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Ohh maaaaaaaaaan wie kann man so blind sein... Muss sie erst einer an die Hand nehmen und ihr zeigen, wie sehr Luke sie will? Freakin Jesus... Ist ja nicht mit anzusehen... Los, tu was, mach dass sie es endlich sehen!!! *seufz* Aber das kann wohl noch eine Weile dauern, hab ich recht? WÃr ja sonst auch irgendwie langweilig... *grml*
Jedenfalls wieder sehr schöner Teil, aber ich bin mir grad nicht sicher, ob ich Max weiterhin mögen soll, der steht irgendwie grad voll im Weg

Schnell weiterschreiben für uns Süchtlinge

Yippieh, das ging aber schnell, hab so schnell nicht damit gerechnet. Und ich merke, dass du uns hier wohl noch ne Weile zappeln lassen wirst mit der Situation. Hab ich eigentlich schon gesagt, dass es mir total gut gefällt, dass die Serie hier sozusagen rekapituliert und mit einem anderen Hintergrund erzählt wird? Mir kommen dann all die guten Erinnerungen an diese wunderbaren ersten Folgen zurück, die ich wahnsinnig vermisse. Und dennoch bleibt es eben spannend, weil du uns ja arg auf die Folter spannst. Hast du irgendeinen Plan, wie lang die Fic werden soll?
LG Norma
Das ging ja schnell! Da schaut man einen Moment nicht vorbei und schon hast du zwei neue Teile gepostet.
Die sind wie immer super, klasse, toll! Jetzt ist der Max da... das musste ja noch kommen. Ich bin mal gespannt wann der wohl anruft und was Luke dazu sagt?! Ich fand's richtig gut und passend das mal ein bisschen Probleme in die Idylle gekommen sind.
Ich freu mich schon riesig auf den nächsten Teil. Hoffentlich hab ich im Urlaub die Möglichkeit mal online zu gehen...
Okey *Ich bin ein Suchti - der erste Schritt ist das einsehen*!
Wir gehen hier ja immer von meinem Geschmack aus *g*.
Also erst war es solala. Der Teil mit dem aus der Serie - Max - der war mir ja zu lang. Und überhaupt, wenn sie doch weiÃ, dass sie Luke will, wie kann sie dann an Max denken. Sie ist soooooo blöd manchmal.
Und dann kam die nach Hause Scene und ich könnte dich wieder knutschen! Luke hat sich Sorgen gemacht und sie schlafen wieder in einem Bett, zu schön!! Und so gut geschrieben. Träum! LG
Zitat:Los, tu was, mach dass sie es endlich sehen!!! *seufz* Aber das kann wohl noch eine Weile dauern, hab ich recht? WÃr ja sonst auch irgendwie langweilig... *grml*
Muss ich mich dazu wirklich noch äuÃern?!
Zitat:Hast du irgendeinen Plan, wie lang die Fic werden soll?
ja, hab ich
Zitat:Ich fand's richtig gut und passend das mal ein bisschen Probleme in die Idylle gekommen sind.
Ja, das finde ich auch
Zitat:Und überhaupt, wenn sie doch weiÃ, dass sie Luke will, wie kann sie dann an Max denken. Sie ist soooooo blöd manchmal.
Das ist Lorelai...
Chapter 12: The wake
The next morning Lorelai found herself for breakfast in the diner. Everything seemed back normal- well as normal as it could get under the current circumstances.
Max had tried to call her several times this morning, but she hadn’t answered, because she wasn’t in the mood to talk to him. Actually she had decided that she didn’t want to go on a date with him, not yet, not ever.
She just didn’t want to risk the peace at home with Luke for another commotion like this and she was sure that that was what would happen if she would date Max. Luke wouldn’t be okay with her dating Rory’s teacher-not that she was okay with that herself. Luke though always did what was right, for him and for others and he would surely rant about her dating Max. He would tell her how wrong it was over and over again and although she loved ranting Luke, cuddling Luke she liked better in the evening and she knew she didn’t want to give that up for a stupid date with Rory’s teacher.
“Luke?” she called out before she ate the rest of her pancake.
“What?” he asked and looked at her, stopped scrubbing the counter.
“Why do you still bother asking?” she grinned at him and held up her coffee-cup for him to re-fill it.
“You’re done eating and I won’t give you another cup of coffee”, he shook his head and started the usual banter that would follow this comment willingly.
“Ah come on.. otherwise I guess I have to tell Patty and Babette about this.. thing in your underwear drawer”, she teased him.
“Ah Jeez, would you drop it already”, he replied and blushed, knowing that she was referring to that single pair of briefs he owned and she had accidentally found when he had forgotten to bring his clothes with him to bathroom this morning.
“Coffee”, she smiled brightly and held out her cup again.
“You’re playing unfair”, he told her while filling her cup to the rim.
