Back where I belong -
contigo - 16.07.2008
oh schöner teil <3
der flashback war toll. und lore hast du echt gut getroffen :laugh:
wunderbar lol sie ist echt einmalig lool
wieder schöne gefühle und am besten finde ich, dass du so flüssig schreibst, im englishen hab ich immer ein wenig probleme, aber hier geht's echt gut

Liebe grüÃe Steffi
Back where I belong -
RoGirl - 16.07.2008
oi das war ja herzallerliebst <3
Da hab ich ja schon wieder Mühe mich aufm Stuhl zu halten
Es is jedesmal wieder toll wie Du es schaffst so viele Gefühle flüssig in einer fremden Sprache auszudrücken
Und dann noch die Personen so gut zu treffen

Ach ja Lorelai so kennt man sie

Ich freu mich schon ganz dolle auf den nächsten Teil.. also hopphopp rann an die Tasten

glg RoGirl
Back where I belong -
JUHUI - 22.07.2008
sorry, das mein FB erst jetzt kommt, Susu, aber ich war nciht da.

und ab Samstag wieder. ich hoffe davor kommt noch ein Teil *lieb schau* wäre echt toll, aber ich will dich auf keinen Fall stressen.
in Finns Kofffer *g* einfach toll ^^ ich komm in Rorys Koffer. kann dich ja nciht alleine fahren lassen.

ich will auch mit *hehe*
so nun mal zum Teil:
what the hell is a Jack? xD lol einfach toll sooo lustig. hat nicht mal Emily so was ähnliches gesagt: was ist ein sookie? *gg* egal wie auch imemr einfach super :p
ja und schon ist Rory wieder von ihrer Mom getrennt, sie macht das ecth dramatisch, aber ich finde es auch passend. das ist sie nun mal. Aber so ein bisschen Wahrheit ist da auch drinnen.

oh das ist ja wirklich rührend, also das Flashback *träne wegwisch* voll traurig. kann richitg mit Rory mitfühlen.
again, das ist ein echt dummes Wort.
Und Rory und Finn sind schon richtig ein eingespieltes Team. schön, aber auch irgendwie traurig, weil es ja dann ein Hinweis ist, dass es schon richtig oft war

oh mann ist logan blöd

Zwischen rory und Finn ist eine perfekte Chemie :herz:
Zitat:Since then so many things had changed. And through everything, she always had Finn to rely on. She was really lucky to have him in her live.
ein schöner Abschluss des Kapitels.

super tolles Kapitel und freu mich schon auf Australien.
kiss anja
Back where I belong -
Purzelbaer - 22.07.2008
Hallo meine Lieben!
Hab grad nicht viel zu tun und erfreue euch einfach mal mit einem neuen Teil.
@ Steffi - Ich freu mich, dass ich Lore gut getroffen hab. Sie ist immer ein bissel schwierig für mich zu schreiben. Schön, dass du es gut lesen kannst.
@ RoGirl - Vielleicht sollten wir dich festkleben, damit du nicht runterkippst?

