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Normale Version: Broken (Harry Potter)
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Seiten: 1 2 3
Titel: Broken
Autor : Jassy (curlie_angel)
Genre : Drama
Pairing : mmmh... ihr werdet sehen
Raiting : Pg-13
Disclaimer : Ich bin nicht J.K. Rowling, mir gehören diese Charaktere nicht und ich verdiene kein Geld mit dieser FF.
Sonstige Bemerkungen/Spoilerwarnung: Keine Spoiler (außer man hat Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz nicht gelesen).


"Do you think... would Draco… do you think that he would have killed Dumbledore?" Hermione asked slowly. At first she wasn't sure if she should ask Harry but not knowing the answer almost killed her.
"No. He had lowered his wand. It was all Snape's doing." Harry answered and sighed.
[SIZE=2]Hermione felt relieved of it. So Draco wasn't a killer. But he was a Death Eater. That was for sure and maybe he would kill people in the future. But right now it only mattered that Dumbledore was dead. Killed by his friend Severus Snape that tricked the Order of the [SIZE=3]Phoenix for a long time. He wasn't a spy for the Order. He was a spy for Voldemort. And Draco Malfoy was just a puzzle piece in Voldemort's plan to kill Harry. The son of Lucius Malfoy – one of his truest followers. A student at Hogwarts University – right were [/SIZE][/SIZE]Dumbledore was. And without Dumbledore Harry Potter would be a wreck and Voldemort could kill him much more easily.
And his plan to kill Dumbledore succeeded. He made Draco one of his followers at the age of 17 and gave him the mission to kill Dumbledore – knowing that young Draco wouldn't succeed. And he was right but in the end it only mattered that Dumbledore was dead and Hogwarts wasn't what it was before. It was broken.
Hermione sighed and watched the grounds of Hogwarts. Ron was sitting on the Stairs behind them and Harry was silent next to her. She knew that Harry was hurting but she didn't know how to help him. What should she say? I'm sorry that you lost another person that was important to you? That wouldn't help. And she was hurting herself. Not over the fact that Ron still didn't admit his feelings for her like everyone thought but the fact that Draco Malfoy was a death eater. She knew that Harry wouldn't understand it if she told him, so she remained silent. How would he understand that she was in love with Draco Malfoy? Nobody would understand. She didn't even understand it herself. And she didn't know why she fell in love with him. She just knew that it happened and now she was alone again.
Shaking her head Hermione smiled at Harry and said "Oh, by the way. Ron is okay with you and Ginny. But I wouldn't kiss her if he's with you."
Harry smiled and back and hugged her. "You know, I'm sure, that Ron will soon realize his feelings for you."
Hermione sighed and forced a smile. She didn't know if Harry believed her. She didn't want Ron to love her. She didn't have any feelings for him. She liked him – sure – but only as a brother. She wasn't in love with him. She was in love with someone else and that since she first saw him in Diagon Alley earlier that year.

Toll Big Grin Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht. Und was da noch so passieren wird vor allem.

Ich mag deinen Stil und es liest sich sehr flüssig, was bei vielen FFs ja leider nicht der Fall ist!
Ouwww, Honey, du schreibst so toll auf Englisch Wub Du weißt ja, dass meine Harry OTPs nicht aus diesem Pairing bestehen, aber I think, dass du mich bestimmt noch zum Fan machst ^^ (Dann schaff ich das aber auch mit Snape/Bella und Bellamort *hände reib* [Bild: a010.gif] )
Hm... Ich weiß nicht, was ich sonst sagen soll... Noch ist ja nicht viel passiert, aber ich bin auf jeden Fall gespannt auf Fortsetzung <3 *abonnieren geh*


Big Grin Mmh.... Ich habs ja normalerweise nicht so mit englischen FF´s, aber bei deiner bin ich echt begeistert und so gespannt, wie es weitergeht und welches Pairing du nimmst! Vielleicht
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Ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Teil!!

Liebe Grüße Sindy Wink
Danke für euer FB. =)

Chapter 1:

"It's strange that everthing is so empty. How can Fred and George make money with their shop? Everything else is closed." Hermione said looking around. She was in Diagon Alley with Ron and Harry and almost every shop was closed – except of Fred and George's shop.
"They say that people need something to make them happy. That's why their shop is going so well." Ron answered while they were walking.