“And withholding my elixir of life from me is fair?” she questioned and he just shrugged, but smiled back when she grinned at him. When he went into the kitchen she followed him with her eyes until she couldn’t see him anymore and then sighed.
She felt safe, comfortable and calm whenever he was around, but the second he was out of sight and she was left alone with her thoughts the calmness was gone and she started to feel nervous, uneasy and anxious. She just didn’t know what to do and the longer she thought about her situation and the future the more prominent the uneasy feeling in her stomach got.
Last night after Luke had fallen asleep she had analyzed the situation in all aspects and at the end of her analysis she had been sick to her stomach.
There were two facts she just couldn’t get around: 1. She knew now she wanted Luke for more than a friend. She wanted him to be her real husband and not just a fake one. She wanted to go out with him, kiss him, share her problems with him, sleep with him and build a future with him. And as much as that thought had scared her, looking at Luke sleeping beside her, had shown her that she really wanted this.
At the same time though there was fact 2: Luke wasn’t interested in her as in more than a friend. And that basically made everything she wished for irrelevant, because it would never come true.
So what could she do? They would get married, that was given, but then? Would she have to live in celibate for as long as she was married to Luke? Were they both allowed to date other people? Would they come up with an arrangement that they would have sex every now and then? She wasn’t a nymphomaniac, but it had been a while since she had dated anyone and the prospect of not being able to go out with anyone for the next three years weren’t really promising. And that Luke was sleeping beside her every night didn’t really help her case of sexual frustration.
She was brought back to reality when Luke yelled at her.
“Out!” he said and pointed outside. At first she was confused, but then she understood that her cell-phone was ringing.
“Hello?” she answered it and raised her eyebrows at Luke. When he wanted her out, he would have to throw her out.
“Hey, sweets”, she greeted and Luke knew it was Rory on the phone. Slowly he walked around the counter and gave her a threatening look, which didn’t seem to faze her. So he put his hands under her armpits, tried to ignore the fact that his fingers were really close to her breasts now, picked her up and carried her this way in direction of the door.
“What? Who died?” Lorelai suddenly said and immediately he put her down, giving her a questioning look.
“Aw, poor thing. Tell her Luke and I will be right over”, she told Rory, then flipped her cell-phone shut. “Attention, attention please. Due to a family emergency the diner is closed now. Everything’s on the house”, she announced and Luke mouth dropped open.
“What happened?” he asked while all of his guest got up and left, what caused some commotion because it was the six o’clock crowd.
“Cinnamon died”, Lorelai told him and got behind the counter to get his set of keys, she knew he kept there.
“Who?” he asked while she dragged him out of the diner by his hand.
“Cinnamon, Babette’s cat”, she explained and locked the door of the diner.
“What? Have you lost your mind? I just lost a lot of money because Babette’s Methuselah cat died? That was the six o’ clock crowd, nearly thirty paying customers at once nd you just threw them all out, because of a cat?” he ranted and trudged behind her only that she would hear his rant, while she walked back to her house.
“But Babette is really sad and Morey as well, he could use your support, some male bonding”, she said when he caught up with her.
“I don’t bond because of a stupid old cat”, he grumped.
“Luke, don’t give me the Oscar the grouch act, I know you like cats”, she smiled.
“I don’t like cats! They lose hair, they lick themselves and they eat mice and rats”, he said, making a disgusted face.
“While I agree with you, that this is not really sanitary, I still know that you like cats. I saw you feeding that little homeless kitty a few months ago”, she grinned.
“I did not feed any cat”, he insisted.
“Oh yes you did my friend. There in the alley in the middle of the night so that no-one would see it. You even petted that your dear little friend”, she teased him.
“I did not... by the way what are you doing out that late at night?” he asked.
“Aha, so you admit it!” she smiled knowing she had won again and Luke only groaned in annoyance.
“That thing was mewing the whole night under my window and I couldn’t sleep because of the noise, so I fed it so it would shup up”, he explained with a sigh.
“If that version makes you feel manlier I will accept it”, she smiled and patted his shoulder, just when they walked up to her house, or their house now.
“There you are dolls. God it was so horrible”, Babette, who sat on her porch, said and hurried to hug them both.
“Aw, I’m so sorry Babette. Cinnamon really was a special cat”, Loreli said and gave Luke a glance, signalizing him that he should say something as well.
“Yeah…uh… really… uhm… red?” he tried and Lorelai rolled her eyes.
“Luke, why don’t you go over to the house and call Patty and tell her she should spread the word that we are holding a wake for Cinnamon the cat this evening”, she turned to Luke and stepped out of the hug of her neighbour.
“A what?” Luke asked loudly and by the look on his face Lorelai knew a full rant about the craziness of it was to come.
“Think underwear drawer Luke”, she said quickly and he narrowed his eyes at her, but she just smiled at him. “Come over when you’re done”, she he grinned and led her neighbour into her house were Rory was sitting with Morey.
