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Normale Version: Her dream (Spoiler für Staffel 7)*complete*
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sorry, I'm not really in the mood to give FB today.
I just wanted to say that it was a great part.

Zitat:“Okay,” Lorelai only nodded and felt incredibly alone all of a sudden. Her own words from years ago came to her mind. Sometimes I wish I was married. Now she was married and she wished she wasn’t, because it didn’t change a thing. She was alone in all of this. Christopher was not the one who would saved the sink from getting sent back to Canada.
I liked this part very much....
and that she went to Luke afterwards was even better Big Grin

okay, keep on...

greets, Ced
Hey, I just found this Fanfiction and I love it!

Charming_Holly schrieb:I really, really, really liked the last part in which Lorelai goes to see Luke. Sure she goes to Luke, where else would she go? The tingle, the feeling of comfort and safety, I adored that for it implies that they still have feelings for each other and that Lorelai is going to Luke for comfort, not Chris! :freu: Well, I hope something happens while she "calms down" a bit Smile

I absolutely agree with that, and I can't wait for the next chapter. Big Grin
Okay, vielen Dank für eure reviews, wir fühlen uns wirklich sehr geschmeichelt.
Es ist möglich dass für die nächsten 2 oder 3 Wochen kein updates kommt, da Laura Probleme mit ihrem Internetprovider hat und zur Zeit nicht ins Internet kommt. Vielleicht kann sie mir die Vorlage fürs nächste Kapitel von der Arbeit aus schicken.. mal sehen.
Hier jedenfalls erstmal Kapitel 6:

Chapter 6 – Admitting the truth

Lorelai spend the night on Luke’s couch. She didn’t want to go home. She couldn’t handle fighting with Christopher again after what her parents told her. It wasn’t as if she slept. Her parent’s voices were going through her head all night. But it was comforting hearing Luke’s soft snores. She couldn’t help but think how that sound had always soothed her to sleep every night, a little over a year ago. Luke was a deep sleeper. When she watched him sleep she could see how he enjoyed it. Chris was different. He was restless and would wake up at the lightest sound.

“Hey. You’re awake.” Luke noted when he got out of bed the following morning.

She nodded and sat up. “Yeah.”

“Did you sleep at all?” He looked at her concerned.

She gave him a look that said enough. Luke sighed and tried to stroke the sleep out of his eyes with one hand.

“How about some coffee?” he asked then.

“Please,” she said and gave him a small, tentative smile.

She watched him as he made her coffee and some tea for himself. They sat down at the table and shared a quick breakfast in silence. After breakfast she took a quick shower and was ready to leave.

“What are you plan on doing today?” Luke asked her, still concerned how much more trouble she could take at the moment.

She raised her shoulders. “I’m supposed to work but I don’t really feel like it. I may call in sick and go see how my parents are doing. See if I can do something for them,” she told him honestly and she knew she didn’t need to explain how worried she was and how much her parents meant to her.

“Sounds like a good idea,” he said and his gruff tone was back.

She gave him a weak smile. “Thanks for letting me spend the night.”

“No problem. I’m here for you. You know that.”

She nodded. “Thanks Luke.”

“Come by later okay?” the gruff tone was gone again.

She nodded again and then left.

When she was gone Luke stayed in his apartment for some more time. He just sat at the table and thought about the last night and the events. He wished he could do more than just let her spend the night in his apartment. He really wanted to help her, but he didn’t know how.
After some minutes he walked over to his couch where she had put the flannel shirt she had worn for the night. He picked it up and walked to the carrier with the dirty laundry in the bathroom. He wanted to throw it into it, but when he moved it a bit of the scent which lingered in the shirt flew into his nostrils. He had to close his eyes because this scent was a bit too much for him and caught him off guard. Without opening his eyes he buried his head in the shirt and took her scent in. Then he opened his eyes, walked back out of the bathroom and tossed the flannel shirt onto his bed. He stared at it for some seconds, unsure if he had only dreamed those horrible last months without her. Her scent lingered in his sheets and his shirt, maybe it had just been a bad dream.
But then reality got him back and he sighed and walked downstairs to face the breakfast crowd in the diner.

“Lorelai?” Emily was surprised to see her daughter in her doorway.

“Hey mom,” Lorelai greeted her and fiddled with her necklace.

“What are you doing here?”

