with an honest: “I do.”
Finn smiled at her.
“Please repeat after me”, the minister then turned to Finn. “I, Finn Barclay.”
“I, Finn Barclay”, Finn repeated, locking eyes with Rory.
“Will –“
“I’m sorry, could I say this alone?”, Finn said, looking at the minister with a smile.
Rory stared at him and she could even hear some whispers from behind her.
“Finn!”, she hissed.
But the minister just nodded.
“Alrighty”, Finn smirked and looked back at Rory, his hands holding hers tightly. “I, Finn Barclay, take you, Rory Gilmore, to be my wife, my constant best friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of our families and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honour and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you until death do us part.”
It was then that Rory couldn’t hold back her tears anymore – and with her cried Lorelai, Lane and even Colin shed some tears. She quickly moved forwards and hugged Finn tightly, sobbing against his shoulder happily. “I love you”, she whispered, before she leant back, blinking away the tears.
The minister repeated the vow: “Do you, Finn Barclay, take Rory Gilmore to be your lawful wedded wife?”
“I do”, Finn smiled at Rory.
With that he let go of her hands and rummaged through his pockets for the wedding rings. Rory watched him, laughing, until he finally found them and grabbed Rory’s hand again to slip her ring on her finger, before raising her hand to place a kiss on the back of her hand. She then took the ring out of his palm and slipped it over his finger, then hooking her fingers into his.
They turned to the minister again, who finished the ceremony with the words:
“I hereby wed you to be wife and husband. You may now kiss the bride!”
Finn didn’t wait for another invitation and grabbed Rory by the waist to pull her into a passionate kiss. Rory giggled against his lips, before they both turned around to face their families and friends. Finn held Rory close as they then walked down the aisle towards a horse drawn sleigh that was supposed to bring the happy couple to the Dragonfly Inn where the after-wedding-party was held.
Finn helped Rory into the sleigh and then followed her, covering them with a thick blanket. They waved smiling at their families and friends and then drove off – with all the others following them slowly. Rory cuddled against Finn with his arm around her shoulder. He playfully kicked his top hat off his head and placed it on Rory’s head. She laughed and kissed him, before she hugged him with a squeal.
“Oh my god! We are married!!”
“Yay!”, he imitated her squeal and kissed her laughing.
“Did you see Colin cry?”, Rory then said, giggling. “He looked so sweet!”
“I’m glad he did, I won this bet with Logan. Colin always cries on weddings – even when he sees some on TV. The last time I saw him crying was during The Wedding Planner – so basically he was crying all the time!”
Rory giggled. “I’ll miss him once we moved.”
“I’m still wondering why we have to move.”
“Well, we’re married now. You don’t want Colin to share an apartment with a married couple, do you?”
“I don’t think it will be that much different from before, love”, Finn said, playing with a hank of her hair.
“But don’t we have to start all over?”
“Really? Where’s the fun in that?”, he replied, looking at the ring on his finger. “I thought those rings were the only changes.”
She tilted her head at him.
“Well, look, darling, we can stay in the apartment with Colin until our graduation –“
“Meaning yours and Colin’s, you are the ones in their senior years. I still got one year.”
“Yes, so let us finish this year and then we’ll look for another apartment.”
“Hmm, so after I graduate we’ll look again?”
“Why’s that?”
“I mean, do you want to live in New Haven?”
“You got a point in that, love. So smart my little Bambi!”, he grinned and kissed her cheek. “Alright, we’ll figure something out. But let’s not worry about that now. Now we’ll celebrate our wedding –“
“Wow, that sounds so cheesy!”
“It does and it is”, Finn smirked. “I have no idea what drove me to do this…”
Rory just pointed a finger at her chest.
“Oh, right, you drove me”, he laughed and kissed her. “I almost forgot!”
“I knew you would”, she mocked. “Yet I am very proud of you that you’ve stuck with me for so long –“
“And even longer, darling. You can’t get rid of me anymore!”
“Oh dear, what have I done?”, Rory laughed and cuddled closer against him.
He pulled his arm tighter around her, his head resting against hers.
They finally reached the Inn, already being awaited by their guests who apparently found a shortcut from the town square to the Inn. Finn helped Rory out of the sleigh and then walked with her through the mass of their families and friends into the Inn that was decorated with white flowers and icicles all over. The dining hall hosted countless round tables. Servants took their coats and directed Finn and Rory to the table in the middle, which was a little higher than the others, standing on a little stage.
