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6x19 - I Get A Sidekick Out of You / Trinkfest - Sandri - 14.03.2006

aktualisiertes Skript
Zitat:Episode 6.19 - I Get a Sidekick Out Of You
Air Date: 18 April 2006

Info taken from the Casting Sides Information in the Pre-Shooting Script dated 1 Mar 2006 and amended script 14 Mar 06

The information summarized below is taken from 4 Sides for: Family (Kim Family Relatives), Girls, The Minister, and GrandaMa Kim. For Granny Kim auditions excerpts from the Episode - Come Home were used. The Script Amendment added a character - Woman, who is apparently Brian's Aunt.

I will include context and stage direction descriptions where appropriate.
  • Characters:
    Family - Assorted Kim Family Relatives, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins - All speak Korean.
    Nikki - A Girl - ONe of Lane's Friends celebrating Lane's Bride's Night Out.
    Charlotte - A Girl - ONe of Lane's Friends celebrating Lane's Bride's Night Out.
    Stacey - A Girl - ONe of Lane's Friends celebrating Lane's Bride's Night Out.
    The Minister - Officiating at Lane's Wedding.
    GrandMa Kim - Mama Kim's Mama - A ball-busting hard woman.
    Woman - Brian's Aunt

Editor Note: The Casting Sides start with Scene 2 already in progress. The scene fragment is with the Kim Family Relatives and Lane and Mama Kim. It appears to be taking place at Mama Kim's place.

Interior - Assumed Downstairs at Mama Kim's - Day (Day 1) - Scene 2 -

Editor Note: Scene 2 is already in progress. All the dialogue is in Korean

Auntie One calls out - "Lane!"

Stage Direction: Suddenly, all The Relatives spot Lane. They all run over and start fawning over her.

An Uncle - "There she is!"

Auntie One continues in Korean - "Such a pretty girl."

Auntie Two follows - "Such nice shiny hair."

Cousin One not to be out done - "We're so proud of you."

Auntie One on a tear - "When will you have children?"

Mrs. Kim seeing that nothing is being done - "Enough! back to work! All of you."

Stage Direction: Mrs. Kim starts shooing the family back to the kitchen. She turns back to Lane.

Mrs. Kim imperiously to Lane - "You, upstairs...."

Lane trying to object - "But Mama...."

Mrs. Kim explains - "You come down, cooking stops. Up."

Lane pleads - "But it's hot up there. And you know what rises with hot air? The smell of ten pounds of kimchee. I'm getting woozy."

Stage Direction: There's a knock at the door.

Mrs. Kim finishes with her - "Well, stick your head out the window, or pull your sweater over your face, but get back upstairs."

Editor Note: Scene 2 continues for some length.

End of Casting Sides for The Family.

Editor Note: The Casting Sides pick up with the start of Scene 10 and ACT TWO as we FADE IN:

Exterior - Doose's Market - Early Evening (Night 1) - Scene 10 -

Stage Direction: It's a quiet, mellow night. The door of Doose's Market opens. Lorelai, Rory, Sookie, Lane, and three of Lane's friends, Nikki, Stacey, and Charlotte emerge. They are all wearing their 'Friends of Mrs. Van Gerbig' T-shirts and their tiaras. Lane is wearing a T-shirt that says, 'I'm marrying a musician - Someone Stop Me.' Lane's tiara has a veil attached to it. Some wear their light-up jewelry. They all carry their party bags. They are also carrying grocery bags stuffed with beer and treats. The girls are all laughing and giggling as they come out. Lorelai claps her hands to get their attention.

Lorelai somewhat loudly - "Ladies! I need you attention, please! Very serious subject here. I want to do a quick check to make sure we've got all of our supplies, okay? Rory read off the list."

Rory starts out - "Beer"

Lane responds - "Check"

Rory on a roll - "More Beer."

Sookie antes up - "Check"

Rory plunges on - "Pretzels and beer."

Nikki contributes - "Check"

Rory branching out - "Various chocolate-y treats, alternative alcohol for those who don't like beer, and beer."

Charlotte from the back - "Check"

Rory turns to Lorelai - "List complete, Sarge."

Lorelai continues here lecture - "Excellent. Okay, the first leg of the evening is about to commence. Our friend, Lane, is here, about to get married, and it is our job to make sure we give her one night and one headache that she will never forget."

Lane cheers things on - "Hear, hear."

Lorelai pick up - "First stop, the Black, White and Read Bookstore, where we will sneak in our booze and treats, get drunk, and watch tonight's feature 'American Gigolo'."

Sookie not to leave out anything - "Featuring a little full frontal from Mr. Gere himself."

Lorelai explains - "And for those of you too young to remember Mr. Gere as anything but Billy Flynn, let me assure you there would be no Orlando Bloom, no Johnny Depp, and no Chad Michael Murray if there was not first a completely naked Richard Gere."