Lorelai raised her shoulders. “I didn’t feel like working today. I drove around and I kind of ended up here. Can I come in?”

“Of course.”

Lorelai handed her coat to her mother and walked into the living room. “Is dad home?”

“No. He has a meeting.”

Lorelai nodded as she sat down.

“You want something to drink?”

“Coffee please.”

Emily nodded and walked towards the kitchen, ordering the maid to make some coffee. Back in the living room she sat down across from Lorelai. “What are you doing here?”

“What? Can’t I pay you a visit?” she asked although she knew that her mother knew why she really was there.

“You don’t stop by voluntarily without wanting something Lorelai.” Emily pressed the issue.

“That’s not true.” She sighed. “Okay it is true. But not today. I was just….”

“Thinking about your father?”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“You shouldn’t worry too much Lorelai. He’s going to be fine. You’ll see.”

“You don’t know that. How can you believe that?”

“Because I have to.”

“I don’t understand.”

Emily sighed. “It’s easier to believe that everything is going to be alright, than that it won’t. Because honestly, I don’t know what to do without your father. We’ve been married for over 40 years. I can’t think of my life without your father. That idea.. it’s too frightening to think about it.”

Lorelai looked at her mother that was usually so strong, and saw genuine fear in her eyes. Even though she said that she was okay, and that she believed that he was fine, inwardly she was terrified.

“Just think about how you would feel if this happened to Christopher.”

She didn’t know how to reply to that. She knew she wouldn’t be as terrified as her mother was right now. Of course she it would be horrible if something happened to Chris. She would miss him… but not the way her mother would miss her father. Not the way she would…. She shook her head. She didn’t want to think about Luke now. It wasn’t appropriate; she was married now, to Chris. She forced the thoughts out of her mind, and her mother noticed this.

“What’s wrong Lorelai?” Emily wanted to know.

“Nothing,” Lorelai said and looked down to her hands to avoid her mothers piercing eyes.

“Don’t lie to me. I know you.” Emily said sternly.

“I don’t know how I would feel if Christopher…” Lorelai started slowly, barely able to admit this to herself.

“Don’t be crazy. You would be horrified. You married him Lorelai. You love him.”

“But it’s hard mom. We’re fighting all the time,” Lorelai tried to explain.

“What did you think? That it was going to be easy? You’ve known each other for a very long time. You’ve lived your own lives for a very long time. And now you have to find a way to bring those lives together. You have to make it work. It’s not going to work by itself. It doesn’t work like that. It’s not easy.” Emily was starting to feel mad. “Do you think your father and I would still be together if we hadn’t worked on it?”

Lorelai let out a small ‘no.’

“That’s what I thought.” Emily shook her head as she studied her daughter. She didn’t look like the woman she used to be. She changed a lot over the past few months. She tried to act happy, but Emily knew better.

“Do you love him Lorelai?” she asked her the question Lorelai feared the most. She knew if there was one person she couldn’t lie to about these things it was her mother.

Tears filled Lorelai’s eyes as she shook her head. “No,” she said and allowed her self to admit this not only to someone else, but also to herself for the first time.

“Do you think you could ever love him?” Emily asked her then and her voice wasn’t angry or aggressive, but soft and somehow worried.

She raised her shoulders. “I don’t know. I hope so.”

“Do you still love Luke?” Emily wanted to know. Lorelai’s head shot up and she stared at her mother. She wanted to yell at her for asking such a thing. She was a married woman and her mother asked her something like this. But when she saw the honest worry in her mother’s eyes, her own resolve crumbled and she let the guard down. The wall she had build around her heart the night Luke had let her walk away disappeared under her mother’s eyes and Lorelai was hit by such a pain that she could barely breathe anymore.

She nodded. “Yes,” she pressed out then and tried to take a deep breath.

“Do you want to be with him?” Emily questioned her further.

“I don’t know mom. I don’t know.” Lorelai shook her head and the first tears dropped on her hand.

“It’s a simple question Lorelai. If it was possible, would you be with him?” Emily lay her finger on the wound. Lorelai nodded again.

“Yes.” She let out a small sob as she admitted it. God, she so desperately wanted to be with him. Now that she admitted it, it nearly killed her that she wasn’t.

“Then I think you know what to do.” Emil concluded and raised her eyebrows.

