Ein tolles neues Kapitel und eine tolle Party.
Luke, der Retter mit dem Eis, Lorelais Held.

Wär ja auch zu schön gewesen, wenn sie sich mit einem Kuss hätte bedanken können. Aber leider gibt es da ja noch Emily, schade, dass sie gestört hat, aber sie ist ja nicht immer da.
Hoffentlich endet Lorelais Wunsch etwas zu ändern, weil sie nicht mehr unglücklich sein will, nicht damit, dass sie doch mit Max ausgeht und dann mit ihm zusammen ist, während Luke dann vor Eifersucht fast platzt und sich mit Rachel, die wieder auftaucht, über Lorelai hinweg tröstet.
Oder Christopher taucht auf und .... nein, daran will ich gar nicht denken.
Ich hoffe es geht bald weiter und wir erfahren, was Lorelai jetzt ändert und wie sich das auf ihre Beziehung mit Luke auswirkt.
Na dann bin ich mal so gütig und geb euch den nächsten Teil, damit der Hunger nicht zu groà wird ^^
Mein Beta wird sich freuen über die Arbeitsflut :lach:
Und danke für die reviews :knuddel:
Chapter 15: We belong
The next evening when Luke came home from work he heard music blasting from inside the house, even before he got out of the car.
“What the…”, he muttered and unlocked the door. He knew that this had to be Lorelai’s doing, not Rory’s, so he wasn’t that surprised when he found Lorelai on the living-room floor, surrounded by all of her video tapes, screaming along with the song.
“Marconi plays the mamba, listen to the radio, don't you remember? We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll. We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll. Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll. Someone’s always playing corporation games. Who cares they're always changing corporation names. We just want to dance here someone stole the stage. They call us irresponsible write us ….”, she sang and nodded her head to the beat of the music, bouncing up and down at the same time. He stilled in the doorframe and watched her for a few seconds, how she sorted the tapes in an order that no one else would understand and again, couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was.
She was wearing black sweats, a casual blue shirt and her hair was pulled up in a lose pony-tail, while she sat with crossed legs on the floor, in the middle of the chaos.
Quietly Luke walked over to the stereo and turned down the volume and Lorelai turned her head to look at him, jumped slightly.
“What the hell are you doing?” Luke asked her and put his hands on his hips, pretended to be mad.
“I am organizing my videos”, she informed him.
“And what’s with that noise?” he grumped.
“That’s music, Luke. I know you might not have heard it until now, but that’s the big M-word”, she told him.
“I know what music is”, he replied and sat down on the couch.
“Good, although I am surprised”, she said and smiled slightly, glad that the banter seemed to be back.
“So what’s going on?” Luke asked.
“I told you I am sorting…” she started, but he interrupted her.
“I know, but you’re never cleaning or sorting except for when you are upset or worried. So tell me what happened”, he said. He was sick of fighting with her, especially since he was sure there had been a moment the day before. There had been a moment and he didn’t want to ruin that memory by fighting with her. They could fight again when this Max- guy would show up again.
“Nothing is going on. What’s up with you? Why are you here already?” she tried to avoid an answer.
“I asked you first”, he replied.
“And I asked you afterwards”, she snapped at him.
“What is wrong with you today?” Luke asked surprised.
“Rory got kissed”, Lorelai replied defeated and sighed.
“What?” Luke asked, thought he had misheard.
“Rory had her first kiss and that new guy in town did it”, Lorelai grumbled and got off the floor and sat down beside him.
“Ah”, Luke nodded.
“Yeah”, she said and nodded as well.
“The new kid”, he repeated, needed to wrap his mind around it.
“Yep”, Lorelai nodded again and was surprised when Luke laughed.
“I mean look at him when he walks through town or works at Doosey’s. Look how smug he is”, she complained.
“He's bagging groceries at Doosey’s. It's hard to be smug bagging groceries”, Luke tried to reason with her.
“Oh, you haven’t seen how he handled those lemons”, she argued.
“What are you talking about?”
“He threw them in the bag. Not tossed them or placed them but threw them like they were nothing to him”, she clarified.
“They're lemons”, Luke said and raised his eyebrows.
“They're symbolic”, she insisted.
“OK. Now you’ve officially lost it”, he deadpanned.
“No. That' Lothario has wormed his way into my daughter's heart and mouth and for that he must die!”, she said and jumped up, hurrying to the desk and grabbed her keys. “That's it, let's go”, she said to Luke and grabbed him by the arm, wanted to drag him along with her.
“No. You're not going to kill the bag boy”, Luke told her, took the keys out of her hand and pushed her down on the couch again.
“Why not?” she pouted.
