[5x20] How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod -
Naveah - 23.03.2005
Info taken from Sides in the Shooting Script 3/10/05
The information summarized below is taken from the 5 Sides published on 3/10/05 for Audrey, Beatrice, Charlie, Harry, Patel.
I will include context and stage descriptions where appropriate.
There is very little blacked out dialog and Stage Direction..
- Characters:
Audrey - Receptionist Stamford Eagle-Gazette
Harry - Man - does orientation for new Interns at Stamford Eagle-Gazette
Charlie Eichner - Managing Editor - Stamford Eagle-Gazette
Patel Chandrasekhar - Resident Computer Whiz - Stamford Eagle-Gazette
Beatrice - Maid - At the Elder Gilmore house
Editor Note: A fragment of Scene 11 is picked up in progress and ends on the top of the page. The end of the scene is between Rory and Lorelai.
Interior - Location Uknown - Time Unknown - Scene 11 -
Editor Note: The Scene is in progress and we are seeing the very end of it.
Rory is exclaiming - "Mom!"
Lorelai tells her that she is sorry.
Stage Direction: Lorelai turns the light off and exits the room.
End of Scene 11
Interior Stamford Eagle-Gazette/Newsroom - Day (Day 4) - Scene 12 -
Stage Direction: This is the office of the "Stamford Eagle-Gazette," a regional newspaper with about three hundred and fifty employees and a circulation just under 40,000. We're in the editorial offices; a center bullpen area houses reporters, feature writers and support personnel. Around the periphery are offices for editors (News, Business, Sports, Features, Lifestyle, etc.) Rory comes off the elevator. She's dressed in a young girl's idea of "work clothes" such as can be assembled from the closet of a college student (a skirt, a white blouse and jacket that nearly matches - heels), her hair is neat and her make-up perfect. She looks around, not exactly sure where she's supposed to go. She turns right and takes a few steps. She realizes that the receptionist, Audrey, seated at a reception desk located against the wall, is staring at her. There's an awkward moment where they're both staring at each other.
Audrey asks Rory if she can help her.
Rory tells her that she is just trying to figure out if she is in the right place.
Stage Direction: A beat.
Audrey asks if she was hoping to be in some sort of newspaper office?
Rory responds , "Yes, I was. I'm Rory Gilmore. I'm an intern. Mitchum...Mr. Huntzberger hired me. For nothing of course because an intern makes nothing. And they are happy to do it. I'm new."
Stage Direction: Audrey hands her a temporary badge.
Audrey tells that that is a temporary ID and to sometime later today stop by and see Al carson. He will take your picture and give you a permanent one.
Rory is babbling that she never had a picture ID before. She will take very good care of it. Rory asks if the is a fine for losing it.
Audrey tells her - no fine.
Rory assures her that she won't lose it, I promise.
Audrey tells her that she will hold her to that. Audrey tells Rory that she needs to talk with Harry. He deals with interns. Audrey is now distracted answering the phone into her headset for a couple a calls.
Rory asks where she can find Harry?
Stage Direction: Audrey gestures in the general direction of the cubicle maze.
Audrey is speaking into her headset tell the caller that she is sorry be Mr. Wolowitz won't be in until the afternoon.
Stage Direction: Rory, still not sure where to go, crosses away toward the cubicles. She finds herself standing in the middle of a busy labyrinth. She stands there as people cross past her. An assistant with an armful of loose leaf binders bumps into her.
Rory tentatively asks her, "Harry?"
Stage Direction: A Beat.
Rory calls out again a little too loud - "Harry?"
Stage Direction: A couple of people stare at her as the walk by. Harry pops up from his cubicle. he's in his early twenties, scruffy and unconcerned about it.
Harry responds with - "Who called harry?"
Stage Direction: Rory runs over to Harry.
Rory tells him that she did, I called Harry. "Hi. I'm Rory Gilmore. I'm an intern and I have and ID and..."
Stage Direction: Harry comes out of his cubicle and launches into the tour of the newsroom he's done a million time before.
Harry tells Rory that this is basically the newsroom. Reporters. Support staff. Over there is the composing room where we do paste-up. It's called paste up because it used to be done with...
Rory completes his sentence - scissors and paste...
Harry is unimpressed that Rory knew. He continues with, but now we do it on a Mac. He points out the location of the back issues telling her that ninety-five to present are on CD-ROm, earlier on microfiche. Harry tell Rory that is she uses the microfiche reader to make sure that it is turned off because the bulb is too hot and it melts the stuff.
Rory looks through her purse mumbling that she wished she had a pencil.
Stage Direction: Harry starts moving on. Rory follows.
Harry is barreling on - "That Bob Furth's desk. He writes "Furth Things First" on the Op-Ed. Harry points to the opposite cubicle says that's Ed Rose...
Stage Direction: Ed waves.
Harry continues on pointing out offices. Circulation. Advertising. This is an exit. This is our kitchen. Coffee...stale donuts, if you finish the pot you make a new one...
Stage Direction: Harry is called by a man from off-screen.
Harry tells Rory he'll be right back.
Stage Direction: Harry exits off. Rory glances in the kitchen, then glances around her and hesitantly goes in.
End of Scene 12
Interior Stamford Eagle-Gazette/Break Room - Continuous - Day (Day 4) - Scene 13 -
Stage Direction: Rory stops at the kitchen. She looks around, really excited to be in her first official newspaper break room. She gets an idea. She pours herself a cup of coffee, goes over to the water cooler, takes out her phone, holds it up, poses, and takes a picture of herself holding coffee at the water cooler. She smiles and looks at the picture. Suddenly she hears a rumbling of voices outside. Still holding her coffee, she goes back into the newsroom.
End of Scene 13
Interior Stamford Eagle-Gazette/Newsroom - Continuous - Day (Day 4) - Scene 14 -
Stage Direction: The newsroom is suddenly abuzz with voices and activity. Rory comes out of the break room. A couple of people pass by.
Patel comes by saying, "Huntzberger's here."
Laurie responds - "Oh great."
Editor Note: There is no Casting Side for this character. She may have been cut.
Stage Direction: They rush off. Rory looks around. Harry comes up to her.
Harry is exclaiming - "Huntzberger's here"
Rory asks where?
Stage Direction: Angle on their POV of Mitchum Huntzberger approaching. Huntzberger is accompanied by two of his executives and they are being led by Charlie Eichner, the Managing Editor. They are walking and talking fast. The newsroom is standing, some following, all nervously smiling as her passes.
Harry says to Rory - "I think he's one of those guys there."
Rory responds - "Yeah. In the middle...striped tie."
Harry asks - "You know Huntzberger?"
Rory says that she does.
Harry asks really, what's he like?
Rory responds - "Uh, Episcopalian, second of four children, oldest boy...hates peas..."
Stage Direction: The group approaches. As they do, reporters and support personnel emerge from their offices and cubicles.
Charlie is in the process on introducing people...this is Stan Mercer, Circulation; Les Kavanagh, City Beat; Stephanie Fitzgerald, Photo Editor...This is Patel Chandrasekhar, our resident computer whiz...
Mitchum tells him, 'Okay, a lot of people. a lot of names and I promise I'll learn some of them."
Stage Direction: The group laughs. Rory stands there, feeling a little awkward.
Mitchum continues to the group telling the that they will talk about this more at the general meeting, but that he wants everyone to understand that the Huntzberger Publishing Group isn't going to change what they do. They are there to help them do what they do better. He finishes with telling them that he wants all the department heads in the conference room in ten minutes. He ends with saying that someone should make coffee.
Mitchum greets Rory - "Rory?"
Stage Direction: Rory stiffens up, surprised that he said her name.
Rory says - "Yes, sir?"
Mitchum asks if she is ready to shadow him?
Rory excitedly tells him that she is.
End of casting Side for Harry and Patel.
Editor Note: Scene 14 continues for some amount.
Editor Note: Scene 17 starts Act Three with a FADE IN:
Interior Stamford Eagle-Gazette Newsroom - Day (Day 4) - Scene 17 -
Stage Direction: Huntzberger rounds the corner, speaking to Charlie and two others. Rory brings up the read; she's having a hard time keeping up in her heels.
Mitchum is continuing to Charlie telling him that these little costs are what caused them to drop their Hartford correspondent. He asks how much they paying for their syndicated features, he asks if they are running - "Dear Abby" and "Ann Landers" and "Ask Vicki"...
Stage Direction: Rory stops for a second to adjust her shoes. She's falling farther behind and rushes to catch up.
Mitchum tells Charlie that he'd like to get that physical plant tour in before five o'clock.
Stage Direction: Rory gives up, takes off her shoes and just plain-out runs to catch up.
Charlie is telling Mitchum that he want to call Dan Gerson and see if they're ready for them.
Stage Direction: Charlie crosses off. Mitchum stops. Rory catches up to him and his group.