As they sat down, the rest of their families and friends seated as well, lifting the glasses to the newlyweds.
“To Finn and Rory!”, it echoed through the room as they all drank to them.
Putting down her glass again, Rory noticed a little box standing on the plate in front of her. She shot a puzzled look at Finn who grinned at her.
“Make a wish before you open it”, he said.
She raised an eyebrow and grabbed the box carefully, closing her eyes.
“No, whisper your wish to the box if you want it to come true”, Finn laughed.
“Just do it.”
And she did, raising the box to her lips and softly whispering her wish to it. She then slowly opened the box and let out a gasp when a colourful butterfly fluttered out of it.
“Aww!”, she squealed as it landed on her hand, moving its wings slowly.
“We did this at the wedding of my sister; it’s a sweet tradition down under.”
“I love it”, she smiled and leant in to kiss him.
Several hours later, Rory found herself sitting on Finn’s lap in the middle of the room, where the tables were put aside to make some room for dancing. Finn looked at her, one arm around her, the other ready to look for the garter around Rory’s thigh, hiding beneath thousand layers of tulle and silk and lace.
“So, Mrs. Gilmore”, he said, grinning.
“Yes, Mr. Barclay-Gilmore?”
He grinned even wider at his new surname (they had decided to keep to Rory’s name and he had been very pleased about getting a double-name).
“May I have the pleasure –“
“You may”, she interrupted him, laughing. “Just get this over and done with!”
“Ooh, now there’s someone looking forward to a certain night of ours that we are about to commence.”
“I can’t believe you can still talk this elaborated with so much alcohol in your blood”, Rory giggled, jabbering heavily. “I certainly couldn’t!”
“No, you certainly couldn’t, love”, he smirked, while his hand wandered under her skirt, quickly grabbing the garter.
With a triumphant laugh, he pulled it over her leg and shoe, holding it high into the air. Rory giggled even harder, when Finn threw the garter right into Colin’s hands, who looked at it puzzled, before exchanging a glance with a laughing Logan.
Finn then grabbed Rory tighter around the waist and got up with her in his arms.
“Wow, this dress weighs a ton!”, he uttered.
“Thank you for saying the dress is the fat one”, Rory laughed and pulled her arms around his neck.
“Anytime, love, I’ll always blame it on the clothes!”
“Throw the bouquet!”, she then heard someone yell and the next second her bridal bouquet landed in her lap. She grinned at it and jumped off Finn’s arms to turn around. Raising the bouquet over her head, she threw it into the mass behind them. A squeal echoed through the room.
Rory looked around to see her mother making a funny dance with the bouquet in her hands. She giggled as Lorelai threw a challenging glance at Luke who just stared at her. Lorelai then smiled at Rory, before Finn grabbed her hand, whispering something into her ear that made her giggle even more. She nodded at him with a smirk. Finn waited next to Logan and Colin when Rory ran to her mother and hugged her tightly.
Lorelai replied the embrace. “Are you happy?”
“I am”, Rory whispered back. “Are you really okay with this?”
“Of course, babe, as long as you are happy!”
“But it was rather… fast, this whole development. I totally understand if you have your concerns.”
“Now you’ve come a little late for that”, Lorelai grinned, letting go of Rory and grabbing her daughter’s hand, examining the ring on her finger.
Rory just smiled awkwardly.
“Do you have concerns, hun?”
“I don’t know”, Rory began quietly, before she added: “No, no, I am happy, I’m fine! This is what I want!”
Lorelai watched her closely. “Good attitude, kiddo”, she grinned. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Remember you have to tell me how it is to be married!”
Rory laughed. “I will – oh and I have very interesting stories about how it is to live with a man!”
“I want to hear all of it!”
“I’ll fill you in once I’m back here”, Rory then said.
“He’s really taking you to Australia, this is so cool!”
“Yeah and he wants to teach me how to surf!”
“Ooh! But beware of sharks!”
“Will do!”
“Oh! And say hi to Nemo for me!”
Rory chuckled. “And Dorie and Marlin –“
“No, Marlin was slightly boring. But anyhow”, she said when she saw Rory yawn. “Good night, babe, enjoy your wedding night”, Lorelai then said and kissed her daughter’s cheek.