“What are you thinking wanting to go and see that kid ?” Luke asked instead of giving her an answer.
“I don't know. I just wanted to see him. I mean I've seen him already but that was before he was…”, she stopped.
“Rory's boyfriend?” Luke clarified and again sat down beside her.
“Shush, you”, she muttered.
“She's growing up”.
“I know”, she admitted quietly.
“There's nothing you can do about that”, he told her sincerely and looked her in the eyes.
“OK, Mr. Reality, break into somebody's else's house”, she huffed and broke the look.
“Sorry”, he smiled.
“Why didn't she tell me?” she asked sadly.
“Why didn't Rory tell me about the kiss?” she clarified. ‘ Ah, now we’re getting to the problem’, Luke thought.
“Maybe she didn't know you'd take it so well”, he said though.
“Want to hear something crazy?”, she asked him and looked up from her hands.
“'Cause all the talk up until now has been so normal”, he replied sarcastically and rolled his eyes.
“He kind of looks like Christopher”, she said, ”the hair, the build, something about the eyes. He reminds me of Christopher”.
“Well that's not too surprising”, he said through clenched teeth. He had never met this guy, but if he ever would he was sure then he would kill someone.
“You're going to quote Freud to me? 'Cause I'll push you off the couch. This talk was going so well”, she sighed.
“You and Rory are a lot alike. It's not surprising you would have similar tastes in men”, he said.
“I guess. But why? Why didn't she tell me? We tell each other everything”, she replied and thought that Dean would have to look like Luke for them to have similar taste in men, but she couldn’t tell him that.
“This is different”, Luke shrugged.
“But we tell each other everything else. But this she keeps a secret. It's 'cause it's a guy thing”, she complained.
“Probably”, Luke nodded.
“Well that's not good. I have to make her understand that I'm OK with the guy thing. 'Cause not talking about guys and our personal lives -- that's me and my mom. That is not me and Rory“, she said and sounded desperate somehow.
“Are you OK with the guy thing?” Luke asked.
“Yes”, she replied immediately.
“Really?”, he asked again and looked her in the eyes.
“OK...ish”, she admitted.
“That's not OK”, Luke said and gave her a small smile.
“Well it's OK with an –ish”, she pouted.
“Whatever you say”, Luke chuckled.
“She just … she thinks I'll disapprove, right? Well I won't. I will show her that I think this is great. Once she sees that I think this is great, everything will be back to normal between us, right? Right … OK, good”, she rambled.
“So you passed the need for an actual person to talk to several minutes ago”, he grinned.
“Oh, yeah”, she nodded and had to laugh as well. It felt so good to talk to him about her problems. Everything didn’t seem that bad anymore when she could just talk to him.
“You're an amazing woman”, Luke told her in a deep and low voice, while she smiled brightly at him, and he squeezed her knee for a second.
“Thank you for noticing”, she said and stared at him. The situation reminded her of the looks they had shared the day before at the party. Again they were lost in each others eyes when Lorelai suddenly became aware of the song which was playing.
“. We can’t begin to know it how much we really care.I hear your voice inside me I see your face everywhere”, the voice of Pat Benatar echoed through the room and broke the silence, broke they stare, registered what she sang.
“I guess you should really put those tapes away now”, Luke said after clearing his throat nervously.
“Yeah”, Lorelai nodded.
“I’m gonna take a shower”, he said and hurried upstairs.
“We belong to the light. We belong to the thunder. We belong to the sound of the words. We’ve both fallen under. Whatever we deny or embrace, for worse or for better. We belong, we belong, we belong together”, the song went on, before Lorelai pushed the button and changed the song.
“Everybody needs a little time away.” I heard her say, “From each other.” “Even lovers need a holiday. Far away, from each other”. Hold me now, it's hard for me to say I'm sorry.I just want you to stay.After all that we've been through I will make it up to you I promise to. And after all that's been said and done you're just the part of me I can't let go” the stereo sang when she turned up the volume again.
She spent the rest of the evening contemplating what to do. She knew she wanted a change, she had decided that she needed a change, but at the same time her thoughts about Luke were always interrupted by her thoughts about Rory. Why wasn’t she telling her about the kiss?
When Rory came home from Lane, she doubted that Rory had even been at Lane’s and thought about calling Miss Kim to make sure her daughter had been where she had said.
But then she decided against it, she didn’t want to be her mother. She wanted to trust Rory.
The dinner which Luke had prepared passed with Luke and Rory talking about school and about her classmates from Chilton, but Lorelai was too deep in thought to even listen.
“What’s with her?” Rory asked Luke quietly when they put the dishes away after the meal, ”Did you have another fight? Please tell me you didn’t! Yesterday while cleaning up it looked like you made up again”, Rory said.
