13.01.2008, 21:17
So mir is auch noch eine eingefalln :gg:
Lorelai ruft gerade Emily an um ihr zu sagen, dass sie nicht zu ihr kommen kann. Emily geht ans Telefon, aber Lorelai tut so, als würde sie denken, dass sie auf den Anrufbeantworter spricht.
Lorelai ruft gerade Emily an um ihr zu sagen, dass sie nicht zu ihr kommen kann. Emily geht ans Telefon, aber Lorelai tut so, als würde sie denken, dass sie auf den Anrufbeantworter spricht.
Zitat:EMILY: Hello? Gilmore residence.
LORELAI: Hey, mom, it's me. I just wanted to leave you a message letting you know that unfortunately I will not be able to come by tonight to take a look at your new curtains.
EMILY: Lorelai, it's me.
LORELAI: So, sorry I missed you, but…
EMILY: You didn't miss me. For heaven's sakes, I'm right here.
EMILY: Hello? Lorelai?
EMILY: Hello?
LORELAI: Huh. That's weird. I don't know if your machine just cut me off.
EMILY: [Shaking the cordless phone] Is something wrong with this phone?
LORELAI: Anyway, uh, something came up, and I just have to take a rain check on the curtain check. I'm sure they're beautiful. No one knows how to pick out curtains like you. You're the curtain queen.
[Meanwhile Emily was also talking “Rain check, Lorelai I’m right here, I’m on the phone, Lorelai”]
EMILY: Hello? Lorelai, can you hear me?
LORELAI: Anyway, have a good night, curtain queen. Give my best to dad. Bye.
EMILY: Lorelai? Hello? Hello?
LORELAI: [Too Chris as he puts his arm around her] See? I told you it would work.