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Zitat:Episode 6.18 - The Real Paul Anka
Air Date: 11 April 2006

Info taken from the Casting Sides Information in the Pre-Shooting Script dated 15 & 16 February 2006.

The information summarized below is taken from 12 Sides for: Earl, Kids, Sue, Marcia, Frank, Freddy, Mr. Munster, Kelly, Mrs. Moore, Chris, Matthew, Poet. For the Kids characters auditions excerpts from an earlier episode were used.

The Casting Sides have been amended once.

I will include context and stage direction descriptions where appropriate.
  • Characters:
    Earl - A chaperone for the Kids' Trip
    Kids - April's student contemporaries en route to a math contest.
    Sue - One of the Kids.
    Marcia - Another one of the Kids
    Frank - One of the Kids
    Freddy - Another one of the Kids
    Mr. Munster - Forty-something teacher accompanying the Kids
    Kelly - Woman - Chaperone for the Kids' Trip
    Mr. Moore - Along with her husband, a customer at the Dragonfly
    Chris - One of Jess' contemporaries from the Publishing House
    Matthew - One of Jess' contemporaries from the Publishing House.
    Poet - A Guy giving a reading at the Publishing House
Editor Note: The Casting Sides start with Scene 10 already in progress. The scene fragment is between Luke and April. They are walking up to the bus for a road trip to a Student Math Contest.

Exterior - Assumed parking Lot Somewhere - Day (Day Unknown) - Scene 10 -

Editor Note: Scene 10 is already in progress.

Luke as April - "The What?"

April, as children do - "Grownups. You never saw the original 'Star Trek'?"

Luke get is - "Yes, I did. Grups. Yes"

April continues with her explanation - "Square bunch. Legally necessary. The one in the cords is our math teacher, Mr. Munster. Good guy, a little nerdy. Likes to wow us with his Chris Rock impersonation. It's borderline racist."

Stage Direction: They approach the bus.

Luke a bit reticent - "Let's leave the bags till we get the lay of the land."

April tells him - "This is pretty much the land."

Luke somewhat cautious - "But, there must be a check-in point somewhere here, a protocol to follow, so why don't you stick with me and--"

Stage Direction: April runs off and on to the bus to join her friends.

Luke more to himself - "Right, or just getting on the bus is a good thing too."

Stage Direction: Luke heads to a group of grups, which includes the forty-something math teacher, Mr. Munster, and two other chaperones: a woman named Kelly and a man named Earl. They're all dressed nicer than Luke, who is in his usual outfit.

Earl greets him - "Hello, there. You our pilot?"

Luke questonally - "Your what?"

Kelly chimes in - "Are you the driver?"

Luke a bit flustered - "Me? No. I'm Luke Danes."

Earl apologizes - "Oh, you're Luke Dames. I'm sorry, we thought you were our driver."

Luke explains - "No. Sorry. I brought nicer clothes with me., so I won't always be in this."

Earl introduces himself - "That's okay. I'm Earl Stepton, this is Kelly Turlington, and you probably know Roy Munster here, your daughter's teacher."

Luke tells him - "Actually, no. I'm April's new father. I mean, I'm not new, but I'm new to her. So, hey."

Stage Direction: Luke and Roy Munster shake hands.

Mr. Munster tells Luke - "She's a bright one, your daughter."

Luke bashfully - "Go figure."

Stage Direction: April and a couple of friends have opened one of the bus windows.

April calls out to Luke - "Hey! Luke!

Luke see her - "Yeah?"

April sorts of asks - "People in here were wondering who you are."

Luke ever direct - "Oh. Well, go ahead and tell them."

April in the window turns to her friends - "That's Luke."

Stage Direction: April and the kids fall back in to their seats. Kelly hands Luke a think, stapled bunch of pages.

Kelly explains - "So, here's the detailed itinerary."

Earl is describing - "Lunch stops, snack stops..."

Mr. Munster continues - "Wander time, exploring time..."

Kelly adding - "TV time."

Earl jumps back in - "Porn will be pre-blocked at all our lodgings."

Luke trying to take it all in - "Okay, so no porn..."

Mr. Munster not quitting - "Study breaks, check-in with parents..."

Kelly finishing up - "Bedtime hours..."

Luke reading the sheet - "So, we go to bed at nine."

Earl follows-up - "The kids do. You don't have to."