“You’re mom and I are fine, Rory. I guess she is thinking about her video tapes”, Luke tried stalling.
“About her videos?” Rory asked und wrinkled her forehead in disbelieve.
“Yeah she tried to re-organize them today, but she didn’t have a system so she…” Luke started but stopped when he saw Rory’s look.
“Luke!” she said in a threatening “don’t lie to me”- voice.
“Jeez…. Ask her yourself okay? I want to stay out of this”, he said. “Although I am already knee-deep in”, he muttered to himself.
“Okay, I will”, Rory nodded.
“Hey, I will go and help Cesar to close the diner. See you later”, Luke then announced and again fled out of the situation, because he knew mother and daughter needed some time alone.
“And I’m gonna take a shower”, Lorelai said and left Rory alone in the kitchen.
After washing the dishes and putting them away Rory waited in front of the television for her mother to come back down, and when she didn’t she decided to go up and look for her.
She found her mother on her bed, reading a book she hadn’t seen before.
“Hey mom”, Rory said when she entered.
“Oh hey”, Lorelai greeted her.
“What are you reading?” Rory wanted to know.
“Oh... uhm... nothing. Just looking what Luke is reading so intensely for several weeks now”, she said and held up the book.
“The history of baseball. Thrilling”, Rory smiled and sat down beside her mother on the bed and Lorelai remained silent. “You miss him, huh?” Rory asked after a moment of silence.
“Who?” Lorelai played dumb.
“Luke, duh! You don’t like that he is sleeping on the couch since your fight over a week ago”, Rory clarified.
“It’s his bad and his back. He can decide where he wants to sleep”, Lorelai said unconvincingly.
“Yeah.. well… it’s stupid. I have this huge bed here all to myself nd he is sleeping downstairs on this tiny couch”.
“Mom, you really like him”, Rory stated.
“He’s one of my best friends, of course I like him”, Lorelai replied.
“Mom, come on! You can tell me the truth! Remember we’re best friends first and you can tell me everything”, Rory tried.
“Yeah, just like you told me about the kiss and your boyfriend”, Lorel said angrily before she could stop herself.
“Mom… you know it?”, Rory asked and got pale.
“Of course I know. He kissed you right in front of the kitchen window while I was cleaning up”.
“Mom, I wanted to tell you… I really did… but…and then… and I couldn’t”, Rory stuttered.
“Tell me at least what’s his name”, Lorelai said.
“His name is Dean, he just moved here and he goes to Stars Hollow High. He has a sister and he loves movies”, Rory said as fast as she could.
“He looks like a nice guy”, Lorelai smiled at her nervous daughter.
“He is”, Rory grinned and blushed.
“Good, and tell him I’ll kill him when he doesn’t treat you right”, Lorelai said.
“I will. Now tell me about Luke and you”, Rory changed the topic again.
“There’s not much to tell. We fought, we somehow made up, nothing changed”, Lorelai summarized.
“And you want things to change between you?”
“I… I don’t…. Yes, I really want things to change between us. But I guess he doesn’t want it”, Lorelai admitted.
“Mom, are you crazy? Luke has always had a thing for you!”, Rory laughed.
“Then why isn’t he… doing something?” Lorelai yammered.
“I guess for the same reason you’re not doing anything”.
“But he’s the guy!”
“Mom, that’s ridiculous”, Rory laughed again.
“Don’t insult mommy!” Lorelai said, but had to smile as well.
“Hey mom, what did you guys fight about? I asked Luke but he wouldn’t tell me”, Rory asked the question that she wanted to ask for several days.
“It’s… it’s not important anymore”, Lorelai said and shook her head.
“Okay, I will go to bed then. Night mom!”, Rory said and kissed Lorelai on the cheek.
“Night”, Lorelai sighed and flopped back down on the bed.
“Mom?”, Rory said and stopped in the doorway.
“I know this is lame and totally after the fact but…” Rory said and grinned, then jumped on the bed when Lorelai sat up, a giddy smile on her face.
“Start from the beginning and you leave anything out you die!”, Lorelai grinned, happy that at least things were back to normal with her daughter. Now she could concentrate on Luke
:pfeif: ich bins....
schon ziemlich lange her seit meinem letzten fb, aber jetzt bzw. seit gestern bin ich fertig mit dem nachlesen und jetzt bekommste auch dein wohlverdientes fb (besser gesagt den versuch, denn ich bin schlecht im fb geben)
Zitat:“I want you to marry”, her mother enlightened her.
