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Dirty Little Secret - Gilmore-Mariano - 30.11.2006


HImmel herr gott noch mal! Du schaffst es doch immer wieder das einem Kurz das Herz aussetzt. Und dann hörst du auch noch auf! SO! Mitten drin! Ich hasse Cliffhänger schon so genug! Aber dieser... dieser.... dieser ist einfach kein Cliffhänger mehr! Das ist ein Galgenhänger! Und die Klappe ist schon gefallen! Und jetzt baumelt man da und bekommt immer weniger Luft von dem Seil was sich langsam aber sicher immer fester um den Hals schließt und einen immer mehr und mehr und mehr die Luft raubt und man langsam... okay du bekommst das bild, denke ich.
Der teil war so gut. Ich hätte zwar geraten das es seine Schwester gewesen wäre, aber nagut das tun so viele, Cousine ist da schon besser. Es war alles gerade so schön. Und Rory hätte dich doch von Logan bei dem Date trennen können. Sozusagen als netter Abschied des Abend: Oh und Logan tut mir Leid aber ich mag Finn lieber! Das wäre doch klasse gewesen. Aber nein! Nein! Was tust du? Du machst es das man das gefühl hat man ist die Person die an diesem Galgen hängt und langsam aber sicher stirbt!
*Tief Luft hol* Okay *Tiefer Luft hol* Big Grin Jetzt geht es mir besser. Sorry wegen dem Ausbruch. Musste mal sein. Das ist das erste mal das ich so etwas sage denke ich da ich selber weiß als Autor wie nervig es ist so etwas zu hören, aber...
War das Aggressiv? :lach: Siehst du was du aus netten freundlichen Menschen machst? Big Grin
Oh und falls das nicht raus kam bei meinem kleinen Wutanfall da oben. Der Teil war wirklich genial. Top

Dirty Little Secret - Falling~star - 30.11.2006

Ahhhhhhh! Wie geil.

Naja eigentlich bin ich eingefleischter Logan/Rory Fan, aber das ist ja das schöne an FF´s man kann experimentieren. Big Grin

Die sache mit dem Schmetterling war ja mal total niedlich. Big Grin Auch Rorys Abwesenheit, während des Gespräches mit Logan. ^^

So so dann weiß Loagn, also nun von Rory und Finn? Bin schon echt gespannt wie das weiter geht. Big Grin

Das nächste Kapitel wird doch wohl nicht das Letzte sein oder? Bitte falls es das letzte werden soll, biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitte nicht. Ein paar Kapitel kannst du noch dran hängen. Big Grin

Dirty Little Secret - alexis1002 - 30.11.2006

Okay, so erstens das Missverständnis mit Finns Cousine...Ich hab ja gewusst dass alles ein Missverständnis ist!!Big Grin Bin auch wirklich froh darüber.*gg*

OMG jetzt kommt wirklich Logan rein, als Rory und Finn gerade rum machen! Kann mir vorstellen, dass nun das große Schreien losgeht und sicherlich auch Tränen fließen werden. Gott,...wieso muss immer alles nur so dramatisch sein??Wink

Bitte schreib schnell weiter!!! Ich will nämlich unbedingt wissen, wie Logan reagieren wird!!!


Dirty Little Secret - Anima Sola - 30.11.2006

:lach: Uuh, ich mags ja Leute zu ärgern Big Grin
Aber schön, dass euch das Kapitel dennoch gefallen hat, vielen Dank fürs FB :freu:

Wegen der unbekannten Anruferin: Ich wollte einfach nicht, dass es eine von Finns Schwestern ist, das wäre wirklich so... vorhersehbar, daher wurde es die Cousine Big Grin

@Gilmore-Mariano: Hast du dich erholt? Das macht man sich ja echt Sorgen... Wink So eine Reaktion hatte ich ja nicht erwartet Big Grin Ich bin aber auch wirklich gemein, verzeih mir ^___^

Okay, VORWARNUNG: Keine Cliffhanger in diesem Kapitel xDDD Viel Spaß!