Luke being a bit slow - "Right. But, I could."

Earl agrees - "Sure."

Luke nodding - "Great."

Mr. Munster cuts in - "Shall we get on board so they don't leave without us."

Luke tells him - "I just have to get my bags."

Kelly in parting - "See you on the bus."

Luke waves - "Yeah, see you."

Stage Direction: Kelly, Earl, and Mr. Munster cross toward the bus. As Luke heads back to the truck for the bags:

Editor Note: Scene 10 continues for some length.

Editor Note: The Casting Sides pick back up with Scene 11 in progress. The scene fragment is between Logan and Rory. They are attempting to say goodbye.

Interior - Location Unknown - Time Unknown - Scene 11 -

Editor Note: Scene 11 is already in progress.

Logan is asking Rory - "Can't see that far into the future?"

Rory puts him off - "It's crazy right now."

Logan keeps trying - "I'll check in with you later."

Rory ends it - "We'll see how it goes."

Stage Direction: Rory heads to the door to exit. Logan grabs hold of her waist, and Rory just perceptibly pulls back, as he gives her a quick kiss.

Logan tells her - "Have a good day."

Rory a bit formally - You, too."

Stage Direction: Rory exits. Logan looks after her, less than happy.

End of Scene 11.

Interior - Bus (Moving) - Day (Day 3) - Scene 12 -

Stage Direction: The group is en route to the math contest. There are about twenty kids in total, including April. In the front of the bus behind the driver, sit Kelly, Mr. Munster, and Earl. The camera moves down the aisle and discovers Luke, sitting away from the other group, and smack in the middle of the kids. Next to him is April. Near them is a boy named Freddy. Near April are two of her friends, Marcia and Sue. From the very top of the scene, April, Freddy, Marcia, Sue, Frank, and three others around them are enthusiastically singing Tom Lehrer's 'The Elements'.

The Kids are singing - "There's Holmium and Helium and Hafnium and Erbium, and Phosphorus and Francium and Fluorine and Terbium, and Manganese and Mercury, Molybdenum, Magnesium, Dysprosium and Scandium and Cerium and Cesium...and Lead, Praseodymium, Promethium, Potassium, Polonium, and Tantalum, Technetium, Titanium, Tellurium."

Stage Direction: They all take a deep breath... Luke looks absolutely stunned by the song.

The Kids keep on singing - "And Cadmium, and Calcium, and Chromium and Curium. There;s Sulphur, Californium, and Fermium, Berkelium, and also Mendelevium, Einsteinium, Nobelium, and Argon, Krypton, Neon, radon, Xenon, Zinc, and Rhodium, and Chlorine, Carbon, Cobalt, Copper, Tungsten, Tin, and Sodium. These are the only ones of which the News has come to Ha'vard, and there may be many others, but they haven't been discavard."

Stage Direction: The song done. The kids applaud themselves.

Luke still stunned asks April - "What was all that?"

Aprils explains - "It's all the chemical elements."

Marcia further explains - "At least the ones that have come to Ha'vard."

Luke asking April's help - "Any idea what's going on here?"

Stage Direction: Luke points to a nearby boy, concentrating hard as he does the following:

Frank is reciting - "One four six eight four four zero nine zero one four two zero one nine nine five six one one five one eight seven..."

April says - "That's Frank"

Marcia adds - "Huge show off."

April annoyed - "Always rubbing our faces in the fact that he knows the first three hundred digits of pi."

Luke somewhat blase - "Of course."

April asks Marcia - "Hey, did you bring my sweater?"

Marcia tells her - "I think so."

April a bit agitated - "It's important, Marcia, I need that sweater."

Freddy butts in to April - "What is it, your lucky sweater?"

April disgusted - "No, Freddy."

Stage Direction: Freddy turns away from her again.

Marcia from behind April - "Hey, is Munster going to wear that creepy lucky tie of his at the competition?"

Sue pipes in - "God, please, I hope not."

Marcia adds - "Supposedly, there's lucky underwear to match..."

April pleads - "Mental image, be gone."

Marcia being mean-girl - "I heard he lives with his mother."

Sue not to be outdone - "I heard he plays the trombone for fun."

Freddy overhearing and adding - "He;s a liar, too. He said he was a Red Sox fan, but he didn't even know they traded Damon."

Luke perks up at that - "Really? He didn't know about the trade to New York?"

Freddy - "Nope."