“Good night, mom! I’ll write you everyday!”
“You will not, if I see more than two letters or postcards in these two weeks, I’ll come over and tell you to enjoy your honeymoon! Forget Mommy for once; you are a Mrs. now.”
“Oh god, I know, this is so weird!”
“Come on now, Mrs. Gilmore –“, Lorelai said and motioned her to walk to Finn who watched them while talking with Logan and Colin. “Your hubby waits for you!”
Rory waved her mother goodbye and walked back to Finn, joining the three boys.
“So, Ace, you finally tamed Mr. Playboy here”, Logan said when she reached them. “I can’t believe you did this.”
“And I can’t believe Finn actually walked into this trap”, Colin added, grinning.
“Well, well, mates, you have no idea what it means to be married –“
“Well, do you?”, Logan asked with a smirk.
“Nope, but unlike you I am going to find out!”, Finn said and put an arm around his bride.
Rory smiled up at him.
“If you’ll excuse us, gentlemen, we’ve got work to do!”, Finn said, causing Rory to giggle and blush lightly.
(Fortsetzung im nächsten Post)

Titel: Ever And A Day
Disclaimer: Gilmore Girls gehören Amy Sherman-Palladino, FF-Titel sowie Kapitel-Titel gehören AFI. (Finns Nachname entstammt meiner Feder...)
Rating: ab 12
Sprache: englisch
Autor: Anima Sola (trueanimasola@aol.com)
Ever And A Day
Chapter 1 –This Time Imperfect
„Finn, watch it!“, Rory laughed, as they both tumbled through the room, almost knocking down the big mirror standing in the middle of it.
Finn didn’t care and continued waltzing around to the music in his head, his hands on her waist, her white dress twirling with every movement. He smirked at her, as her gloved hands ran down the sides of his black tuxedo. He then jumped at her, tickling her, before he pulled her up on his arms, with Rory giggling helplessly. They then found themselves standing in front of the mirror.
“I supposed that’s meant to be done afterwards, Finn”, Rory laughed, one arm around his neck.
“How should I know, love?”, he grinned, tilting his head at their reflections. “I’ve never been married before!”
“Well, me neither”, she replied with a smile, kissing his cheek. “But I’ve been to a lot of weddings!”
“And this whole carrying the bride thing, how do you know that? Have you been following the couples to their rooms afterwards?”, Finn mocked, brushing his lips from her mouth over her chin to the necklace she was wearing.
Rory laughed. “You know me so well”, she grinned, putting her other hand on his face, kissing him deeply. He took a step backwards and collapsed into an armchair, with Rory (and mostly with her dress) falling on top of him.
“Ah!”, he laughed as he was half way covered by white fabric. “Suffocated by a dress, what a lovely way to die”, he grinned, pulling her closer to him.
“Isn’t it?”, Rory laughed, her arms around his neck, her lips closing around his. “I never imagined that getting married would be so much fun”, she then breathed against his lips.
“Me neither, but you know, love”, he said, locking eyes with her. “We are not getting married!”
“What?”, she blurted out, staring at him.
“Well, we have to go to the ceremony first, darling”, he smirked.
“What? Oh!”, she then gasped. “Oh dear! We’re late for our own wedding!”
She clumsily jumped off him, flattening her dress, straightening her hair in the mirror. “I knew it was bad luck if the groom sees the bride in her dress before the wedding!”
“So I’m bad luck?”, Finn said, approaching her from behind, pulling his arms around her waist, watching their reflection. “I like your dress”, he then whispered, looking up and down the white dress with its laced borders and its corsage top and its approximately thousand layers of skirt.
Rory giggled. “And I like your tux, specially the top hat!”, she mouthed, looking up at the upper corner of the mirror, where the top hat balanced on its frame.
Finn grabbed it and placed it on top of his head, running a finger along its brim, smirking at her. She laughed and then got hold of his hand, dragging him to the door. Pulling it open, she then saw the face of her mother, who stared at them rather surprised.
“Mom!”, Rory said, trying to explain what Lorelai had witnessed.
“Lorelai”, Finn chimed in as well. “We –“
“Relax, I’ve never expected anything else from you”, Lorelai grinned. “But getting married is nevertheless about getting married, so –“
“We better get married”, Rory and Finn said in one voice, before looking at each other, laughing.
