Spoiler Lorelai will nicht warten bis sie 80 ist
deswegen heiratet sie Chris. hahahahhahahhaaa, noch mehr geistesblitze
erinnert ihr euch an die Szene aus 5x14 nach der Hochzeit von Lore's Eltern? Da hat sie doch Streit mit Luke und redet mit Sookie darüber .
Sookie: But don't worry, because if a relationship is right, things work out.
Lorelai: I hope so.
Sookie: I heard about this couple on one of this morning shows. ... perfect for each other, you know, ready for marriage and s.th. happend and they broke up in theirsenior year in college even though they are madly in love with each other. they moved in different parts of the country; they married different people
lorelai: they married different people?
Sookie: oh yes, they have kids, and grand kids, and their partners died and they are available again and they talked and they hooked up and now they're together and they're happily in love together - after 40 years apart
Lorelai: That story is a horroble story
sookie: oh it's not
lorelai: on what morning show was that on. i hate this story.
sookie: but they ended up together.
lorelai: ...
sookie: the point is that even if it's take 40 years they will figure it out. there is still a chance for a happy ending.
lorelai: but this is all they had: an ending. i don't wanna just have an ending with luke.
even if he is a nice guy
he is NOT the guy i wanna be with.
Da sagt sie doch schon alles !?! Erklärt mich für verrückt *g* is mir wurscht, aber da steht alles. ANVIL -Alarm