Luke asks Freddy - "You see that Steinbrenner made him cut his hair?"

Freddy tells him - "He looks way less scary."

Luke keeps it the convo - "Yeah, he's less intimidating to pitchers. It could be shave twenty points off his batting average."

Stage Direction: Freddy turns away to talk to someone else. APril looks a little weirded out by Luke's interaction with him.

Luke turns to April - "Hey, what's that kid's name?"

April aback - "Freddy. His name's Freddy."

Luke to himself - "Freddy Freddy, ready and steady. Nice Kid."

April really weirded out - "Yeah. I should study a little."

Luke tells her - "Go to it."

Stage Direction: Luke looks happy yo have made at least one small connection. April looks a little uncomfortable, as she pulls some math materials to go over.

End of Scene 12.

Interior - Dragonfly Inn - Library - Day (Day 3) - Scene 13 -

Stage Direction: A husband and wife sit reading, relaxing, as Lorelai enters.

Lorelai is talking to them - "Mr. and Mrs. Moore, the horse are all saddled up and ready for you."

Mrs. Moore tells her - "Thank you."

Lorelai describes the Horses - "Cletus is the more gentle, but they're both sweethearts. Rob is outside to get your started."

Editor Note: Scene 13 continues for some length.

Editor Note: The Casting Sides continue with Scene 22 in progress. The scene fragment is between Lorelai, Richard and Emily in Stars Hollow. They are walking in town someplace.

Exterior - Stars Hollow Location Unknown - Time Unknown - Scene 22 -

Editor Note: Scene 22 is already in progress.

Stage Direction: They walk for a couple of beats.

Lorelai is continuing a conversation with Richard and Emily - "We're clear. Sewer problems."

Richard pontificates - "Well, your public works department should be notified."

Lorelai explains - "They're on strike. They're always on strike." Lorelai coughs. "Excuse me."

Emily somewhat sympathetically - "Allergies?"

Lorelai tells her - "Smog."

Stage Direction: Lorelai continues coughing, as she leads them down the street.

End of Scene 22.

Interior - Jess's Philadelphia Work/Living Space - Day (Day 4) - Scene 23 -

Stage Direction: A cool, old house, furnished with cool, old furniture and rugs. The area we see is the downstairs, where Jess and a couple of his partners work; upstairs is where they live. It is moody and artily lit. Even though there are no windows and daylight outside, practically no light gets in, so the place is always atmospheric. There's a bookcase of books, zines, and graphic novels that Jess's group has published. There is original art on the walls, along with a couple sculptures, and all is for sale. People mill around, talking, flipping through books. Since it's day, there's some variety to the ages of the group. We find Jess having an animated discussion with his two cohorts in the venture, the over-enthusiastic Matthew, and the more laid-back Chris. They obviously have these kinds of good-natured disagreements all the time.

Matthew is telling Jess and Chris - "We need our own bar."

Jess tells him - "You say it like I'm fightin' you. I'm not fightin' you."

Chris chimes in - "Same here."

Matthew tries some more - "We need a public place where the next de Kooning can run into the next Franz Kline and dis the next jackson Pollock, while the next Charlie Parker shoots up in the corner."

Jess ever helpful - "So, a nice family place."

Matthew a bit peeved - "I'm not kidding. We'll call it the Cedar Bar Redux."

Jess continues - "I would kick my own ass if we called it that."

Chris also helping - "Why don't we call it 'Devoid of Original Ideas Poser Bar'."

Matthew walking away - "Go to hell, both of you."

Jess adds a parting comment - "Hey come back for a hug, man."

Chris spots someone milling around - "Hey, there's Alicia Mattheson from the Weekly."

Jess instructs - "Grab Matthew, get him off the bar thing, and have him show her around. It's what he's best at."

Chris starts to cross away muttering - "Cedar Bar Redux."

Stage Direction: Chris crosses away. Jess turns and to his surprise, he spots Luke in another area, studying a painting on the wall. Luke wears the nicer slacks that Lorelai packed, 'just in case.' Jess approaches him. He is a bit stunned to see Luke there,

Jess starts the convo - "So, my eyes don't deceive me."

Luke begins - "First things first - "

Editor Note: Scene 23 continues for some length.

Editor Note: The Casting Sides continue with Scene 25 in progress. The scene fragment is between Lorelai and Emily somewhere in Stars Hollow.

