07.02.2005, 20:59
Summary: Someone dies, and she is left alone.
Disclaimer: Characters ain´t mineâ¦I´m stealing `em. So what? Do I make money??? NOOOOOOOOO.
Authors note: Kommentare erwünscht. Danke. Ich habe die rechtschreibung nich überprüft, mir passieren andauernd typos. Wer was finded: gratulation.
Ja das is eine GG fanfic. Aber ich will ne spannung aufrecht erhalten deswegen wird erst ma nich verraten um wems geht. Einige unter euch werdens wissen...
She stood alone, everybody else long gone. Head bend, shoulders slumbed, her eyes gone dry long ago.
The arrangement of flowers giving a strong contrast to the situation itself. White lillies, beautifully put down on the coffin.
Portraying a vibrant life, a life he hadn´t had. A life that wasn´t granted to a man that deserved it like no other.
But soon those lillies would suffocate under a ton of old earth. Enclosing them in darkness, like her heart. They would die like her soul had.
The rustling of the wind in the trees all around went unnoticed. For her the earth had halted in every movement. Everything around her went by in blurs of color and light.
Finally she moved. Just some inches to lift her head. Blue eyes, void of emotions or life itself. Fallen cheeks, lips tightly pressed together to hold back a scream of agony. A pale face, a picture of grieve.
Someone stepped up to her. A man dressed in a black suit. Looking understanding but asking something she didn´t want to hear. She nodded meekly, knowing it was time.
Time was a funny thing. She had thought they´d have all the time in the world. But that was a lie covering the painful truth. They had no time at all. And before it had begun, it had ended.
A fight, words that would´ve been better left unsaid. Tears of Anger, curses, swears.
Old promises of love and understanding thrown away like their love.
And then he was gone. Not just with his car down the road. No.
They had called her merely 2 hours after the fight. She was still furious at him, at his stubborness and at herself for feeling so.
She listened to the Sheriff, on the phone, telling what happened, Phrasing each sentence carefully.
She had said nothing at all. She hung up and sat down at the kitchen table, looking straight ahead. She couldn´t comprehend what had happened. Didn´t want to.
He would come back tonight. They would look down ashamed, then slowly make up. Falling in love all over again.
That was her mantra, she tried hard to make it her reality.
But then it hit her. He had died. In an accident after he drove away angrily.
And thats when a tear rolled down her face and she finally understood that she would never see him again. They would never make up.
He would never again hold her in his arms while falling asleep or waking up. They would never again be together, just for a fraction of time.
- End of Part one -
Summary: Someone dies, and she is left alone.
Disclaimer: Characters ain´t mineâ¦I´m stealing `em. So what? Do I make money??? NOOOOOOOOO.
Authors note: Kommentare erwünscht. Danke. Ich habe die rechtschreibung nich überprüft, mir passieren andauernd typos. Wer was finded: gratulation.

Ja das is eine GG fanfic. Aber ich will ne spannung aufrecht erhalten deswegen wird erst ma nich verraten um wems geht. Einige unter euch werdens wissen...
She stood alone, everybody else long gone. Head bend, shoulders slumbed, her eyes gone dry long ago.
The arrangement of flowers giving a strong contrast to the situation itself. White lillies, beautifully put down on the coffin.
Portraying a vibrant life, a life he hadn´t had. A life that wasn´t granted to a man that deserved it like no other.
But soon those lillies would suffocate under a ton of old earth. Enclosing them in darkness, like her heart. They would die like her soul had.
The rustling of the wind in the trees all around went unnoticed. For her the earth had halted in every movement. Everything around her went by in blurs of color and light.
Finally she moved. Just some inches to lift her head. Blue eyes, void of emotions or life itself. Fallen cheeks, lips tightly pressed together to hold back a scream of agony. A pale face, a picture of grieve.
Someone stepped up to her. A man dressed in a black suit. Looking understanding but asking something she didn´t want to hear. She nodded meekly, knowing it was time.
Time was a funny thing. She had thought they´d have all the time in the world. But that was a lie covering the painful truth. They had no time at all. And before it had begun, it had ended.
A fight, words that would´ve been better left unsaid. Tears of Anger, curses, swears.
Old promises of love and understanding thrown away like their love.
And then he was gone. Not just with his car down the road. No.
They had called her merely 2 hours after the fight. She was still furious at him, at his stubborness and at herself for feeling so.
She listened to the Sheriff, on the phone, telling what happened, Phrasing each sentence carefully.
She had said nothing at all. She hung up and sat down at the kitchen table, looking straight ahead. She couldn´t comprehend what had happened. Didn´t want to.
He would come back tonight. They would look down ashamed, then slowly make up. Falling in love all over again.
That was her mantra, she tried hard to make it her reality.
But then it hit her. He had died. In an accident after he drove away angrily.
And thats when a tear rolled down her face and she finally understood that she would never see him again. They would never make up.
He would never again hold her in his arms while falling asleep or waking up. They would never again be together, just for a fraction of time.
- End of Part one -