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A dark cloud in the sunny heaven (engl) - AppleBy - 30.04.2006

So ich dacht, ich veröffentliche meine erste Fanfic mal. Ich hoffe es stört euch nicht, dass sie Englisch ist(ist aber leicht zu verstehen,da es ja auch nicht meine Muttersprache ist^^)

Theme: A normal day, a normal addiction to coffee but not a normal day. Absolutely JJ!

Chapter One

Lorelai headed for the diner after she spent two hours with her parents on weekly Friday night dinner. She knew exactly what she needed in that moment: a cup of hot coffee and a huge hug from her fiancé. She felt a little guilty, because he didn’t look very healthy the last days, but she was too busy at the Inn to look after Luke.
When Lorelai entered the diner, Luke was crooked over his bills and concentrated on their figures.
“We’re already closed.” Lorelai made her usual pouting face and whined. “So you don’t have any coffee for your beloved girl?” Luke looked up for the first time and his concentrated face softened a little. “You know what I think of your addiction, Lorelai.” Luke apparently didn´t want to argue with her and he devoted himself to his sheets again.
Lorelai just giggled and walked around the counter getting coffee on her own. “Oh, no comment that I break the unwritten rule of keeping the holiness of your behind-the-counter-space?” Luke just mumbled something unidentifiable.
“Hey, what’s wrong with you hon?” Lorelai had a concerned look at Luke and she stroked his cheek. Luke didn´t look at Lorelai. “It´s nothin´. I am just very tired.”
“Uh, I know some very, very good things to wake you up.” Lorelai smiled but when she noticed that Luke still hadn’t shown any reactions, she forced him to look in her eyes. “Luke, honestly. What’s up? You look pale. Are your sick?” “Nah, I never sicken. You should know that.” Luke turned away from Lorelai who stood there with a stunned expression. “Now I´m taking this personally. You were pretty quiet the last few days. I miss my grumpy man!” “Lorelai. It´s just nothin´! Please just leave me alone so I can get some sleep.” Lorelai was really hurt. She wondered if she had done something wrong or if she might had missed something. But she couldn´t remember anything. Lorelai felt her eyes fill up with tears. She took a step closer to Luke wanting to hold him close, but he stepped back. “Lorelai! I say it for the last time. LEAVE ME ALONE!” Lorelai was shocked. She never had seen Luke yelling this way. She couldn´t hold her tears anymore. “What, Luke, what did I do that you are acting like this? Tell me and I will leave.” Luke starred at his feet not wanting Lorelai to know. He didn’t want to tell her. He was so sorry that he yelled at her but he thought that it´s better to hurt her this way than telling her the truth. Lorelai sobbed heavy and looked straight into Luke´s eyes. But he kept silent. Lorelai saw that some tears running down Luke´s cheek. Now she was terrified. She couldn´t remember that Luke cried in the 8 years they´ve known each other. “Lorelai I´m sorry….I…uhm…” He felt dizzy and he lost the straight view.
“Oh my god, Luke. Please say something! Do you need something? I…I….LUKE!”


The first thing he heard was the beeping of the heart monitor beside his bed. Luke opened his eyes slowly and noticed that he was in hospital. Oh my god thought Luke when he saw all the wires that were put into him. He closed is eyes again to take a deep breath and tried to order his last memories. All he could remember was Lorelai´s voice calling out his name. “Lorelai!” Luke sat up quickly and looked around. The room was empty. He wanted to move out of the bed but the wires bound him to it. “Damn it!” He felt frustrated and lonely. And above all he felt guilty and sad because he yelled at Lorelai. His eyes filled up with tears and ran down his cheek. Suddenly it knocked at the door. “Come in!” Luke croaked and recognized how bad he felt. Lorelai glanced at Luke. She entered slowly and uncertainly. Luke wiped away his tears and tried to smile. That gave Lorelai the hidden hint to come near and she sat down on his bed. “Hey” She smiled and took Luke´s hand. “Lorelai, I´m sorry…I….” “Ssht” She put a finger on his lips. “It´s okay. Just try to get healthy soon.” He sat up and hugged her. Lorelai started to sob and Luke could feel that his shoulder became damp. “I´m so sorry Lorelai. I didn´t want to bark at you.” She looked into his beautiful blue eyes and kissed him passionately. He rejoined that kiss and embraced her closer. When they both pulled apart to refill their lunges with oxygen Luke took both of Lorelai´s hands. “Have you already talked to the doctor?” “Yes, but he wouldn´t tell me anything. I told him that I am your fiancé and that they have to inform me, but he kept quiet.” Luke felt relieved that Lorelai was still unknowing about his situation and snuggled closer to her. “That´s how I like my Lukey” “Ah geez stop calling me that.” He smiled. Lorelai laid her head on Luke´s chest and breathed regularly. For some moments Luke forgot his fears and pushed away the dark cloud that hung over him. Just for a minute….just for one heartbeat….just for one happy moment together.