Interior - Location Unknown in Stars Hollow - Day (Day 4) - Scene 25 -

Editor Note: Scene 25 is already in progress.

Lorelai is asking Emily - "Mother, where are you going?"

Emily pushy as always - "I'm just going to get something out of the car."

Lorelai in her fashion - "But, you don't know the safe streets. You walk down the wrong one, you die."

Stage Direction: Emily exits, to Lorelai's frustration. Taylor is shooting daggers at Lorelai.

Lorelai turns to Taylor - "Commence writing me up, Taylor."

End of Scene 25.

Interior - Jess's Philadelphia Work/Living Space - Later - Day (day 4) - Scene 26 -

Stage Direction: A guy, a Poet, is in the performance area, reading from a piece of paper.

The Poet is rambling - "Benzedrine, and muscled fist, turned to hand, turned to handout, turned fish, and loaves, and a lazy day in Galilee."

Stage Direction: We pan off the post, through the audience.

The Poet continues - "Herman Melville, poet, customs officer, rubber stamps, and Hawthorne daydreams, craving Tahiti and simple sun and the light of the Berkshires..."

Stage Direction: We find Luke and APril, sitting on the floor amongst the crowd.

Luke whispers to April - "This and good?"

Stage Direction: April makes the 'so-so' hand gesture, as the poet continues reading. We pick up Jess with Matthew.

Matthew is explaining - "I don't know what she's going to write."

Editor Note: Scene 26 continues for some length.

Editor Note: The Casting Sides continue with Scene 28 in progress. The scene fragment is between Caesar and Emily in the diner. Lorelai is present.

Interior - Luke's Diner - Night (Night 4) - Scene 28 -

Editor Note: Scene 28 is already in progress.

Stage Direction: As Emily makes her way to the door, she spots Caesar behind the counter. She points to him, scaring the crap out of him.

Emily ever imperious - "You! You could have told me that wasn't Luke's daughter."

Stage Direction: Emily marches out.

Caesar ever serving the customer - "Come back again!"

Stage Direction: Caesar continues working. Lorelai reflects on Emily's words.

End of Scene 28

Interior - Jess's Philadelphia Work/Living Space - Night (Night 4) - Scene 29

Stage Direction: It's late-ish. Things are wrapping up. The last few people are leaving.

Chris is talking to Matthew - "All I'm saying is, control your poet."

Matthew arguing - "So suddenly he's my poet."

Jess explains to him - "He changed up on us. He wasn't supposed to premiere new material tonight."

Matthew defensively - "It wasn't bad."

Chris the critic - "It was rambling."

Matthew still defensive - "It was a little rambling"

Chris showing no mercy - "What was that whole part about desiring Golda Meir?"

Jess trying to make peace - "Please tell me that was symbolic."

Matthew concedes - "I'll talk to my poet."

Chris turns to Jess - "Hey, we're hitting the bar that we are not going to call Cedar Bar Redux. You Coming?"

Stage Direction: Jess looks over at Rory, who is sitting reading one of the books.

Jess tells them - "Uh, yeah. Maybe. Go on ahead. I'll catch up."

Stage Direction: Matthew and Chris exit. Jess goes up to Rory. There's no one else left in the place. Rory is reading Jess's book."

Jess tells her - "You don't have to read that again."

Rory acknowledges - "I know I don't"

Jess wistfully - There are so many things I'd change in it."

Rory asks - "Like what?"

Jess a bit facetious - "I'd keep the back cover. Everything else goes."

Rory tells him - "You know why I love your book?"

Jess - "Why?"

Rory explains - "It doesn't remind me of anything. It's not a rip-off. It's just you."

Jess grins - "High praise, Ms. Yale Editor."

Rory complains a little - "But I don't get to write as much as I'd want. I'm assigning and motivating and hand holding and rewriting."

[I]Editor Note: There is a one-page omission in the dialog for Scene 29. The Scene picks back up with Rory and Jess on the fourth page of a 4 page scene; page 3 is the one missing.

Jess is talking to Rory - "I'm gonna call Matthew's poet and have him explain love to me. Poets know all about it, right?"

Rory sighs - "They're supposed to." A beat "I guess I should go."

Jess agrees - "Okay"

Rory sadly - "I'm sorry I came."

Jess tells her - "I'm not... it's what it is. You, me..." Then "Where'd you park?"

