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Normale Version: An Affair to Remember
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Homepage*säusel* Big Grin
*:freu: auf neuen Teil* Wink
Tja schaaade, schade, schade, dass des umgangen werden muss Motz
Big Grin

Du könntest auch 2 Teile schreiben, einen zensierten, offziziellen und einen unof. unzens. Big Grin

Jaa, ich weis, das is Arbeit--- war auch nur so ne Idee... Smile

Hoff hier gehts weiter, egal wie :engel:
Sooooo, hab jez auch mal die ersten beiden Teile gelesen ... *tief durchatme*

Also, was soll ich sagen ?!? Kann nich verstehen, wie jemand verlangt, dass du auf deutsch weiterschreibst Unsure Dein englisch ist klasse und dass sie auf englisch ist, macht nochmal 10000 Pluspunkte drauf Top *englisch FF's lieben tu* :freu:

Okay, zum ersten Teil muss ich sagen: Nicole ???? :doof: Wow, ich glaube, ich war noch nie so geschockt bei einer FF !! [Bild: uhoh3.gif]
Da liest man ganz ohne böse Gedanken ne tolle FF, freut sich über Luke und Lore und am Ende erfährt man, dass es gar nicht Luke und Lore sind, die da seeeeehr ausführlich beschriebenen Sex haben, sondern Luke und Nicole !!!!! [Bild: eek2.gif]
Unglaublich ..... Nono

Naja, zum zweiten Teil muss ich als treuer JavaJunkie wohl nicht allzu viel sagen, hm?! Unsure [Bild: fluch.gif]

Hast jetz also nen neuen Leser, freu mich auf die Fortsetzung !!!! :freu:

Liebe Grüße
lils homepage-idee gut find

oder du machst ne rundmail Big Grin :freu:
Help Ich brauch neuen Stoff Big Grin

Was für ne HP Idee?
*Thread rauswühl*



Oki :doof: *lol*

Ganz ehrlich, wer hätte gedacht, dass ich jemals weiterschreib?

*gespannt in die Runde schau* Wink

Also gut, ich hab doch tatsächlich mal weitergetipselt, Rating würd ich für diesen teil mal PG13 ansetzen... Was weitere evtl. NC17 Teile angeht, werde ich die dann wohl bei Beyond Illusions posten, da die ja hier nicht mehr erlaubt sind.

Aber genug der Vorrede, neuer Teil, there you go:

When the first rays of sunlight slid into the bedroom the next morning, Lorelai was still asleep. It was only 7am and she meant to sleep for another 30 minutes but when the sun tickled her nose she woke up. She didn’t turn but felt with her hand the place next to her. It was empty.

“Great,” she mumbled. Not that she was all to keen to talk to Chris anyway, but him sneaking out this way was worse. Opening her eyes just a little she tried to find the way to the bathroom.

She got out bed and almost fell over a pair of jeans that had somehow found it’s way right on the doorstep last night. Last night. She didn’t want to think about it, she had thought about it almost the entire night and was now unpleasantly remembered of it. This had never happened to her before, neither with Chris, nor with anyone else. Somewhere inside her she knew that it wasn’t her fault, but part of her reproached herself. Maybe it was her fault. Maybe Chris didn’t find her attractive anymore. Maybe he had someone else.

Trying to focus on anything but that, she took a long, hot shower. But while the warm, soft strings of water stimulated her body, her mind kept going back to the previous evening. She simply had to talk to him. She had meant to do so for a long time now but every time she had actually tried to, he had distracted her some way. Usually with sex. She sighed and wiped the thought away, making a mental note to –no matter what- talk to him that night.

When she had put on some clothes, she walked downstairs. She took the newspaper from the porch and flipped through it on the short way to the kitchen. While she was skimming the headlines she wondered if people had nothing better to do than gossip about a corrupt politician’s affair with his secretary or the latest Hollywood divorce. At least, she thought, she wasn’t the only one who’s life completely sucked at the moment.