Ich freu mich jedenfalls, dass es dir so gut gefällt.
@ Anja - Macht nix, sind ja schlieÃlich Ferien, da kann man auch mal weg sein. Ist aber nett von dir, dass du mitkommen willst. Hat Emily das wirklich mal gesagt? Weià ich gar net mehr. Muss mir wohl mal wieder die früheren Staffeln anschauen. Auf Australien musst da aber im Prinizp noch einen Teil lang warten. Der hier wird gröÃtenteils Flashback sein. Viel Spaà beim lesen!
On with Chapter number 11:
The heart is something you can't control, honey
âWake up, kitten, weâre there.â Slowly Rory opened her eyes to look into Finns smiling ones.
âHave I ever told you, that you look cute, when youâre sleeping?â he asked.
âNo you havenât, but that may come from the fact, that you usually saw me asleep after I cried myself to sleep. Are we really there already?â
âYup, come on letâs go!â He held out his hand and she gladly took it, still a little dizzy from sleeping. But this faded the moment she got out of the plane and the sun shone brightly out of the blue sky. Half an hour later they sat in a cab and were on their way to the hotel (which not surprisingly was owned by Finnâs family). They had booked the honeymoon-suite, which was the biggest suite in the hotel, but had only one bed, a fact neither of them minded. They were used to sleeping in one bed anyway.
âAlright, I want to go to the beach and weâll go shopping todayâ Rory set plans for the rest of the day. When she saw his face light up, she quickly added:
âWait, I will go shopping and you will come with me and carry my bags. Another shopping tour with you I probably wonât survive.â
âNow Iâm hurt! That would mean Iâm worse than Steph, and I know for certain, that Iâm not that bad!â
âYouâre close, Finny. I never knew for sure, if I should thank your father for giving you his feminine touch or course him, but I think itâs a little bit of both.â
âRemember that you like my parents, love. By the way, they want us to visit some time this week.â He saw her eyes light up. She had liked his parents since she first met them. That must have been about three years ago, when they visited him during Christmas.
âDo you really need to work at Christmas?â Rory asked disappointed.
âIâm sorry, Ace. I know, you had it all planned, just the two of us and all, but I canât do anything against it. My father sends me to London and I canât make it back until the 30th. But I promise New Years Eve will be all yours and I will get you something in London, okay? Maybe you can ask Colin and Steph, if you can have dinner with them? Well, I need to go now. Bye, Iâll call you, when Iâm there!â With that he kissed her goodbye and was out the door, before she even could say a word. Sighing she took out her phone and pressed the âoneâ button. Colin and Steph would have dinner with their parents, so she didnât want to disturb this rare occasion.
âHey, kitten!â The cheery voice of a certain Australian greeted her. Immediately a smile stole itself on her lips.
âHey, Finn! Listen, I wanted to ask you something. Loganâs away for Christmas and I donât want to be alone, so I thought if you and I maybe â¦â
âHe leaves you alone at Christmas? Huntz is a real idiot sometimes. But I would love you to join us for Christmas! And I mean not only dinner, but the whole holidays.â
âUs?â she asked, not quite sure, who else he could mean.
âYeah, my parents are coming here to celebrate with me. Since Trish and I are both away they felt alone, so I invited them. They would love to meet you anyway.â
âReally? You told your parents about me?â
âYup. Youâre one of my best friends, of course they know about you!â
âI would love to meet them, Finn! Iâll see you tomorrow, okay? You promised me a movie night!â
âOf course, kitten. See you then!â
Smiling she shut her phone again. Maybe Christmas wouldnât be so bad.
On Christmas Eve Rory looked at herself in the mirror one last time. She wore a dark red dress and her hair swung in shiny locks around her shoulders. She smiled at the mirror and then made her way to Finnâs apartment. There she was greeted by a stressed out Finn. His shirt wasnât buttoned right and he wore only one shoe.
âCome here, Iâll help youâ Rory said, while seating him in a chair after buttoning his shirt right. She found his other shoe and then ran a hand through his hair affectionate, like with a little boy. After that she looked around in the apartment. They had decorated the tree and the whole place together the day before and it looked really good. Finnâs room was a mess, as usual, but she figured that his parents knew this side of him.
âNow, weâre ready to go.â Finn let out a deep sigh.
âSometimes I donât know what Iâd do without you, love.â
âStill searching for your right shoe, I think. But we need to get to the restaurant now, come on!â
âMom, Dad!â Rory could see, that Finn was really happy to see his parents. She watched them hugging each other. Finn looked much like his father, they even had the same black nail polish on their fingers, except for his eyes, which he got from his mother. The scene in front of her made her somehow sad. She missed her mom terribly, especially on holidays and days they used to be together all the time, like the day of the first snow. But she ignored the upcoming sadness, because now Finn turned to her and introduced her smiling.
âMom, dad, this is Rory. Rory, these are my parents.â
âHello, Mister and Misses Morganâ she said shyly.
âOh please, thatâs way too formal! Call us Andrew and Carolyn, dearâ Finnâs father said, before they both came up to her and hugged her just like they had hugged Finn. With that a wonderful evening began. After dinner they went to Finnâs apartment and just sat in the living room and talked. Rory heard a lot of tales about her friend and told Carolyn and Andrew some things about their son as well. Altogether it had been the best Christmas since she had left Stars Hollow.
âI like your parentsâ Rory announced, when they lay in Finnâs bed that night (she stayed there, because Finn wanted to hold his promise and give her a full Christmas).
âThey like you too, love.â
âAnd you have such a great relationship ⦠and â¦â With her words her eyes started to water and finally she began to cry. Finn, surprised from her reaction, held her close and let her sob into his chest.
âWhatâs the matter, love?â he whispered.
âItâs just ⦠Iâve seen you and them ⦠and ⦠and it just made me miss my mom so badly. We should be ⦠be together now, but we donât even talk. God, I miss her!â she explained sobbing. Finn just kissed her hair and still held her close.
âItâs going to be okay, kitten. I promise.â
End Flashback
It nearly had killed him to see her like this that night and he still remembered his motherâs words, when he quietly got out of bed the next morning to make coffee for Rory. She had sat in the kitchen and looked at him with a soft expression in her eyes.
âYou heard us, didnât you?â his voice wasnât more than a whisper. She nodded and watched him, while he started the coffee maker.
âFinn? Do you love this girl?â she had asked, her tone was the same as his had been. He had avoided her eyes and stammered a little bit, which had only made her smile.
âThe heart is something you canât control, honey. You can try to deny it, but it will always be there. You care for her, I have seen the way you look at her. You canât get as close to her as you want, but you can take care of her. Be there for her, when she needs you. It will make both of you happy in the end.â
He was sure, he wouldnât ever forget those words. She had been right in the end, and seeing Rory happy was all, that counted for him.
So freu mich auf eure Meinungen. Ach ja, "The heart is something you can't control" ist eine Zeile aus dem Lied "Voices off camera" von Rise Against.
Lg, Susu :groove:
Back where I belong -
eve94 - 22.07.2008
Wow!!! Schöön!!!
Der Shopping Dialog war ja Spitze!!!!!!! Ich hab sooo lachen müssen! Toll geschrieben!!
Und dann das Flashback! Einerseits is ja wirklich das Letzte, dass Logan Rory zu Weihnachten einfach so sitzen lässt, aber dafür lernt Rory Finn's Familie kennen! Ich finds super, dass die sie so lieb aufnehmen. Dann wirds ja doch noch ein schönes Weihnachten!
Und wie die Beiden dann zusammen im Bett liegen. Ich versteh voll und ganz das Rory ihre Mum vermisst. Ich kann ma a Weihnachten ohne meiner Familie gar nicht vorstellen!!!
und dann am nächsten Morgen wie Finns Mum schon in der Küche sitzt. Irgendwie merkens ja wiedermal alle auÃer Rory selber... typisch!!!
Aber der Titel passt echt! das is wieda sooo a wahre Aussage! The heart is something you can't control! Ach wie wahr...
Also, jetzt bin ich schon auf das Abenteuer Australien gespannt!!!!
Bis bald!
Schönen Abend noch!
LG eve94
Back where I belong -
RoGirl - 22.07.2008
Das war ein wirklich toller Teil, Du hast mir so einen wirklich bescheuerten und anstrengenden Tag gerettet

Ich fand den Flashback so süà und traurig... aber vorallem süà xD
Ich warte schon auf das Kapitel wo er ihr endlich seine Liebe gesteht

Ich freu mich schon auf den nächsten Teil!
glg RoGirl
p.s.: guter Vorschlag

ich geh mal kurz Klebeband holen
Back where I belong -
contigo - 22.07.2008
Ohh, wie ich deine Flashbacks liebe

Ich find sie immer toll <3
Immer schön zu erfahren, wie es Rory und Finn früher ergangen ist, als sie noch mit Logan zusammen war und er seine Gefühle in gewisser Weise verstecken musste.
Ich freu mich auf mehr :gg:
Liebe GrüÃe <3 Steffi
Back where I belong -
JUHUI - 22.07.2008
sicher doch komm ich mit

du alleine in australien *g* das geht doch nicht, ich beschütze dich *zwinker*
ja, das war glaub ich in der ersten stafffel .. also schon ewig her, wo es noch keinen Finn gab

oh ja nur noch ein Teil un dann bin ich in Australien *g* hoffe er kommt noch bevor ich wieder wegfahre. warum ist das dieses jahr nur so blöd aufgeteilt?!
Flashbacks mag ich ^^ und ich hatte furchtbar viel spaà beim Lesen!!
Der Shopppingdialog war wirklich total gut

hab richtig gelacht.

er lässt sie an Weihnachten alleine?

das hätte ich nicht mal von Logan erwartet. echt schräg.
die arme Rory ganz alleien an Weihnachten!! ich kann das gar nciht oft genug wiederholen, an weihnachten!!
Finn ist ihre Nummer eins :freu: das ist doch ein tolles Zeichen.
Die Elter mögen ja Rory richtig gerne, aber Rory muss man einfach lieben. alleine was für eine Ausstrahlung sie hat!!

Oh Gott, bei Rory kommen ja voll die Gefühle hoch wegen ihrer Mom, weil sich die beiden soo lange nicht mehr gesehen haben, aber an Weihnachten ist das mehr als verständlich. man verbringt ja Weihnachten üblicherweise mit der Familie. aber bei Finns Familie ist sie sehr gut aufgehoben.
Finn ist einsame Spitze!!! er kümmert sich voll gut um Rory.
Mütter wissen doch immer, was in den Kinder vorgeht und wie sie das dann ausdrückt :herz: soooo wunderschön, das würde ich mir auch merken.
Finn gesteh doch endlich Rory deine Liebe. :herz: wundervoll.
klasse Teil, nichts daran auszusetzen und ich kann nur sagen: ich will mehr.
hoffe das FB passt so

kiss anja
Back where I belong -
Purzelbaer - 27.07.2008
Hi meine SüÃen!
Gott, so lnagsam aber sicher holt ihr auf.
@eve94 - Tja, Rory war in der Hinsicht doch schon immer ein bissel langsam, oder? Ich sag ja nur Tristan ... oder Jess ...
@RoGirl - Hast du das Klebeband? Sonst fällst du mir noch hin

Keine Ursache. Auf das Kapitel musst du noch ein bisschen warten, aber es kommt bald.
@Steffi - Ich freu mich, dass dir meine Flashbacks so gefallen.

Im kommenden Teil ist zwar keins, aber es ist trotzdem ... (Adjektiv darfst du dann selber einfügen

@Anja - Ist aber lieb von dir, dass du mich beschützen willst.

Ich hab als ich das geschrieben hatte gerade den Song gehört und die Zeile hat einfach gepasst. Und hier, meine Liebe, kommen deine Drogen
Chapter 12:
Why am I afraid?
Rory really enjoyed being with Finn. Of course, shopping with him had again been bad. If she would believe in god, she would think it was punishment for her sins. On the other side, he was a saviour. He had been so amazing the first days after the divorce, it would be unbelievable for everyone, who had known him in college. He had brought her coffee, he had put together everything for her bedroom â Luke had been the one, who had finished it in the end, after Finn had two blue fingers and a cut in his left hand, but it was the thought that counted -, he had basically done everything to make her happy. When Rory lay in bed this night, after a day of shopping and the beach, she thought of all those things. Finn next to her had fallen asleep a while ago, he even snored softly. She didnât know exactly, why she had begun to think about it now, but now she wrapped her mind around the past time, not only the weeks but also the years, that they had spent together by now. They had gone from two people, who had just known each other because of her boyfriend, to friends and finally to people, who shared everything with each other, who knew what the other was thinking, feeling and what the other needed. She had gotten to know a completely different side of the Australian and she had learned to rely on him. When she thought of it now, her whole life somehow had been build entirely on him for the last years and in some way this scared her now. He knew all of her secrets, simply everything about her and no one had ever known those things except for her mother and maybe Lane, but she wasnât so sure about that one.
âWhy?â she whispered. The word flood around in the dark room getting no answer. Why did she let this man get so close to her? Why did she think about this now? And why did that fact scare the crap out of her now? She didnât have answers for those questions, but she knew she wasnât afraid of her feelings for Finn. She was afraid, that he would someday use one of those things against her and let her down. She was afraid to get hurt by the one person she knew of, that he would rather die than ever hurt her. But why?
âWhy arenât you sleeping, kitten?â was she snapped out of her thoughts by the voice of said guy.
âI couldnât sleep. There are so many things, that I need to wrap my mind around.â
âTell me one of those thingsâ he was sleepy, but still she was the first thing on his mind. Rory just shook her head. She couldnât tell Finn, what she had been thinking about, but she couldnât lie to him either.
âJust tell me love, it canât be that bad.â She closed her eyes for a moment, before she sighed and decided to tell him.
âI thought about you and me.â
âWhyâs that?â
âI donât know. It just came to me and I suddenly realized how close we really are. I think, Iâm afraid, Finn.â
âWhy are you afraid?â He sat next to her by now, looking at her with curiosity in his eyes â and something she couldnât quite read.
âI know I shouldnât be. I feel stupid, you know? But Iâm afraid, that you will hurt me somehow, that you will let me down.â She didnât look into his eyes, so she couldnât see how they softened at her words.
âCome hereâ he said and she crawled into his arms.
âItâs not stupid, love, donât think that. I understand, really. There were many guys in your life, who let you down. Your father, who had never really been in your life; Jess, who just disappeared; Logan and even Dean somehow. They were all close to you and they all let you down. But you need to believe me something. I promise, no I swear not to ever let you down. I wonât hurt you, Rory. Rather Iâd jump from one of those crazy high skyscrapers they have in China or Japan, than ever hurt you. Iâve seen you hurt and I just couldnât live with it.â Roryâs eyes had started to water with his words and she hugged him.
âI love you, Finny.â
âI know, kitten. We should go back to sleep now.â With that he kissed her temple and crawled back under the covers. Rory watched for a few minutes before she did the same. She didnât know, why she had been afraid anymore. She was so lucky to have such a caring best friend.
Nun, es ist zumindest ein "I love you" drin ...
Liebe GrüÃe, Susu

Back where I belong -
contigo - 28.07.2008
Hach ja,
meine liebe Güte; ach komm schon Rory, geb dir 'n Ruck ;D
Ach Mensch, ja so ist die Liebe;
ein paar Umwege noch, aber dann komm schon Rory, seh ein, da ist mehr als ein 'best friend' :gg:
Liebe GrüÃle, Steffi