It had taken them some time to organize the wake for the cat, but in the end it had worked out just fine. Tom had build a small coffin for Cinnamon, Luke and Sookie had made the food, Lane and Rory were responsible for the music and Lorelai had taken the over the organisation of it all.
“Last plate of sandwiches, where should I put it?” Luke asked her when he came in with another plate full of turkey sandwiches.
“Over there I guess. But pay attention that you don’t mess up Sookie’s order”, she told him and winked at him. Luke shook his head, smiled and put the plate down on the table Lorelai had pointed to.
“So everyone’s here huh?” he asked when he came back to her and she handed him a beer.
“Yup, and all because of ‘that stupid old cat’”, she said and whispered the last part into his ear, giving him goose bumps. He couldn’t help but stare at her when they were so close and she stared back into his eyes. For a second they forgot the rest of the people in the room and looked at each other like love-sick teenagers.
“Uhm mom?” Rory cleared her throat and interrupted their moment, although she hated to do it.
“Yeah?” Lorelai asked and slowly took her eyes off of Luke and turned to her daughter.
“Mr. Medina is outside and wants to see you. I swear I didn’t do anything”, Rory said
“Max is here?” she asked surprised and took a step to the side to look out of the window and really there he was in her front-yard.
“Max?” Rory and Luke asked at the same time and Lorelai saw something in Luke’s eyes she couldn’t really name, but she didn’t like it.
“Uhm… I’ll go and see what he wants”, she said when she saw Luke’s jaw clenching and his hands forming fists.
“Mom”, Rory said and wanted to go after her, but Luke held her back by the shoulder and Rory looked up at him.
“I’ll talk to her later”, he told her, thinking that it wasn’t Rory’s place to be the voice of reason.
“Hey”, Lorelai greeted Rory’s teacher when she reached her porch
“Oh, hi”, he said startled and turned around to face her.
“Hi”, Lorelai said, not sure what else to say and not sure what he was doing here.
“I was knocking but no one answered”, he told her.
“I know. I was at the neighbors' house”, she replied and raised her eyebrows questioningly.
“I tried to call you all morning, but I couldn’t reach you. So I thought maybe I have the wrong number and because I didn’t want to ask Rory in school for your number I thought I could just stop by and ask for it”, he explained and shuffled nervously with his feet.
“You drove all the way here to ask for my cell-phone number which you already have?” she asked him, angry and flattered at the same time.
“I guess. Why weren’t you answering my calls?” he asked her and looked up from his feet.
“We had kind of an emergency here, I couldn’t”, she lied.
“Rory?” he asked and sounded worried, which she liked. A man who worried about her kid…
“No, Rory's fine. It's the neighbors' cat”, she hurried to explain when she saw him really to start worrying.
“The neighbors'…” he trailed off.
“…cat. She died”, she completed.
“She died”, he repeated and shook his head slightly.
“This was a very fat, very beloved cat”, Lorelai said and had to admit that it really sounded stupid. Silence followed for some seconds.
“Lorelai. I like you but I don't want to force something on you that you don't want so”, he said and turned around and walked to his car. When she saw him walking away she felt sorry for him, because she liked him somehow, he was a nice guy. So she couldn’t let him go like that, disappointed and maybe angry nd ran after him.
“No, no, no. Wait. No, Max, you're not forcing anything on me. I am telling the truth about the cat “, she said and grbbed his arm to keep him from getting into the car.
“Lorelai”, he sighed and turned around to face her once again.
“Please don't read that much into this. Call me again and I’ll answer. I promise that's what I want”, she said and gave him a little smile.
“You're sure?” he asked.
“Cross my heart and hope no other neighborhood pets die on that day”, she grinned and told herself that calling was harmless. It wasn’t a date. They could talk on the phone just as friends and he wouldn’t be that disappointed. Maybe.
“OK, I'll call”, he nodded.
“Good”, she grinned.
“Sorry about, uh…” he started and gestured with his hands.
“Cinnamon”, Lorelai clarified.
“Cinnamon”, he repeated and smiled at her, before he leaned towards her and kissed her on the cheek, then got into his car and drove off.
“Have you lost your mind?” Luke suddenly yelled behind her, having witnessed the whole scene and made Lorelai jump.
“Why are you yelling at me?” she asked confused.
“Why am I… because you obviously lost it! How can you start having an affaire with one of Rory’s teachers?” he yelled.
“I am not having an… “ she started, but he interrupted her.
“Don’t we have enough trouble already because of that stupid school? We have to get married, damn it! And now you’re fooling around with Rory’s teacher? Are you trying to ruin her reputation at school on purpose or do you just don’t care?” he roared.
“I’m not having an affaire and I’m not fooling around with him. He stopped by because he couldn’t reach me”, she said desperately.
“Because of what did he have to talk to you at ten in the evening? And kissing you sure seems like it was about school”, Luke snorted.
“He didn’t kiss me!”
“I saw it Lorelai, don’t lie to me!” he started yelling again.
“Fine, so he kissed me on the cheek, so what? We’re friends, he can do that. It’s not like I am cheating on someone!” she yelled back, really angry now. He wasn’t interested in her, so why was he blowing this so out of proportion and why did he even care? It was none of his business.
“So you’re randomly giving out goodnight kisses now? That’s good to know”.
“Don’t talk to me like that!” she yelled, really hurt by his last comment.
“You don’t like it? Well then maybe you should imagine what Rory will have to hear at school when your ….” He gestured to her and the place where Max’s c had been only minutes ago,”with her teacher”, he finished.
“That’s none of your business! You can’t tell me who to date and who not to date! And if I want to date Max I will date him”, she screamed.
“I will be your husband!” he yelled.
“Yeah, on the paper!” she screamed back.
“That’s not what it seems like when you’re all over me every single night, lying nearly on top of me”, he yelled.
“Okay, then maybe you should really sleep on the couch if I am that repulsing to you!”
“You’re right I really should do that!” he yelled, then turned around and marched away, while Lorelai bit her lower- lip and tried to keep from crying.
Oh mann ._.
Blöder Max

der soll verschwinden...
Der Anfang war noch sooo schön <3
Und dann kam eins zum andern >.>
Aber ich finds toll, dass du Sachen aus der Serie einbaust und sie dann schön umgestaltest <3
karana schrieb:âOkay, then maybe you should really sleep on the couch if I am that repulsing to you!â
âYouâre right I really should do that!â he yelled, then turned around and marched away, while Lorelai bit her lower- lip and tried to keep from crying.
Das war traurig. und ich mag traurig nicht. Zumindest im Moment *sfz*
Aber, mal wieder, toll geschrieben <3
[btw: deine FF's sind die einzigen, die ich auf englisch lese ]
Sad! I´m crying!
Was für ein Ende. Endlich erkennt Lorelai was vor ihren Füssen liegt und dann macht sie es durch ihre Sturheit kaputt!
Und Luke - Er kennt sie doch jetzt lange genug. Er muss doch wissen, dass sie auf Stur schaltet, wenn er so mir ihr redet. AuÃerdem könnte er doch so langsam mal seine Gefühle für sie aufschreiben und ihr geben oder mir geben und ich schicke sie Lorelai.
Ãberhaupt, schick die beiden mal zu mir. Dann spiele ich Psychater oder auch Verkuppler. LG
Aww, wie traurig :heul:.
Ich weià gar nicht was ich dazu sagen soll.
Da hat Lorelai schon verstanden, dass sie Luke wirklich nicht nur als guten Freund möchte und dann kann sie es ihm einfach nicht sagen.
Aber die beiden waren noch nie gut darin über ihre Gefühle für einander zu reden.
Ich hoffe die beiden gehen sich jetzt nicht ewig aus dem Weg, und dass Lorelai all ihren Mut zusammen nimmt und mit Luke redet. Jetzt. Sofort. Gleich nach dem Streit. Und vielleicht vergisst Lorelai ja mal den Gedanken, den sie schon die ganze Zeit immer und immer wieder hat:
Zitat: Luke wasnât interested in her as in more than a friend.
Kapitel 10, 11 und 12 haben mir wirklich gut gefallen, wie immer super geschrieben und es ist wirklich reichlich Schwung in die Sache gekommen.

Ich hoffe es geht bald weiter.
Max Madina *grrr* und der weià noch nicht mal wie sehr er da im Weg steht, der Blödmann. Wenn Lorelai doch bloà ihren Mund aufmachen würde. Woher kommt eigentlich ihr Gedanke, dass Luke nichts von ihr will? Sie war doch immer diejenige, die nie was von ihm wollte und jetzt soll er es auf einmal wissen und sich nachts an sie ranmachen?! Das passt doch gar nicht zu ihm. Und sein Rumgeschrei kann man doch gar nicht anders interpretieren als als Eifersucht.
Mensch, die sollten bloà schnell darüber hinwegkommen und sich mal nicht anschreien sondern aussprechen. Bin gespannt, wie lange du uns darauf wirst wrten lassen

ich vermute, du wirst es so lange wie möglich ausreizen, um uns auch ja bei der Stange zu halten...
LG Norma
Aaaargh wie plöd kann man sein... Doofer doofer Max, doofe Lorelai! Wenigstens hat sie ja nun schon mal eingesehen, dass sie Luke will, aber warum kapiert die denn nicht, dass er genauso denkt?! Wie blind kann man sein? Jesus... Der plöde Max soll verschwinden und die sollen endlich heiraten und glücklich sein und überhaupt... *schmoll*
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