Sookie praises - "Hallelujah."

Lorelai turns and starts off - "All right ladies. To the movies!"

The Whole Group echoes - "To the movies!"

Stage Direction: The group of happy girls start off. Suddenly, they hear:

From off screen Kyon calls out - "Wait! Wait for me!"

Stage Direction: They see Kyon running across the square to join them. She has a backpack slung over her shoulder.

Kyon catches up and explains - "Sorry I'm late. Had to wait for mother and the two Mrs. Kims to sleep before I can climb down tree to meet you."

Editor Note: The is a one-page break in the Casting Sides. They pick up one page later in Scene 10.

Rory ranting on about text messages from Christopher - "However, he also bought one for himself, and since then, he's been texting me every five minutes. It's insane. Why didn't you say 'no' when he ran this passed you."

Lorelai jerks her chain a bit - "I think it's nice that you guys have a real daddy-daughter thing going on."

Rory reading off her Sidekick - "Oh, look, he's buying celery in the grocery store. They're running a special."

Lorelai temporizes - "He's just excited."

Rory in full rant mode - "Now he's in the canned peas aisle. Apparently he doesn't like peas, but he does like pea soup. Interesting, no? Yelling at the Sidekick NO!

Lorelai puts her hand out - "Okay. Give me that."

Stage Direction: Lorelai takes the Sidekick and starts typing a message.

Lorelai is typing and reciting - "Your daughter's about to see Richard Gere's penis. Enjoy the celery."

Stage Direction: Lorelai hands it back to Rory and smiles.

With a Cheshire Cat Smile, Lorelai says - "That should shut him up for a while."

Stage Direction: They hear a noise. They see Stacey, already throwing up in the bushes.

Lorelai observes - "That's gotta be some sort of record."

Stage Direction: The party continues on down the street.

Editor Note: We never get to see Richard Gere's penis - but Scene 10 continues for some length.

End of Casting Sides for The Girls, Nikki, Stacey, and Charlotte.

Editor Note: This the Casting Side amendment and looks to add a Scene 12A. The scene would have been shot either 13 or 14 Mar 06.

Exterior - Stars Hollow - Suburban Street - Night (Night 2) - Scene 12A -

Stage Direction: Lorelai, Sookie, Rory, Lane, Kyon, and the rest of the bachelorette party stand in a group in front of a suburban house, all deep in thought. A couple of beats go by.

Lorelai tells all of them - "Five more seconds."

Stage Direction: Another couple of beats.

Lorelai looks at the group - "That's it. Anyone?"

Stage Direction: Everyone indicates that they have no new thoughts.

Rory pipes up - "Nope."

Sookie echoes - "Nope."

Lorelai commands them then - "Let's do it."

Stage Direction: They all turn in a group and go up the steps of a house. Lane knocks on the door and a Woman appears.

Lane asks her - "Hi Are you Brian's Aunt?"

The Woman graciously - "You must be Lane. The boys are downstairs in the rec room."

Stage Direction: As they head into the house:

Lorelai says to Rory - "Hey, sounds like the have foosball."

Rory tells her - "Foosball's fun."

Stage Direction: They disappear into the house and the door closes.

From Off Screen we hear Lorelai say - "Hey, Boys!"

Stage Direction: The guys whoop and holler.

Editor Note: The party and Scene 12A continue for some length.

End of Casting Sides for the Woman character.

Editor Note: We pick up the Casting Sides at the very end of Scene 23.

Interior - Assumed A Church Somewhere - Time Unknown - Scene 23 -

Editor Note: Scene 23 is in progress and is concluding.

Stage Direction: They watch as the Minister starts the ceremony.

The Minister holding up his arms - "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join together in matrimony...."

Stage Direction: The ceremony continues, as we: FADE OUT: End of ACT THREE.

End of Casting Sides for The Minister

End of all Casting Sides for Episode 6.19 - I Get A Sidekick Out Of You.
Quelle: FF, Jet

Casting Sides Information in the Pre-Shooting Script dated 1 Mar 2006

Zitat:From AbbyRae: the episode title is I Get A Sidekick Out of You., Michel was Lorelai first choice as a date, but got Celine Dion tickets and bailed. Its Rory's idea that Chris goes to the wedding with Lorelai. Also Mrs Kim’s mother is a Buddhist and does not know she is a 7th day Adventist.

From Ciaobella: Lorelai and Christopher do not sleep together
Quelle: FF

6x19 - I Get A Sidekick Out of You / Trinkfest - Repugnant - 15.03.2006

Freu mich schon voll! Die wird sicher voll genial!!