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 8

Logan stared down at them, frozen to the doorframe. Rory thought he would turn around and leave again, his face like a mask. She felt as if her heart had stopped beating and she was actually hovering above her body, watching the scene from far away. When Logan began to move, she was too shocked to react and the next thing she noticed was Finn being lifted off her body. She saw him fly against her desk like in slow motion – yet when he hit the wood and fell to the ground, she suddenly jerked awake again, quickly standing up, running after Logan who continued kicking Finn with his face like a fist.
Logan, stop!”
She heard a moan from Finn and how his face twitched in pain as he was pushed into the shattered glass of the broken Tequila bottle. But Logan didn’t seem to notice and bent down to lift Finn up by the collar of his shirt. He pushed him against the desk again, before they both stood facing each other, panting, like bulls, Logan with his fists ready to punch Finn, Finn with his hands raised in defence.
Rory stood next to them, tears inside her eyes. She couldn’t believe this was happening.
Logan”, she just heard Finn say. “I –“
“Shut up, you lying bastard!”, Logan said through clenched teeth, boxing Finn in the face.
Finn tumbled sideways, holding his nose.
Logan, STOP!”, Rory cried.
“You promised me something, Finn!”, Logan continued, punching Finn with every word.
It was then that Finn bent over, seemingly out of breath, but then rose again unexpectedly, kicking Logan into the stomach. They continued fighting each other, pushing themselves around the room, kicking, beating, hitting each other, with Rory watching them, crying soundlessly. What had she done?
Logan just pushed Finn into the space between bed and desk, when another loud voice echoed through the room.
Logan froze, caught in the motion to bend over Finn who lay on his elbows, to look at an angry looking Paris, standing in Rory’s doorframe.
“GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE AND DEMOLISH SOMEBODY ELSE’S ROOM!”, Paris yelled, grabbing the collar of a surprised Logan and dragged him after her.
Finn stared after them, panting, putting one hand on his chest. They heard how Paris pushed Logan out of their dorm and then came back to do the same with Finn. But it was Rory who held her back, walking over to Finn with her face soaked in tears. She looked at Paris and Paris just nodded, understanding her roommate without words, before leaving her room.
Rory grabbed Finn’s hand (who winced at her touch) and pulled him into a standing position. Biting her lip, she looked at him, how his face was drenched in blood and bruises, how his shirt was ripped and his hands red from scratches and cuts, how he stood uneasily on his feet. He replied her gaze, as silently as she was, and swallowed.
“I am sorry”, she whispered almost audible.
“No, I am” he replied in the same tone.
“This shouldn’t have happened.”
“I know.”
“I am really sorry, Finn”, Rory mouthed, watching him over once more.
Underneath the blood in his face he looked really pale – which looked odd against his tanned skin. It was then that Rory noticed the blood dripping from one of his hands. She quickly grabbed his hand – at which he winced again heavily – and almost tripped at the sight of it. There, only inches from his vein, were several glass splinters sticking in his skin. Rory gasped and just stared at his hand. She then looked past him at the floor where the broken Tequila bottle was lying, the area around it drenched in red.
“Oh god”, she mouthed and quickly dragged Finn after her – until she noticed how he tumbled behind her. “Finn, stay with me!”, she cried, before she yelled for Paris. “Paris!”
Her roommate looked around the doorframe.
“Call an ambulance, please!”, Rory urged.
“Is he –“
“He’s losing a lot of blood, quick, Paris!”
Paris went off. The next second, Rory felt Finn tumble again before he collapsed to the floor. It felt so surreal when she knelt down beside him, how he lay unconscious on her floor, how she felt his pulse, how she cried silently until Paris told her the ambulance was there. Rory couldn’t think, she felt as if someone had switched off her brains. She watched how Finn was pulled onto a stretcher, how he was carried away out of her dorm, how she was asked several things and yet just stared at everything unfocused.
Paris stood beside her, as silent as Rory.
“Don’t you want to follow them?”, she then asked.
“What?”, Rory mouthed.
“Go with them.”
“What –“
But Paris already shoved her outside the dorm. When Rory saw the staring people outside her dorm, gathering around the ambulance parked right in front of her dorm building, she suddenly came back to her senses. She hurried to the car, just in time to see the doors close.
“Wait!”, she yelled.
A medic turned to her.
“Can I come with you?”
“Are you related?”
“No, but I’m his … girlfriend”, she said, unaware of what she had said, it just slipped from her lips.
“Well, alright, get in”, the medic said and opened the door for her to get inside the back of the ambulance.
She climbed inside and sat down on a bench beside the stretcher, watching Finn lying motionless upon it. She put her hand on his and leant back, trying to breathe normally, as the ambulance drove off towards the hospital.

