Dirty Little Secret -
Gilmore-Mariano - 28.11.2006
Gott! Tu doch so etwas nicht! ich bin hier fast zusammen gebrochen, als du Logan so dicht hast kommen lassen! Verdammt noch mal! ich bin Millimeter an einem herzentfakt vorbei geschlittert!

War einfach nur genial wie du das geschrieben hast.
Ich hab sogar Rorys Panik mitgefühlt! *lach* Nein im ernst! War klasse wie du das geschrieben hast. Und dann der "Tote" Finn. War auch sehr gut! Ich glaube ich hab schon seit längerem nicht mehr so gelacht!

war wirklich einfach mehr als Genial, dieser teil.
Und am besten natürlich.... Rory möchte mit Logan abbrechen was sie hat. Obwohl ich mir das nicht wirklich so einfach vorstelle, wie es sich anhört. Immerhin ist es Logan von dem wir hier sprechen. Der wird mit sicherheit fragen stellen. Ich mach mir schon wieder viel zu viele Gedanken!
Ich hoffe du schreibst schnell weiter, damit ich aufhören kann mir selber gedanken darüber zu machen, wie es weiter gehen könnte.
Dirty Little Secret -
Little-Anni - 28.11.2006
hey du!
tut mir leid, dass ich den part erst jetzt gelesen habe, aber ich hatte gestern abend solche kopfschmerzen, dass ich nicht mehr klar denken konnte. ich hoffe du kannst es mir verzeihen.
es war wieder ein super part!!!! ich meine wie du die ganze situation beschrieben hast, einfach richtig genial.
rory reitet sich immer mehr rein, jetzt lügt sie logan schon an....aber was solls sie auch anderes tun. nur irgendwann wird sie sich entscheiden müssen, denn ewig kann sie dieses spiel nicht spielen und es wäre ja auch logan gegenüber nicht fair.....
aber man wird sehen.
ich freu mich auf jeden fall schon auf den nächsten part.
deine anni
Dirty Little Secret -
Anima Sola - 28.11.2006
Gilmore-Mariano: Hast du dich von deinem fast-Herzinfarkt erholt?

Hoffe doch, sonst verlier ich ja nen lieb-kommentierenden Leser

Ich hoffe auch, dass du dieses Kapitel trotzdem magst, obwohl es weder Finn noch Logan direkt gibt und auch noch keine deiner spekulationen direkt beantwortet werden ^^;
Little-Anni: Natürlich verzeih ich dir, hauptsache, du hast es gelesen, das find ich schon toll!

Jap, man wird sehen, wie sich das alles entwickelt^^
Allgemein muss ich mal anmerken, dass das Kapitel ne recht dunkle Stimmung hat und wie erwähnt gibts da nur Rory im Mittelpunkt, das Kapitel ist auch eher so ein Lückenfüller, sie kann ja nicht jeden Tag mit Finn oder Logan zusammen sein, ne?
Und nun viel Spaà mit dem sechsten Kapitel:
Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 6
Her plan on dumping Logan was harder than Rory had imagined.
After she had spent the rest of the day sleeping, she got up the next morning, taking a long, hot shower, gathering some clothes, getting dressed and finally walking over to have breakfast, stopping by a coffee stand on the way. Ordering the largest cup, she then headed to the dining hall, getting a bowl of cornflakes and sat down at an empty table.
Drinking her coffee, she already felt better, having slept more than just a couple of hours. For what she was planning to do, she needed even the tiniest bit of extra strength. After breakfast, she quickly walked to the offices of her professors, apologizing for having missed their classes. Other students might have given a damn about that, but Rory had to know whether her professors had noticed her missing. They had, but they didnât mind, knowing Rory as a student who didnât usually miss classes.
After that, she walked over to the newspaper office, finding it almost empty except for Paris, sitting gloomily behind her desk. Considering whether to talk to her or not, Rory finally decided to sit down behind her own desk, facing Paris.
âWhat are you staring at?â, Paris asked without looking up from the paper sheâs been reading.
âI just ââ
âForget it, will you?â, Paris blurted out, her voice echoing through the news room. âI donât care if you have one or two gigolos!â
âParis!â, Rory shushed, standing up to walk over to her roommate. âI donât have any gigolos!â, she then added in a low voice.
âHow do you call them then?â
âI donât knowâ, she replied, truthfully. âI havenât figured that out yetâ¦â
âAnd I wonât help you. Leave me alone with your problems concerning love!â Paris spat out the word love as if it was something poisonous.
âI will, Iâm sorryâ, Rory backed up, raising her hands apologizing. âDoyle still hasnât called you?â
âDo you think I would be in this mood if he has?!â, Paris yelled, staring at her.
âI am not Doyle, save your anger for him, okay?â
âOh hell, I will! That ignorant piece of ââ
âParis?â, they suddenly heard a small voice from the door.