A dark cloud in the sunny heaven (engl) - jeany_loverin - 30.04.2006

oh man. Eek
das is ja voll traurig! was is denn mir dem armen Luki? Man hat ihn ja noch nie krank erlebt. Hoffentlich is nichts schlimmes!!!

Aber ich find die Story is gut geschrieben! gefällt mir und ich bin ma gespannt, wie es weiter geht!

EDIT: uuuhhh ich hab die Story auf gefunden und hab da gleich ma review hinterlassen ^^ da nist ja schon weiter...richtig gut!

A dark cloud in the sunny heaven (engl) - AppleBy - 01.05.2006

Ja da bin ich schon weiter und Danke für die Review =).
Ich mache dann mal mit Chapter 2 weiter, damit es vllt noch mehrere neugierig machen könnte Wink

Chapter Two:
Luke woke up two hours later and watched Lorelai sitting in a chair beside the bed, asleep. He smiled when he saw her and wondered the thousandth time why he was the fiancé of such beautiful and charming woman. He told her that he had just too much stress the last days and that he didn´t eat that much. Lorelai was relieved and just happy that nothing serious happened. If she would know…
The beep of the monitor and the medicaments they gave him lulled him into a deep dormancy again.
He opened his eyes in the middle of the night. Luke assumed that he slept for almost 10 hours. He looked around and recognized that Lorelai had left. Taking a deep breathe he became aware of his situation for the first time he landed in here. Luke pushed the bell button and
waited for a nurse.

“Mister Danes? You rang the bell?” The nurse entered with a big file in her hand.
“Uhm yes...I...where is my fiancé?”
“We´ve send her home some hours ago. She was very tired but we had a lot of convincing to do. But I assume you have something else on your mind?”
“Did the doctor told her anything about know...?”
“No he followed your wish and said nothing. But I think you should really talk to her...soon. You know the time could”
Luke stared at the nurse who became uncomfortable in her situation. “Yeah I know, but I want to talk to the doctor again first.”
“Well of course. I will sent him for you.” With that she left the room, leaving a broken Luke Danes in his bed.

Knock! Knock!
“Come in!” Luke set up and offered the doctor a seat.
“So Mister Danes. How are you today?” The doctor smiled friendly.
"Acoording to the circumstances, I guess."
“Yeah that´s comprehensible of course. So did you already clarify your fiancé about your disease?”
“No. And why does that interest everybody? I think I can handle this on my own.”
“Sure Mr. Danes, but I know that a loved person can help you a lot going through such hard weeks, months or even years. Just don´t wait to long, it is a personal advice.”
“I know” He sighed “So....are there new results from the tests?” Luke´s body clenched under the blanket.
“Yes indeed. I am really sorry to bring such bad news, but we found out that the cancer is malignant. So we have to excise the dermal tissue and you have to go through a chemo therapy. But I hope that it didn´t strew already and that we can remove it completely.”
The words ran through Luke´s ears and head. Cancer....malignant....chemo therapy ....
“When do I have the surgery?”
“It´s planned for tomorrow morning.”
“What?! So early”
“Yeah it´s the best to do it as fast as possible. We´ll do our best Mr. Danes!” He put a hand down on Luke´s arm “But now excuse me, there are a lot more patients. Good night!”
Luke trembled. He felt horrible. He felt like dying. He decided not to tell Lorelai that he has that important surgery tomorrow. He took the mobile phone Lorelai gave him a few weeks

“Luke? How are you? They sent me away, I don´t want to but they forced me and I couldn´t say anything against it and now I feel guilty because I left you and...”
“Ssht, Lorelai. I´m fine.” He had a lump in his throat. His hand shook.
“Really? You didn´t look so fine before I left.”
“No need to worry. I´ll be fine. I Promise.” For the third time tat day he prevented crying.
“I know you will Lukey. I´ll come tomorrow morning to visit my brave man.” Lorelai giggled but Luke´s breath caught. “NO!”
Lorelai was stunned “But why? Don´t you need any entertainment?”
“Sure I want to, but tomorrow I have some....uhm... tests and somethin´ and I will be in every single examination room the whole day. So you probably won’t catch me.” Luke could hear the disappointment in the other side of the line.
“´Kay. But I will be there the day after tomorrow. The first second the hospital opens.” “Lorelai, the hospital is open 24/7.”
Lorelai smiled. “Ok babe, have a rest and a sweet dream. Kiss!”
“Bye Lorelai.”