A couple of hours later, Rory sat on a chair in the hallway of the hospital, waiting for the doctor to tell her how Finn was. She had finally recovered from her shock, knowing that, the next time she saw Logan, she wouldn’t care about anything anymore. How could he possibly beat the crap out of his best friend just because of a girl? She refused to think that he liked her a lot more than he would ever say, however he felt about her, he did everything to make her hate him. From now on, Logan was erased from her life.
A voice cut through her thoughts.
She looked up to see a man in a white coat with a stethoscope around his neck looking down at her.
“You came with –“, he asked, looking down at the clipboard in his hands.
“Yes, with Finn. How is he?”
“He just woke up. You can go in now.”
Rory nodded and followed the doctor to Finn’s room. He held open the door and Rory walked in, seeing Finn how she had never seen him before.
There was a large band aid on his nose and his hands were both wrapped in white bandages, the bed sheets were pulled up to his chest and he was wearing a typical hospital shirt that made him look rather weird. He didn’t look as pale as she remembered, but he still looked weak. Poor Finn.
She walked over to his bed and stood beside it, looking down at him. His eyes rested on hers and there was even a little smile on his lips.
“How are you?”, she asked, her voice almost breaking.
“Better, love”, he said, tilting his head a little, his voice a little hoarse.
Logan is such an ass!”, she said through clenched teeth, sitting down on the side of his bed.
“I don’t know, I guess he was right…”
“What? No, Finn, even though you promised him whatever promise, he doesn’t have the right to beat you up!”
“I always assumed him to be stronger”, he said thoughtfully. “But I never expected to lie in a hospital because of him.”
“Admit it, he is an ass!”
“He is, if that makes you happy”, Finn smirked, before holding his chest.
“You sure you feel better?”
“I am, love, don’t worry”, he smiled.
She bit her lip and watched him, her hand stroking lightly over his bandages.
“I’m glad you’re here”, he whispered after a while.
She looked at him, a sympathetic smile on her lips.
“I couldn’t think of any other girl visiting me.”
“No way!”
“No, face it, love, I am not the guy girls want to worry about. I am the type of guy to have fun with, to drink and sleep with. But the morning after, I’ll forget their names and they will forget my name. It’s always been like that. And actually I never minded that circumstance.”
Rory watched him.
“They told me you said you were my girlfriend”, he added in a low voice.
She blushed lightly. “I just wanted to go with you, and they wouldn’t have let me if –“
“It’s fine, love. I liked the sound of that.”
“You mean… you, you like me to be your –“, she stammered, staring at him.
He just smirked at her. “Girlfriend sounds good.”
“But that would mean that you’re… my…”
“Boyfriend, exactly, love. You’re sharp today.”
She smiled widely. “But do you think we can do this?”
“Yes, why not?”
“Well –“
“Alright, you might have a point there. I don’t seem like the commitment guy, I know, but actually I never met a girl like you. Someone to talk to, to have fun with, maybe this works out just fine. You know, you are –“
He held his chest, trying to sit up a little, suddenly breaking into a heavy cough. Rory watched him with rising concern, but Finn shook his head and recovered quickly. He looked at her and smiled, the band aid on his nose making him look funny.
“Perfect”, he finished.
Rory felt tears inside her eyes, breaking into a wide smile. She leant closer and kissed him carefully. He put a bandaged hand on her cheek and deepened the kiss – when the door to his room opened slowly.
“I am sorry to interrupt”, they heard the doctor say.
They parted, Finn leaning back in bed, Rory standing up with her cheeks redden.
“Visiting hours are over, Miss”, the doctor said, scribbling something down on his clipboard, standing at the end of Finn’s bed.
“Is he staying over night?”
“Apparently, yes. We just want to make sure there are no remaining injuries.”
Rory nodded, watching Finn.
“I’ll come back tomorrow as early as possible”, she whispered.
“I’ll be here”, he replied, grinning.
“Take care”, Rory said, leaning down. “Boyfriend”, she added, before kissing him softly.
“Same to you”, he said, kissing her back. “Girlfriend.”
Rory smiled at him and turned around to leave. Reaching the door, she turned once more to wave him goodbye. He winked at her. With that she left his room, left the hospital – realizing once she reached the dark parking lot that her car was still at Yale – as was her purse with her cell and money. Oh no.
She went back into the hospital, walking over to the reception.
“Excuse me?”, she addressed the nurse sitting behind the desk. “I forgot my wallet and cell phone, is it possible I could make a call from your phone?”
“There’s a pay phone in the hall”, the nurse replied, without looking at her.
“Yes, I know, but I don’t have any money on me. Please, could I just use your phone to call my mother?”
“I need that”, the nurse continued, picking up the phone – without saying anything.
“Oh, thanks”, Rory grumbled, turning around.
She then decided to go back to Finn’s room to stay until the sun came out again. Opening the door quietly, she saw that his lights were already switched off. She slipped inside and closed the door again, pulling a chair nearer to his bed. She then sat down, watching Finn who apparently had fallen asleep some time ago. She sighed silently, cuddling into the chair.
“That doesn’t seem comfortable, love”, she then heard him mutter.
She tilted her head until he turned his head and opened an eye.
“You’re not sleeping?”
“Can’t. Too many meds.”
“Aren’t they supposed to calm you down?”
“Not when your system is used to alcohol as main food”, he said, closing his eye again. “What are you still doing here, love?”
“I forgot my cell and money when I came with you in the ambulance. So I can’t call anyone and I can’t pay a cab.”
“And I thought you already miss me”, he mocked, grinning with his eyes closed.
“That too”, she whispered, causing him to open his eyes.
They smiled at each other in the darkness, before Finn slowly moved to the other side of his bed to make way for Rory. She eyed him, looking concerned.
“Come on, I’m fine. As long as you don’t poke my nose”, he said with a grin.
She then climbed into his bed, cuddling against him.
“Are you really sure you want me as a boyfriend?”, Finn asked after a while, his arm around Rory.
“Before I’ll answer that, tell me your definition of boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend … a boyfriend is a male partner in a non-marital romantic relationship, usually considered more than an ordinary friend, especially in a romantic sense.”
She giggled. “Now you looked that up before!”
He grinned. “Well, I go to school after all! Anyhow, just pretend I am your boyfriend. I – as your boyfriend – would take you out to dinner and other lovely events, I would be there for you when you need me – and you can still call me Felicity if you like to –, I would buy you lovely presents and actually I would do everything that those cheesy boyfriends in the movies do.”
“But I don’t want you to be a cheesy boyfriend…”
“So of course I’ll be different!”
She laughed quietly. “Like how?”
“Like, um, I would bring you another Julio and Miles every day, I would party with you, laugh with you, be with you…” His voice trailed off.
“Will I be the only one?”, Rory whispered, a little afraid of his possible reaction.
He turned to look at her, locking eyes with her, before he leant down to kiss her gently.
“You already are, love”, he whispered.
She smiled widely, snuggling against him. “This is great…”
“But we still have one problem, darling.”
“You remember why I’m here?”
“Oh”, she said and looked up at him. “But what are we supposed to do?”
“We have to talk to him.”
“But –“
“Rory, I’m still his roommate and his best friend, at least one of them now. I have to clear this between me and him. I owe him that…”
“Hmm, you’re probably right…”, she whispered against him.
“But that can wait until tomorrow”, he said, his voice growing quieter with every word.
“Good night, Finn”, she mumbled, kissing his cheek.
“’Night, love.”
With that they both fell asleep over a rather unusual evening.

(Fortsetzung im nächsten Post!)

Dirty Little Secret - Anima Sola - 30.11.2006

(Fortsetzung von Kapitel 8)

