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Normale Version: Englische ff: Der aller 1. teil! schaut rein
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Seiten: 1 2
wir haben uns die köpfe zerbrochen, schreibblockaden überwunden, uns die wörterbücher um die ohren gehauen... Um es kurz zu machen*trommelwirbel*:
Hier ist er, der 1. Teil unsrer ff:

Will you the here present Christopher Hayden take to your man, love and honour him to its end of life?
Lorelai stood beside Christopher at the altar. Thousand thoughts went through her mind. Did she want to marry Christopher? She was nevertheless so young!
Christopher looked at her uncertainly. Some seconds had applied, since the reverent had placed this, all changing question. Why did she hesitate?
- Yes, I will!
Lorelai said and in Christopher made itself an overwhelming easement broad. They were married, man and woman!
They kissed themselves, it was the kiss, which all changed.Lorelais childhood was past, life had begun.
They, the married couple Hayden, stepped into the free, Lorelai and Christopher. Their families had met on the stairs around them, they all were smiling happy.
Lorelai aspirated the fresh spring smell. She saw Emily, holding Rory in her arms. She smiled at her. Lorelai had made the correct done, her mistake well again, by marrying Chris. Emily gave her Rory and the small family went to the car.
Diesen Teil haben Fepa und ich, Lore geschrieben

*piep, piep*
Lorelai reached for the bell, turned off the loud beep and let herself fall back into the pillows.
She looked up to the cover, followed with her view the turns of the old wood. Her view moved around the room and rested hanging on the old desk, on which their wedding photo was standing, framed into gold. She laughed merrily into the camera, Rory stretched her small hands after her father, who regarded her beside Lorelai. They had been so young, only 17!

She looked to the side, the empty place next to herself.
Here beside her, Chris layed every night. No, he had layed there.
It was weeks ago since they had layed the last time next to each other. Years, as it felt to her.

Everything had changed!

Why did he sleep in the guest's room? In the guest's room, two rooms further... far, far away from her. Why had they fought? What had been the reason? She didn't even remember. There had been so many fights!

She only remembered that everything between them had changed. Nothing was like in former times! The happy couple didn't exist any longer.

They had tried it! They had really tried it! For Rory, for their little, perfect family.

Had the marriage really been the right decision? Had they really wanted it? Had they done it, because they loved each other? Lorelai shook her head, as if this could take away those questions. She knew the answers. She didn't want to confess herself. But the answers creeped in her head. Most of all, they had done it, because they had to do. They wouldn't have been given another chance by their parents! Marriage had been the only way to correct their "little" mistake.
She sighted again. How often had she asked herself the same question again and again. Marriage had maybe been the correct way, but also the best one?

Her thoughts moved to Rory again, her daughter, who she loved over all.

For her, it should have worked. But not even the love to her daughter saved her from the feelings she now had for her husband. Chris and Lorelai had really tried everything, but it didn't work!
But how should Lorelai tell Rory?

When would be the right situation? Did this particular situation exist at all? When was the right moment to tell a girl, that her family was ruined?

And how to tell Emily? She would be so sad and angry! But there was no alternative. Lorelai was sure her feelings wouldn't change.
Her mother would be so disappointed, as so often before.
She surely would hide it, not admitting, that her daughter's marriage didn't work. Christopher had always been the perfect son-in-law.

Lorelai hid her face in her hands. Tears cleared slowly their way over Lorelai's cheek, her hands and dripped on the blanket.
diesen Teil haben GG_Addict und ich, Lore geschrieben

ich hoffe sehr es hat euch gefallen! gebt uns fleißig feedback!
Cool Cool Cool
bitte vergebt uns die fehler, wir sind auf diesem gebiet blutige anfänger...

viele liebe grüße
und natürlich auch Fepa, °°°Mi°°°, GG_Addict, Jaina, Jesse und LuckyDucky
Story ist nicht schlecht, aber vielleicht solltet ihr euch nen BetaReader zulegen, der ein bisschen besser englisch kann Unsure
Sind doch einige Fehler drin, da machts nicht wirklich Spass zu lesen ...

EDIT: Aber ist natürlich bemerkenswert, dass ihr es versucht Wink
ich finds voll cool auch wenns um chris und lore geht, da ich heimlich ein grosser chris hasser bin!! Big GrinBig Grin
trotzdem ist eure FF echt gut gelungen!
macht weiter so!
naja, lies den text und du bemerkst, dass wir alle auch nicht gerade fans sind *gg* Wink


Also ich bin schon Chris fan *aufmeineSigdeut* aber trotzdem hätte es nicht funktioniert, sie waren einfach zu jung!

jo ich hoff ich darf mein fb in deutsch abgeben Big Grin
mach ich jetzt mal
also ich kann nicht wirklich gut english
aber ich habs so einigermaßen schonmal verstanden
und ich finde sie echt toll
ich freu mich schonmal wenns weiter geht
chris finde ich mittel Big Grin
Hey, ich hab grad deinen Thread entdeckt und finde es voll cool, dass ihr wenigstens versucht ne story auf englisch zu schreiben.... Aber wie schon gesagt wurde... Ihr solltet euch einen Beta-Reader zulegen, der eure Fehler verbessert.....
Macht fleißig weiter....Top
Ich schreib ja meine ganzen Fics immer auf Englisch, wenn ihr wollt könnte ich als beta nochmal drüber schauen, zum Mitschreiben fehlt mir aber die Zeit
Seiten: 1 2