Das Geständnis -
JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 12.09.2004
Fängt mitten in der Folge In the clamor and the Clangor an [4x11]
Hoff es geffält euch..!! ich brauche bitte euer feed back1!
[Lorelai and Luke walk up to the church. Lorelai tries the door but it is locked.]
LORELAI: [Gasp] What, they lock the door to a church, are they serious? What if I need to do something holy?
LUKE: Like commit vandalism?
LORELAI: Even she's sick of hearing the damn bells.
LUKE: I'm gonna have to break the lock
LORELAI: No wait. [Gets out her wallet]
LUKE: What are you doing?
LORELAI: All those years of watching Hart to Hart are about to pay off.
LUKE: What is that?
LORELAI: It's my gym card.
LUKE: You joined a gym?
LUKE: When?
LORELAI: After I had Rory, to lose the pregnancy weight.
LUKE: Did you go?
LORELAI: God, no. I was way too fat. [Manages to unlock the door with the card] Ah, praise be to Him and all the little lambs that frolic the earth with their frankincense and myrrh and -
LUKE: Would you get inside?
[The church is in darkness as Lorelai and Luke walk up the aisle.]
LORELAI: Oy! Would it kill God to dust?
LUKE: Okay, now just hold the flashlight, do not do any moving spotlight gags and point it at me and yell "Freeze, drop your weapons."
LORELAI: [laughs] How about if I shine it on the wall and do a dirty hand puppet show?
LUKE: Just stand back so the lightning only strikes you.
LORELAI: So, what's the game plan here? Personally, I thought we could whack the bells really hard with a hammer.
LUKE: Uh, you don't break bells with a hammer.
LORELAI: Okay, I'm out. What's your plan, Clyde?
LUKE: Well, I was thinking we could just jam the turnbuckle, or wedge the main mechanism, just for fun disconnect a few of the clappers; Contrary to popular belief you don't have to break every bell. If you just damage a couple, say the tierce and the prime, you pretty much ruin the set.
LORELAI: You must have been the top of your class at hunchback school.
LUKE: Well, let's just say you can wait your whole life waiting for bells to fall into disrepair. Sometimes they need a push.
LORELAI: No way! You broke the bells.
LUKE: You're welcome. It's a little narrow up there, so we should just take the tools that we need, leave the toolbox down here.
LORELAI: God, these things are heavy. Don't you have a smaller toolbox?
LUKE: No, why would I have two toolboxes?
LORELAI: 'Cause then you'd have a big one and a small one.
LUKE: Well, if you have a big one you don't need a small one. [Lorelai opens her mouth to speak] Don't say 'dirty', it's too easy. Hold these. [Gives her tools]
LORELAI: So, um, why wasn't your toolbox at your new place?
LUKE: I needed it here.
LORELAI: Huh. Usually moving requires lots of tools; hanging things, putting things together.
LUKE: Nicole hired a professional picture-hanger and we didn't have anything to put together. Hand me a screwdriver.
LORELAI: Phillips or flathead? [Luke looks at her in surprise] I know things.
LUKE: Phillips. [She hands it to him and Luke smiles.]
LORELAI: Luke, how come you told me you moved?
LUKE: I did move.
LORELAI: Well, you may have moved, but none of your stuff did.
LUKE: What are you talking about? Uh, hand me the open-ended wrench.
LORELAI: Luke, I was in your apartment. It's exactly the same.
LUKE: No, it's not.
LORELAI: I just think it's weird you're pretending you moved when you didn't.
LUKE: [Stopping working] I did move.
LORELAI: Luke, your bed wasn't even made.
LORELAI: There were dishes in the sink, some kind of shake in the blender, Mega-Man protein powder on the counter. Remind me to mock you for that later, by the way.
LUKE: Can we talk about something else? Or better yet, let's not talk and just get this done.
LORELAI: Does Nicole think you moved?
LUKE: Of course she thinks I moved, I did move.
LORELAI: Do you sleep there?
LUKE: Of course I sleep there.
LORELAI: When was the last time you slept there?
LUKE: I live there.
LORELAI: So, last night?
LUKE: I had an early delivery and it didn't make sense to sleep there.
LORELAI: The day before?