The next morning, Rory awoke next to a slightly snoring Finn. She looked around and quickly remembered where she was. Watching him for a while, just sucking in everything about him, she felt something rise inside her. A feeling she hadn’t had for a long time. Sighing quietly, she slowly got out of his bed, shooting him a last glance when she reached the door, before she left his room – just in time for the nurses to wake their patients. Cuddling into her coat, she walked the distance back to Yale.
Arriving at her dorm, the first thing she did was to re-dress, grabbing her purse and leaving her dorm again, her steps quick, her paces long. She reached her place of destination within minutes, banging against the door as soon as she did. When the door opened slowly, she didn’t wait for someone to call her in; she just walked inside and glared at the person who had opened the door.
“How dare you?”, she asked Logan who slowly closed the door and stared back at her. “How dare you?”, she repeated.
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t play stupid, Huntzberger! You know what you did and I was wondering why! Are you that arrogant that you can’t accept somebody else’s feelings? Do you have to beat the crap out of them just because you weren’t there first? You know what? It was your own fault. If you had called me last week, none of this would have happened! But you had to ignore me, you had to treat me like that! You had to remind me that I was just one of many. Guess what? No, I couldn’t live with that! I am not that kind of girl! So I found somebody else who would respect me, who was there for me. And the first thing you do when you find out is to fight him?”
Rory drew a breath, staring at Logan with her hands shaking at her sides.
“Why did you have to fight him? Why did you beat him? He is in hospital, Logan. Do you know that? He is there because of you! Because his supposed-to-be best friend beat the crap out of him over a girl! A girl you couldn’t have! What is it with you? Some days you can’t wait to see me again and then there are days you totally forget about me! I can’t take it anymore, Logan! I need commitment! And because you are not the type of guy for that, oh, and because of the fact that you brought my boyfriend into the hospital, well, you might know what happens next!”
“Boyfriend?”, was the first thing coming from Logan since he had closed the door. “Finn is your boyfriend now?” He laughed coldly. “I don’t believe this.”
“What is wrong with you? You don’t know Finn, you don’t know him the way I know him. He is sweet and, unlike you, he wants to try to be a boyfriend!”
“Oh and you believe him?”, Logan blurted out, reaching Rory’s level of volume. “Do we speak about the same Finn? Have you met him?”
“Yes I have –“
“And you just want to ignore that fact that he’s a playboy, just like you think I am!? He will not change, Rory! Believe me! Finn is Finn and Finn is not a boyfriend! I would be a better boyfriend than Finn!”
Rory glared at him with her mouth open. “What?”
“I am”, he said quieter, taking a step towards her.
“You are insane! Have you ever heard yourself talking? How dare you? When you weren’t there for me, Finn was there and he has been ever since! He is already changing! Unlike you he is actually willing to try!”
“Oh and that makes him perfect, huh? You’ll regret this, Rory. You’ll regret this big time! But I warned you! Don’t you come back to me after he dumped you!”
“How dare you!”, she yelled again. “Do you really think I would ever come back to you after what you have done to me? And to him? Is your ego that big? If it is, I’ll better leave you two alone now!”
With that she turned around, about to open the door. It was then that his hands grabbed her by the shoulders and pressed her against the closed door. She gasped in surprise and stared at him. He stared back at her, his expression unreadable. His hands squeezed her upper arms, while his jaw was set and his eyes narrowed.
“I told you, Gilmore. Don’t mess with me!”
“Are you threatening me?”, she asked with her forehead furrowed. “You are such a –“
“Shut up!”, he yelled, making Rory wince. “You had to do this, it was your decision. It’s entirely your fault. It could have been better, you know? We could have been such a nice couple. But you had to choose Finn over me – and trust me, that was your biggest mistake ever!”
His voice was as cold as ice and Rory suddenly felt the urge to run away. She’d never seen him like that. She was actually afraid he would do the same to her as he did to Finn. But as soon as icy Logan had arrived, he was gone again. He lowered his hands from her arms and stepped away from her. She stared at him, feeling a lump inside her throat and tears burning behind her eyes.
Logan”, she began silently.
“Forget it, Rory” he said and turned around. “You made your choice.”
She quickly recovered. “What is that supposed to mean? Are you tormenting me with guilt now? Guess what, I feel everything but guilty! I am mad at you! And I am even madder at you for reacting like this! I just can’t hear it anymore! Just go to one of your other girls and leave me alone. And leave Finn alone. Because, yeah, I made my choice and I chose Finn and it’s entirely my fault! Do not, I repeat, do not ever blame him again!”
With that she pulled open the door and left before he could even react.
Outside his dorm, she inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself. She then headed to her car and drove back to the hospital. She found Finn sitting on his bed, with his chest bare, trying to get dressed. He looked up when she entered and threw her a smile.
“Hello, love.”
She didn’t reply but walked over to him and pulled her arms around him, burying her head in his chest. He replied her embrace hesitantly. They hugged for a while, before she backed away again and sat down beside him.
“Are you alright?”
“I talked to Logan”, she said quietly.
He silently pulled an arm around her.
“And I told him what an ass he is and was and might be forever and that he should leave me alone and that he should never ever blame you again and –“
“Thank you”, he whispered and heaved her under a little wincing on his lap, pulling both arms around her, his chin resting on her shoulder.
“What for?”
“Now I can go home again”, he grinned.
She slapped his chest playfully.
“No more pain, love, I have to recover first”, he smirked.
“How are you anyway?”
“That’s what you said yesterday as well. So are you feeling better than yesterday – which was already better – or better than from before yesterday – which is the same statement as yesterday?”
Finn watched her with his forehead furrowed. He opened his mouth and closed it again. Before he tried it once more. “I feel very good, darling”, he then said with a smile.
“That’s what I wanted to hear”, she smirked, turning her head to kiss him carefully on the lips. “Oh and your nose thingy is gone. Ooh, what a cute little band aid!”, she said, poking his nose carefully – yet not careful enough for he winced as soon as the tip of her finger touched his skin. “Oh dear, I’m sorry!”
He just shook he head, his eyes watering.
“Is it broken?”
“Mhm”, he nodded, inhaling sharply. “But the doctor said I’ll keep my boyish good looks!” A grin spread on his face, even though it still twitched in pain.
Rory cautiously cupped his face and wiped away a tear that was running down his cheek.
“Stop it”, he said, laughing. “I feel stupid already!”
“You don’t have to. It’s a normal reaction of your body to pain.”
“I see”, he grinned and tilted his head. “Well, that sounds nicer.”
She watched him, smiling, feeling how her stomach once again began to swirl.
“Butterflies”, she mumbled, looking down at her belly, smiling.
She just laughed quietly. “Nothing”, she said, locking eyes with him, before she leant in to close her lips around his. He pulled her arms around her even tighter, while she cupped his face. She just kissed his earlobe, when the door opened.
“And again I am sorry to interrupt.”
She let go of Finn and turned around to see the doctor of yesterday again.
“And I am sorry too”, she whispered, getting off Finn’s lap.
Finn continued dressing and looked at the doctor.
“You are free to go”, he just said, signing the clipboard he was carrying. “I just need your signature here and we might never see each other again!”
“What a shame”, Finn whispered to Rory, grinning.
He signed the clipboard and got up slowly, Rory supporting him as he began to tumble.
“Ooh, too many painkillers”, Finn said, shaking his head.
“And I thought you might remember that feeling from elsewhere”, Rory mocked.
He grinned at her and together they left the hospital, heading to Rory’s car.
“How cute”, Finn said as she unlocked the doors.
“Just get in”, she smirked.
He tried. Finally sitting beside Rory, he turned around to her look at her. She met his gaze and started the engine. When he wouldn’t look away, she killed the engine again and turned on her seat to take a better look at him. All he was doing was smiling. She bit her lip and raised an eyebrow. It was then that they both started laughing.
“I like this”, Finn said, grinning.
“Me too”, Rory agreed and leant closer to him to kiss him. Licking her lips, she leant back into her seat and started the engine. “How about lunch?”
“Yes, I am starving”, Finn nodded and looked through the windshield.
“God, you are perfect for me”, she laughed and drove off the parking lot, heading back to Yale. be continued...