6x19 - I Get A Sidekick Out of You / Trinkfest - karana - 16.03.2006

From AbbyRae: In 6.19, Lorelai is in desperate need for a drink after the ceremony. Her and Chris go off looking for a bar. Tere are two ceremonies and two receptions. Lorelai and Chris look for a bar in the first reception. Lorelai passes out sometime during or after the 2nd reception. There is also alot of booze and heavy drinking going on in the 2nd reception.

voncey: Chris carries Lorelai home

iamsher: new side that was released yesterday for "WOMAN" for 6.19?

Here's the info:
Scene 12A – Lorelai, Sookie, Rory, Lane, Kyon and the rest of the bachelorette party stand in a group in front of a suburban house, all deep in thought. A couple of beats go by. The group indicates that they have no new thoughts. So they all turn in a group and go up the steps of a house. Lane knocks on the door and a woman answers. Lane asks if she’s Brian’s aunt. The woman says that she must be Lane and that the boys are downstairs in the rec room. The girls head into the house. Lorelai tells Rory that it sounds like they have foosball. Rory says that foosball is fun and the girls all disappear into the house and the door closes. Off-screen we can hear Lorelai say “Hey, boys!” and the guys whoop and holler.

There seems to be some confusion still. Lorelai gets drunk and passes out. That's fact, not speculation.

6x19 - I Get A Sidekick Out of You / Trinkfest - ChrissiTine - 29.03.2006

Zitat:Lorelai besäuft sich auf der Hochzeit, gibt eine großartige besoffene Rede zum besten und kippt später aus den Latschen. Chris muss sich um sie kümmern, weil Rory zu Logan ins Krankenhaus fährt und schläft auf dem Stuhl in ihrem Zimmer ein. Sie wacht auf weil Luke anruft und Chris geht (das ist wohl die letzte Szene der Episode).


6x19 - I Get A Sidekick Out of You / Trinkfest - Sandri - 31.03.2006

Zitat:From KTLA: Lane's and Zach's bachelorette & bachelor parties go awry, so the two groups end up together for a makeshift party in a vacant parking lot. Mrs. Kim informs Lorelai that she cannot attend Lane's wedding without an escort. Since Luke is still out of town, Lorelai invites Christopher to be her date. Everyone attends two wedding ceremonies – one Buddhist and one Seventh Day Adventist – followed by a wild wedding reception in the town square.
Quelle: Genevieve, FF

Zitat:From ciaobella: Luke will not make an on-screen appearance in this episode.
Quelle: FF

Zitat:The WB: LANE GETS MARRIED — On the night before Lane (Keiko Agena) and Zach (guest star Todd Lowe) get married, Lorelai (Lauren Graham) and Rory’s (Alexis Bledel) plans for a bachelorette party go awry, as do the plans made by Zach’s buddies, so the two groups end up together for a makeshift party in a vacant parking lot. Mrs. Kim (Emily Kuroda) informs Lorelai that she cannot attend Lane’s wedding without an escort. Since Luke (Scott Patterson) is still out of town, Lorelai invites Christopher ([U]David Sutcliffe[/U]) to be her date. Everyone attends two wedding ceremonies – one Buddhist and one Seventh Day Adventist – followed by a wild wedding reception in the town square. Melissa McCarthy, Yanic Truesdale, Liza Weil and Sean Gunn also star. The episode was written and directed by Amy Sherman-Palladino
Quelle: FF, Jet

6x19 - I Get A Sidekick Out of You / Trinkfest - ChrissiTine - 10.04.2006

Deutsche Episodenbeschreibung von

Zitat:Lanes und Zachs Jungesellenabschiedspartys gehen schief, deshalb enden beide Gruppen gemeinsam auf einer Notparty auf einem leerstehenden Parkplatz. Mrs. Kim informiert Lorelai, dass sie nicht ohne Begleitung auf Lanes Hochzeit erscheinen kann, und da Luke nicht in der Stadt ist, lädt sie Christopher ein, mit ihr dort hin zu gehen. Letztlich finden zwei Hochzeitszeremonien statt - eine buddhistische und eine nach den Seventh Day Adventisten ausgerichtet - gefolgt von einer wilden Feier auf dem Stadtplatz. Lorelai betrinkt sich in ihrem Frust über Luke und April und lässt die ganze Stadt daran teilhaben...

6x19 - I Get A Sidekick Out of You / Trinkfest - blue - 12.04.2006

gibts denn noch gar keine promo für die folge? die kommt doch nächste woche oder nicht?,:confused:

6x19 - I Get A Sidekick Out of You / Trinkfest - Check - 12.04.2006

Ähm...wie es finden zwei Hochzeiten statt?

Ja wann kommt die promo?

6x19 - I Get A Sidekick Out of You / Trinkfest - Ace18 - 12.04.2006

2 Hochzeitszeremonien aber nur EINE Hochzeit und zwar die von Lane und Zach Smile

6x19 - I Get A Sidekick Out of You / Trinkfest - Check - 12.04.2006

Danke^^ *jetzt schnall ichs*