Rory points - "I'm right outside."

Stage Direction: Just as Rory is about to exit:

Jess confides to her - "If it makes you feel any better, you can always tell him we did something."

Stage Direction: Rory smiles.

Rory quietly - "Thanks, Jess."

Stage Direction: Jess watches Rory go.

End of Scene 29.

Interior - Bus (Moving) - Day (Day 5) - Scene 30 -

Stage Direction: The group is heading to their next destination. Luke sits up front with Kelly, earl, and Mr. Munster. He looks a little out of place and disinterested, as other three carry on a mundane conversation.

Kelly pipes up - "You know what I thought? I thought an apple stop would be fun today."

Mr. Munster tells her - "Great idea."

Earl adds - "The banana stop was a big hit yesterday. I don't see how an apple stop could fail."

Luke tries to contribute - "Yeah, they loved the banana stop."

Kelly tells everyone - "So, I have some pamphlets for the kids to read about Amish country. Should we hand them out now."

Mr. Munster opines - "I think that's a good idea."

Luke volunteers - "I'll do it. I've got something for April here, too, so I was about to sneak back there anyway."

Kelly - "Thank you Luke."

Stage Direction: Luke takes the pamphlets and a piece of clothing that was next to him on the seat and heads toward the back of the bus, where we find kids talking, listening to headsets, paying video games, et cetera. He stops near April, who sits next to Marcia. Freddy is nearby, and so is Sue.

Luke to all the kids - "Hey, everybody. Sorry to interrupt. Got some pamphlets here, a little info on AMish country. It;s got some pictures. Although, we're gonna see it so you don't have to look a pictures. But there's stuff to read, too, so, here."

Stage Direction: He passes a bunch of them top a few kids.

Luke continues - "You can pass the rest around there. And..."

Stage Direction: He hands the pice of clothing to APril. It turns out to be a sweater.

Luke tells her - "Thought you might need your sweater... Okay?, well see ya."

Stage Direction: Luke turns to go back with the adults. As he does, he overhears the following"

Editor Note: Obviously Scene 30 continues for some length.

End of all Casting Sides for Episode 6.18 - The Real Paul Anka.
Quelle: Jet1945, Fanbolt



Zitat:[Bild: glow.gif] Casting Notice: Singing kids
Quelle: Fanforum, Jet
Ok, ich bin nicht gerade gut in englisch und ich hab auch nur den Sinn verstanden! Aber kann mir jemand erklären was damit gemeint ist:"If it makes you feel any better, you can always tell him we did something."(sagt Jess zu Rory, oder???)
Kann ir jemand helfen????:confused::confused::confused:
ich hab ne frage: in welcher folge bekommt lorelai paul anka???

(blöde frage, ich weiß)
plappermäulchen schrieb:ich hab ne frage: in welcher folge bekommt lorelai paul anka???

(blöde frage, ich weiß)

In 6.02 Fight Face
Sumer 11 schrieb:Ok, ich bin nicht gerade gut in englisch und ich hab auch nur den Sinn verstanden! Aber kann mir jemand erklären was damit gemeint ist:"If it makes you feel any better, you can always tell him we did something."(sagt Jess zu Rory, oder???)
Kann ir jemand helfen????:confused::confused::confused:

meinst du jetzt was Jess damit meint?

Wie ich es verstanden hab geht es in Jess Kommentar darum, das Logan in der beziehungspause mit Rory was mit anderen Frauen hatte und da Rory grade in Philadelphia bei Jess ist sagt er ihr das sie ihm ja sagen könnte das sie beide auch was zusammen hatten wenn sie sich dann besser fühlt.

So hab ichs aufgefasst Smile
Ja, ich hatte schon in einem anderen Forum die Antwort gefunden!! Trotzdem Danke, ich hatte den Sinn nicht verstanden. Ich finde es total SÜß von Jess, dass er ihr das sagt!!!WinkSmile Weiß jemand, ob dass der letzte Gastauftritt von Milo war???:confused::confused::confused:
@ chrissiTine danke vielmals: wusste gar nicht, dass sie ihn so früh bekommt!!!!
öhhhhm.....wer ist april??? *sichblödvorkomm*
HotMilo schrieb:öhhhhm.....wer ist april??? *sichblödvorkomm*

Das ist Lukes Tochter. Hier muss ich das nicht unter Spoiler setzen, oder?
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