Dirty Little Secret - Gilmore-Mariano - 30.11.2006

Oh keine Sorge mir geht es wieder gut! Geht ja gar nicht anders nach diesem Teil! Mir geht es sogar besser als gut! :freu:
Finn ist so Finnig und so süß! :lach:
Ich bin ja mal gespannt ob Logan noch etwas macht, obwohl ich ja hoffe das er das nicht tut, da ich lieber nicht wissen will was er tut, wenn er etwas tut, da er doch meistens wenn er was tut sehr... unschöne dinge tut. Macht das sinn? Auch egal wenn nicht. Es war ein klasse Teil und entschädigt sogar für den Galgenhänger! Big Grin
Was aber nciht bedeutet das du wieder welche machen darfst, nur damit das klar ist!
Frau mich schon auf den nächsten teil

Dirty Little Secret - Little-Anni - 30.11.2006

wieder ein super part, auch wenn......nein es ist ein super part. immerhin ist es eine rory/finn story, also ist es vollkommen ok, dass sie sich für finn und nicht für logan entschieden hat.

man, die schlägerei war ja mal echt heftig. ich meine du hast das so real beschrieben, dass ich das gefühl hatte mitten drin zu sein. echt krass. da kann man mal sehen, was ein mädel alles so anrichten kann.

finn bezeichnet rory wirklich als sein girlfriend, kaum zu glauben, aber doch wahr. wer hätte gedacht, dass dieses wort irgendwann mal über seine lippen kommt. Big Grin er scheint sie wirklich zu mögen.

Dirty Little Secret - Anima Sola - 01.12.2006

Danke schön euch beiden für das Feedback :knuddel::freu:

Zum Thema Logan, ich muss zugeben, ich hab ihn etwas extrem dargestellt, aber er stand mir einfach für die Story im Weg, also musste das mal so sein. Im Grunde mag ich ihn ja auch... aber Finn halt doch noch mehr Big Grin

Und nun, endlich, das nächste Kapitel, bzw. der erste Teil des nächsten Kapitels. Der zweite Teil kommt sofort^^ Viel Spaß!

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 9

When they had reached Yale, Finn got out of Rory’s car rather clumsily, looking around as he did so. Rory watched him, tilting her head.
“Do you know that your shirt is still ripped?”, she said matter-of-factly.
“No, love, really?” His eyes widened – as did his grin. “And I thought that Santa’s little helpers or how they are called in those darn hospitals would fix that for me. Ah, now I am disappointed!”
Rory smirked at him, locked her car and went over to him. He held out his hand with his palm up for her to grab. She bit her lip and watched him, before grabbing his hand, still unable to believe that this was really happening. She had tamed the non-stop-dating-non-commitment-playboy-guy Finn? She definitely had to get used to that. They walked towards the dorm buildings hand in hand.
“So are you planning to change or do you want to show your war injuries to the whole school?”, Rory asked, grinning up at him.
“Oh I don’t need a ripped shirt to show off my war injuries, love”, he replied, pointing at his nose.
“Oh I forgot that”, she said.
“How can you forget that? It’s in the middle of my face! Do you even look at me?”, he mocked, putting his free hand on his chest. “I am hurt that my own girlfriend won’t look at me!”
She threw him a smile, before she grew thoughtful again. “Isn’t it weird for you?”
“What do you mean, love?”
“This boyfriend-girlfriend thing.”
“Is it supposed to be weird?”
“I don’t know. I mean, you said so yourself, you are not the commitment guy, but then you’re calling yourself my boyfriend. I am just confused and –“
“And you want to make sure that I really mean it?”
She nodded, watching him as they walked.
“Well, love, all I can say is that I never met someone like you, someone worth to call my girlfriend.”
“I am flattered”, she grinned.
“You better be. I still have to deal with certain things”, he muttered, searching his cell in his trousers. He pulled it out and dialled a number, pressing the cell to his ear.
Rory watched him until she felt her own cell vibrate in her purse. She raised an eyebrow and answered it.
“Hello, Roger”, Finn said.
“Um, hi Felicity”, she replied, chuckling.
“Hold on”, he said and covered the phone, before leaning down to Rory. “I have to take this call, love”, he said, his voice as serious as possible.
She nodded, trying to hide a laugh.
“Alright, I’m back. So, listen, Roger, I have to ask you a favour”, Finn said into his phone, his hand squeezing Rory’s a little.
“Sure. Shoot”, Rory replied into her phone.
“I have to go to my dorm before we can have lunch. And I need you to help me.”
“Um, how?”
“Stay with me”, he just said, before turning to Rory, raising their entwined hands and kissed the back of her hand.
Rory looked at him before she noticed that they have reached his dorm building. She nodded again.
“I’ll be with you”, she replied into her phone, watching how Finn let go of her hand and walked apparently very uneasy into the building.
“You’re still with me, love?”, she heard his voice in her cell when he was out of sight.
“Still here”, she replied.
“Alright, listen. We’ll meet in front of the dining hall. Just go ahead. This won’t take long. I hope.”
“I’ll do that. What do you need my help for now?”, she asked, walking past his dorm building towards hers.
“Just stay with me.”
“Are you afraid of entering your dorm?”
“I am about to shit my pants, love”, he said and she could just picture him smirk.
“Don’t panic, he already beat you up, he won’t do it again!”, she tried to calm him nevertheless, just passing by a coffee stand. She then reconsidered and got in line to buy a coffee.
“I’d love to believe you”, she heard him say. “So I’m at the door now”, he whispered.
“Well, open it”, she whispered back, ignoring the stares around her.
“I can’t!”, he whispered again.
“You can, just put the key into the hole and turn it around, a little push to the door and ta-da, it’s open. Very easy, Fi- Felicity!”
She heard how he did as she has said. Then there was silence. She listened closely, before it was her turn to order, she covered the phone and ordered a big coffee. She paid the salesman and left the line, picking up her phone again. There was still silence.
“Um, Finn?”, she whispered, looking around. “Finn”, she repeated, hissing his name.
“Yes, love?”
“Damn it, can you say something? I thought he had eaten you in one piece or had ripped your tongue out or anything!”
“Now you have an imagination”, he chuckled.
“Well, where are you?”
“I’m in my room, trying to undress with my phone on my ear wouldn’t work, so I put you aside.”
“Oh! And I’ve already been neglected!”, she mocked, trying to sound disappointed, while walking and sipping on her coffee.
After she had put down her coffee, she suddenly heard him gasp.
“Finn?”, she hissed. “You okay?”
“Mhm”, he replied, sounding far away.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing”, he said, his voice muffled.
“Tell me!”
“I – I touched my nose”, she heard him whine.
She tilted her head, smiling sympathetically into the phone. “Aww, poor, poor Felicity!”, she said in her sweetest voice. “Will you recover or shall I come over and nurse you?”
“I’ll keep that in mind for later, love”, he said, his voice still sounding rather muffled, yet she knew that he was grinning.
“So, you’re dressed yet?”
“No, darling, I decided to accompany you to lunch naked.”
“Mhm, that would be a nice sight”, she mocked. “I bet we’ll get the best table for that. Anyhow, are you still in your dorm? Nothing happened?”
“Nothing happened. Colin was snoring in his room and no sight whatsoever of Logan.”
“Nice”, she just said and turned around a corner. “So where are you?”
“Right here”, she heard him say, before a hand grabbed her and pulled her into the nearest doorframe.
She found herself pressed against Finn who was hiding in the doorframe, wearing a new shirt and a wide grin on his lips. “Hey, love”, he whispered and leant in to kiss her. He then turned his head a little and spoke into his phone again. “Sorry, I have to hang up now”, he said.
“Alright, I’ll see you soon”, Rory replied and they both lowered their phones. “Hi”, she then said to Finn and kissed him again.
He pulled his arms around her and deepened the kiss, playing with her hair.
“You know, we don’t have to hide anymore”, she whispered against his cheek when his lips moved to her neck.
“I know”, he whispered back. “But where’s the fun in that?”
“Wait!”, she interrupted him by putting her hands on his shoulders and pushing him away gently. “So you won’t make out with me in public?”
He watched her, licking his lips.
“Well, are you? I mean, come on, we don’t have to hide anymore. Logan knows, Paris knows, my mother knows, they all know it eventually. It’s out, Finn. You are not my dirty little secret anymore”, she said, tilting her head. “You are more than that now…”, she added in a low voice.
He threw her a smile and straightened up, before pushing past her, grabbing her hand. He then dragged her out of the doorframe on the middle of the corridor, with people passing by, throwing them confused looks. He pulled her towards him, his arms around her waist. She looked around a little taken aback.
“’This public enough for you, love?”
She bit her lip and raised an eyebrow. “What have I done”, she laughed, her free hand on his chest.
“You met me” he said, before he bent down to kiss her rather passionately. He even twirled her around and made her lean away from him as if they were waltzing through the corridor. Rory began to ignore the staring crowds and just looked at Finn. Their eyes met and soon after, he grabbed her hand and pulled her along the corridor, with Rory almost spilling the coffee she was still holding.
“Finn, not so fast”, she laughed, when he suddenly stopped and she ran into him, almost knocking him over. She looked around him and what she saw made her frown.
“Well, well, look, the new couple, heavily enjoying themselves”, Logan said, his arms crossed over his chest.
Rory walked around Finn and glared at him. As she looked past Logan she saw a girl hiding behind him. “Oh look, you already found yourself another one. Looks like we’re even”, she said through clenched teeth, eyeing Logan.
“Stay out of this, Ace”, he said – causing her jaw to drop.
Did he remember their talk from this morning? It seemed as if nothing happened. What was wrong with him? Rory opened her mouth - to be interrupted by Logan.
“So, Finn”, Logan addressed him, while Rory looked up to Finn who seemed to try his best to remain calm. “How are you?”
Rory opened her mouth again. “Are you serious?”, she blurted out, staring at Logan.
“Ace, this man has his own mouth.”
“Do not ever call me Ace again, okay? I’ve had enough of you! You are such an ass!” With that she let go of Finn’s hand and stormed away to the dining hall, feeling rather guilty about leaving Finn behind.