“But…” Lorelai objected. She was married to Rory’s father. She tried to believe that she could someday get her whole package out of it. It was her dream. No, she told herself then, it wasn’t her dream. It hadn’t been anymore since the day she had had her breakdown on the bench and Luke had comforted her. Chris wasn’t her dream. The family with Chris and Gigi wasn’t her dream and never had been.

“I hate to see you unhappy Lorelai. You should know by now that life is too short to be unhappy.” Emily said then and Lorelai looked at her like she had grown two heads. But then Lorelai smiled slightly.

“I know you’re right mom. But is that what you want? Do you want me and Chris to divorce?” she asked her. She didn’t want to be a disappointment to her mother again. Not when her father was that sick.

“This is not about what I want. This is about what you want.” Emily said and folded her hands in her lap.

Lorelai drove home feeling a lot better. She had finally admitted out loud what she was feeling inside all along, but had pushed back and never acknowledged. Not even to herself.. She never thought her mother would approve any of it, but apparently she understood. All she had to do now was go home and make Chris understand.

When she walked into the house she found Chris with the phone in the hand pacing in the living-room.

“Where have you been? I was worried sick!” he yelled and grabbed her by the shoulders. Lorelai let her purse drop to the floor and looked him in the eyes. So this was her husband, she thought. The man she should love and cherish for the rest of her life. The potential father of her potential future kids. A wave of sympathy came over her for the man in front of her. He really loved her, but he was a damn fool. He was still the sixteen year old boy he had been back then on the balcony when Rory was conceived.

“I was at my parent’s” she told him quietly and saw the doubt in his eyes. He didn’t trust her. He didn’t accept her. He only loved her.

“Sure, because that’s the place where you always go when we fight. Correct me if I am wrong, but the last time I found you at the diner with your ex-boyfriend.” He said and let go of her shoulders to pace some more.

“My ex-fiancé,” she corrected him and sat down on the couch. Chris stopped pacing and stood in front of her.

“Oh yeah right. Sorry I forgot, but it’s not like that matters anymore.” He said the bitterly.

“You’re right. It doesn’t matter. At least not anymore” she said and he misunderstood what she meant. He wasn’t able to read her eyes and never had been.

“No it doesn’t because we are married now. You and I and we will spend the rest of our lives together.” Chris said, appeased somehow.

“Chris..” Lorelai started and he took her hands waiting for a declaration of love and an apology.

“Yeah?” he said and tried to kiss her. But she pulled her hands away and stood up. She looked down at him and couldn’t even really feel sorry for him. Too heavy was the pain in her chest, that reminded her that she had lost Luke, the only man she ever loved, her dream.

“I want you to move out today,” she said.

“But Lore, I …” he started but she interrupted him.

“I don’t love you. Actually I never did. I love Luke and always will and I had to admit that to myself today. I can’t fight with you anymore, I don’t have the strength to fight with you for something which doesn’t mean anything to me anyhow. My father is sick and I lost the man I love. I just… I can’t pretend anymore… I will be gone for the rest of the day. Be gone when I come back tonight.” She told him and left the house while he was still sitting on the couch, not able to take in at once what she had told him.


Okay, I so :herz: this part..... Let's have a look at my faves Smile

Zitat:After some minutes he walked over to his couch where she had put the flannel shirt she had worn for the night. He picked it up and walked to the carrier with the dirty laundry in the bathroom. He wanted to throw it into it, but when he moved it a bit of the scent which lingered in the shirt flew into his nostrils. He had to close his eyes because this scent was a bit too much for him and caught him off guard. Without opening his eyes he buried his head in the shirt and took her scent in. Then he opened his eyes, walked back out of the bathroom and tossed the flannel shirt onto his bed. He stared at it for some seconds, unsure if he had only dreamed those horrible last months without her. Her scent lingered in his sheets and his shirt, maybe it had just been a bad dream.