Both Rory and Paris turned around to see â
âDoyle?â, Paris muttered in a mixture of surprise and rage.
He stared at them, looking rather puzzled.
âDoyle, Doyle, Doyleâ, Paris said, her voice as cold as ice, before she stood up to walk over to him. âHow nice of you to come by againâ¦â
âParis, whatâs ââ
âUm, Iâll better leave nowâ, Rory whispered and went back to her desk to grab her bag. Behind her, Paris and Doyle began to argue in high-pitched voices. Rory frowned. When she reached the door, she shot a glance over her shoulder. What she saw then, made her stare.
Paris and Doyle were hugging each other.
Rory raised two eyebrows, before she decided not to watch any more. âAlright, they made up again. Good. Gross, but good. Very good. Now Paris has her own life back. Now itâs my turnâ, Rory thought leaving the news room.
She turned the next corner heading to her next class. Sitting amongst other students listening to the professor talking about nothing and everything (despite the coffee in her system, it was hard for her to concentrate), when suddenly her cell vibrated inside her pocket. She got it out quickly, looking at the display for who was calling her in the middle of class. It read Felicity. Rory grinned and quietly got up her seat, trying to leave the class unnoticed.
When she was in the hall again, she flipped open her phone.
âHelloâ, she said, looking around.
âUm, whoâs there?â, a female voice answered her, making Rory grow rigid immediately.
âUm, itâs ââ
âYou are not Rogerâ, the female voice said.
Roger? Who was â oh. Finn probably had her number under another name. So she was Roger on his cell. Nice. He was really uncreative concerning names.
âNo, but this is his phone. What can I tell him?â, she played along, trying to sound as casual as possible.
âUm, itâs fine. Iâll call back laterâ, the voice said, sounding irritated.
With that the call was over. Rory looked down at her cell. Why was a girl calling her cell, wanting to speak Roger, using Finnâs phone? Wait. Finnâs phone. How could a girl come to use his phone? It felt like a stab in the back when Rory realized what just happened. It was Finn she was thinking about after all. She was really naïve for thinking he would change just for being her dirty little secret. He was still a playboy and even though he had spent a lot of time with her lately, he still had his own life. A life with other girls.
She couldnât help but feel confused, a little angry, and above all, disappointed. There she was, telling him to dump Logan and he was already having fun with another girl. She recalled him talking THE talk, how he had asked where they stood. He was the one sounding sincere. He really seemed to want to be with her. But why was there a girl using his phone? She wanted to think that he had lost it somewhere, but even for her standards that was a little too imaginative â and stupid.
She stood in the middle of the hall, holding her cell in her hand, staring at it. Biting her lip, she entered the classroom again â just to grab her bag and leave again. This time she wouldnât stay unnoticed. Yet this time, she couldnât care less. She stormed towards her dorm, unaware of how many stares followed her. Entering her dorm, she heard faint noises from Parisâs bedroom and assumed the worst. Even more disgusted, she entered her room and quickly gathered some things she shoved into her bag, before she flipped open her cell and dialled her motherâs number.
She almost panicked when Lorelai wouldnât answer, but she reconsidered, calling her motherâs hotel.
âDragonfly Inn, Michel speakingâ, she heard the thick French accent of her motherâs employee. âWhat can I do for you?â
âMichel, is my mother there?â, she didnât hesitate to ask.
âWhoâs there?â
âItâs Rory, Michel, who else could call the Inn to ask for her mom!â
âHow should I knowâ, he replied, sounding annoyed. âLorelai isnât here at the moment. What should I tell her from her daughter?â
âNothing, thank you!â With that Rory hang up again, cursing her cell for not reaching the people she wanted to speak to so desperately.
She sat down on her bed, her cell in her shaking hands. She felt tears welling up behind her eyes. This was all going into the wrong direction. Yesterday, everything was just fine. She had fun with Finn and was determined to dump Logan for treating her like one of many. And now Finn had done the same. Of course he had, he was Loganâs best friend. They were so much alike, she should have known that.
She wanted to be with Finn, she had chosen him over Logan because he was so sweet when he was with her. Thatâs why she wanted to leave Logan. She wanted to wait for Logan to call her, she wanted him to be desperate to see her, and then she would dump him. Thatâs how she pictured it â and of course it had to go into a different direction. Logan gave a damn about her. And Finn had found somebody else already.
Of course. Life was unfair. She of all knew that.
She felt so miserable. She had had two nice guys. And now it seemed as if she had nothing. Suppressing her tears, she got up, grabbing her bag and leaving her dorm.
âDamn it, Paris, keep it down!â, she yelled at her roommateâs door from which other side she heard disturbing noises. Great. Now Paris was happy again â and she? How quickly theyâve changed roles. Unbelievable.
