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Schönsten Lovesongs ever! - Ela - 03.10.2004

she will be loved - maroon 5

Schönsten Lovesongs ever! - JoAde - 03.10.2004

If You're Not The One - Daniel Bedingfield
Just Around The Corner - Cock Robin
Gesegnet seist Du - Ben
Angel - Aerosmith
Never Let Go - Hanson
If I Had You - Bryan Adams
Feels Like Home - Chantal Kreviazuk

und viele mehr...

Schönsten Lovesongs ever! - aliciakeys - 06.10.2004

thank god i found you - mariah carey

Schönsten Lovesongs ever! - KoTcHu - 06.10.2004

ärzte mit 1/2 lovesong steht hoer ja schon... Wub Wub Wub
xavier naidoo mit sie sieht mich nicht ist auch sooooooooooooooooooooooo

Schönsten Lovesongs ever! - Leni88 - 06.10.2004

Also ich geb jetzt auch mal meinen Senf dazu. Was im Moment bei mir auf Platz 1 steht is "The Rose" von Barbra Streisand, das Lied is schon älter, aber sooo schön. Kennt das jemand??
Außerdem noch "Tell him" von Celine Dion gesungen und ansonsten wurden schon alle genannt die ich schön find Smile
Grüßle, Leni

Schönsten Lovesongs ever! - *GilmoreGirls* - 06.10.2004

*evanescence-my immortal
*Mandy Moore-Only Hope Confusedabber:
*Blue-Breathe easy

:kotz: ... *mitsingen*


Schönsten Lovesongs ever! - LoveMetal - 06.10.2004

Byan Adams - Everything i do
Stevie Wonder - i have just called to say i love you
Whitney Houston - I will always love you
Celine Dion - My heart will go on


Schönsten Lovesongs ever! - HoNeY-GiRl - 06.10.2004

jessica simpson - for your love
natasha bedingfield - these words

Schönsten Lovesongs ever! - Gg_4ever - 09.10.2004

also eins der besten is auf jeden fall
Smokie-When the lightning strikes des lied is zum :knuddel:
Bryan Adams-Everything i do i do it for you
Faith Hill-There you´ll be

There You'll Be
Faith Hill
Pearl Harbor Soundtrack

When I think back on these times
and the dreams we left behind
I'll be glad
'coz I was blessed
to get to have you in my life
when I look back on these days
I'll look and see your face
you were right there for me

In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky
in my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life
I'll keep a part of you with me
and everywhere I am there you'll be
and everywhere I am there you'll be

Well you showed me how it feels
to feel the sky within my reach
and I always will remember
all the strength you gave to me
your love made me make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you
you were right there for me

In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky
in my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life
I'll keep a part of you with me
and everywhere I am there you'll be

'Coz i always saw in you my light, my strength
and i want to thank you now for all the ways
you were right there for me
you were right there for me always

In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky
in my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life
I'll keep a part of you with me
and everywhere I am there you'll be
and everywhere I am there you'll be
.................................................................. da gibt es so vieleeeeeeeee

Schönsten Lovesongs ever! - Eleya - 27.10.2004

LizEvans schrieb:* Against all Odds - Mariah Carry
die originalversion von phil collins ist vieeeeel besser !