Several moments later, Finn dropped opposite her on a chair in the dining hall.
“I am so sorry”, she said the moment he looked at her.
“It’s fine, love”, he said, stretching his arms. “We talked.”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s –“
“Don’t say it’s fine. Tell me what he said.”
“It’s fine”, he grinned.
“Alright, he had turned you into a robot knowing only one sentence – or a parrot, shall I call you Polly from now on?”
Finn leant over the table and kissed Rory on the cheek.
“He has to deal with this situation, but he’s fine with it now. You made your choice”, he said, leaning back in his chair, with his arms crossed behind his head.
“Wow”, she said, raising an eyebrow. “So now we have his blessing, huh?”
“You know I’m glad about that, so I don’t have to be afraid of being murdered in my sleep anymore!”
“But you told me that would be a nice way to die”, Rory grinned.
“Well, now I want to live a few years longer.”
“I wonder why that is”, she said, smiling, watching him getting up from his chair, walking around to kneel beside her.
“So, love, I see you had lunch. How about I take you out now? Chinese food?”
“You are unbelievable” she smirked and kissed him. “But I’m afraid I have a class after lunch. How about dinner?”
“Dinner it is.”
“Oh, wait. Is today Friday?”
“Yes, love. You are so getting a watch and a calendar for your birthday!”
She smirked, before rummaging through her purse. “Damn! I have to go to Friday night dinner with my grandparents tonight!”
“Can’t you cancel it?”
“No, they would just let me go if I’m deadly sick.”
“I could come with you”, he just said, but she already pushed away her chair and got up, almost knocking him over. He stood up as well and watched her, before she finally paused for a second to stare at him.
“I could come with you.”
“Where to?”
“To your grandparents, so we still can have dinner together.”
“What?”, she asked again, glaring at him.
He just sighed.
“Don’t get me wrong, wow, this is really sweet, Finn, but no, you wouldn’t want to have dinner with my grandparents.”
“Why not?”
“They are awful and every time I bring a boy over, they just attack him. I –“
“Rory, I know your grandparents because they know my parents and I was at your grandparents’ house before, remember?”
She remembered and she could clearly recall the green tie he had been wearing that night. “You don’t want to do this.”
“I want to be with you, love”, he whispered, smirking.
She looked up at him and couldn’t help but smile. Shaking her head slightly, she grabbed his hand and led him out of the dining hall, heading to her dorm. Once they reached it, she unlocked the door and gently made him sit down on the couch.
“Stay right here”, she told him after she had bent down to kiss him.
He watched her with a puzzled look on his face as she vanished into her room.