“Come on, then”, Lorelai said and directed them to the front door of Miss Patty’s Dance Studio (where they got dressed and prepared for their outdoor wedding).
Lorelai handed them coats; a black one matching Finn’s tuxedo and a white one matching Rory’s dress. She herself wore a pink one matching her maid of honour dress. She walked ahead of the couple towards the gazebo where everyone stood in warm coats, waiting for bride and broom to arrive. Lorelai then grabbed Finn’s arm and walked with him to the steps of the gazebo, where Colin, Finn’s best man, already waited for his friend to stand beside him. Lorelai stood on the other side next to Lane; both of them were Rory’s maids of honour.
Rory watched the scene from where Finn and her mother had left her, how the gazebo was lovely decorated and fully loaded with tons of sparkling snow. She observed how her breath formed little white clouds in front of her face and smiled.
Marrying in the snow had always been a dream of her – even though she never expected to be a bride this soon, yet she had been very happy when Finn agreed to fulfil her dream to marry in the gazebo in Stars Hollow. After he had proposed to her on her 21st birthday, they had decided to marry as soon as possible – for his parents (who considered to move to Australia right after the wedding) to join them at the ceremony. Now they were standing amongst Rory’s family and their mutual friends, waiting for the wedding to begin.
“Ready to get serious, kiddo?”, Rory then heard her father’s voice from next to her.
She smiled at him, happy about him making up with the family by attending her wedding. Christopher held out his arm and Rory hooked into it, looking up at him. “I’m ready, dad.”
They then walked towards the aisle between the rows of chairs. Traditional Australian music, a ceremonial mixture of bagpipes and didgeridoo, echoed through the square as Rory walked, led by her father, towards the steps of the gazebo, with Finn awaiting her with a huge smile on his face. When she arrived at Finn’s side, Christopher kissed her cheek and walked over to stand next to Colin.
Rory, however, shot a glance at Finn and grinned widely. He replied her grin and wrinkled his nose playfully, before they both faced the minister, trying hard not to laugh, while they grabbed each other’s hands and squeezed it lightly.
“Today, we are here, on this lovely winter’s day –“, the minister began.
But Rory’s thoughts already drifted off, she felt the warmth of Finn’s hand through her glove, she saw the snow all around town and she imagined the sun to make the snow sparkle even more. It was indeed a lovely winter’s day – the perfect day; snow, sun and Finn. She turned around to him, noticing that he was watching her as well, and smiled.
“– two young lives into one. So, now, Rory and Finn?”, the minister just said, looking at them both.
They soon snapped back to look at the minister, nodding.
“Rory and Finn, will you please face each other?”
They did, Rory’s hands in Finn’s, their smiles mutual.
“Please repeat after me; I, Rory Gilmore –“
“I, Rory Gilmore”, Rory repeated, looking at Finn, with her stomach turning and her smile connecting her ears. ‘This is perfect’, she thought, while the minister continued. ‘Perfect!’ She repeated what the minister told her and when he asked her if she would take Finn to be her husband, she finished with an honest: “I do.”
Finn smiled at her.
“Please repeat after me”, the minister then turned to Finn. “I, Finn Barclay.”
“I, Finn Barclay”, Finn repeated, locking eyes with Rory.
“Will –“
“I’m sorry, could I say this alone?”, Finn said, looking at the minister with a smile.
Rory stared at him and she could even hear some whispers from behind her.
“Finn!”, she hissed.
But the minister just nodded.
“Alrighty”, Finn smirked and looked back at Rory, his hands holding hers tightly. “I, Finn Barclay, take you, Rory Gilmore, to be my wife, my constant best friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of our families and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honour and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you until death do us part.”
It was then that Rory couldn’t hold back her tears anymore – and with her cried Lorelai, Lane and even Colin shed some tears. She quickly moved forwards and hugged Finn tightly, sobbing against his shoulder happily. “I love you”, she whispered, before she leant back, blinking away the tears.
The minister repeated the vow: “Do you, Finn Barclay, take Rory Gilmore to be your lawful wedded wife?”
“I do”, Finn smiled at Rory.