‘Coffee’, she thought and was about to fill the machine when she noticed that the tin where she kept it, was empty.

“This day’s just getting better and better…”


She could already see from the outside, that the diner was crammed with people. She really wasn’t in the mood for company but as she didn’t know how to make the day without any coffee, Luke’s coffee, she had no choice but face the crowd.

‘Why’s everyone already up?’, she thought, while she opened the door and stepped inside. There was no free table left and since she the last thing she wanted was to be sounded out about her personal life by Miss Patty and Babette who were currently discussing Mrs. Jonathan’s latest husband, she settled down at the counter next to Kirk.

“Morming Loremai”, he managed to mumble through a chocolate muffin he was just chewing.

“Did your mommy never teach you that you don’t speak with a full mouth?” The words came out harder then she had meant them but Kirk didn’t seem to bother anyway as he was just taking another bite.


Luke came out of the kitchen, carrying to plates with eggs and brought them to Andrew and Gypsy, who were obviously enjoying themselves loudly at a table in the back corner.

Chris. Last night. Chris.

After Luke had refilled some customer’s mugs with coffee he turned straight to Lorelai.

Chris. Other woman?

“Hey, what can I get you? I made butter cream this morning, you want pancakes with it?”

“Huh? No, just coffee. Please.”

“Everything alright?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Chris. Her fault?

Luke turned around to the coffee machine when Nicole came downstairs from the apartment. She walked straight over to Luke and kissed him. He sat the coffeepot back in it’s place in the machine and swung his arms around her hips, pulling her closer.

“You look rested this morning.”

“I feel indeed very good. I would have felt even better if you had still been there when I woke up…”

Happy couples.

“Uh, Luke?”, Lorelai tried to interrupt.

“I’m sorry, I had an early delivery to take this morning.”

“You’re such a busy man…”

Can’t they do that somewhere else?

“Hey, Luke?”

“But if you can get here for lunch I’d be happy to continue where we left off last night.”


“What?”, Luke and Nicole said in a chorus. The other customers said nothing, not even a whisper and suddenly it was dead quiet. People were staring at her and Babette shot Miss Patty a knowing look.

“Nothing… nothing at all”, she said, got up and left the diner without blinking at anyone.

“Hey, what about your coffee?”
*hust* nicht doch den staub in meine richtung... *schnief*

das nenn ich gedankenübertragung...ich bekomm deine sms und fang an zu lesen Smile

also...warten lohnt sich...ich grübel zwar noch wie du da jemals zu ner JJ story kommen willst aber vllt kommt ja auch was schickes für so kleine balcony-herzen wie meins...aber mir gefällts wie immer...ich liebe englische stories...

wenn ich jetzt net so faul wär, würd ich ne laolawelle suchen...für fleißiges weiterschreiben...

hab dich lüb...
Also ich schätz mal, es wird kein L/L geben, da sie ja für Lore und Chris ist Unsure

Also obwohl es Englsich ist, hab ich eigentlich den größten Teil verstanden, deine FF ist klasse!!
*staubsauger schnapp*
*sauber mach*

Als erstes mal ein fettes "sorry". Ich bin ja, wie du weißt, leicht vergeßlich und habe es doch glatt geschafft, zwar FB zu schreiben in Word, aber ich bin ja schlau, als sende ich das nicht :doof: LOL
Typisch *shrug*

LaurenFan schrieb:*Thread rauswühl*

GsD hat Karo des Meiste abbekommen *hüst*
Ich *hüst* hab doch *hüst* 'ne leichte Stauballergie. *hüst*

Zitat:Oki :doof: *lol*

Joa :lach:
Selbst Schuld, näch? ^^

Zitat:Ganz ehrlich, wer hätte gedacht, dass ich jemals weiterschreib?
*gespannt in die Runde schau* Wink

Ich hatte Hoffnung :biggrin: und sie wurde nicht enttäuscht. ^^

Okay... Zur FF:

Wie lange musste ich warten?!
Wie lange?!
Das du da kein schlechtes Gewissen hast. *tztz* :biggrin:
Nee mal im Ernst: (oder im Dieter -.- mann... es ist früh/spät/oder so ^^)

*an Chris' "Haltungsschäden" erinner*
*immernoch Bauchi halt*

Zitat:She didn’t turn but felt with her hand the place next to her. It was empty.