Mitchum is talking to the other two and saying that if they are in a holding pattern, why don't they start getting into those circulation issues.
Stage Direction: The other two nod and cross off, leaving Mitchum and Rory alone. An awkward beat. Mitchum opens a folder he's carrying and studies some papers. Rory desperately see this is her opportunity and searches for something to say.
Rory starts off - "Wow. The ability to run a four minute mile would come in handy right about now, huh?"
Mitchum, a bit distracted, - I'm Sorry?
Rory continues - A four minute mile.
Mitchum says that he doesn't follow.
Rory tells him - "At Yale, track and field...you ran a four minute mile."
Mitchum says what about it?
Rory is babbling on - Well, that's pretty good. A four minute mile.
Mitchum responds - Oh, right.
Rory says it's fast...Whoosh.
Stage Direction: Mitchum looks at his papers. Charlie approaches.
Charlie tells him that Dan is going to need another ten minutes and why doesn't he take him over to Ron Stone and they can talk advertising.
Mitchum tells him - let's do it.
Stage Direction: Charlie leads Mitchum into the advertising manager's office. Rory follows. The door closes in front of her. She hesitates at the door, unsure whether she's supposed to go in. She reaches for the handle. She stops. She turns and starts to cross away. Harry crosses past.
harry tells her that if she is looking for Huntzberger, her went in there.
Rory thanks him.
[i]Stage Direction: Rory considers the closed door. Deciding against opening it, she crosses to an empty cubicle, picks up the phone and dials.
End of Casting Sides for Charlie.
Editor Note: Scene 17 continue for some amount.
Interior Gilmore Mansion - Dining Room/Piano Area/Foyer - Night (Night 5) - Scene 21 -
Stage Direction: Beautiful lilies are in vases around the room. A maid Beatrice, is busy finishing arranging the dinner table. Emily, in a pleasant mood, enters from the living room, inspecting the night's preparations. She stops.
Emily calls to the maid - "Beatrice?"
Beatrice answers her - yes, ma'am...
Emily asks her if she knows what these are?
Beatrice responds - Lilies...
Emily asks is she would like to eat dinner with fragrant lilies in the room?
Tentatively, Beatrice says - Yes?
Emily is very suddenly hostile and says - "Well, then you're insane. Move them to the living room and bring the orchids in here."
Beatrice responds - "Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am."
Stage Direction: As beatrice hustles off to fix the flowers, Emily exits into the piano area. Richard enters from is study, dressed for dinner.
Richard tells Emily that everything looks lovely.
Emily seeking reassurance asks - Does It?
Richard tells her yes and she looks lovely too.
End of Casting Side for Beatrice - Part 1
Editor Note: Scene 21 continues for some amount.
Editor Note: Scene 27 is picked up in progress. the Location is the Gilmore Mansion.
Interior Gilmore Mansion/Living Room - Night (Night 5) - Scene 27 -
Emily is ranting on about it is missing and asking if it was there during drinks.
Richard tells her he can't say that he notices.
Stage Direction: Rory and Logan both look a little caught but don't do anything. Beatrice has come up behind Emily and Richard, seeing if they seen her for anything. Emily turns on her very suddenly.
Emily angrily addresses Beatrice - "You! Hovering there. What do you know about this?"
Beatrice looks questioningly - Ma'am?
Emily says her antique sewing box. Did she move is somewhere?
Beatrice tells her No.
Emily looks at her - No?
Beatrice says she didn't.
Emily rants on - And yet it's not here. Do you have any explanation as to why it's not here, Beatrice.
Lorelai from the dining room tells her she is sure it is a mixup.
Stage Direction: Emily spots something unfamiliar on the table.
Emily asks 'And...what's this? What's this lighter? Richard, is this from the pool house?
Richard says he doesn't recognize it. But you never know, one of the guys might have left it after a poker game.
Emily in full charge continues on - Well, Beatrice, I don't know what to say. I almost feel as if I should go through the whole house make sure nothing has been misplaced.
Stage Direction: Lorelai looks at Rory and Logan. They look guilty as hell.
Emily's tirade continues - However, we have company right now and I don't want to be rude. Let's just leave it for later and you and I will have a discussion.
Lorelai calls out to the living room - "Hey Mom! I found it!"
Emily responds with What? Really?
Lorelai says - yep, here it is.
Stage Direction: Lorelai looks at Logan and holds out her hand. Logan reaches into his pocket and hands over the sewing box. A second later, Emily and Richard re-enter the dining room. Lorelai hands Emily the sewing box.
Emily asks where it was?
Stage Direction: Lorelai indicates a plant stand.
Lorelai - "On that, behind the plant. I guess the leaves kind of hid it."
Emily asks behind the plant?
Stage Direction: Emily notices Beatrice smiling off to the side.
Emily says to Beatrice - "What on earth are you smiling about?"
Beatrice says that she is glad that they found it.
Emily tells Beatrice to go into the kitchen and bring out the salad course.
[5x20] How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod -
Kristina - 23.03.2005
03/23 - Rory's crisis involves Papa Huntzberger, and a certain internship Rory will take at his paper.
Source: Ask Ausiello @ TVGuide
03/12 - Rory begins an internship at Mitchum Huntzberger's newspaper. Mitchum pays his first visit to his newspaper (must be his first since most employees never saw him!). Emily's new maid is named Beatrice and, as all previous maids, gets into some trouble. Rory brings Logan to Friday dinner. Lorelai is there as well.
[b]Source: SpoilerFix.com[/b]
nicht wirklich was Neues aber ich dacht ich poste es mal
[5x20] How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod -
*KID* - 23.03.2005
Weiss jemand von euch was der Titel bedeutet? Das Englischwörterbuch erzählt mir nur was von Dorschen.:confused:
[5x20] How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod -
Kristina - 24.03.2005
Cape Cod heiÃt die Halbinsel (+ Inselchen

) vor Masachussetts/ ~ Rhode Island (Boston ist ziemlich nah, Hartford auch relativ). Martha's Vineyard liegt zum Beispiel dort, da machen die Gilmores manchmal Urlaub (und auch manch ein US-Präsident

Kropogs könnten Krabbenchips sein...die heiÃen hier zumindest immer Kropocs oder so ähnlich im Chinarestaurant.
schätzungsweise sitzt einer im Auto und stellt die Frage
Wie viele Krappenchips noch bis wir da (am Cap Cod) sind?
Lorelai wär ein Kandidat für so ne Frage
[5x20] How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod -
Jeory - 24.03.2005
Ist Dorsch nicht eine Fischart?
[5x20] How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod -
Kristina - 24.03.2005
Jeory schrieb:Ist Dorsch nicht eine Fischart?
Jepp ist es. Wahrscheinlich kann man rund um Cape Cod gut Dorsche(=Kabeljau) angeln.
[5x20] How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod -
Brina-S - 24.03.2005
Könnte ja irgendwas mit Lukes Boot zu tun haben. Vielleicht testet er es in dieser Folge...:confused:
[5x20] How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod -
*KID* - 24.03.2005
Tina schrieb:Cape Cod heiÃt die Halbinsel (+ Inselchen
) vor Masachussetts/ ~ Rhode Island (Boston ist ziemlich nah, Hartford auch relativ). Martha's Vineyard liegt zum Beispiel dort, da machen die Gilmores manchmal Urlaub (und auch manch ein US-Präsident
Kropogs könnten Krabbenchips sein...die heiÃen hier zumindest immer Kropocs oder so ähnlich im Chinarestaurant. 
schätzungsweise sitzt einer im Auto und stellt die Frage Wie viele Krappenchips noch bis wir da (am Cap Cod) sind?
Lorelai wär ein Kandidat für so ne Frage 
Ich denk mal auch ,dass es in der Folge eine Storyline um Lukes Boot geben wird!*yay*
[5x20] How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod -
Jeory - 24.03.2005
Tina schrieb:Jepp ist es. Wahrscheinlich kann man rund um Cape Cod gut Dorsche(=Kabeljau) angeln. 
Ach, Dorsch ist Kabeljau! Sag das doch gleich!
Sag mal, ich habe noch eine Frage. Von Martha's Vineyard habe ich schon oft gehört. Ich habe mitbekommen, dass man da Ferien macht. Aber was ist das genau? Ein Ort, eine Region, Gegend?
[5x20] How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod -
SnM - 24.03.2005
Jeory schrieb:Ach, Dorsch ist Kabeljau! Sag das doch gleich!
Sag mal, ich habe noch eine Frage. Von Martha's Vineyard habe ich schon oft gehört. Ich habe mitbekommen, dass man da Ferien macht. Aber was ist das genau? Ein Ort, eine Region, Gegend?
also das einzige was ich weiÃ, is das das halt so ne region (ortschaft?) dort ist. an dem strand von martha's vinyard wurde "der weiÃe hai" gedreht und danach ist es praktisch kult geworden und von touristen überschwemmt.