Rory left her dorm, left Yale, and headed to where she had left her car. Getting inside, she threw her bag on the backseat, turning on her music extra loud and drove off. Trying to forget her fucked up life.
She drove for many hours, in circles, around New Haven, around Hartford, and when it was already dark again, sheâd just reached Stars Hollow. She pulled behind her motherâs jeep in front of their house and killed the engine. She got out of the car, grabbed her bag and walked to the entrance door. Even though there was no light in the house, the door was suddenly opening. Rory backed up, just to see her mother with an umbrella in her hands, ready to attack her daughter.
âOh, Rory, itâs just you, I thought there was a burglar! Oh wait, Rory?â
âThatâs the name you gave meâ, she replied.
âWhat are you doing here, kid? Donât you have school?â
âI do but I just wanted to see youâ, Rory voice grew quieter.
âAww, honey, are you alright?â, Lorelai asked, lowering the umbrella, making way for her daughter to step inside the house.
âWell ââ
âAh, I assumed. Come here, letâs sit in the kitchen. Are you hungry?â
Rory sat down at the kitchen table, biting her lip. âIâm starving, I didnât even have lunch.â
âNo lunch? My god, whatever brought you here, we surely have to kill it! Itâs keeping you from getting big and strong!â Lorelai said, getting the phone. âPizza or Chinese?â
âChinese sounds goodâ, Rory replied.
âChinese it is.â With that Lorelai ordered almost half the things on the menu. âSo, kid, why are you so eager to see Mommy in the middle of the week?â
Rory bit her lip, trying to avoid her motherâs gaze. Even though she still felt miserable and desperate to tell Lorelai, it had sunk in how stupid and pathetic she was and had been. From all things she needed, it was not a disappointed glare from her mother. Or an âI told you soâ-dance.
âWell, you remember Logan?â, Rory began, feeling how her mentioning Logan made her feel sad again. The whole day there had been no messages on her phone â and she had expected him to call her to arrange the date they had set on later.
âThe blonde guyâ, Lorelai said, nodding. âWhat did he do?â
âHe did nothingâ, Rory said, a little taken aback by her motherâs assumption that Logan might be the problem. Well, he was, but it wasnât him who caused it. No, wait, he was, but yet again, it had been her decision to do what she had done and not his. âAt least not everythingâ, she then added.
âWell, I told you how jealous he was about me going to that party with his friend Robert and how we dated a lot after that and how everything seemed to become normal between us. But then the calls and meetings went thinner and then he didnât call at all anymore. A week or so I havenât heard anything from him. Thatâs when I met Finnâ, she just said, with her mother listening closely. Mentioning Finn was harder than she thought.
âWhoâs Finn?â
âAnother friend of Logan.â
âThat boy must have had interesting friendsâ¦â
âWell, we met at the Pub accidentally and ââ
âAnd⦠Mom, I really, really need you to not be disappointed, please?â
âAlright, I wonât, I promise!â, Lorelai replied, raising her right hand, her palm facing Rory, as if swearing on the bible in a court yard.
âWell, Finn and me, well, I began to date him and ââ
âWhatâs the bad part about that? Dating people canât be that badâ¦â
âWell⦠I⦠slept with Finnâ, Rory finally admitted, looking down on the table. âThe same night we met in the Pub.â
âI hope you didnât do it on the pool tableâ, Lorelai replied, causing Rory to look up.
âYouâre not mad?â
âRory, itâs your lifeâ, she just said, when it rang at the door. Lorelai got up and kept talking while paying the Chinese delivery man. âYou are old enough to do what you like. And if thatâs including dating and sleeping with the friends of your love interest, I canât say a word against that.â
âIâm not sure that Loganâs still my⦠love interest. Or ever was.â
âBut you dated him for quite a while nowâ, Lorelai said, handing out sticks and food.
âBut our whole relationship is not based on commitment, no strings attached, thatâs what we both wanted ââ
âSo I donât see a problem with you dating his friend.â
âWell, it is, Finnâs his best friend and theyâre sharing a dorm. And the confusing part about this is that Logan must not know about this thing between Finn and me. You know, Iâm still seeing him as well and ââ
âSo youâre dating two guys at the same time?â
âSort of⦠but, well, maybe that has resolved itself today.â
âLogan seems to ignore me and Finn ââ
âHun, itâs okay. Just tell Mommy, it will helpâ, Lorelai said, watching Rory.
Rory sobbed, suddenly realizing she was crying. She quickly wiped away the tears with the back of her hand.
âI feel pathetic, Momâ, she whispered. âI mean, both⦠things, with Logan and Finn, they are nothing important, itâs just a little something in between. They both have other girls, and I knew that, I knew that before I started these tings. And yet ââ She inhaled sharply, looking towards the back door. âI just thought they liked me. At least a little more than their other girlsâ¦â
Lorelai moved her chair around to hug her daughter silently.
âI wanted to be that kind of girl, the little adventure girl that doesnât care about anything. I wanted to be like that but Iâm not. Iâm not the adventure type, I donât even like adventures. What drove me that I actually thought I liked adventures? And now look at me, ooh, adventure girl, you are pathetic, crying your eyes out! I feel so stupidâ¦â
âYouâre not stupid, loveâ, her mother whispered. âYou are sweet, and you donât deserve such a treatment.â
âYes, yes, I donât deserve that! Thatâs what I told myself â but every time one of them approaches me, I fall for them again. Itâs annoying! I donât want them to dump me⦠you know, I wanted to dump Logan but he wonât even call ââ
âMaybe because he knows you are going to dump him ââ
âAnd then there was this girl on Finnâs phone and none of them had even tried to reach me today. Iâm sick of it!â She felt how her sadness mutated to frustration to anger. âOh and on top of that, Paris is back together with Doyle! Itâs so unfair!â
Lorelai raised an eyebrow.
âOne day you have everything and the next morning you realize it was just a childish dream! And â oh god, I missed a whole day of school because I had to spend the day in bed with Finn! What am I?â
Lorelai could barely hide her surprise, yet she ignored her daughterâs comment. âYou keep telling me thatâs college, hun.â
âI donât like it. I always thought of college as a great place to learn. To learn everything I wanted to learn, to read and to study and ââ
âBut lifeâs so much more, Rory.â
âI knowâ, she cried. âBut still I donât like it! Itâs so confusing and â ooh, I forget to mention that I had to watch Moulin Rouge sitting between Finn and Logan. That totally ruined the movie for me!â
âNothing can ruin Moulin Rouge, babe, donât make those boys that important as to be able to ruin Moulin Rouge!â
Rory looked at her mother.
âHow important are those two for you?â
âI⦠donât know. I thought they were. At least I thought Finn was. I was already considering introducing him to you.â
âOh, now I feel special!â, Lorelai smirked. âBut anyhow, donât forget itâs your life and if you like Finn, than Finn it is. Forget about Logan. And if you think, itâs not Finn, itâs Logan. But if itâs neither of them, you are on the market again, babe. The world is full of men!â
Rory couldnât help but threw her mother an awkward grin. âThanks, Momâ, she said and hugged her mother. âI feel better now.â
âThatâs what mothers are there for, dirty laundry and dirty stories.â
Rory grinned even wider, getting up slowly. âI guess I have to get back to Yale.â
âIâm glad we talked, hunâ, Lorelai said, watching her daughter.
âMe too.â
âAnd remember to call whenever you want to. Mommyâs there for you.â
âThank you, mumâ, Rory said and hugged her mother again.
âOoh, and send me a picture of that Finn when youâve got the time. I just want to make sure my grand-children wonât look ugly.â
âYou like him, do you?â, she asked, walking after her towards the door.
âI think I doâ, Rory replied, stopping in front of the door. âI really do.â
âGet him, Adventure Girl, turn him into Couch Potato Man!â
âCouch potato man?â
âYeah, the boring old man with a belly and a bald head, so no other girls can ever come between you!â
Rory chuckled. âIâll try.â
âMake Mommy proudâ, Lorelai said and kissed Rory on the forehead.
âBye, mom!â Rory waved her goodbye and walked over to her car.
When she got back to Yale, she â even though she didnât want to think such things â half expected Finn or Logan to sit in front of her dorm, waiting only for her. And even though she knew it was naïve and childish, she was highly disappointed as the hall in front of her dorm door was empty. She unlocked the door and went inside, heading to her room. The thoughts came back, when she entered her room â as did the disappointment.
âStop thinking they would care for you! They donât! Forget about them!â, she mumbled as she dropped her bag and took off her coat.
She switched on the light and again half expected someone to sit in the dark. But her room was empty. She turned around, maybe said someone just came from the bathroom. Nothing. She bit her lip, swallowing her frustration. Turning around, closing her door in the movement, she then sat down on her bed, pushed off her shoes and grabbed the nearest book, trying to fight every thought concerning certain males.
This was the hard way of learning how life worked, and even though Roryâd never wanted to experience something like that, she knew she had to go through it, assuming that she could only grow stronger. Life was not a television show where everything looked so easy. Life was life. But even life didnât expect people standing in front of windows.
...to be continued...
Dirty Little Secret -
Mrs Czuchry - 28.11.2006
Klasse FF
Hab immer regelmäÃig mitgelesen aber bis jetzt keine Zeit gehabt mal nen Feedback zu geben aber jetzt muss ich es doch mal tun.
Du erweckst den Finn/Rory Fan in mir, ich liebe Finn doch das ich es auch im Doppelpack mit Rory tun würde war mir nicht bewusst.