With that he let go of her hands and rummaged through his pockets for the wedding rings. Rory watched him, laughing, until he finally found them and grabbed Rory’s hand again to slip her ring on her finger, before raising her hand to place a kiss on the back of her hand. She then took the ring out of his palm and slipped it over his finger, then hooking her fingers into his.
They turned to the minister again, who finished the ceremony with the words:
“I hereby wed you to be wife and husband. You may now kiss the bride!”
Finn didn’t wait for another invitation and grabbed Rory by the waist to pull her into a passionate kiss. Rory giggled against his lips, before they both turned around to face their families and friends. Finn held Rory close as they then walked down the aisle towards a horse drawn sleigh that was supposed to bring the happy couple to the Dragonfly Inn where the after-wedding-party was held.
Finn helped Rory into the sleigh and then followed her, covering them with a thick blanket. They waved smiling at their families and friends and then drove off – with all the others following them slowly. Rory cuddled against Finn with his arm around her shoulder. He playfully kicked his top hat off his head and placed it on Rory’s head. She laughed and kissed him, before she hugged him with a squeal.
“Oh my god! We are married!!”
“Yay!”, he imitated her squeal and kissed her laughing.
“Did you see Colin cry?”, Rory then said, giggling. “He looked so sweet!”
“I’m glad he did, I won this bet with Logan. Colin always cries on weddings – even when he sees some on TV. The last time I saw him crying was during The Wedding Planner – so basically he was crying all the time!”
Rory giggled. “I’ll miss him once we moved.”
“I’m still wondering why we have to move.”
“Well, we’re married now. You don’t want Colin to share an apartment with a married couple, do you?”
“I don’t think it will be that much different from before, love”, Finn said, playing with a hank of her hair.
“But don’t we have to start all over?”
“Really? Where’s the fun in that?”, he replied, looking at the ring on his finger. “I thought those rings were the only changes.”
She tilted her head at him.
“Well, look, darling, we can stay in the apartment with Colin until our graduation –“
“Meaning yours and Colin’s, you are the ones in their senior years. I still got one year.”
“Yes, so let us finish this year and then we’ll look for another apartment.”
“Hmm, so after I graduate we’ll look again?”
“Why’s that?”
“I mean, do you want to live in New Haven?”
“You got a point in that, love. So smart my little Bambi!”, he grinned and kissed her cheek. “Alright, we’ll figure something out. But let’s not worry about that now. Now we’ll celebrate our wedding –“
“Wow, that sounds so cheesy!”
“It does and it is”, Finn smirked. “I have no idea what drove me to do this…”
Rory just pointed a finger at her chest.
“Oh, right, you drove me”, he laughed and kissed her. “I almost forgot!”
“I knew you would”, she mocked. “Yet I am very proud of you that you’ve stuck with me for so long –“
“And even longer, darling. You can’t get rid of me anymore!”
“Oh dear, what have I done?”, Rory laughed and cuddled closer against him.
He pulled his arm tighter around her, his head resting against hers.
They finally reached the Inn, already being awaited by their guests who apparently found a shortcut from the town square to the Inn. Finn helped Rory out of the sleigh and then walked with her through the mass of their families and friends into the Inn that was decorated with white flowers and icicles all over. The dining hall hosted countless round tables. Servants took their coats and directed Finn and Rory to the table in the middle, which was a little higher than the others, standing on a little stage.
As they sat down, the rest of their families and friends seated as well, lifting the glasses to the newlyweds.
“To Finn and Rory!”, it echoed through the room as they all drank to them.
Putting down her glass again, Rory noticed a little box standing on the plate in front of her. She shot a puzzled look at Finn who grinned at her.
“Make a wish before you open it”, he said.
She raised an eyebrow and grabbed the box carefully, closing her eyes.
“No, whisper your wish to the box if you want it to come true”, Finn laughed.
“Just do it.”
And she did, raising the box to her lips and softly whispering her wish to it. She then slowly opened the box and let out a gasp when a colourful butterfly fluttered out of it.
“Aww!”, she squealed as it landed on her hand, moving its wings slowly.
“We did this at the wedding of my sister; it’s a sweet tradition down under.”
“I love it”, she smiled and leant in to kiss him.
Several hours later, Rory found herself sitting on Finn’s lap in the middle of the room, where the tables were put aside to make some room for dancing. Finn looked at her, one arm around her, the other ready to look for the garter around Rory’s thigh, hiding beneath thousand layers of tulle and silk and lace.
“So, Mrs. Gilmore”, he said, grinning.
“Yes, Mr. Barclay-Gilmore?”
He grinned even wider at his new surname (they had decided to keep to Rory’s name and he had been very pleased about getting a double-name).
“May I have the pleasure –“
“You may”, she interrupted him, laughing. “Just get this over and done with!”
“Ooh, now there’s someone looking forward to a certain night of ours that we are about to commence.”
“I can’t believe you can still talk this elaborated with so much alcohol in your blood”, Rory giggled, jabbering heavily. “I certainly couldn’t!”
“No, you certainly couldn’t, love”, he smirked, while his hand wandered under her skirt, quickly grabbing the garter.
With a triumphant laugh, he pulled it over her leg and shoe, holding it high into the air. Rory giggled even harder, when Finn threw the garter right into Colin’s hands, who looked at it puzzled, before exchanging a glance with a laughing Logan.
Finn then grabbed Rory tighter around the waist and got up with her in his arms.
“Wow, this dress weighs a ton!”, he uttered.
“Thank you for saying the dress is the fat one”, Rory laughed and pulled her arms around his neck.
“Anytime, love, I’ll always blame it on the clothes!”
“Throw the bouquet!”, she then heard someone yell and the next second her bridal bouquet landed in her lap. She grinned at it and jumped off Finn’s arms to turn around. Raising the bouquet over her head, she threw it into the mass behind them. A squeal echoed through the room.
Rory looked around to see her mother making a funny dance with the bouquet in her hands. She giggled as Lorelai threw a challenging glance at Luke who just stared at her. Lorelai then smiled at Rory, before Finn grabbed her hand, whispering something into her ear that made her giggle even more. She nodded at him with a smirk. Finn waited next to Logan and Colin when Rory ran to her mother and hugged her tightly.
Lorelai replied the embrace. “Are you happy?”
“I am”, Rory whispered back. “Are you really okay with this?”
“Of course, babe, as long as you are happy!”
“But it was rather… fast, this whole development. I totally understand if you have your concerns.”
“Now you’ve come a little late for that”, Lorelai grinned, letting go of Rory and grabbing her daughter’s hand, examining the ring on her finger.
Rory just smiled awkwardly.
“Do you have concerns, hun?”
“I don’t know”, Rory began quietly, before she added: “No, no, I am happy, I’m fine! This is what I want!”
Lorelai watched her closely. “Good attitude, kiddo”, she grinned. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Remember you have to tell me how it is to be married!”
Rory laughed. “I will – oh and I have very interesting stories about how it is to live with a man!”
“I want to hear all of it!”
“I’ll fill you in once I’m back here”, Rory then said.
“He’s really taking you to Australia, this is so cool!”
“Yeah and he wants to teach me how to surf!”
“Ooh! But beware of sharks!”
“Will do!”
“Oh! And say hi to Nemo for me!”
Rory chuckled. “And Dorie and Marlin –“
“No, Marlin was slightly boring. But anyhow”, she said when she saw Rory yawn. “Good night, babe, enjoy your wedding night”, Lorelai then said and kissed her daughter’s cheek.
“Good night, mom! I’ll write you everyday!”
“You will not, if I see more than two letters or postcards in these two weeks, I’ll come over and tell you to enjoy your honeymoon! Forget Mommy for once; you are a Mrs. now.”
“Oh god, I know, this is so weird!”
“Come on now, Mrs. Gilmore –“, Lorelai said and motioned her to walk to Finn who watched them while talking with Logan and Colin. “Your hubby waits for you!”
Rory waved her mother goodbye and walked back to Finn, joining the three boys.
“So, Ace, you finally tamed Mr. Playboy here”, Logan said when she reached them. “I can’t believe you did this.”
“And I can’t believe Finn actually walked into this trap”, Colin added, grinning.
“Well, well, mates, you have no idea what it means to be married –“
“Well, do you?”, Logan asked with a smirk.
“Nope, but unlike you I am going to find out!”, Finn said and put an arm around his bride.
Rory smiled up at him.
“If you’ll excuse us, gentlemen, we’ve got work to do!”, Finn said, causing Rory to giggle and blush lightly.
(Fortsetzung im nächsten Post)