[6x14] "You've Been Gilmored" / Hausverbot -
Leni88 - 07.01.2006
Okay, wie ich sehe, gibt es noch keine Threads für die Folgen 14 und 15.
Das wird sich gleich ändern
Zitat:01/04 - Christopher visits Rory at Yale. She gives him a tour. Source: SpoilerFix.com
12/21 - David Sutcliffe will be back for at least five more episodes this season. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
11/21 - Sources tell me that David Sutcliff (Christopher, Rory's dad) is in talks to come on in a meatier role. Source: Kristin on E!Online
[6x14] "You've Been Gilmored" / Hausverbot -
MaryKris - 07.01.2006
Zitat:Casting Sides for 3 January 2006
Episode 6.14 - UnNamed
Air Date: Estimated 31 January 2006
Info taken from the Casting Sides Information in the Pre-Shooting Script dated 19 December 2005.
The information summarized below is taken from one Casting Side for: Professor Coppedge.
I will include context and stage direction descriptions where appropriate.- Characters:
Professor Coppedge - Yale Economics Professor.
Editor Note: The Casting Sides start with Scene 16 already in progress. From the context, Rory and Christopher are in an Interior Hallway in a Yale classroom complex
Assumed Interior - Yale Class Hallway - Day (Day 4) - Scene 16 -
Editor Note: Scene 16 is already in progress. It picks up with Rory and Christopher walking down the hall.
Rory is telling Christopher - "I don't believe it."
Christopher is puzzled and asks - "What?"
Rory a bit wound up - "Did you not see those girls?"
Christopher is being natural - "No, what?"
Rory blurts - "They totally checked you out."
Christopher trying to be the guy - "They did? Cool."
Rory tries to explain - "it's the same way with Mom. I swear, I hate having hot parents."
Christopher responds not at all sincere - "Sorry."
Stage Direction: They come upon an open classroom door and look in.
Rory tells Christopher - "Check it out. Had him for micro-economics last year."
End of Scene 16.
Interior - Yale Classroom - Continuous - Day (Day 4) - Scene 17 -
Stage Direction: Rory and Christopher's POV: A dozen students listen to a lecture from a frazzled-looking professor, Professor Coppedge.
Professor Coppedge is lecturing the class - "A currency must be more than fungible, but also scarce. Take our seashells example. While fungible, they exist in infinite supply and so fail the scarcity test."
Stage Direction: He continues on as we angle on Rory and Christopher. Christopher is faking being asleep.
Christopher is snoring with his eyes closed.
Rory prompts him - "Dad."
Editor Note; Scene 17 obviously continues for some length, but the Casting Side for Professor Coppedge ends here.
End of all Casting Sides for Professor Coppedge.
End of Casting Sides for Episode 6.14 - UnNamed.
Editor Note: The Shooting Script date is 19 December, well before the holidays. It is highly unlikely that there will be any further Casting Sides for Epsiode 6.14.
Zitat:Scene 16 - Day 4 - Yale - Rory tells Chris that two girls just checked him out. Chris thnks it's cool. Rory says she's hates having hot parents, it happens with Lorelai too. They come to an open classroom. Rory had the teacher for miscroeconomics last year.
Scene 17 - Day 4 - Yale CLassroom - Chris and Rory watch a professor lecture. Chris pretends to be sleeping. Rory says "Dad."
aus dem FF
[6x14] "You've Been Gilmored" / Hausverbot -
zirrussternchen - 07.01.2006
Zitat:Rory tries to explain - "it's the same way with Mom. I swear, I hate having hot parents."
:lach: :lach:
ich freu mich auf den Satz
[6x14] "You've Been Gilmored" / Hausverbot -
Sky Angel - 07.01.2006
ich auch oder besser gesagt auf die ganze szene ^^
Zitat:Rory is telling Christopher - "I don't believe it."
Christopher is puzzled and asks - "What?"
Rory a bit wound up - "Did you not see those girls?"
Christopher is being natural - "No, what?"
Rory blurts - "They totally checked you out."
Christopher trying to be the guy - "They did? Cool."
Rory tries to explain - "it's the same way with Mom. I swear, I hate having hot parents."
Christopher responds not at all sincere - "Sorry."
[6x14] "You've Been Gilmored" / Hausverbot -
Cupcake - 07.01.2006
Das könnte wirklich äuÃerst witzig werden
!!! Ich frage mich, ob Christophers Interesse für Rory anhält. Wäre ja nicht das erste Mal, dass er versprochen hätte, sich aktiv an Rorys Leben beteiligen zu wollen.
Lg :biggrin:
[6x14] "You've Been Gilmored" / Hausverbot -
Jersey - 07.01.2006
wow... das wird ne lustige szene. da freue ich mich ja schon drauf. :biggrin:
[6x14] "You've Been Gilmored" / Hausverbot -
MaryKris - 16.01.2006
Titel steht jetzt fest
Episode 6.14 - You've Been Gilmored
[6x14] "You've Been Gilmored" / Hausverbot -
zirrussternchen - 16.01.2006
MaryKris schrieb:Episode 6.14 - You've Been Gilmored
hmm..was könnte das heiÃen...ich lass jetzt mal meiner fantasie freien lauf^^
You've been Gilmored wurde ja schon einmal gesagt, wenn ich mich nicht täusche: Als Lore, Rory und Dean von dem Freitagsdinner nach Hause kamen. (2.01 Der Antrag).. wo Richard Dean so fertiggemacht hat..
sagte Lore ja zu Dean "You've been Gilmored", oder?? (Kann sein das ich mich jetzt irre, nicht böse sein...naja egal..)
ich denke das es diesmal im Bezug Lore/Luke steht. Aber da gibts soviele Möglichkeiten...
Auf jeden Fall hat es mit den beiden zu tun, oder wie seht ihr das?
[6x14] "You've Been Gilmored" / Hausverbot -
*LouLou - 16.01.2006
hm, lorelai sagte zu Dean "you officialy became a gilmore", aber ich denke auch, dass sich das auf L/L bezieht... vll wird er in etwas eingeweiht... *fanasie laufen lass*:biggrin:
[6x14] "You've Been Gilmored" / Hausverbot -
zirrussternchen - 16.01.2006
GG_Forever-05 schrieb:hm, lorelai sagte zu Dean "you officialy became a gilmore", aber ich denke auch, dass sich das auf L/L bezieht... vll wird er in etwas eingeweiht... *fanasie laufen lass*:biggrin:
ich kenns nur auch deutsch und da sagte sie nun bist du ein richtiges Gilmore Girl oder so ähnlich und da dachte ich..naja auch egal^^