Mach weiter so ~ Jess
Dirty Little Secret -
alexis1002 - 28.11.2006
So... weitere zwei ausgezeichnete Teile!!

Rory kann einem wirklich Leid tun.
Vor allem als dieses Mädchen mit Finns Handy bei ihr angerufen hat. Jedoch habe ich irgendwie das Gefühl, dass da ein Missverständnis vorliegt...Ich weià auch nicht, aber ich kann mir einfach nicht vorstellen dass Finn...obwohl eigentlich schon, immerhin ist er ja Finn.

Gut, er hat vielleicht auch noch andere laufen, aber ich denke Rory sollte sich endlich einmal mit Logan und Finn aussprechen, einzeln natürlich.*g*
Also ich bin wirklich gespannt wie es weitergeht.
Dirty Little Secret -
marry-b - 28.11.2006
HIER, HIER, hiiiiiier hörst du auf? haaaaackts dir! du bööööser mensch! jetzt werd ich nicht schlafen können... aber klasse hast du geschrieben, und es ist tooll, wie lore reagiert hat... schreib schnell weiter!
Dirty Little Secret -
Little-Anni - 28.11.2006
da bin ich ja beruhigt, dass du mir verzeihst.*stein vom herz fall*
wieder ein super teil, auch wenn es nur eine art lückenfüller war.

rory tut mir schon irgendwie ein bisschen leid, auch wenn sie sich diese suppe selbst eingebrockt hat. das muss ich schwer sein....ich möchte nicht ihr gewissen sein. ich glaube ich würde das nicht lange durchhalten. aber man kann sich sehr gut in sie hinein versetzen. du beschreibst das alles sehr gut.
mach ganz schnell weiter.
deine anni
Dirty Little Secret -
Gilmore-Mariano - 28.11.2006
Lückenfühler, huh? Also wenn so alle deine Lückenfühler aussehen nur zu. Schreib mehr davon!
Ich muss wirklich sagen das ich es gut finde das du es geschrieben hast, das Rory sich nicht wohl fühlt so wie es jetzt ist. Auch wenn ich nicht ganz verstehe wieso irgendeine Tussi von FInns Telefon einen Kerl anrufen sollte...

Aber wie auch immer. Ich finde es sehr gut das du diesen Teil rein geschrieben hast, da es nur natürlich ist das sie sich lauter Gedanken darüber macht. Und noch besser das sie wirklich vor hat Logan zu verlassen. Nicht das ich Logan nicht mag. Aber Finn ist besser!
Bin ja mal gespannt ob diese Frau am Telefon noch öfter auftaucht.
Freu mich schon auf den nächsten Teil
Dirty Little Secret -
Falling~star - 29.11.2006
Mal ehrlich. GEIL!
Eigentlich wollte ich ja die erste Finn/Rory FF schreiben, weil Finn mir leicht fallen würde. (Ich in männlich^^) Aber du warst schneller. Und jetzt häng ich das an den Nagel, denn der Grund zu erst so eine Story raus zu bringen ist der, das man bei den lesern noch keine Messlatte hat wo sie vergleichen können.
Was das alles heiÃen soll? Deine Story ist geil. Total klasse. Und ich freu mich schon darauf weiter lesen zu können.
Mach weiter so.
Dirty Little Secret -
Anima Sola - 29.11.2006
Vielen, vielen, VIELEN lieben Dank für das viele, tolle Feedback!!!! Ich find das so klasse :freu: Danke schön euch allen für diese tollen Kommentare!!!! Ich hab jetzt leider nicht so viel Zeit, auf eure einzelnen Posts einzugehen, sorry, wollte euch nämlich nur ganz schnell das nächste Kapitel präsentieren (und danach schlafen gehen *schnarch*).
Ich glaube damit werde ich zu einem noch böseren Menschen
Viel Spaà damit und als kleine Hilfe: Ich habe bereits das nächste Kapitel angefangen, also müsst ihr nicht allzu lange wegen dem Ende schmoren - okay, genug verraten! Viel Spaà beim Lesen
Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 7
The next morning, Rory woke up covered by several books. âThis must be heavenâ, she thought, rolling on her side. Yet as soon as her gaze fell on her cell phone lying on her night stand, she recalled the feelings of yesterday. Groaning slightly, she sat up and looked away from her cell, her face a stony mask.
âNoâ, she said loudly. âI wonât be that kind of girl. I was not the other kind of girl and I definitely wonât be the kind of girl mourning about being neglected. Not anymore! Forget it!â
With that she stood up and quickly got dressed. As she went over to open the window to let the fresh morning air blow away her sorrow, she saw something standing on the outer windowsill. Opening the window widely, she stared outside.
As if in a weird dream, she grabbed the large bottle of Tequila (around which a small plastic butterfly was tied) and got it off the windowsill. Weighing the bottle in her hands, she couldnât help but swallow hard.
âFinnâ, she mouthed, looking around disorientated. âYou were here?â, she whispered, looking down at the bottle. She had to grin about the butterfly, before quickly getting it off the bottle and putting it onto her palm, eyeing it. She inhaled deeply, turning around, putting the bottle on her desk. She then pinned the butterfly next to the rose on her jacket, watching her reflection on the mirror in her room. Throwing it a smile, she then grabbed her bag and left her dorm, heading to breakfast and her first class. Determined not to think about Finn. âKeep to the codeâ, she told herself, recalling her monologue.
A while after she was gone, an almost audible sound echoed through her room, while her cell vibrated on her night stand.
Just before lunch, Rory headed to the dining hall, meeting a smiling Paris out front.
âHey Roryâ, she greeted her roommate cheerfully â something that didnât just confuse Rory.
âParisâ, Rory replied.
âYouâre heading for lunch?â
âNo, I just like to stand in front of the dining hall, Paris.â
âWell, everyone needs hobbies. You care to join me?â
Rory glared at Paris with her forehead furrowed.
âWell ââ
âOh fine! Come on, thenâ, Paris said and dragged Rory after her.
They sat down on an almost empty table with both their plates fully loaded.
âYou know, I am happy, Roryâ, Paris began, Rory assuming the worst.
âReally?â, she said, a little indifferent.
âYou might have noticed that Doyle and I got back together ââ
âOnly deaf people wouldnât have noticed!â
â- and he is even sweeter than before. You know, he was away at the funeral of his aunt and couldnât reach me for days. He said he tried to call me more than twice a day but his cell wouldnât work ââ
âWhat a lame excuse!â
âThatâs that I thought but then I checked and he was right, back up there in Canada, where his aunt was buried, they sometimes have these storms that rip down phone lines ââ Rory raised an eyebrow. â- anyhow, I am so happy!â
âWell, good for you!â, Rory replied a little annoyed.
âArenât you happy?â
âDo I look like Iâm happy, Paris?â
âWhat? None of your gigolos has time for you?â
âParis!â, Rory blurted out. âI told you!â
âWhatever. So now that Iâm happy, you are not? Oh! Donât even think about being jealous!â
âTrust me, I am not jealous that you are back together with Doyle!â
âWell, good.â
âWhatâs with the weird butterfly?â, Paris asked after a while of them eating silently.
âItâs not weird, I think itâs sweetâ, Rory said, looking down at it, before looking away again, trying to push away the up-welling thoughts and feelings.
Paris watched her, frowning. âWhat gigolo gave you that?â
âCould you stop calling them gigolos?â, Rory whispered, looking around.
âNone of your business!â
âBut you have to expect people asking you about that thing when you are wearing it in public!â
âYeah but then I would tell everyone that I just like butterflies!â, Rory said, glaring at Paris. She was about to get up when suddenly someone sat down beside her.
âHey, Ace!â
Rory turned around rather shocked. âLogan!â
âOoh, I guess, Iâll better go. Donât want to disturb anything ââ
Rory shot Paris a warning glare, before she turned back to Logan, while Paris got up and left them. Rory bit her lip before she threw Logan a smile.
âHeyâ, he smirked.
âAre we going to stare at each other a little longer? Because if we do, I have to tell you that I am very good at this. I once won a staring contest with my motherâ, Rory rambled, trying to ignore her nervousness.
Logan just shot her another smirk.
âSo, are we?â
âDonât worry, Ace, I wonât beat you off your staring throne, just wanted to see you.â
âReally? Why?â, it emerged from her throat, making her feel stupid about it immediately. âI mean, um, -â
âRelax, Ace. Man, are you tense todayâ, he said, watching her.
âDamn right, I amâ, she thought, suddenly knowing that it wonât be easy to do what she had planned. But she had to do it, there was no use continuing as she did. âSorry, Paris annoyed meâ, she said instead, blaming her roommate.
âAh, I seeâ, Logan grinned. âSo, how about dinner tonight?â
Oh! Was he asking her out? Did he really want her? Ideal conditions for her plan on dumping him. Yet when she looked at him, she wasnât sure if she could do it anymore. He was sweet after all â even though she was just one of many. Oh dear, hello again, confusionâ¦
She looked away, sighing, considering future events. On one hand she should have been happy about Logan, the infamous Logan Huntzberger, choosing her as company for tonightâs dinner; on the other hand she had told herself that she wasnât that kind of girl. She needed strings â even though it sounded funny. But what was she supposed to do? Say no to dear Logan? She even doubted he would accept a no. And if she said yes, would she still be able to get rid of him? And what for? To fall for the next infamous member of the playboy league called Finn? Even though he was all sweet (she shot a glance at the butterfly), he was still the same as Logan.
