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Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" IV - Abendstern - 08.11.2014

Das letzte ist wohl Umgangssprache und heißt soviel wie "willst du Streit mit mir?"[COLOR="Red"]

--- Beitrag hinzugefügt um: 23:41 Uhr. --- Verschmelzung, da weniger als 24 Studen alt. ---

[/COLOR]"inappropriate gyrating"

Ich glaube nicht, dass das eine Anspielung ist, das ist übersetzt sowas wie unangebrachte Verrenkungen (wo man sich auf Fotos immer wundert, welche unnatürliche Haltungen die Models annehmen) oder etwas laszive Bewegungen

Hier die Übersetzung laut Internet

Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" IV - -LORE - 08.11.2014

Americas Next Topmodel ist das gleiche wie bei uns Germanys Next Topmodel, erklärt sich ja von selbst.

Das mit nacked santa claus:
Denke das sind anspielungen auf sh-charaktere, aber es gibt ein spaßvideo von cshauspieler STEVE guttenberg, der auch den Santa in einigen Verfilmungen spielte, in dem er nackt durch den park joggt.

ist aber vill ein bisschen weithergehot.

Neue Häs:

Zitat:LUKE: I hear you really belted it out.
LORELAI: Belted it out?
LUKE: "Endless love."

LUKE: Is that the one where all the kids ended up at Taylor's at 11:00 at night stealing stuff out of his fridge?
LORELAI: Shh! Hushed, reverent tones.
LUKE: I've got it all under control. Excuse me. What can I get you, Kirk?
KIRK: How about a steaming cup of chicory coffee?
Zitat:MISS PATTY: Oh honey, please. I've given more drunken toasts than Colin Farrell. You owe me nothing.
LORELAI: Thanks, patty. [Playing with the engagement ring]
MISS PATTY: That Luke… It may take a mule team, but you're getting him to the altar someday.
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
Zitat:PARIS: Larry summers is right, Rory. Our university system is crumbling. Did you know that.

Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" IV - Lore-01 - 10.11.2014

Zitat:"Endless Love" is a song written by Lionel Richie and originally recorded as a duet between Richie and fellow soul singer Diana Ross. In this ballad, the singers declare their "endless love" for one another. It was covered by soul singer Luther Vandross with R&B singer Mariah Carey and also by country music singer Kenny Rogers. Billboard has named it the greatest song duet of all time.

Zitat:Common chicory, Cichorium intybus,[3] is a somewhat woody, perennial herbaceous plant usually with bright blue flowers, rarely white or pink. Many varieties are cultivated for salad leaves, chicons (blanched buds), or for roots (var. sativum), which are baked, ground, and used as a coffee substitute and additive.

Zitat:rev·er·ent adjective \ˈrev-rənt, ˈre-və-; ˈre-vərnt\ :
showing a lot of respect :
very respectful
REVERENT : expressing or characterized by reverence/ worshipful
a reverent crowd of worshippers a reverent tone of voice

Zitat:Twenty-mule teams were teams of eighteen mules and two horses attached to large wagons that ferried borax out of Death Valley from 1883 to 1889. They traveled from mines across the Mojave Desert to the nearest railroad spur, 165 miles (275 km) away in Mojave.
Zitat:Lawrence H. Summers is the Charles W. Eliot University Professor and President Emeritus at Harvard University. He served as the 71st Secretary of the Treasury for President Clinton and the Director of the National Economic Council for President Obama.