Ja super.. *grml*
Da war wohl jemand so schnell weg, wie er (nicht) gekommen war. (*hrhr*)

Zitat:Last night. She didn’t want to think about it, she had thought about it almost the entire night and was now unpleasantly remembered of it.

Och, ich fnd das mehr als amüsant. *rofl*

Zitat:This had never happened to her before, neither with Chris, nor with anyone else.

Einmal is immer das erste Mal. :lach:

Zitat:Somewhere inside her she knew that it wasn’t her fault, but part of her reproached herself. Maybe it was her fault.

Hör auf dein Gefühl... *wimmer*

Zitat:Maybe Chris didn’t find her attractive anymore.

O.O *ungläubig guck* HUH?! Irre?!

Zitat:Maybe he had someone else.

Maybe...but only maybe... *Sandra erwartungsvoll anblick*

Zitat:He had distracted her some way. Usually with sex.

Niemals nicht. *pfeif*
Zu viel Einsicht is nicht gut für die Psyche *sicher bin* :biggrin:

Zitat:‘Coffee’, she thought and was about to fill the machine when she noticed that the tin where she kept it, was empty.
“This day’s just getting better and better…”

Ich weiß nicht wieso, aber so geht's mir auch gerade -.-

Zitat:“Did your mommy never teach you that you don’t speak with a full mouth?” The words came out harder then she had meant them but Kirk didn’t seem to bother anyway as he was just taking another bite.

LOL Bitchy ^^ *hrhr*

Zitat: “Hey, what can I get you? I made butter cream this morning, you want pancakes with it?”
“Huh? No, just coffee. Please.”
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah, sure.”

Nein, ihr geht's nicht gut O.O Lore will nichts essen?! Oyyyy...

Zitat:Luke turned around to the coffee machine when Nicole came downstairs from the apartment. She walked straight over to Luke and kissed him. He sat the coffeepot back in it’s place in the machine and swung his arms around her hips, pulling her closer.

happy couple -.-

Zitat:Happy couples.

2deg *pfeif*

Zitat:Can’t they do that somewhere else?

Ja, bitte, macht's woanders *leichten Würgereiz bekomm bei Nicole* -.-

Zitat:“But if you can get here for lunch I’d be happy to continue where we left off last night.”

*Gerdanken verdräng* *Gänsehaut hab* uhm O.o *schüttel*

“What?”, Luke and Nicole said in a chorus. The other customers said nothing, not even a whisper and suddenly it was dead quiet. People were staring at her and Babette shot Miss Patty a knowing look.

Sie wissen es ^^
Sie beobachten dich...
*irren Blick bekomm*

Zitat:“Hey, what about your coffee?”

This would be nice, thanx. ^^

Oja Karo, warten lohnt sich redlich. Besonders bei so schönen Texten ^^ und auch ich frage mich, wie du es schaffen willst das zu 'ner JJ-FF zu basteln.
Doch da setz' ich mal auf deinen Verstand und das wird schon werden. ^^

Bin gespannt wo Chris sich jetzt rumtreibt *hrhr*
Hoffentlich ganz weit weg -.-
So Naher Osten oder so *shrug* *duck*

Okay, bevor ich nicht mehr gewollt bin, mach ich hier lieber Schluß...
Ansonsten gibt's no Ärger *shrug* und den wollt ich nicht haben :biggrin:

Okay, ich bin nicht sonderlich gut im Fb geben. -.-
Ja, man könnte sogar sagen mein FB ist schrecklich. -.-
Aber nya, was tu ich nicht alles für dich. ^^

Lieb hab
Wann gehts denn weiter?
Seiten: 1 2 3 4 5