[SIZE=3]“So he really said he wanted to go?”, Lorelai’s voice rang in Rory’s ear.
She was sitting on her bed, her legs crossed, her cell on her ear.
“Yes and he sounded so sincere!”
“Well, then why aren’t you taking him to Eva and –“
“Stop calling them that”, Rory smirked. “And I don’t know… what if they attack him or anything? And beside, it’s still so fresh, we’re only dating for a week.”
“How serious are you about him?”
Rory considered that question. It didn’t take her long to choose the right answer. “Very.”
“Then off to Hellville!”, Lorelai laughed. “If it’s not going to work you can blame him for wanting to see your grandparents. Ooh, or you blame them; that would be more fun!”
“I’ll think about it”, Rory said, standing up from bed, walking to her door. “Thanks, mom.”
“Anytime, honey.”
Rory opened the door and watched Finn sitting on the couch, playing with some of Paris’s handiworks. Chuckling she said goodbye to her mother and walked over to him, pulling her arms around his neck from behind the couch.
“I wouldn’t touch that”, she whispered into his ear. “Paris will kill you.”
“But you know that I like to play with fire, love”, he replied, turning his head.
“And that’s why we’re going to Hellville tonight”, she said.
“My mother’s name for my grandparents house.”
“I see”, he grinned. “So we’re going, huh?”
“Yes”, she said and leant against the back of the couch, her hands running over his chest.
“You’re sure?”
“As long as you are.”
“I am.”
“Then I am too.”
“Lovely”, he said and turned his head a little more to kiss her.
“Now I have to go to my class.”
“When shall I pick you up?”
“Around 6 would be perfect”, she smiled against his cheek.
“Around 6 it is”, he said.
“You are going to be a great boyfriend, you know that?”
“Thank you for the feedback, love”, he grinned and kissed her again.

(Fortsetzung im nächsten Post)

Dirty Little Secret - Anima Sola - 01.12.2006

(Fortsetzung von Kapitel 9)

Around six p.m., Rory sat on her bed, slipping into her shoes, when she heard a chain of knocking sounds on her door. She got up and opened the door to see Finn leaning against the doorframe, his knuckles still in the air.
“Oh, love, you disturbed me playing We Will Rock You on your door.”
She grinned. “I’m sorry! I’ll never again stand between you and your talent”, she chuckled, grabbing his hand, pulling him inside.
“I can only see one way you’re repaying me, love”, he said, before he pulled her into a tight embrace, kissing her hungrily.
“Finn!”, she laughed as he gnawed on her earlobe.
He let go of her and grinned. “So, ready to go to Hellville?”, he asked.
“Sort of”, she replied, before her gaze fell onto his clothes. “Wow! Will you look at that?”, she gasped and examined his tuxedo. “Ooh and I love the tie!”, she added, stroking over the red fabric.
“Thank you”, he said, watching her over. “And I can say, you look adorable tonight as well”, he added, placing his hands on her hips, making her move left and right, watching the skirt of her dark-red dress flow to the movements.
“Thanks”, she whispered and cupped his face. “Hey, the cute band-aid is gone!”
“Well, I couldn’t go to your grandparents with that thing on my nose. They would think I’m only hanging around bars, getting awfully drunk and then fighting about nothing at all!”
“But aren’t you, except for the last part?”, she laughed.
He tilted his head smirking. “You better not mention that in front of your grandparents!”
She stuck out her tongue to him and he pursed his lips, before he grabbed her and tickled her, until she, squealing loudly, raised her hands in surrender, begging for his mercy. He let go of her and placed his hands on the lower part of her back, locking eyes with her.
“You look beautiful”, he whispered, tilting his head. “And I still can’t believe this.”
“Me neither”, she muttered, putting her hands on his chest, feeling his heart beat behind the fabric of his tux.
“You ready to go?”
She nodded and lowered her hands, grabbing his, hooking her fingers into his.
“Oh dear”, she laughed, looking down at the nail polish on his fingernails.
He just shrugged, grinning. “Don’t ask, love.”
“I would never dare”, she replied, leaning up to kiss him. “I like this about you, my little MysteryMan.”
He smirked at the nickname she gave him. “So how do I call you from now on?”
“Be creative”, she suggested.
“Hmmm”, he said, thinking with his forehead furrowed. “What about – no. But maybe – ah, better not. And –“
“Oh stop that, I can’t stand that!”, she shrieked, a grin on her face. “Don’t begin saying something and don’t finish. My mother does the same. I hate that!”
“And I don’t want you to hate me, love”, he winked. “My lovely Tequila Girl!”
“Oh no, you can’t call me that”, she laughed. “At least not in front of my grandparents.”
“Speaking of which”, he said, looking at his watch.
“Oh dear, let’s go”, she said, grabbing her purse and pulling Finn after her out of her dorm, her heels echoing through the halls.