LUKE: I was there for dinner.
LORELAI: And after dinner?
LUKE: Nicole was getting a sore throat so it made sense to go back to my place and not get sick.
LORELAI: Your place?
LUKE: My old place.
LORELAI: You didn't say your old place, you said your place.
LUKE: Well, I meant my old place.
LORELAI: Luke, you don't live with Nicole.
LUKE: Yes, I do.
LORELAI: You watch her TV, you eat her food, you keep stuff in a duffel bag at her house; you're a rude guest, not her boyfriend!
LUKE: Husband.
LORELAI: Whole other discussion.
LUKE: You know what, you're doing it again.
LORELAI: Doing what again?
LUKE: You're passing judgment on my relationship with Nicole.
LORELAI: I'm not passing judgment.
LUKE: You passed judgment on our marriage, you passed judgment on our divorce and now you're passing judgment on our living together.
LORELAI: I'm not passing judgment on you living together. You're passing judgment on you living together⦠by not living together.
LUKE: You know, I was a little tipsy on that cruise ship, but I don't remember anyone pronouncing us husband and wife and Lorelai.
LORELAI: Well, they may as well have, because I spend as much time with Nicole as you do.
LUKE: And the judgment's back!
LORELAI: I could move in with you guys. You wouldn't know.
LUKE: You know, none of this is any of your business.
LORELAI: It's absolutely my business.
LUKE: How?
LORELAI: Because! I wasted a week of my life adjusting to the idea that you had moved only to find out that you haven't moved.
LUKE: How much adjusting did you have to do? Nothing's changed! I still see you everyday, I still cook your food, I still serve your coffee. What do you care?
LORELAI: I care.
LUKE: Why?
LORELAI: Because I don't want you to move.
LUKE: Why? Why don't you want me to move?
[Lorelai stares at him for a second, but a door opens behind them and Lorelai and Luke lower their heads guiltily. Reverend Skinner walks in.]
REVEREND: Lorelai? Luke? [Sees the tools.] Oh, thank God! Carry on.
[He leaves.]
Luke: So please tell me why donât you want me to move? You are a really good friend of mine and I want you to be happy! So please Iâm begging you tell me!
Lorelai: [She hesitats for a moment but then saysâ¦] because⦠I⦠love⦠you... [Lorelai runs out of the church]
Luke: [Drops the screwdriver and runs after her] Lorelai wait please⦠Lorelaiâ¦[He catches up to her] What did you just say? Youâ¦love⦠me?
Lorelai: Just forget it⦠Just move in with Nicole and have a happy life⦠[Her eyes filled with tears] I can live without you⦠[She runs away again crying the whole time]
Luke: [Runs after her again, but suddenly stops⦠he realizes what mistake he was doing, he loved Lorelai since she set first step into his diner and now she tells him she loves him and now heâs standing there and he was still Nicoleâs husband, he runs to his diner to phone Nicole]
Das Geständnis -
..RoRyFaN.. - 12.09.2004
jkeine ahnung ob ers mir gefällt kann das nicht lesen
Das Geständnis -
Luna_Bezi - 12.09.2004
:dito: geht mir genauso, bin nichts ehr gut in Englisch!
Das Geständnis -
..RoRyFaN.. - 12.09.2004
dabei les ich hioer so gerne schreib deind weiter
Das Geständnis -
Kaiko-Jikan - 12.09.2004
bin auch nich gut in Englisch wäre super von dir wenn du das ganze nochmal ins Deutsche setzen würdest!
Das Geständnis -
JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 12.09.2004
Dass is aber s**** schwer... wisst ihr weil diese ganzen redewendungen sind schwer zu übersetzten... aber ich kanns ja mal versuchen..!!!
Das Geständnis -
Luna_Bezi - 12.09.2004
Bitte, will es nämlich umbedingt lesen, du schreibst sicher gut, aber englsich, find ichd och schwer zum lesen!
Das Geständnis -
..RoRyFaN.. - 12.09.2004
danke das war suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Das Geständnis -
..RoRyFaN.. - 12.09.2004
danke das war suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Das Geständnis -
-Rory-and-Jess-4-ever- - 12.09.2004
also ich kann englisch einigermaÃen und denke: