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Grey's McAddicts VII - 'cause it's all about the hair -
Samah - 02.10.2007
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SpoilerRichard: I thought...I thought...for a second, I thought I'd lost you. you want somebody? I can...
Adele: No, no one.
Richard: Well, the father of the baby, maybe you want to...
Adele: He doesn't even know about it. I didn't tell him. I, um... I think I misjudged him. I thought he'd go running for the hills. But actually...He'll get over his initial judgments, and he'll...sit with you...and he'll make you drink your water.
Richard: Adele...
Adele: It was a boy. I'm sorry.
Grey's McAddicts VII - 'cause it's all about the hair -
Fritzi753 - 02.10.2007
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Grey's McAddicts VII - 'cause it's all about the hair -
Searsha - 02.10.2007
es gibt schon einen
Grey's McAddicts VII - 'cause it's all about the hair -
KatieSmock - 02.10.2007
Ich fand 3x17 total schön und traurig
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SpoilerBesonders das ganze mit Denny und dann auch noch die Umarmung zwischen meredith und ihrer Mutter...
Aber am tollsten fand ich die Schlussszene, als Denny und izzie zur gleichen Zeit am gleichen Ort waren und Denny "izzie" sagte und er dann eben "ging"... Gott, ich musste so viel heulen
Aber die Wette zwischen Mark & Addi finde ich genial
Grey's McAddicts VII - 'cause it's all about the hair -
JamieA - 02.10.2007
Ich hätte irgendwie mal gerne das "Ergebnis" von Merediths strick-aktion gesehen :laugh:
Grey's McAddicts VII - 'cause it's all about the hair -
Fritzi753 - 03.10.2007
Searsha schrieb:es gibt schon einen
Danke dir,ich hab irgendwie meine Augen nicht aufgemacht ;-)
Grey's McAddicts VII - 'cause it's all about the hair -
melle - 03.10.2007
rina schrieb:
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and another one:
Ausiello vodcast:
He watched this week's GA and said this: Someone calls Meredith out on her 'selfish and innappropriate thing' she did in the finale. He said if you think about it, you will know which 'thing' he is talking about. It is a doozy of a scene and will be met with standing ovations in houses across America, apparently. He titles his vodcast as "Meredith finally gets whats coming to her!"
ich bin gerade noch zu verpeilt: versteht das irgendwer?
Grey's McAddicts VII - 'cause it's all about the hair -
Kate Austen - 03.10.2007
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SpoilerMer kriegt wohl von irgendwem den Marsch geblasen, wegen ihres selfish and inappropriate Verhaltens. Mehr hab ich auch nicht verstanden :lach:
Ich tippe auf Cristina. Cristina ist gut im Marsch Blasen und hat die engste Beziehung zu Meredith.
Ooooder es ist Mr Marky Mark "I came to Seattle to get Derek back" Sloan, der Mer klar macht, dass wenn sie nicht in die Pötte kommt, er sich Derek schnappt und mit ihm auf die Bahamas zieht, während Mer mit Izzie in denial lebt und Butterklumpen essen kann :groove: .
Meine Theorie.
Grey's McAddicts VII - 'cause it's all about the hair -
melle - 03.10.2007
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SpoilerMer kriegt wohl von irgendwem den Marsch geblasen, wegen ihres selfish and inappropriate Verhaltens. Mehr hab ich auch nicht verstanden :lach:
och super, das hab ich auch gecheckt :lach:
yeaaah, was zum diskutieren. was könnte es sein? iwas bzgl merder oder?
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SpoilerZitat:Question: Did Shonda Rimes mislead everyone? Is she reviving Gizzie instead of killing it? It sure looked that way in the premiere and the preview for this week's episode. €” Christine
Ausiello: Oh, Christine. My poor, sweet, naive Christine. You should know by now that those promos only tell half the story. Take it from someone who has seen the entire episode €” that's me! €” Gizzie is dealt a setback this Thursday when George chooses €Â¦ um €Â¦ let's just say he makes an important decision that sets the stage for Episode 3, "Let the Truth Sting." Keep in mind, Shonda strongly hinted that Gizzie wouldn't start to come undone until news of their fling made its way around Seattle Grace. I believe what you witnessed in last week's opener was the snuggle before the s**tstorm. Another scoopbit: Derek also makes a decision at the end of the episode, and it's one that'll make all you Mer-Der fans swoon. (I wonder if the NE was not correct on a proposal? But it seems a bit soon and would contradict what Kristen said about them being closer since breaking up. I woud LOVE Derek to do that but he already professed his life last seson and she stomped on it!; And it seems odd for him to propose after agreeing to back off and give her time to heal!)
Question: Can you please provide some Grey's Anatomy scoop? Preferably on whether or not Cristina will get a new love interest. €” Susan
Ausiello: Before she can get a new love interest, she has to purge the old one from her system. And she'll do just that this Thursday when Mom Burke drops by Seattle Grace to administer a dose of tough love. And Cristina isn't the only person she goes all Dr. Phil on. As I teased in this week's Ausiello Report vodcast, Diahann Carroll takes Meredith to task for the "selfish" and "inappropriate" thing she did in last May's season finale. And don't even think of asking me for a hint. You know full well what thing I'm referring to.
Question: I hear you've seen this week's Grey's. Please tell me it's better than the season premiere. Izzie tending to a deer? WTF? €” Carol
Ausiello: OMG, I totally forgot to tell you the most important thing about Thursday's installment: It's fraktacular! If you were longing for the good ol' Grey's, I'm happy to tell you it makes a triumphant comeback tomorrow night. It had all the snap, crackle and pop of a Season 2 episode. And speaking of triumphs, Chandra Wilson gives a performance that has "2008 Emmy Reel" written all over it. I know it's early, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that supporting-actress trophy is hers to lose. (okay so it IS his mother who blasts Meredith. But why? I just can't figure it out. Yes Meredth leaned too much on Cristijna. But how would Burke's mother know about it? And how would it be her fault?) Even if it were about Derek and leaving him I can't see how she would know about that! Interesting to say the least. I can't see what she did that was selfish and inappropriate for Mom Burke to go crazy on her! Cuting the dress is nothing to go postal on and neither is leaning on Cristina.
have a look
Grey's McAddicts VII - 'cause it's all about the hair -
JamieA - 03.10.2007
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Spoilerhab ich das jetzt richtig verstanden. Burke's mom bläst mer den Marsch? but why?