I was afraid he'd just toss the shirt into the laundry but I think he kinda figures that she would come back soon. Call it manly intuition Wink

Zitat:“Do you still love Luke?” Emily wanted to know. [...]
Zitat:She nodded. “Yes,” she pressed out then and tried to take a deep breath.
YEAAAAAAHHHHH! :freu: I'm the happiest girl on earth! She finally admitted what we all already knew Smile I'm so happy .... and she told Emily and she wants to be with Luke and not that jerk whom she never loved ... Lorelai :herz: Luke .... Wub

Zitat:“I don’t love you. Actually I never did. I love Luke and always will and I had to admit that to myself today. I can’t fight with you anymore, I don’t have the strength to fight with you for something which doesn’t mean anything to me anyhow. My father is sick and I lost the man I love. I just… I can’t pretend anymore… I will be gone for the rest of the day. Be gone when I come back tonight.”
Right girl, give to him!!!! You go girl!! At least she was honest Big Grin OMG, I love her for doing that, for realizing that she and Luke are meant to be together and that they need to stop messing around and get serious. But I'm sure Chris won't let go of her that easy. He'll fight. I just hope he won't hurt her or destroy her life .. :heul:

:herz: Your best part ever!!!:herz: Keep on writing, I'm waiting for the next chapter.

Oh endlich!!!
Jetzt hat sie diesen dummen Idioten endlich abgeschossen!!!

Zitat:“That’s what I thought.” Emily shook her head as she studied her daughter. She didn’t look like the woman she used to be. She changed a lot over the past few months. She tried to act happy, but Emily knew better.

Schön, dass Emily sich so um Lorelai kümmert...also, dass sie merkt das es Lorelai schlecht geht...

und der schönste satz überhaupt...

Zitat:“Do you still love Luke?” Emily wanted to know. She nodded. “Yes,” she pressed out then and tried to take a deep breath.

Ich hoff ihr macht schnell weiter, denn jetzt ist der Weg für LL ja frei xD
Wow, I love this part, it's great.

karana schrieb:“No problem. I’m here for you. You know that.”

That was so sweet. *sigh*

karana schrieb:“Do you still love Luke?” Emily wanted to know. [....] The wall she had build around her heart the night Luke had let her walk away disappeared under her mother’s eyes and Lorelai was hit by such a pain that she could barely breathe anymore.
She nodded. “Yes,” she pressed out then and tried to take a deep breath.

Awww, I love this :herz:. Finally she admitted what Luke means to her. I hope the pain won't last too long, she only needs Luke back in her life.
I hope she will go to see him soon and talk to him now that she knows that she loves him ....

karana schrieb:God, she so desperately wanted to be with him. Now that she admitted it, it nearly killed her that she wasn’t.

Go, Lorelai! Go and see Luke. Right now!! :p

karana schrieb:“I don’t love you. Actually I never did. I love Luke and always will and I had to admit that to myself today.

Wow, good that she admitted it and that she didn't keep pretending that she loves him. It's hard for Chris I think, but I don't care Big Grin.
Great that she finally realized that she still loves Luke. Smile

Can't wait for the next chapter!!

definitely loved that part.
the sad thing is that all people above me have already said everything of importance.... i'm totally with them..

hope for a new part...

greets, Ced
OK! Ich will hier auch noch einmal FB geben, auch wenn ich das ja eigentlich schon getan hab *g*! Aber ich hab es zweimal gelesen, dann kann ich auch zweimal FB geben.
Chris tut mir leid, er hat alles gegeben und sie will ihn trozdem nicht. Tja sie gehört nuneinmal zu Luke und nur zu Luke! Das mit dem Shirt war so süß! Er liebt sie einfach zu sehr, dass erkennt man in so kleinen Szenen eben am besten! Toller Teil! momo
Chapter 7 – Back on track

Lorelai went straight to the diner. After talking to Chris, she was in desperate need to talk to Luke. She knew she screwed up bad with everything that happened the past few months, and today she finally realized all the mistakes she made. The only thing she could do now was try to make things right with Luke. She hoped that he still wanted her, like she still wanted him.

Luke looked up when he heard the bell ring and smiled when he saw it was Lorelai. He immediately turned around to fill a cup with coffee and placed it in front of her when she sat down at the counter. “Hey, how were things at your parents?”

She thought for a moment and then said “Refreshing.”

He raised his eyebrows. “What?”

“My dad wasn’t home but I had a very interesting conversation with my mom.”

“That bad huh.” He replied, knowing how conversations between Lorelai and Emily usually went.

She shook her head. “No, it wasn’t bad at all. I think it’s the first real conversation I ever had with my mother.”

“Oh. What did you talk about?”

“About her fears and then about me and you.”

He was confused now. “About us?”

She nodded. “My mother finally let me see what I was blinded for all these months. I’m so sorry Luke, for everything that happened. I should have told you how I was feeling when I found out about April. I should have told you how left out I felt. I shouldn’t have pushed you that night, and I definitely shouldn’t have gone to Christopher.”

“But you did.”

She nodded. “Yes, and I can’t begin to tell you how much I regret that. How much I regret everything that happened after that. He’s not the guy I want to be with.”

“And still you married him. Listen, I don’t know what you want from me Lorelai. I don’t know why you’re telling me this.”

“Because life is too short. I told Chris that I want a divorce. He’s not the guy I want to be with. That’s you. It has always been you.” She gave him a pleading look.

“Lorelai, please stop that”, Luke pleaded and closed his eyes for a second. Then he took a deep breath and looked at her again, the pleading now written in his eyes.

“But Luke we need to talk about that, I need to talk about that. I love you”, Lorelai said, her tone matching his.
“Lorelai, please. You’re upset because your marriage didn’t work out and I understand that, I know how a failed marriage feels like”, he said and wanted to go on, but Lorelai interrupted him.

“It is not about my marriage. This marriage wasn’t right from the beginning. I never loved Chris. It was always you I wanted, Luke”, Lorelai sounded desperate now, because she wanted to make him see, wanted to make him believe her and wanted him back.

“That’s not true and we both know it. I can remember a time not that long ago when you came into the diner and cried about the fact that Chris had dumped you for his pregnant girlfriend and how it is your dream to have the whole package with him. You have it now, maybe you shouldn’t throw it away that easily” Luke said slowly.

“That was then. I thought it was my dream to have that with him. But since I’ve been with you I only want that with you. I want to marry you and have kids with you. I want to wake up and go to bed with you by my side. When Chris started to talk about more kids, it was a shock. The only thing I could think of was “no”. I don’t want him, Luke. I want you. I can’t make my dream come true with anybody else but you”, Lorelai had started to cry now.

“That’s our problem Lorelai. It was only a dream. We both wanted to be meant for each other, but I think all that happened showed that we are not. We do not belong together and never did. Believe me, I really wanted us too and it was my dream to be with you and start a family together. But sometimes dreams can’t come true, because they’re not meant to be. We both need to learn how to move on. I need to understand that loving someone for ten years might not be enough and you need to learn that you can’t go back to what was right some time when the present isn’t what you want. When I let you walk away you went to Christopher. When you two have problems you come to me. I can’t do this Lorelai. Go home and talk to Chris. Make this marriage work if that’s your dream. Forget about us, because we can’t go back. You would always wonder what I might keep from you and I would always wonder when you would run off to Christopher again”, Luke told her and tried to keep his voice as even as possible.

“So you don’t love me anymore? My dream will never come true? Cause it can’t without you. I can’t even think about having someone else’s baby. I can’t think about growing old with someone else”, Lorelai sobbed.

“It’s not about love and it’s not about what I want. It’s just that we’re not right for each other and it hurts enough to get up with that knowledge. Trying and failing again… I don’t think I would be able to get over it again. I told you that my life is not real when you’re not in it and I meant it. But I was able to go and even to talk with you again. But if we fail again, then…” Luke trailed off.

“So that’s it? We’re over?” Lorelai asked as she tried to get some self-control back.

“We were over the moment I decided to keep April from you and you didn’t say a word, although you knew I was hiding something”, Luke said with bitterness in his voice.

“Okay, then I guess I’ll go now before I’ll make an even bigger idiot out of myself”, Lorelai tried to smile.

“You didn’t…” Luke shook his head.

“Good bye Luke”

“Good bye Lorelai, take care”, Luke said and gave her a small wave.

After Lorelai left the diner she knew she couldn’t go home. Chris was probably still there, and she was definitely not ready to face him. Besides, she needed someone to talk to. Her first thought was to go to Sookie, but then she remembered the conversation she had with Rory when she and Chris came home from Paris. Rory was so mad and partially because her parents got married without her. So instead of going to Sookie’s she drove to New Haven.

Rory opened the door almost immediately after Lorelai rang the doorbell. She was surprised to see her mother standing on the other side.


“Hey kiddo. Can I come in?” Lorelai asked and tried to act as cheery as possible. She didn’t want to break down in front of Rory.

“Sure.” Rory stepped aside to let her mother in. “What’s going on?”

Lorelai let herself fall into the couch. “How about a cup of coffee and I tell you everything?”

Rory went into the kitchen and filled two cups with coffee. Then she joined her mother in the living room. “So, what’s going on?”

It was then that Lorelai realized that Rory didn’t know about her grandfather. Would Rory understand the whole story if she left out the part where Richard has been diagnosed with cancer?


“Uhm…Let’s begin at the beginning. Ever since your father and I came back from Paris, things haven’t been perfect between the two of us. We’ve been fighting a lot. It’s like we can’t agree on a single thing. At first I thought that I just had to get used to having him and Gigi around all the time and that I would get used to it. But that didn’t happen. We’ve been fighting more and more lately.”

“Fighting about what?”

“Mostly about Luke and me.” Lorelai confessed.


“We became friends again. He called me the night your father and I came home from Paris because he had a problem with April. It wasn’t anything serious. April started her period for the first time and Anna was in New Mexico, but anyway, we started seeing each other more often since.”

“And dad is jealous?”

“Well yeah. But he had nothing to be jealous about. Luke and I were just friends.”

“Were?” Rory had paid attention.

Lorelai sighed. “I went to see your grandmother this morning and we had a long talk and in the end I realized that I don’t love father. I never did. I’m still in love with Luke.”

Rory was even more confused now. “You had a talk with grandma? Did she come to see you?”

Lorelai shook her head. “I went over there.”

“Why? Mom, you’re not telling me everything.”

“I just… I had to take care of something over there and it’s not really important for that matter. She asked me what I would feel if I would lose Chris and I had to admit, that I would be sad, but… but if anything would ever happen to Luke…” tears were now in Lorelai’s eyes again.

“Oh mom”, Rory said and even she was scared by the thought.

“And then my mother told me that I should do something, because life is too short to waste it with an unhappy marriage. I went home, talked to your father and told him that it is over and he should move out. I told him I am still in love with Luke. After that I went to Luke and told him that I love him and that I want to be with him”, Lorelai told Rory and started to sniff when the first tears fell from her eyes.

“I guess that didn’t went that well”, said Rory and lay an arm around her mother.

“No, he said we’re not meant to be and he can’t be with me anymore. He said that it was just a dream. But we’re not… he said it was over when… when he found out about April and didn’t tell me and although I knew something was wrong I didn’t call him on it. Why didn’t I ask him Rory? Why?” Lorelai was sobbing.

“You were occupied and worried. You thought he would tell you if it was something important”, Rory tried to sooth her.

“No, I was stupid. I was so ignorant and self-centred. I should have asked him. No wonder he didn’t trust me, what kind of fiancée have I been?” cried Lorelai.

“Mom, it’ll be all right”, Rory tried again to calm her mother.

“No, Rory nothing will be all right”, Lorelai yelled now, “ I want to be married. I want to have more kids. I want somebody to be there for me and who loves me. I want to come home to someone and share everything with that one person. And I somehow thought your father could be that, but he never had a chance because the only man who can ever give me that is Luke, because he is the only one I ever loved and will ever love. Without him I will become the lonely old cat lady I never wanted to be”, she screamed at her daughter. Rory was shocked and didn’t know what to do. Helplessly she pulled her mother into her arms and stroked over her head, while Lorelai fell apart completely in front of her daughter.

When Richard came home from his meeting he found Emily in the living room. She looked up with a smile.


“Hey.” He smiled at her and sat down next to her.

“How was your meeting?”

“Better than I could have imagined.” He leaned in to kiss her.

She raised her eyebrows. “You seem happy.”

“I am. I’m going to be okay.”

“I’ve been telling you that.”

He nodded. “But now the doctor told me. I need surgery but after that I’ll be fine. The cancer is in an early stage and the 5 year survival rate is over 90%.”

Emily didn’t need to know anything else and pulled Richard in a tight embrace. While holding her husband in her arms she couldn’t help but think what a good day it had been. First she had one of the best conversations with Lorelai they had ever had and now she knew for sure that Richard was going to be okay.
Now only her daughter needed to get her life back on track.

Ich werd bekloppt...
Wieso will Luke sie denn nicht mehr?!?
Aber schön,
das Richard wieder gesund wird *FREU*
Mach schnell weiter...Cool
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