“What?” Lorelai said and felt like she had been punched. She can’t be serious!
so ähnlich hab ich auch gedacht. eine verrückte, aber gute idee! zu anfang fand ich es etwas anstregend mit dem lesen, wegen den vielen und vor allem langen dialogen, aber mittlerweile hab ich mich dran gewöhnt und es stört mich nicht mehr.
ich kann dir leider im moment nicht genau sagen warum, aber bis jetzt fand ich das kapitel, wo man mehr über den hintergrund der planungen und auch lukes familie erfährt, mit am besten. von den abschnitten lores beinah flucht und ihr nachtoutfit (was nicht heiÃen soll, dass der rest schlecht ist, aber besonders das kapitel stach für mich raus raus, weil es das so oder so ähnlich nicht in der serie gab und man etwas über seinen hintergrund erfährt)
eigentlich wollte ich ja ein paar zitate bringen (hab mir das sogar angestrichen bei meinen ausdrucken), aber (schande über mich) ich bin jetzt grad zu faul dazu sie hier am pc rauszusuchen, deshalb versuch ich jetzt einfach zusammen zu fassen (vielleicht mach ich's morgen).
also erstmal... ich verstehe / verstand alles und das ist schon mal ein groÃer vorteil nicht?

nee spaà beiseite, obwohl ich zum teil schwierigkeiten mit dem englischen habe, fiels mir hierbei nicht schwer.
was hat mir gefallen? da gibts vieles. z.b. die stelle, wo luke ihr erklärt hat, dass er keine smoking erklärt und das mit der "flut", auch der streit (ja es war ein streit, aber trotzdem) war toll. denn so würde es passieren glaub ich. ich fands toll, dass sie sich entschuldigt hat. dann fand ich den besuch bei emily toll (auch wenn luke wieder abwertend behandelt wurde (aber so sind nun mal die gilmores :rolleye

). auflachen musste ich bei lores beinahe flucht durch da badezimmerfenster. ich hab das vor mir gesehen. super.
lukes einzug :gg: als lore ihn morgens früh "verprügelt" hat musste ich auch grinsen. was denkt er sich auch nur dabei? ok der gossip, aber... das wär so oder so rausgekommen. ne quark, war toll. ihr erster gemeinsamer abend und das fertig machen. :laugh: :laugh: ich möchte ein bild von lore in den klamotten!
was war noch? achja... max -.- musste der sein? ich fand lukes reaktion mit dem feuerzeug und sookie toll. das lore nicht bemerkt hat, dass er eifersüchtig ist, muss man zwar nicht verstehen, aber so ist sie nun mal. och nööööööööö... das im cafe. toll geschrieben (bzw. kopiert *g*), aber sie soll endlich zu luke. so und jetzt muss ich dich mal hauen. musste der streit sein??? das war so ein blöder cliffhanger und gemein.
(/§")$"&$ max... musste doch nicht da auftauchen. dafür war der rest toll, mit cinnamon und wie lore ihn überedet dahin zu gehen und das mit babette.
so und jetzt muss ich dich gleich nochmal hauen. eine woche haben sie nicht geredet? ich find das blöd. die sollen sich mal zusammenreissen.
die party bei emily war toll und auch die gedanke von den beiden haben mir seeeeeeeeehr gut gefallen. dieses ganze hin und her "er steht da drüben", "sie ist dort" "miteinander reden oder nicht" war toll.
jaaaaaaaaaaaaa sie haben geredet, zwar nicht über das problem, aber immerhin. die arme lore tat mir so leid, als sie wieder hochgegangen ist (bzw. überhaupt das ganze allein im bett sein bringst du sehr gut rüber). warum hat sie auch nix gesagt bzw. auch er hätte mal seinen mund aufmachen können. naja... du hast dir ja was dabei gedacht.
die party im CS. jaaaaaaaaaaaaa endlich... hot *anfeuer*... nooooooooo emily :zensiert: musste das sein?? sie hätte ja kommen können... ein paar augenblicke später. sookie wird mir übrigens immer sympathischer.

das im lores zimmer hat mir gut gefallen. du hast es schön angepasst. joa war sonst noch was? mehr fällt mir grad nicht ein.
fazit: ich reih mich in die suchtis ein. die ff und idee ist toll und werd auf jeden fall weiter lesen. du beschreibst die ganzen gedanken und alles darum super. ich seh alles vor mir. und jetzt zum schluss meines fbs *mir lore schnapp zu luke zieh mich neben den beiden stell und die beiden zum miteinander reden animier* :gg: ich hoffe, das dauert nicht mehr ganz so lange, bis sie es in der ff tun. beide wissen es, aber niemand traut sich wirklich. du als schreiber.. kannst ja da was tun
nun gut... bevors noch länger wird: ich freu mich aufs nächste.
edit: so ein langes fb hab ich noch nie geschrieben. :gg: