15.10.2008, 22:33
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SpoilerAlso speziell zum Christmas Special weià ich nichts. Aber zu insgesamt den kommenden Specials habe ich folgendes mal gelesen: (im Spoiler falls das doch jemand nicht wissen will

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• CATHERINE TATE and BERNARD CRIBBINS are to return as Donna Noble and Wilf respectively.
• JOHN SIMM is to return reprising his role as THE MASTER.
• BRIAN BLESSED is star in one of the specials. It is not clear if he is reprising the role of Yrcanos.
• GEORGIA MOFFETT is returning as The Doctor's daughter, Jenny.
• THE SEA DEVILS are making a return. They were last seen in the 1984 story WARRIORS OF THE DEEP.
• PAUL MCGANN has been said to return as The Eight Doctor by some sources though others (all trusted) say this is not the case but they haven't ruled it out either.
And lastly, another CHILDREN IN NEED special? Could be. Set to appear are: PETER DAVISON, SYLVESTER MCCOY and COLIN BAKER. This has not been sourced as thoroughly as the above bits of info so don't get too excited about it.
• CATHERINE TATE and BERNARD CRIBBINS are to return as Donna Noble and Wilf respectively.
• JOHN SIMM is to return reprising his role as THE MASTER.
• BRIAN BLESSED is star in one of the specials. It is not clear if he is reprising the role of Yrcanos.
• GEORGIA MOFFETT is returning as The Doctor's daughter, Jenny.
• THE SEA DEVILS are making a return. They were last seen in the 1984 story WARRIORS OF THE DEEP.
• PAUL MCGANN has been said to return as The Eight Doctor by some sources though others (all trusted) say this is not the case but they haven't ruled it out either.
And lastly, another CHILDREN IN NEED special? Could be. Set to appear are: PETER DAVISON, SYLVESTER MCCOY and COLIN BAKER. This has not been sourced as thoroughly as the above bits of info so don't get too excited about it.
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SpoilerOh, und Patrick Stewart! Ich glaube der soll sogar im Christmas Special schon dabei sein 

Aber so ganz sicher bin ich mir da nicht