Hier steht was zu äußerungen über schulsystem: (wiki)
Zitat:On March 15, 2005, members of the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences, which instructs graduate students in Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and undergraduates in Harvard College, passed 218–185 a motion of "lack of confidence" in the leadership of Summers, with 18 abstentions. A second motion that offered a milder censure of the president passed 253 to 137, also with 18 abstentions.
The members of the Harvard Corporation, the University's highest governing body, are in charge of the selection of the president and issued statements strongly supporting Summers.
FAS faculty were not unanimous in their comments on Summers. Influential psychologist Steven Pinker defended the legitimacy of Summers's January lecture. When asked if Summers's talk was "within the pale of legitimate academic discourse," Pinker responded "Good grief, shouldn't everything be within the pale of legitimate academic discourse, as long as it is presented with some degree of rigor? That's the difference between a university and a madrassa. There is certainly enough evidence for the hypothesis to be taken seriously."[37]
Summers had stronger support among Harvard College students than among the college faculty. One poll by the Harvard Crimson indicated that students opposed his resignation by a three-to-one margin, with 57% of responding students opposing his resignation and 19% supporting it.[38]
In July 2005, a board member of Harvard Corporation, Conrad K. Harper, resigned saying he was angered both by the university president's comments about women and by Summers being given a salary increase. The resignation letter to the president said, "I could not and cannot support a raise in your salary, ... I believe that Harvard's best interests require your resignation."[39][40]
Zitat:In 2000, economist and former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers became president of Harvard. Soon after, Summers held a private meeting with West, where he reportedly rebuked West for missing too many classes, contributing to grade inflation, neglecting serious scholarship, and spending too much time on his economically profitable projects.[43] Summers reportedly suggested that West produce an academic book befitting his professorial position, as his recent output had consisted primarily of co-written and edited volumes. According to some reports, Summers also objected to West's production of a CD, the critically panned Sketches of My Culture, and to his political campaigning, including an alleged three weeks to promote Bill Bradley's presidential campaign.[44] West contended he had missed only one class during his tenure at Harvard "in order to give a keynote address at a Harvard-sponsored conference on AIDS." Summers also allegedly suggested that since West held the rank of Harvard University Professor and thus reported directly to the President, he should meet with Summers regularly to discuss the progress of his academic production.[45]
Summers refused to comment on the details of his conversation with West, except to express hope that West would remain at Harvard. Soon after, West was hospitalized for prostate cancer. West complained that Summers failed to send him get-well wishes until weeks after his surgery, whereas newly installed Princeton president Shirley Tilghman had contacted him frequently before and after his treatment.[45]
In 2002 West left Harvard University to return to Princeton. West lashed out at Summers in public interviews, calling him "the Ariel Sharon of higher education" on NPR's Tavis Smiley Show.[46] In response to these remarks, five Princeton faculty members, led by professor of molecular biology Jacques Robert Fresco, said they looked with "strong disfavor upon his characterization" of Summers and that "such an analogy carries innuendoes and implications... that many on the Princeton faculty find highly inappropriate, indeed repugnant and intolerable."[47]
Harvard University's undergraduate student newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, suggested in October 2002 that the premise of Law and Order: Criminal Intent episode "Anti-Thesis" was based on West's conflicts with Summers.[48]

Zitat:Colin James Farrell (born 31 May 1976) is an Irish film actor.
In December 2005, Farrell checked into a rehabilitation treatment centre for addictions to recreational drugs and painkillers.

neue hhäs:
Zitat: RORY: What about Mitchum?
FINN: The “Dark Lord” we left word but haven't heard anything.
Zitat:CAESAR: [Too a customer] I will get that for you in two shakes of a lamb’s tale.
LORELAI: Hello, weary traveler.
LUKE: It's good to be back.
LORELAI: You look older, wiser.
LUKE: Well, I did spend a lot of time squinting at historical documents.
Zitat: LORELAI: That's what it is, constitution face. [Seeing Miss Patty] I Patty.
Zitat:LUKE: I brought you something.
LORELAI: Oh, did you steal me the constitution? 'Cause that could be the start of a really dumb movie.
PARIS: I just found out my microbiology final is an open-book exam. Can you believe that? I mean why not just have our professors take it for us? Or better yet, they can just hand us our diplomas the moment we step on campus freshman year, along with some government cheese, a bong, and a t-shirt that says "hard work is for suckers."
Zitat:PARIS: ...Six broken ribs, a broken ankle, torn cartilage in both knees, and a severe concussion. He had surgery for the lung, and that went well. They did a Thoracoscopy, which is a couple of small incisions in the chest. [Rory looks worried] Then they put a tube into the lung to drain the fluid from the pleural space so the lung can re-expand. That's way less invasive than a Thoracotomy. Which is a similar operation but for that one, they have to butterfly you like a shrimp. And that’s it.
Zitat:ORELAI: You know you would make the best Sherpa and the hottest. You could move to Nepal, open your own hot-Sherpa shop, and make a fortune.
Zitat: LUKE: The toiletry kit.
LORELAI: What? And throw away the 5-year-old Dixie cup you use to hold your toothbrush? It’s historical.

Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" IV - -LORE - 14.11.2014

es gibt viele dark lords:

und generell hätte ich den schluss zugelassen, dass es einfach heißen soll: Mitchum ist ein hohes tier, aber hundsgemein Wink

in two shakes of a lamb's tail- in Nullkommanichts
weary - müde, abgekämpft, erschöpft
-> Müde vom reisen

constitution: verfassung
Zitat:LORELAI: You look older, wiser.
LUKE: Well, I did spend a lot of time squinting at historical documents.
LORELAI: That's what it is, constitution face. [Seeing Miss Patty] I Patty.
1787 wurde die verfassun in philadelphia niedergeschrieben.
neben anderen wicxhtigen historischen dokumenten:
Zitat:In Philadelphia tagte der erste und teilweise auch der zweite Kontinentalkongress sowie der Verfassungskonvent von 1787, die Amerikanische Unabhängigkeitserklärung wurde hier verkündet und die Verfassung beschlossen.
Zitat:Government cheese is processed cheese that was provided to welfare, Food Stamp recipients and the elderly receiving Social Security in the United States, from the 1960s through to the early 1990s. The style of cheese predated the era, having been used in military kitchens since World War II and in schools since as early as the 1960s.

Zitat:Eine beliebte Methode ist dabei, die Garnelen im Butterfly Schnitt zu präsentieren. Hierbei werden die Meerestiere der Länge nach so aufgeschnitten, dass sie an der Flosse noch zusammenhängen. Klappt man sie dann auseinander, entsteht eine dekorative Schmetterlingsform, die bereits beim Anblick Lust auf mehr macht.
:p armer logan

Zitat:Die Sherpa (Scherpa; deutsch etwa „Ostvolk“) sind ein Volk, das vor 300 bis 400 Jahren aus der Kulturregion Kham, hauptsächlich dem heutigen Qamdo und Garzê, in den Zentral- und Süd-Himalaya eingewandert ist. Die Bezeichnung des Volkes stammt aus dem Tibetischen: shar bedeutet „Osten“, die Nachsilbe pa bedeutet „Volk“, „Menschen“. Angehörige dieser Ethnie werden ebenfalls als Sherpa bezeichnet (Plural Sherpas);[1] die weibliche Form ist Sherpani (Plural Sherpanis).[2] Heute gibt es etwa 180.000 Sherpas. Sie leben vor allem im Osten Nepals sowie in den grenznahen Regionen Chinas und Indiens. Sie sind größtenteils buddhistisch und sprechen überwiegend eine ihrer Kultur eigene Sprache, die ebenfalls Sherpa genannt wird.

Mit dixie könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass sie die band meint. es kamen schon öfter anspielungen zu der band vor.

Zitat:Die Dixie Chicks sind eine US-amerikanische Country-Band, die 1989 in Dallas, Texas gegründet wurde. Die Schwestern Emily Robison (Gitarre, Dobro und Banjo) und Martie Maguire (Geige und Mandoline) sind vielseitige Musikerinnen, die Leadsängerin Natalie Maines hat eine prägnante Stimme. Typisch für die Band ist der Satzgesang der drei Frauen.

Neue Häs:

Zitat:ANNA: It's a rave. Her friends call you Hagrid.
Zitat:RORY: You're gonna be fine, you’re gonna make a full recovery.
LOGAN: Hey Robocop made a full recovery. Look where that led him

Zitat:LUKE: You're a genius.
LORELAI: Well 13-year-old girls and makeup, it's like betting on secretariat.
LUKE: Never in a million years would I have thought of something like this.
LORELAI: That's why I'm the Yin to your Yang, the Emack to your Bolio. [Too the girls] Hey, who wants hot-pink highlights?
GIRLS: Oh, me!

LORELAI: That looks excellent. [Gasps] Marcia, fabulous. You look like Sophia Loren.
MARCIA: I was going for Vanessa Minnillo on MTV.
LORELAI: Ah, I love her music.
MARCIA: She's a V.J.

Zitat:APRIL: Got it, hey did you do that glitter heart on your cheek?
LORELAI: Happens to be my handiwork yeah you want one?
LORELAI: All right, sit, sit. Ah what color would you like, pink, blue, purple, florescent green?
APRIL: Purple I'm obsessed with purple, probably because I'm obsessed with "Harold and the Purple Crayon."
APRIL: I know I'm too old, but it's still one of my all-time-favorite books.
LORELAI: That’s okay I'm too old for us weekly. It never stopped me.

Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" IV - Lore-01 - 17.11.2014

Hagrid ist der große LIebenswerte Riese in HP, den kennt ja jeder Wink

Zitat:RoboCop ist ein US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction-Film aus dem Jahr 1987. Der Polizist Alex Murphy wird bei einem Einsatz brutal ermordet und erwacht im Körper eines Roboters zu neuem Leben. Als praktisch unzerstörbarer „RoboCop“ versieht er den Polizeidienst, ehe er seine frühere Identität entdeckt und nach seinem Mörder sucht. Der Sieg über seinen Peiniger deckt auch Korruption innerhalb des Konzerns auf, der RoboCop erbaut hatte.

secretariat - sekretariat oder :
Zitat:Secretariat (* 30. März 1970; † 4. Oktober 1989) war ein US-amerikanisches Rennpferd, das von vielen als das beste Rennpferd aller Zeiten angesehen wird. Auf der Liste der 100 besten amerikanischen Rennpferde des 20. Jahrhunderts , erstellt vom Blood Horse Magazine, ist er nach Man o' War die Nummer 2. Sein Spitzname war "Big Red", nach Man o' War, der ebenfalls so genannt wurde. Beide waren sehr große Pferde, während die Nummer 3, Citation, eher klein und drahtig war.
Ggibt auch einen film drüber :confused:

Zitat:mack & Bolio's is a chain of ice cream stores based in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. The chain was founded by Robert Rook, a lawyer and self-declared hippie who has worked closely with the homeless, Vietnam war protesters, civil and gay rights advocates, and numerous rock bands such as Aerosmith, U2, Boston, The Cars, and James Brown.

Zitat:Sophia Loren ist eine italienische Filmschauspielerin. Sie entwickelte sich in den 1960er Jahren zum Weltstar.

Zitat:Vanessa Joy Minnillo (* 9. November 1980 in Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippinen) ist eine US-amerikanische Fernsehmoderatorin und Schauspielerin. In Amerika wurde sie durch die Moderation von Total Request Live (2003–2007) auf MTV bekannt.


Zitat:Harold and the Purple Crayon is a 1955 children's book by Crockett Johnson. This is Johnson's most popular book. It led to a series of other books, and inspired many adaptations.

The protagonist, Harold, is a curious four-year-old[1] boy who, with his purple crayon, has the power to create a world of his own simply by drawing it.
Harold wants to go for a walk in the moonlight, but there is no moon, so he draws one. He has nowhere to walk, so he draws a path. He has many adventures looking for his room, and in the end he draws his own house and bed and goes to sleep.


Zitat:Us Weekly is a weekly celebrity and entertainment magazine, founded in 1977 by The New York Times Company, who sold it in 1980. It was acquired by Wenner Media in 1986. The publication covers topics ranging from celebrity relationships to the latest trends in fashion, beauty, and entertainment. Along with Jann Wenner, the individuals currently in charge of Us Weekly are editor-in-chief Michael Steele and publisher Victoria Lasdon Rose. As of 2013, its circulation averaged over two million.

soweit ich weiß die letzten Häs.

Zitat:[I]APRIL: The new "way things work.

Zitat:KIRK: I just need it back for the Weinstein retirement party. Mel Weinstein's a nut for John Hughes movies.
LORELAI: All right, girls, um, you're about to meet someone very special to me. Her name is Molly Ringwald. Now, I know you don't know who that is, but suffice it to say, she is my generation's Audrey Hepburn. And I know you don't know who that is, either, but trust me, you're gonna love her. And yes, that is the guy from "Two and a Half Men." All right, enjoy.
Zitat:Cut to later, Luke is trying to get to sleep, you can here the girls laughing off screen]
LUKE: [Sighs]
GIRLS: Light as a feather,
stiff as a board.
Light as a feather,
stiff as a board.
Light as a feather,
stiff as a board.


Zitat:SOOKIE: And why would the two of us ever need to look better?
LORELAI: Exactly, whatever happened to the questionably attractive glories of wet 'n' wild blue eye shadow or crimping irons?
SOOKIE: Remember sun-in and aqua net and Bonne bell lip smackers? I used to love Bonne bell lip smackers.
LORELAI: Well who doesn't love a lip gloss that doubles as a necklace? And they smelled so great.
SOOKIE: Except once, I had the chocolate-fudge-flavored one, and in study hall, Trevor fink ate the whole thing, and then he threw it up all over my copy of "the red badge of courage."

Zitat:LORELAI: Yes! I've got original, glitter gloss, grape crush, and dr. Pepper.

Zitat:ANNA: So basically, until I'm ready to get married again, she doesn't meet any of the men I date.
ANNA: For all she knows, I'm a nun.
LORELAI: Yeah, I went through a sister Wendy phase myself once.

Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" IV - -LORE - 17.11.2014

Zitat:The Way Things Work is a book by Neil Ardley, illustrated by David Macaulay, as an entertaining introduction to everyday machines, describing machines as simple as levers and gears and as complicated as radio telescopes and automatic transmissions. Every page consists primarily of one or more large diagrams describing the operation of the relevant machine. These diagrams are informative but playful, in that most show the machines operated, used upon, or represented by woolly mammoths, and are accompanied by anecdotes of the mammoths' (fictive) role in the operation. The book's concept was later developed into a short-lived animated TV show (produced by Millimages[1] and distributed by Schlessinger Media), a Dorling Kindersley interactive CD-ROM, and a board game. A family "ride" involving animatronics and a 3-D film based on the book was one of the original attractions at the San Francisco Metreon, but closed in 2001.

Zitat:John Hughes war ein US-amerikanischer Filmregisseur, -produzent und Drehbuchautor. [url=][/url]

Er machte filme wie der frühstücksclub, Pretty in PInk etc.

Zitat:Molly Kathleen Ringwald ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin und Sängerin. Bekannt wurde sie in den 1980er Jahren mit ihren Rollen in Das darf man nur als Erwachsener, Der Frühstücksclub und Pretty in pink.

Audrey Hepburn war eine Schauspielerin. Britisch-niederländische wurzeln und in den 50ern total bekannt für z.B. Sabrina oder Funny Face
Zitat:Two and a Half Men ist eine US-amerikanische Sitcom, die am 22. September 2003 vom Fernsehsender CBS erstmals ausgestrahlt wurde. Entwickelt wurde die Serie von Chuck Lorre

Jon Cryer spielt den Alan in Two and a half man und spielte auch in Pretty in PInk mit, den Duckie (bester freund von Molly Ringwalds figur).

Zitat:Light as a feather, stiff as a board, sometimes known as pig in a blanket, stiff as a board, is a game played by children at slumber parties.[1] The phrase has also become established in popular culture as a reference to a levitation trick, and has been referred to in various media accounts.

Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" IV - Lore-01 - 17.11.2014

Zitat:Die rote Tapferkeitsmedaille (The Red Badge of Courage) aus dem Jahr 1895 ist der bekannteste Roman von Stephen Crane. Die Geschichte erzählt von den Erlebnissen und Gefühlen des jungen Soldaten Henry Fleming vor und während der Schlacht bei Chancellorsville im Sezessionskrieg.

Zitat:Schwester Wendy Beckett (* 25. Februar 1930) ist eine in Südafrika geborene, in geweihter Jungfräulichkeit lebende britische Eremitin, die in den 1990er Jahren durch eine gefeierte Dokumentarfilmreihe der BBC über Kunstgeschichte Berühmtheit erlangte.
Nachdem sie 1970 die päpstliche Erlaubnis erhalten hatte, als geweihte Jungfrau zu leben, ermöglichte es ihr der Orden, fortan unter dem Schutz der Karmelitinnen in deren Kloster in Quidenham (Norfolk), im Osten Englands, ein Eremitinnenleben zu führen. Ihr kontemplatives Leben findet in einem Wohnwagen auf dem Gelände des Klosters statt. Außer gelegentlichen Besuchen der Priorin der Karmelitinnen oder einer Nonne, die sie mit dem Lebensnotwendigen versorgt, hat sie ihr Leben gänzlich der klösterlichen Einsamkeit und dem Gebet verschrieben, ausgenommen von zwei Stunden täglicher Arbeit.

bonnebell lipsmackers:


Alte marke von sonnencreme

aqua net:
hairspraymarke. gibt es schon seit 1950

Zitat:Dr Pepper ist ein in den USA verbreitetes kohlensäurehaltiges Erfrischungsgetränk mit Pflanzenextrakten (Bezeichnung laut Etikett: Koffeinhaltiges Erfrischungsgetränk mit einer Zuckerart und Süßungsmitteln), das zur Dr Pepper Snapple Group gehört. Für Deutschland liegen die Marken- und Lieferrechte seit 2006 bei der Krombacher Brauerei.[1]

noch ein paar häs:

Zitat:ORY: How is he? Is he okay?
FINN: Scuttlebutt is he's not dead.
Zitat:LUKE: Yeah, look, Caesar, I don't want to improve things, and I don't want to stop being cold to customers. I want you to keep my damn bananas out of the damn fridge, and I want to keep my damn doughnuts in the damn doughnut case. Can you do that for me!
CAESAR: Of course, Luke.
LUKE: Thank you.
CAESAR: Customers don't care for gratuitous profanity, either.
Zitat:LUKE: I brought you something.
LORELAI: Oh, did you steal me the constitution? 'Cause that could be the start of a really dumb movie.
Zitat:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]LORELAI: I'm just glad to hear from you. Is there anything I can do, anything you need? It's been a while since I've sent out a care package. You could be up to your eyeballs in mad libs, silly string, malted milk balls.[/FONT]

Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" IV - -LORE - 17.11.2014

scuttlebutt - Gerede

Zitat: gratuitous profanity:
Profanity for the sake of profanity, in a forced attempt to make a movie, videogame or song sound cooler. It is uneeded.

Bsp: Eminem does not execute gratuitous profanity, but it does seem as though he was trying too hard to sound cool on his first two albums. Now he's established a reputation, he's making really shitty music without as much swearing, so he can show that without all the badmouthing, he really does sux0r my bizalls.

Zitat:Das Improvisationsspiel Mad Libs (aus dem Englischen „ad lib“, was wiederum aus dem Lateinischen „ad libitum“ – „wie Sie wünschen“, kommt) ist ein Spiel aus Worten mit einem vorgegebenen Lückentext. Ein Spieler fordert eine Reihe von Wörtern von einem anderen Spieler, um sie in Lücken einer Geschichte einzufügen. Diese Einfügungen haben einen lustigen Effekt, wenn die Geschichte laut vorgelesen wird.
Zitat:Silly String (generically known as aerosol string) is a toy of flexible, sometimes brightly colored, plastic string propelled as a stream of liquid from an aerosol can. The solvent in the string quickly evaporates in mid-air, creating a continuous strand. Silly String is often used during weddings, birthday parties, carnivals and other festive occasions, but it has also proven useful militarily to detect tripwires.

Zitat:Mad Libs is a phrasal template word game where one player prompts others for a list of words to substitute for blanks in a story, before reading the – often comical or nonsensical – story aloud. The game is frequently played as a party game or as a pastime. The game was invented in the United States, and more than 110 million copies of Mad Libs books have been sold since the series was first published in 1958.[1]
Zitat:Whoppers are malted milk balls covered with a chocolate-flavored coating produced by The Hershey Company.

das mit der gratuitous profanity verstehe ich noch nicht ganz genua: Meint Ceasar Luke würde das thank you übertrieben freundlich sagen udn das würde dann wiederrum schlecht ankommen?

Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" IV - Lore-01 - 18.11.2014

gratuitous profanity - auf deutshc mit Kostenlose beschimpfung übersetzt Smile

also passt auch unerwünschte Beschimpfung, so wie es wir haben Wink

Yippie, fertig Wink

Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" IV - -LORE - 27.11.2014

Episode 6.20

Show Content