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Normale Version: The Morning She Will Stay (engl) [complete]
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Alsou ich hab hier nochmal was. Ist allerdings ne englische Story. Da Englisch aber eigentlich ne Fremdsprache für mich ist, kanns sein, dass sich vielleicht ein paar kleiner oder auch größere Grammatikfehler eingeschlichen haben. Sorry dafür. Ich hoffe aber, die Story gefällt euch trotzdem und für Verbesserungen, Kritik und Anregungen bin ich natürlich immer dankbar.

Gilmore Girls
The morning she will stay

Inspired by “The Smell Before Rain”
(sollte man vielleicht vorher lesen, geht aber wohl auch so)

The rain was falling outside the window and a grey morning greeted her when she awoke. But she didn’t care about the cold outside, because she felt warm and comforted in his presence. Every morning in the past few months she awoke like that: Lying in his arms, wich he had wrapped around her waist and with his head resting on her shoulder.
He was already awake, too, but he didn’t move. He loved lying like this, holding her thight against his body, even tough he knew, that it wasn’t supposed like that. It felt like she belonged to him, like she was his, but she wasn’t. He knew it every time, when she stood in front of his apartment door. Yet he let her in. Just like tonight.
She knew that he wouldn’t be asleep before three o’clock in the night, because he worked late and so they both were used to the fact, that she would appear in front of his apartment late in the night. And he expected her there. When he heared her knocking at the door, he would open it. He never asked why she came, why she didn’t stay at her boyfriends, he would just let her in.
A little later, they both would lie in his bed. He on the back and she curled up against him, one of her legs over his and her head resting on his bare chest. He would wrap his arm around her and let his fingers run through her silky hair and so they would fall asleep, by now ervery single night.
At first she would show up maybe once or twice a month, then once or twice a week and since it had been two months, she showed up every night. He wouldn’t complain about it, oh no, he loved having her with him, but it just… didn’t feel right.
She turned around and was facing him now. A soft smile crossed her face and she muttered: “Good Morning.” He smiled back and tenderly stroke a strand of hair out of her face. “Morning. Slept well?” He asked her every morning, even tough he already knew her answer: “I always sleep well when I’m with you.” And it was the truth. She came to him, when she couldn’t sleep or had had bad dreams, but as soon as he had wrapped his arms around her all of her problems were gone. She felt save and comforted and even began to wonder how she could ever have slept without him.
He gave her a kiss on the cheek and pulled her closer. “Good”, he whispered softly in her ear. She let out a content sigh and curled up against him again. They spent some time lying like that, quite, and just happy to have each other. Then she broke the silence when she suddently asked: “What time is it?” He looked at his watch: “Nearly have past eight.” “I’m supposed to go now.” He nodded: “Then go.” “But I don’t want to.”, she said with sadness in her eyes. His simple reply: “Then stay.” “I can’t.” The same game every morning. He cuckled a little: “Then go.” “Wouldn’t it be wondeful if we just hadn’t to get up?” “We don’t have to. We can stay here as long as we want.” “No, we can’t… I can’t.” “Are you going to see him today?”, he asked, but she shook her head: “No. He is supposed to have lunch with his parents and then spent the afternoon with them. But… perhaps tonight…” She looked at him shyly and he nodded. You might think he had gotten used to the fact, that his girl wasn’t his anymore. Even tough she obviosly still clinged to him. She pulled away from him: “I really have to go now.” “I know”, he sighed when she got up. It always ended up like that. He just stayed in bed and observed her while she picked up her clothes from the bedroom floor and put them on. When she was done, she came back to him, who was still lying and watching her. Then she bent down and kissed his temple. “I’ll see you.” He nodded. “Yeah.” Then he watched her leaving the room and a few seconds later he heared the front-door shut. He leaned back and faced the ceiling. “One day it will finally come”, he muttered to himself: “The morning she will stay.”
Well, what should I say....... GREAT STORY!!!

Well done!!!

Übrigens.. ich bin ja halb Amerikanern /halb Österreicherin und muss sagen.. du bist echt gut in englsichen manchen Stellen würde niemand drauf kommen das es keine amerikanerin geschrieben hätte...

But.. you know, there are some points... but.. let forget us...*lol*
Wow, danke. (und danke an J.K. Rowling für "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix und sämtliche englischen "Harry Potter"-, "Gilmore Girls"- und "The Tribe"- Fanfic-Autoren auf FanfictionNet Wink ) Na ja, ich bin schon froh wenns halbwegs stimmt und ich nicht allzu großen Mist geschrieben hab.
Ich kann nur so wenig lesen!! *heul* Ich bin nämlich nicht so gut in Englisch!! :heul: :heul: Kannst du die auch auf deutsch schreiben? Nur wenns nicht zu viel Aufwand ist!!!! Help Help Help
Ich hab die Story eigentlich auf englisch geschrieben, weil ichs auf deutsch nit hinbekommen hab. Aber ich kanns ja mal versuchen, wenn ich mal Zeit hab.
Also ich bin auch net besonders gut in Englisch, habe sie aber trotzdem recht gut verstanden. Sie ist wirklich gut! Und danke für die ADresse da habe ich erst verstanden um wen es geht. Aber ich finde Rory voll dreist! Confusedauer: Naja und die Geschichte auch traurig... Warum haut sie denn einfach jeden morgen ab... Sie soll... naja egal Smile ICh würde jetzt gerne meine SChwester zitieren aber ich glaub das interessiert keinen.
Alsou mich würd schon interessieren, was deine Schwester zu sagen hat Wink
Ja mich auch!! *g*
Naja, sie sagt immer:
Den Typen würde ich auch nicht von der Bettkante schubsen Unsure
hey ich find die ff echt super geschrieben und bin gespannt wie's weiter geht!!
Seiten: 1 2