Logan or Finn. Logan. Finn.
She suddenly realized that it was either both or none.
If she chose Logan, she could never ever stay at his place â because Finn was right next door. And the same problem with Finn. Damn. Why were those two living together? And why was she falling for those two? She shot a quick thought at Colin and wondered how it would be to date him as well â yet she rejected that thought immediately. Colin was no option. As if Logan and Finn werenât enoughâ¦
Alright, Logan. Yes or no. Finn. What about Finn?
He was the one who expected her to dump Logan. She had chosen him first â mainly because he had spent the last days with her and Logan hadnât. What if Logan had been there for her? She wouldnât have met Finn in the Pub and nothing would have been like it was now. If only Logan had called her. Then she wouldnât be sitting beside him in the dining hall, deep in thought and argument about whether to say yes or no to his question.
âUm, Ace?â
His voice caught her off guard. âNo, wait, Iâm not done yetâ, she thought desperately before turning to face Logan with a smile. âHmm?â
âDid you hear me?â
âI wonder what you have been arguing about the last ten minutesâ¦â
âTen minutes? I, oh god, Iâm so sorry, Iâm not⦠um⦠Iâm a little thoughtful today.â
âOh I saw thatâ, he replied with a grin. âSo?â
âSo what?â
âThoughtful and slow, a deadly mixture, Ace.â
âOh, thatâ, she said, franticly looking for an answer. It was then that she saw something over Loganâs shoulder. Was that â
She narrowed her eyes and yes. It was Finn, standing in one of the doors leading into the dining hall. And next to him â a girl. Nothing too spectacular, but then he leant down and kissed the girl. It was quite a distance but Rory could swear it was more than a casual kiss. Her stomach turned at the sight of that. She quickly looked away â and into Loganâs eyes.
âDinner, huh?â, she then said. âPick me up at seven!â, she added and threw him a grin before she got up and brought back her plate.
She felt Loganâs stare on her back and couldnât help smirking from ear to ear. What she didnât know was the other pair of eyes that followed her.
Later that afternoon she sat in her room, studying â as suddenly her cell vibrated. She looked up and realized it had been lying on her night stand the whole day. Weird, she never forgot her cell â but this morning, she had been confused and distracted enough to do so. She picked up the phone and looked at the display. The caller had already hung up again. She flipped it open and saw that she had two missed calls. Two?
She dialled her mailbox and listened to the computer voice while flipping through the book on her lap. The last call was blank but the first had left a message. She put the cell between her head and shoulder, writing down some notes as she listened to the computer voice announcing the message. She almost jumped when she heard Finnâs voice.
âHey, loveâ, he had begun, his voice somehow expressionless. âWell, apparently you are not there so, as you can hear, Iâm leaving you a message. Perhaps you already found the bottle and the butterfly. I brought them by last night, I would have knocked but you were already asleep. So ââ
She hung up. What was he thinking? He seemed not to have the faintest clue what he had done to her!
She quickly dialled his number and waited. Until he answered.
âWhat do you think I am?â, she blurted right away.
âUm, what?â
âI just heard your message and you actually think everything is fine? Just because you bring me by that bottle and that stupid butterfly you think Iâm fine with you again? Guess what; no, Iâm not. I had a terrible day yesterday because of you -â
âNo, donât darling me! I really thought I had been clear by what I said, but apparently you didnât hear me and â well, too bad, because tonight, Iâm going out with Logan because you werenât there and apparently arenât ready to ââ
âOpen your window.â
âWhat?â, she turned around perplexed. Getting up from her bed, shoving aside books and notebooks, she went to her window and pulled the curtains aside. There stood Finn, his cell pressed against his ear, waving at Rory as she looked at him.
âDid you hear the rest of my message?â
âWhat?â, she replied, continuing staring at him through the window. âWait.â
She put the call on hold and called her mailbox again, listening to the rest of his message. While doing so, she frowned, still locking eyes with Finn through the glass. âOh.â
âIâll forgive you, love. Now let me inâ, he replied, winking at her.
She slowly opened the window and watched him climb into her room, actually having lost her speech. He stood right before her, looking down at her, his cell still pressed on his ear.
Rory bit her lip, looking up at him, the hand that held her cell to her ear shaking slightly. âI have to hang up nowâ, she said into the phone.
He nodded and replied into his cell: âOkay, bye, love.â
They both lowered their phones and kept looking at each other.
âI didnât know she was ââ, Rory began, but was interrupted by Finn who put his index finger on her lips.
âHow about starting with the beginning?â, he whispered and bent down to brush his lips over hers. âHello, love.â
âHi, Finnâ, she replied, a little taken aback.
âHow was your day?â
She just glared at him.