Rory pulled her car onto the place in front of her grandparents’ house and killed the engine, staring up at the large, dark house. Sighing, she turned to Finn. He watched her with a smile.
“Ready?”, she asked.
“If you are.”
She kept staring at the house.
“Are you ready?”
“I don’t know.”
“Let’s find out”, he said, opened his door and got out.
Rory didn’t move, until Finn opened her door and leant nearer to kiss her on the cheek. She woke up slightly and turned her head to him.
“Come on, Mystery Man will save you from the monsters of Hellville”, he said with a grin.
She replied his grin and kissed him quickly, before getting out, hooking her fingers into his as they walked towards the front door.
“They do know I’m coming, right?”
She nodded. “I called them.”
“So they know I am coming.”
She turned her head. “Yes, they know you are coming.”
“And who am I?”
She raised an eyebrow.
“What did you tell them?”
“I said I’m bringing over a special friend.”
“Special friend?”, he repeated with a frown.
“I didn’t want to tell them over the phone.”
“I see”, he said and looked at the door again. “Nice door. Do you think we’ll ever see the other side?”
“We have to ring for that.”
“So let’s ring.”
“I can’t reach the bell.”
“You’re standing closer.”
“My arm’s not long enough.”
“What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you so nervous about this dinner? Do you think I won’t behave or tell dirty stories or get drunk and embarrass you?”
“Are you?”, she asked, looking at him.
“Oh, love, now I am really hurt”, he said, putting his free hand on his heart. “I would never dare to embarrass you!”
“I want to believe that.”
“You know, I read somewhere, that, being in a relationship, the boyfriend and girlfriend have to trust each other.”
“I so want to borrow that book”, she grinned. “Alright, I am sorry that I even assumed you of embarrassing me. I know you won’t, I believe you, I’m just –“
“What, love?”
“Maybe they won’t approve you.”
“That’s what you fear?”
“Sort of.”
“So what? What if they won’t approve? Do we have to break up then?”
“No! No, of course not.”
“So what?”
She watched him, how he looked at her, in his black tux and the red tie, and his fingers hooked into hers, with his fingernails covered by shattered nail polish. She had never before seen someone like him, he was special and he always surprised her.
“You’re right, so what!”, she said and leant up to kiss him.
With that she bent forwards to ring the bell.
After the maid had opened, they walked into the living room, their hands still entwined. Emily and Richard Gilmore sat each in a chair and looked up at they approached.
“Rory”, Emily smiled and got up to greet her granddaughter.
“Hello, grandma, hi, grandpa”, she smiled at them. “This is Finn”, she said, turning her head to Finn.
“Good evening Mr and Mrs Gilmore”, he said and again Rory was surprised.
He let go of her hand and moved towards Richard and Emily to shake their hands. They smiled at him and then watched how Rory and Finn sat down on the couch. Finn then casually grabbed Rory’s hand again, causing Rory to throw him a smile.
“So this is your special friend, Rory”, her grandfather said, looking at Finn.
“Yes”, she replied. “My boyfriend, grandpa.”
“You are friends with Logan Huntzberger, is that right?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Fine friend, you have there”, Richard continued, before he got up. Rory and Finn exchanged short glances. “Do you like anything to drink?”
Rory watched Finn. “A soda for me, grandpa.”
“And a scotch, please, if that’s possible.”
“It is. Good taste, my boy”, her grandfather said, making their drinks.
Now it was Emily’s turn.
“So, Finn.” She pronounced his name rather carefully. “You are going to Yale as well?”
“Yes, Ma’am. I’m in my junior year.”
“I would have guessed you were older”, Emily said, watching him closely, while Rory squeezed his hand a little. “I thought you were at least two years older than Rory.”
“Well, I am”, Finn replied. “I just began college a little later.”
“I see.”
“So you are from Australia, am I hearing that right?”
It was Richard’s turn again. He handed out their drinks and sat down again.
“Yes, sir”, Finn nodded.
“Since when are you here?”
“I moved here when I was sixteen, sir. My father is a pilot in the Royal Navy.”
“And your mother is in the DAR, am I right?”, Emily chimed in.
“Of course, Ma’am.”
The evening continued with more questioning and answering, and when the maid announced that dinner was ready, Rory shot Finn a sympathetic smile, mouthing: “I am so sorry!” He just nodded and threw her a smile. They sat down next to each other on the table, facing the empty plates in front of them. Rory used the moment that Richard and Emily settled down to lean closer to Finn.
“We leave right after dessert”, she whispered. “I guess Tequila Girl has to save you today.”
He grinned at her, before straightening himself again when the salad was put onto their plates. They ate more of less silently. And after a little more small talk, Rory and Finn stood by the door, ready to leave.
“Thank you for this lovely dinner, Mrs Gilmore”, Finn just said, shaking her hand. “It was delicious.”
“Take care, son”, Richard said when Finn shook his hand.
Finn nodded, smiling. “Good night, sir.”
“Good night, grandpa, grandma”, Rory said and pulled Finn gently after her through the open door.
Once the door had closed behind them, Rory pulled her arms around Finn’s neck.
“Oh my god! Was that awful or what?”, she muttered against him.
“I expected worse things to happen, love”, he replied, causing her to stare at him.
“But I’m still sorry they asked you so much”, she whispered, leaning against him.
“It’s alright, darling.”
“I don’t understand why you are so calm.”
“Well, I just answered their questions. What’s the big deal?”
“And apparently they liked you.”
“This is odd.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because you are not the type of guy they want to be at their granddaughter’s side.”
“No, you are –“
“Yes, I don’t care what you are for them. For me”, she began, locking eyes with him. “For me you are special.”
“Right back at you”, he muttered, before leaning in to kiss her.
They stumbled back to Rory’s car, still holding and kissing each other. Rory unlocked the doors and they almost fell into the car, if Rory hadn’t pushed Finn away in time.
“Not here”, she mouthed and shoved him around the car to the passenger door. He got inside unwillingly, still holding her hands, kissing her passionately. She backed up after a while and closed his door before she got in on her side, starting the engine. His hand wandered over her knee to her thigh, but Rory just giggled and threw him a grin while driving off her grandparents’ front yard.
“Where are we going?”
“To a better place”, she replied, her eyes on the road.
“But I’m too young to die”, he whined.
“You don’t have to die for this”, she smirked, shooting a quick glance at her.
“But where is this better place?”
“Right here”, she just said, pointing at the entrance sign of Stars Hollow.
“What’s Stars Hollow?”
“You are about to discover that. You survived the dinner with my grandparents’ so amazingly, so you can easily cope with my mother as well.”
Finn just stared at her. “Your mother?”
Rory drove onto another front yard and parked right behind a jeep. She then turned to Finn and smiled. “Welcome to my life.” be continued... (ja, es geht wirklich noch weiter^^)

Dirty Little Secret - krümelmonster - 02.12.2006

ich liebe deine ff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Confusedabber:
ganz ganz ganz schnell weiterschreiben!!!!bitte bitte bitte!!!!
sry mehr kann ich gerade nicht sagen Big Grin