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Normale Version: Her dream (Spoiler für Staffel 7)*complete*
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ich finde deine ff klasse!

du wirst nie langweilig, man will eifach immer wissen wie es weiter geht!!
du schreibst einfach toll!!

also mach brav weiter ich kann es kaum bis zum nächsten teil abwarten!

p.s.: übrigens war der teil auch perfekt! ich finde es nur irgendiwe blöd, dass luke sie nicht zurückhaben will. naja, vielleicht kommts ja noch!
karana schrieb:“Because life is too short. I told Chris that I want a divorce. He’s not the guy I want to be with. That’s you. It has always been you.” She gave him a pleading look.

“Lorelai, please stop that”, Luke pleaded and closed his eyes for a second. Then he took a deep breath and looked at her again, the pleading now written in his eyes.

He's so not over her! Why is he being such a jerk? Motz Men are so hard to understand. Is it just because she hurt him? I mean, she didn't do the right thing, I guess, but please ... *pleading* He's so hurt and probably afraid that she'll hurt him again and that'sway he's just resenting everything she said, everything they used to be. It was HIS dream as well :heul: There she goes, rushing in and telling him that she's in love with him and wants to be with him and have his children ... and he just blows her off Unsure (which is kinda good because now she has to fight for him^^) Geez!
But I'm glad Emily made her realize that her daughter isn't meant to be with Chris and that they finally talked without shouting at each other. Richard will be fine- hopefully Smile

Desperately in need for the next chapter Confusedabber: Top

:herz: Maxi :herz:
Woopidoppiedu (sry^^)

Ein neuer TeilSmile

Ich fand ihn echt super wie alle bis jetzt.
Ich finds toll,dass sich Lore endlich mal in was wirklich sicher ist.
Aber ich kann auch verstehen,dass Luke sie (im Moment) nicht mehr wieder haben will. Schließlich hat sie ihn oft genug entäuscht.

Toll,dass sie auch mal wieder mit Rory geredet hatSmile
Und toll,dass Richard wieder gesund wird. Allerdings habe ich das mit den 5 Jahren (?) aufgrund schlechter Englischkentnisse nicht ganz verstanden:o

Naja auf jedenfall mach weiter so ich freu mich schon auf den nächsten Teil Big Grin aber wer tut das nicht?!

Lg LoryFan
I loved this part even more than last one even though it's kind of sad. It was very well written of course and you could feel Lorelai's desperation when Luke told her that they never were meant for each other.

karana schrieb:“That’s our problem Lorelai. It was only a dream. We both wanted to be meant for each other, but I think all that happened showed that we are not. We do not belong together and never did.

“So you don’t love me anymore? My dream will never come true? Cause it can’t without you. I can’t even think about having someone else’s baby. I can’t think about growing old with someone else”, Lorelai sobbed.

How can Luke say something like this? They don't belong together? Does he really think that way or is he only afraid that she will hurt him again? Yes, they both made mistakes but .... I mean now that they know what they did wrong all the time they could have a second try with much more communication!?

But what is he going to do now? Trying to forget about the feelings he still has for her and dreaming of the days when the two of them were happy couple? Does he really believe that he will become happy this way? I mean with Lorelai only being a good friend of him?
After all she said and admitted. The fact that she still loves him and that her dream can't come true without him ..... sigh. :heul:

I hope Lorelai won't give up and will fight for him.

Can't wait for the next chapter!! Smile
Vielen vielen Dank für die reviews, Laura ist schon immer ganz aufgeregt wenn ich sie ihr per MSN schicke.
Fresh zurück from se beta Wink

Chapter 8: You told him

Lorelai spent the night at Rory’s as she was in no state to drive home. The next morning she felt a lot better, although she knew she had to go home and face her problems. She hoped that Chris would be gone by the time she got there, but knew how stubborn he could be. After a long, hot shower Lorelai went into the kitchen to say goodbye to Rory.

“You ready to go home?” Rory asked her cautiously.

“Well, as ready as I’ll ever be I guess.” Lorelai replied and gave her a forced smile.

“Things will be okay mom. You’ll see.” Rory tried to reassure her.

“I hope so Rory. I really hope so.” Lorelai gave her daughter a slight smile and walked towards her to give her a small hug.

“I love you kid.” Lorelai mumbled

Rory smiled. “I love you too mom.”

Lorelai nodded. “I’ll call you later okay?”

“I have my cell phone ready and waiting.”


After one last hug Lorelai got into her car. She turned the music on loud in the hope she couldn’t hear herself think. It worked and she was home before she knew it. When she was about to turn into her drive way, she saw Chris’ car parked there. She cursed inwardly as she parked her car. She stormed inside the house, ready to fight. The anger and disappointment when Luke had rejected her bubbled to the surface and although she knew it wasn’t Christopher’s fault she needed to take her anger out on someone, now that the pain and sadness over Luke’s rejection hit full force.

Chris was holding a box in his arms when Lorelai entered the house.

“Hey”, he greeted her friendly.

“What are you doing here?” The tone in her voice showed him how mad she was.

“Can we talk?” he tried nonetheless.

“I don’t want to talk”, she hissed.

“I know, but I do”, Chris decided, put the box down and grabbed her by the arm.
She sighed and let him lead her into the living room, although she had tried at first to get out of his grasp.
In the living- room he pushed her down on the couch and she looked up to him, saw his struggle for words.

“Lorelai, do you know what it means when I move out today?” he asked her then.

“Yes”, she spit out.

“Lorelai, if I really move out today it means that we are over. No more marriage, no more family, nothing”, Chris told her in a very calm tone. Lorelai looked at him and suddenly her anger was gone. Somehow she felt sorry for him, because she realized that now his dream was fading away just like hers did a year ago with Luke.

“Chris, I am sorry. I am really sorry that I pulled you into this whole mess. I should never have come to you that night when my whole world tumbled down. Chris I would have needed a friend that night, not a lover. I would have needed a friend all those months, but never a husband. I… I just… Chris, I love Luke. I’ve always loved him, this whole time. I wanted a family and more kids and everything, but I needed to get married to you to understand that I only want all that with Luke. Without him… there’s no marriage I am able to commit to”, Lorelai confessed. Chris looked her in the eyes and saw that she wasn’t telling him all this to make him leave, but because it was true.

“Okay, then I guess I should really go now. I will keep in contact with Rory though and you can always call me... as a friend… if you want to”, he offered.

“Thanks Chris, but I think we shouldn’t fall back into that pattern”, Lorelai told him.

“So, that means you’re back with Luke?” Chris asked as he started to get upset but tried to stay calm. Lorelai looked down and felt her eyes starting to get misty.

“No, no, I am not,” she said and focused on her hands, because she didn’t want to cry about Luke in front of Chris.

“Why?” Chris asked, because he honestly didn’t understand.

“Luke doesn’t want me anymore”, she confessed.

“Then he’s even more stupid than I thought”, Chris said, took another long look at Lorelai, who sat at the couch and bit her lip then he walked out without saying another word.

After her conversation with Chris Lorelai changed and went to the inn. She stayed there until late because she had to catch up with the work she’d been missing the past 2 days. On her way home she drove past the diner and saw how Luke was closing up. Against better judgement she parked her car and went inside to talk to him.

“We’re closed.” He didn’t look up when he heard the door bell ring.

“I know. But that never stopped me before.”

He looked up now. “Hey.”



“Do you even have to ask?”

“I guess not.” He walked around the counter and started filling the coffee maker.
“So, long day?” He tried small talk because he had no idea what to say to her after their conversation yesterday.

“Kind of. I had some work to catch up on. I just came from the Inn.”

“Did you have dinner already? I can make you a burger if you want to?”

She shook her head. “No thanks. I’m not hungry.”

“What? Lorelai Gilmore is not hungry?”

She shook her head. “Listen, I was kind of hoping you would want to rethink what we were talking about yesterday.”

He sighed. “Lorelai.”

“No Luke, don’t Lorelai me. Hear me out okay ? I ended things with Chris for good now. He moved out and we are getting a divorce. We were never supposed to get married in the first place. You and I were. And I know that you’re doubting that right now, but I know that you and I are meant to be Luke. I know it. Please, just think about it.”

“Lorelai please, stop!” Luke yelled at her and slammed the towel he held onto the counter.

“But Luke, please, we would have a chance now, Chris is gone, please Luke”, she begged and pleaded, something she never thought she would ever do.

“Lorelai, this is killing me, okay? All I wanted for the last ten years was being happy with you, marry you, have a family. We tried it and we failed. It didn’t work out and Chris was only part of it. I have to wake up every day in the bed you slept in, open the diner you came to every day, brew the coffee which is your life elixir, walk through the town where everything is reminding me of you. I had to go through that while you had a nice time with Chris and then got married. So obviously you never had those problems. Now that you would have to face all that, only with Chris, you come back here and want me to be the substitute again. I can’t do that Lorelai. I can’t”, he said.

“But I love you Luke” she yelled back.

“And you never told him you love him?” he asked.

“Luke”, she said, shocked, but trying to stall.

“Did you? Did you tell him you love him?” Luke asked again

“Yes”, she admitted, barely above a whisper.

“Then how do you think I could believe you?” he asked back.

“I thought you know me”, she shot back.

“I thought that as well and see where we are now”, Luke told her and she remained silent.

“You can come here as often as you want. Maybe one day we can be friends again”, he said after he had taken a deep breath and had started to clean the counter with the towel again.

“You were my dream. Our family was my dream. No friendship will ever make it come true”, she said and started to sob before she walked out of the diner as fast as she could.

April was waiting for her father upstairs and heard most of the conversation he had with Lorelai. She felt so bad for everything that happened. It was all her fault that Luke and Lorelai broke up. If she hadn’t been so selfish and wanted to meet her father, none of this would have happened. If she hadn’t done that stupid science project, Luke wouldn’t have known about her. And if Luke hadn’t known, he wouldn’t have kept things a secret and there wouldn’t have been any problems between her father and Lorelai. She knew felt it was her responsibility and knew she had to try to make things right between the two of them. Over the past year she got to know her father and she knew that he wasn’t happy right now. She saw how his mood went up when he and Lorelai started talking again. And when she came home from school today, she knew something was up. He was cranky and he threw out customers. And he burned about every burger he tried making.
She pretended to be reading when Luke came upstairs.

“Hey. What are you reading?”

“Just some book for my English class.”

“Oh okay…”

“Hey dad?”


“Can I ask you a question?” she asked and tried to sound not as timid as she felt.


“Why did you and Lorelai break up?”

“We’ve talked about this. She and I were just not meant to be. That’s all.”

“But you still love her.”

He shook his head. “No.”

“Yes you do. You still care about her. I know it.”

“April, I don’t want to talk about it. It’s late. You should go to sleep.” Luke told her.

“But dad,” April started to protest.

“No. This is none of your business. It’s over between her and me okay. That’s all you need to know.”

He raised his hand, a gesture that told her the conversation was over. Inside she knew that it wasn’t, but she also knew that she’d better not protest. So she gave in and put her book aside.

“Goodnight dad.”

He sighed “Goodnight April.”
April turned of the light and turned on her side, facing the wall. While she tried to fall asleep she started to think about how she could make Luke see that he and Lorelai were meant to be.

Another great chapter. Smile

karana schrieb:“You can come here as often as you want. Maybe one day we can be friends again”, he said after he had taken a deep breath and had started to clean the counter with the towel again.

Is he serious with this "one day we can be friends again" thing? He is so not over her! Does he believe this being friends thing is going to work out?
Does he really believe that they were never meant to be? Or is he just telling it to himself to feel better?
It's just so ..... sad and, argh, Luke!! What are you doing? Motz

karana schrieb:April was waiting for her father upstairs and heard most of the conversation he had with Lorelai. She felt so bad for everything that happened. It was all her fault that Luke and Lorelai broke up.

This is the first time ever I kind of like April. It's cute that she cares for her father so much but I don't think it is all her fault.

karana schrieb:While she tried to fall asleep she started to think about how she could make Luke see that he and Lorelai were meant to be.

I think it's great that she wants to make Luke see that he and Lorelai are meant to be. That's sweet. Great that she realized that Luke still loves Lorelai (well, I hope he really does).
Go April! Make him see it. Lorelai needs someone who helps her making Luke realize that they are meant to be and that they won't fail again.

I hope you'll post the next chapter soon.

karana schrieb:“Luke doesn’t want me anymore”, she confessed.
“Then he’s even more stupid than I thought”, Chris said

Yeah, maybe he is .... :heul:
Just one word I have to say! SAD
oder vielleicht doch ein paar mehr:
Sind die denn total doof? Also Luke, ich weiß es ist hart, aber glaubt er wirklich er hätte ein besseres Leben ohne sie?
April tut mir echt leid. Sie macht sich Vorwürfe und ich find es so toll, dass sie sich Gedanken darüber macht, wie sie die beiden wieder zusammen kriegen kann!
Sehr schön geschrieben (wie immer) aber dieser hier hatte irgendwie so einen tatsch traurigkeit, der so schön zu meiner Stimmung passt!
Hab ich schon mal erwähnt, dass ich deine Stories liebe? Ich glaub das kann ich nicht oft genug sagen! LG momo
karana schrieb:“Then he’s even more stupid than I thought”, Chris said, took another long look at Lorelai, who sat at the couch and bit her lip then he walked out without saying another word.

He's right, actually. I hate to admit that. Kinda love him for saying that :herz:

WHY? WHY? Are you trying to freckin' kill me with your FF? ^^ You're making me unhappy, both of you, but hey, drama is good.
I mean, Luke's behaviour is just ..... he's hurt and he doesn't want to reveal any weakness in front of Lorelai or April bhut all of us know that they are meant to be together. Lorelai had to make a mistake to finally see that, but in the end she did see it. Why can't Luke just stop pretending he doesn't love her?

I like that idea with April! She's clever, hopefully, she'll fix things!


Okay, dann wollen wir mal wieder....

Chapter 9: Like two magnets

When Lorelai came home she was exhausted. All the energy was drained from her body. She wanted to go straight upstairs, take a shower and go to bed and forget about everything that happened the past days, but then her eye caught the blinking light from the answering machine. With a sigh she walked towards the machine and pressed the button.

“You have 5 new messages.”

Lorelai sighed again as the first message began playing.

“Lorelai, it’s your mother. Where are you? It’s already 7 o clock. Rory is here and we’re waiting for you. I hope you’re on your way.”


“Lorelai it’s your mother again. It’s a quarter past 7 now. You know that it’s incredible rude not to call when you can’t make it for dinner.”


“Mom, where are you? I tried your cell phone but it went straight to voice mail. Grandma is really worried that you didn’t show up for Friday night dinner or call. Call me as soon as you get this message.”


“Lorelai, answer the phone. I know you’re there because your definitely not at dinner. It’s after 8 now and I expect to hear why you didn’t come to Friday night dinner.”


“Mom, I’m coming over. I’m really really worried now. Where are you?”


Lorelai cursed inwardly. She had totally forgotten it was Friday. She’d been so caught up with everything that’s going on. With Christopher and their upcoming divorce, and with Luke not wanting her anymore. She looked through her purse and found her cell phone. It was turned off so obviously the battery was death. She found the charger and turned on her cell phone. There were 5 voice mail messages. Two from Emily and 3 from Rory. All about where she was. She decided to call Rory back first.

Rory picked up on the first ring. “Mom?”

“Yeah it’s me.”

“Where have you been? We’ve been trying to call you all night. I was worried sick, and so were grandma and grandpa.”

“I’m so sorry. I totally forgot that it was Friday” Lorelai sighed

“How can you forget that?” Rory thought for a moment and then remembered how her mother left her house that morning. “Look, I’m 5 minutes away from home. I’ll talk to you soon okay? You should call grandma and apologize.”

“Okay I will. I see you soon honey.”

After Lorelai hung up the phone she dialed her parent’s number. She didn’t really want to tell them why she forgot about Friday night dinner, but knew she had no other choice.

“Emily Gilmore speaking.”

“Mom it’s me. Lorelai.”

“Lorelai? Are you okay? Where have you been?”

“I’m okay. I completely forgot it was Friday. I’m sorry.”

“That’s no excuse Lorelai. You should have at least called if you couldn’t make it to dinner.”

“I know. I’m sorry. My life is a bit crazy right now.”

“Well so is ours. Your father is sick Lorelai, even though he’s doing better. We were telling Rory tonight. She needed you there.”

“I know mom. I’m sorry.”

“You better have a good excuse Lorelai.”

“I have an excuse. You decide whether it’s a good one or not.”

Emily, already agitated with her daughter, was losing her patients when she heard the tone in her daughter’s voice. “You’re being rude Lorelai.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” Lorelai let herself slide down on the floor and leaned against the wall. “You remember where we talked about the other day?”

“Of course I remember.”

“Well, I went to talk to Chris and to Luke. Chris and I decided that it’s best if we’re getting a divorce. He’ll contact his lawyer and try to get it over with as soon as possible. He and Gigi moved out today.”

“And Luke?”

“Luke was less understanding as Chris. We had two horrible fights. He’s not listening to me. I don’t know what to do. My life is such a mess right now.” She was close to tears now.

“You have to give him some time.”

“I don’t know. He seemed pretty sure.”

“Give him some time.”

“I’ll try.” Lorelai sighed. “I’m really sorry that I missed dinner and that I had you and dad worried. It won’t happen again.”

“It better not. Goodnight Lorelai.”

“Night mom.”

When Lorelai put her phone down she saw that Rory was watching her. “How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough to hear everything from you and dad getting a divorce.”

“I’m sorry Rory. I’m sorry things didn’t work out between me and your father. Or between Luke and me.”

Rory sat down next to her mother. “I don’t care that things didn’t work out between dad and you. I don’t think you were ever meant to be. And as to Luke and you, you just have to give him some time. It’s a bit to soon to go running back to him while you just ended your marriage with dad.”

“But I love Luke. I always have.”

“I know. And Luke loves you too. But he needs some time to process everything. And you have to give him that time, otherwise things may never work out between the two of you.”

Lorelai nodded. “Maybe you’re right. I think I’ll just have to try and give him all the time he needs. He did wait 8 years for me. I can wait for him.”

Rory stood up and gave Lorelai a hand to help her up as well. “Let’s get you to bed. It’s been a long day.”

A few days later April spent her day at Luke’s apartment again. She had dragged him out to a museum that day and now they were eating.
Luke hadn’t seen Lorelai since the last time she had shown up at the diner and he tried not to show how much this last conversation had shaken him. He still burned the food, threw customers out and was in a general bad mood.
With April though he tried to hold it together and he tried with all he had not to show her how sad he was and how much he missed Lorelai.
He had thought about the talk over and over again, especially at night when her words haunted him in his sleep, but he knew that he couldn’t be with her yet. What if she would freak out again? What if she would take Christopher back? And how could he ever trust her love declarations again now that she had told him that she had told Chris she loved him? He didn’t know and he wasn’t sure where this whole thing could be possibly going, because he simply didn’t know how to trust her ever again.
And then there was also the fact that Chris could have given her so much more. They could travel, buy a house, do whatever they want because he had more money then Luke could ever make.
He was still convinced that if they would have been meant for each other, they would have made it. But they didn’t since he, Luke Danes, wasn’t good enough for her.

“Hey Dad”, April interrupted his picking of his food with his fork and staring blankly ahead, deep in thoughts.

“Yes? You need more salt?” he asked.

“No, I there’s plenty of salt in it and you know too much salt is not good. But that’s not what I wanted to talk about”, she stopped her rambling about salt, because that’s not really what she wanted to talk about. April concentrated on her food for some time, trying to find the right words to approach the subject.

“April what is it?” Luke asked her, because he now knew something was up and he started to worry.

“Dad, why don’t you want to get back together with Lorelai?” she asked bluntly, because she wasn’t good at being subtle.

“April I told you already that I don’t wanna talk about it”, Luke said and lay his fork down on the table.

“But I do!” she insisted.

“Too bad, cause I don’t”, he told her and stood up, threw his plate in the sink after throwing the food in the trash.

“Okay, then you don’t have to talk, but I will. I think it sucks that you don’t give Lorelai another chance, because she obviously loves you and you love her,” April started but was interrupted by a furious Luke.

“Stop it! This is none of your business and I already told you to stay out of it!” Luke yelled at her and at first April was taken aback, but then she was just as stubborn as he was and she needed to get it off her chest

“But dad it is my business! I was the one who caused all this! It is my fault that you and Lorelai broke up.” April was yelling too.

Immediately all anger vanished from Luke’s face and it softened “Oh April. It is not your fault okay? It is not! It is my fault and her fault and who knows who else’s fault, but not yours. You have nothing to do with it.

“Well if I didn’t show up because of this stupid project then you wouldn’t be separated. You would be married now, maybe have a baby,” April disagreed and Luke sat down on the couch, patted the free space next to him.

“Okay, you win. April, what happened is that I wanted to prove her that I could be a good father without her help. I wanted to do this on my own and I shut her out. I didn’t tell her for two months and once she found out and was so great with it, I agreed to postpone the wedding and didn’t realize how much I hurt her with it. As I said already I tried to do it on my own and it hurt her, but I didn’t see it, because I got in my own head. She called me on it once while we were away for Valentines Day, but I didn’t get how deeply hurt she was. I turned her into a quietly sulking suffering woman, who was too scared to call me on my shit, because she was afraid she would lose me. Finally she snapped and gave me an ultimatum. She said it was now or never, and because I am not the fastest guy when it comes to decisions and I always have to think everything over I just told her that I need time, time she couldn’t give me anymore. So she resigned and went away. I let her go. I just stood there and let her walk away. The next day I went to her, when I had thought about it and told her we could elope. I had packed all the things I thought we could need and went to her house. She didn’t say much but what she said was that she had slept with Rory’s father.” Luke told April honestly and forgot for a moment that this was his 13 year old daughter and not an adult. But it felt so good to be able to talk to someone and she was so much mature than TJ or Liz.
April listened to all of it and was somehow disgusted by the last part, although she had suspected something like that.

“And then she married him”, she concluded.

“And then she married him”, Luke nodded sadly.

“But she is getting a divorce now and she wants you back”, April said.

“Yeah she wants me back because she is getting a divorce, because her marriage with that guy failed, because he was being him and ruined it again”, Luke said.

“Dad, I don’t think she wants you because she is getting a divorce. I think she is getting a divorce because she loves you. She just realized that her denial wasn’t working and that she still loves you. I mean if I see it from the scientific side it’s really stupid that you refuse because it’s like with magnets. You two are magnets and you are attracting the other, but the whole time something was standing in between. Now it is gone and still while one magnet is coming closer and closer the other is going backwards, so the space will stay just as big so that they won’t come together. That’s stupid and against the elements. You should really think about it again”, April said.

Luke looked at his daughter and was stunned. She had a point. He had to admit that.

“She loves you and you love her and you both hurt each other but you can fix it. You are both not happy without each other. You just have to try again, cause really it’s the only way” April shrugged and stood up from the couch.

“Do you have any leftover pie? I could really use some pie for desert now” she asked him then, because her work was done. It was his turn now.

karana schrieb:“Dad, I don’t think she wants you because she is getting a divorce. I think she is getting a divorce because she loves you. She just realized that her denial wasn’t working and that she still loves you. I mean if I see it from the scientific side it’s really stupid that you refuse because it’s like with magnets. You two are magnets and you are attracting the other, but the whole time something was standing in between. Now it is gone and still while one magnet is coming closer and closer the other is going backwards, so the space will stay just as big so that they won’t come together. That’s stupid and against the elements. You should really think about it again”, April said.

I :herz: that part! She's so right and gorgeous I just love her for saying that! I'm gonna open an April club ^^
Finally, a new chapter :freu: Don't you ever do that to me again! You can't even imagine how I have been suffering!
That was a really good chapter, showing the condition Lorelai is being in and Emily supporting her like that Top Totally agree with them, she should give him time to cool off and think about it. He's obviously still in love with her and they both know it and everyone around them knows, so it's pretty simple! Hopefully, April's little speech has its effect on Luke .....

P.S.: I found a guy and I actually think that he liked me and I like him but he hasn't asked me out yet. What can I do? Should I ask him out? Oh, and I found a guy who can cook, bake AND iron :lach: Interested?
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