âAlright, forget that, youâre right. I should have told you as soon as Sandra accidentally called you.â
âSandra ââ
âMy cousin. As I told you in my message.â
âSo you spent the day with your cousin?â
âI had to. My aunt told me to show her around Yale because she considers changing colleges. Sheâs going to Berkeley. So I showed her around yesterday and today we had lunch together before she left again. I wanted to tell you but I somehow forgot.â
âI noticed that. And I still donât understand why your cousin is calling me from your cell.â
âHer cell died and she asked me to use mine. She wanted to call her fiancée. Heâs a friend of mine too, so she assumed I had his number as well.â
âHer fiancée? You mean⦠Roger?â
âThatâs his name.â
âOh god!â
âThatâs what she thought.â
âOh my â is she, are they alright? I mean, she must have thought I am her fiancéeâs â that he is cheating on her! And I told her that this was his cell⦠oh my ââ
âDonât worry, loveâ, Finn chuckled. âI explained her everything.â
âYou did? So she knows?â
âWell, as does my mother by nowâ, Rory muttered.
âAs long as Logan doesnât know, everythingâs alright.â
âI hope. Oh and why did you name me Roger?â
Finn smirked. âI am uncreativeâ, he simply stated.
âAnd wanting me to be more imaginative.â
âI donât need names to be imaginativeâ, he winked.
She grinned up at him. âSo, um ââ
âYes, we are even, love. Right?â
âRightâ, she gloated.
âI missed you yesterdayâ, he whispered, before he pulled her into a tight embrace.
She couldnât help but smile against his chest. âOh shit!â, she suddenly blurted out and pushed him off again.
âHey, love, youâre ruining the moment!â
âIâm sorry, I just â what time is it?â
âYou keep asking me thatâ¦â, he said matter-of-factly, before looking at his watch. âAlmost 6.15.â
âOh no!â
âOh no?â
âLoganâs going to pick me up at seven ââ
âAnd you havenât dressed yet?â, he imitated her panic, putting his hands on his cheeks.
She shot him a glare. âAre you serious?â
âIâm always serious, loveâ, he grinned, lowering his hands.
âBut I canât go to dinner with Logan now.â
âWhy not?â
âYes, darling?â
âYou really want me to go to dinner with Logan tonight?â
âHe asked you out first. I have to respect that.â
Rory watched him silently. She wasnât sure whether it was totally sweet of him to say that, or whether he wanted to make her feel guilty â or even whether he didnât care. âWhy?â, she asked after a while.
âWhy?â, he repeated her question, tilting his head. âBecause itâs your choice.â
She continued watching him â before she took a step towards him and pulled her arms around his neck to close her lips around his. He responded immediately, putting his hands on her waist, kissing her hungrily. In blind passion, she pushed Finn towards her desk, making the Tequila bottle on top shake dangerously. Another knock against the desk and the bottle fell to the ground, shattering loudly.
They parted abruptly, Rory looking down at the broken bottle in shock. âOh no! Julio!â
âYou named the bottle?â
âYeahâ, she muttered, kneeling down to rescue the last pieces and droplets.
âYou named the bottle Julio?â
âHow would you have named it?â
âI wouldnât have named it.â
âYouâre boring!â, she laughed.
âAm I?â, he mocked, kneeling down beside her.
She turned her head to him and grinned.
âLeave Julio, he was bound to die. Iâll get you a new Julio, alright?â
âStop saying Julio, that sounds funny coming from you!â, she giggled and kissed him.
Finn quickly shoved aside the shattered glass and pulled Rory along with him, still crawling on his knees around the floor. She followed him. They reached the middle of her room and faced each other like dogs, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
âWhat are we doing down here, Finn?â, she asked.
âI donât know.â
âYou inhaled Julio!â
She giggled. âMight have.â
âThatâs gross.â
âHow did you name the butterfly?â, he asked, poking her chest.
âMiles?â Finn raised an eyebrow.
âWhy did you name it Miles? What kind of a name is Miles?â
âA cute one.â
âYou keep surprising me, Rory Gilmoreâ, he grinned and stretched his neck to kiss her, crawling closer to her, pulling his arm around her neck. She put her hands on his cheeks and deepened the kiss. They soon found themselves lying on the floor, Finn on top of Rory, their arms wrapped around each other, their lips glued together.
She just messed with his hair, having her eyes closed, and enjoyed the feeling of his lips on her throat, when there was a distant knock on the door. After that she heard Paris yell through her dorm:
âRory! You got a visitor!â
Roryâs eyes jerked open â as did Finnâs. They stared at each other for a second, Roryâs hands in Finnâs hair, Finnâs body pinning Rory to the floor. They couldnât even jump apart as the door to Roryâs room opened slowly. They both stared at the door with their mouths open â as did Logan as he noticed them.
...to be continued...