Luke couldn´t help himself and started to cry. Not like a woman may would but he wasn´t strong enough to hold it. He thought of his father who died of cancer. Then he thought of Lorelai and how she sits at home alone and worries about him. He didn´t want to be ill. He didn´t want to be helpless. He didn´t want to hurt Lorelai...He just wanted to sleep.

A dark cloud in the sunny heaven (engl) - karana - 01.05.2006

Verfolge die Fic bei FF, hab, glaube ich, gerade eben nen review da gelassen.... da ich schon weiß wie es weitergeht, sag ich hier jetzt mal nicht so viel...
Aber lest weiter es lohnt sich wirklich

Und AppleBy:
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A dark cloud in the sunny heaven (engl) - AppleBy - 01.05.2006

@ karana
Ich bin ein großer Fan deiner Fanfics bei, Echt Respekt! Und danke für die Review =).
Show Content

A dark cloud in the sunny heaven (engl) - AppleBy - 02.05.2006

So neues Update!

Chapter 3:
Luke couldn´t sleep the whole night. All he could think about was her. Her smile, her body, her charm, just her.

“ Lorelai I am in. I am all in”
”You know I love you, right?”
”I love ranting Luke!”
“ Luke, will you marry me?”

A single tear ran down his cheek. There were no more left. Luke thought about what he could say to Lorelai but didn´t came to a peaceful solution. There is no chance to tell her without breaking their whole dreams and wishes. He felt guilty because he had cancer. “Stupid”, he said to himself. “I am the healthiest man in town” he giggled. “Now I´m going to go mad. I talk to myself and make fun of the situation…. Geez I need sleep.” He closed his eyes and the last thing he saw before he fell asleep was the smiling face of Lorelai.

“ Good Morning Mr. Danes. Ready to fight against the dark power?”
“What?! Power?!”
“You had never seen Star Wars before? I just read your first name…Luke …and…okay I just get you.” The young student nurse wanted to lighten up the mood but she appreciated that there is no laughing time.
Luke held his eyes closed because he hated hospitals and all the sick persons. Forgetting that
he was one of them.

Lorelai made her way to the hospital. She knew that she promised to come one day later but she couldn´t concentrate on her work while Luke was lying there. She walked through the entrance hall which was well-known to her. She was there when she got Rory, when she had broken her leg, when her father had got a heart-attack and when Rory broke her arm after she “went out” with Jess.
Lorelai sighed and headed for Luke´s sickroom. She opened it carefully and threw a glance at the bed. But there was no bed. Lorelai was irritated.
“Hello. Uhm…I´m Lorelai Gilmore and the fiancé of Luke Danes and I want to know…uhm…did he already checked out?”
The nurse looked in some papers and watch at Lorelai addled. “No. He is in the operating room since one hour. I think he will be in his room in 10 minutes. But I guess you can´t talk to him because the anesthesia makes him still sleepy.”
“But what happened? I didn´t know that there was a surgery on the plan.”
“Sorry I can´t tell you anymore.” With that she left Lorelai standing at the counter.
“What the hell is wrong with him?” She mumbled and felt dizzy. She sat down and took a deep breath. She took out her cell phone and dialled Rory’s number.

“Mum?” There was rumpus in the background.
“Yeah…hey babe. Are you busy?”
“Uhm actually yeah. But what´s up?”
“Luke is in the operating room.”
“What? But why? I thought he´s fine?!”
“ I don´t know they do not tell me anything. I´m just scared that there is something wrong. Why didn’t he tell me?”
“Mum, shall I come to you?”
“No Rory I know you have a lot to do in Yale. I will call you when I get some informations.”
“Uhm okay if you´re sure…Everything´s going to be fine.”
Lorelai suspired. “Yes I hope so. Bye hon.”

Lorelai leant her head against the wall behind her and closed her eyes. After some minutes she heard some wheels creak and opened her eyes. There was Luke, asleep. “Luke? Are you okay?” But he didn´t answer so he just followed the bed into his room. The assistants connected Luke with a lot of wires. He looked so peaceful but very effete sleeping there.
She sat down next to him after all the people left the room. Lorelai caressed Luke´s cheek and his hand. How much she loved this man. She knew that he was always there for her and Rory, he never complained when he fixed her sink for the hundredth time. He gave her always the live-saving coffee whether he agreed to it or not. She wanted to marry Luke in two months and she still couldn´t believe that he was hers…

Luke moved a little and waggled with his nose. Lorelai loved that because he did that always when he slept. But Luke didn´t wake up, so she decided to take a seat and wait till he woke up. Again she closed her eyes and recognized for the first time that she was tired and exhausted. “Just a one-minute-nap….” She babbled and fell to sleep.