"Look even Ollivander's is closed. It's so sad. Everyone bought their wands at Ollivander's." Hermione said and watched Harry walk into the shop. She didn't ask him why he was doing it – she wouldn't have gotten an answer. Instead she followed him and looked around. The whole shop was a chaos. All of the wands were gone and nothing showed that this empty, chaotic place once was a wand-shop. She saw how Ron looked out of the window and wondered what he saw.
"Looks like Malfoy and Mommy don't want to be followed", he suddenly said. Hermione and Harry went to stand next to Harry and saw Malfoy and his mother, Narcissa, at the entry to Knockturn Alley. Malfoy looked around once before he followed his mother.
"Come on", Harry urged and wanted to leave Ollivander's but Hermione wasn't sure if it was a good idea to follow them. Not with Voldemort being back.
"Harry… are you sure?" she asked him and looked at him.
"Yes, I am. Now come on." He left the shop and Ron and Hermione quickly followed him. It wouldn't be good if someone saw them.
They had to walk some minutes before they saw Draco and his mother again and just as they wanted to catch up a dog barked near them and Draco turned his head. Quickly they hid behind in a shop-entry and waited some seconds before following him again.
"Do you think he saw us?" Ron whispered and Hermione sighed.
"I don't know Ron. I don't think so but I'm not sure." She looked ahead and saw how the Malfoy's entered Burgin and Bourkes.

"What are they doing in there?" Ron asked and looked confused.
"I don't know but we just can't stand here and wait. Come on", Hermione went around the corner and started climbing up a fire-ladder. "If we lay down up there we can see into the shop. Come on." She explained as she noticed the confused looks of the boys.
They started climbing and lay down on the cold stone wall. They could see directly into the shop and saw Fenir Greyback, Narcissa, Bellatrix Lestrange and Draco.
"It's a ritual. Draco is getting the mark" Harry whispered as they watched Bellatrix stand in front of Draco and saying something.
"Are you …" Hermione began but then she saw how Fenir came to the window. "Duck! Quick!"
Harry and Ron obeyed but as soon as they were sure that they couldn't be seen anymore Harry spoke. "What was that about?"
[SIZE=2]"This one guy, I don't know his name was coming towards the window. He would've seen us and I doubt that that would have been so good." she answered and hoped that nobody would see them. After a while she slowly looked into Burgin and [/SIZE]Bourges again and noticed that the blinds were shut.
"Come on, let's go.", she said while climbing down the fire ladder.

"What was that about?" Ron asked as soon as they were in Diagon Alley again.
"I think that it was a ritual. I think Draco got his mark." Harry answered and Hermione shook her head.
"Harry, he's not even 17 yet. You do know that he's still in school with us.", she answered slowly. "Voldemort wouldn't do that."

"Why? He wants to kill me?" Harry answered.
"Oh, I know that but he also knows that as soon as Draco will shower everyone will see it and even though he's a Slytherin there are some people that still would go to Dumbledore."
"But…" Harry was slowly getting angry. Why couldn't she understand that Voldemort would do anything to kill him.
"Oh look, the Quidditch shop is still open. Let's take a look in there, kay Harry?" Ron said because once he could feel the upcoming argument between his two best friends. "You are coming, too, Hermione?"
"No, I'll just wait here. You know that I don't like Quidditch." She smiled and Harry and Ron disappeared in the shop.
"Oh, look what the cat dragged in. A mudblood." she suddenly heard someone say behind her and spun around. In front of her stood Draco Malfoy and she was kind of nervous. Did he see them?
"Oh, look what the wind brought by." she answered and looked at him. "What do you want?"

"Oh, I just wanted to tell you, that I know you were following me." He said and looked at her with loathing. "Or were you really thinking that you could just follow me?"
Oh, so he knew. That wasn't so good.

"We weren't following you, Malfoy. Why should we?" she smirked. "You aren't that important, you know."
Suddenly she felt herself being pushed against a wall. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.
"You shut up know, Mudblood. I know that you were following me. I saw you. Even if your hair isn't so bushy anymore your friend, Weaslebee still has his red hair. If you ever say a word to anyone about that, I will find you. And that is something you don't want, believe me."
Hermione felt herself getting angry. Who did he think he was?
"Who do you think you are? Just because you think your daddy is so big and almighty, you can't just walk around like you're the king. You are nothing and don't come with that mudblood shit. Think of something new, Malfoy." She spat and looked at him with loathing.
"And you think you're so great because they tell you that you're the brightest age of our century but let me tell you something – when the Dark Lord wins you'll be the first to die after Harry. And right now you may be alive but you're nothing but the dirt under my shows. Useless." Draco spat back and pushed her harder against the wall. "And you won't tell anyone about that!"

"Hermione? Malfoy, leave her alone." she heard Harry say and Draco stepped back.
"Sorry, Potter. I just wanted to tell Granger something. And I think that she understood me clearly." He looked at her one last time before going into the Quidditch shop.
"Are you okay?" Harry asked and looked at Hermione which was leaning against the wall.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go." She said. She couldn't tell Harry about what Draco said. He would go crazy and she didn't want that.


In the evening Hermione sat in Ron's bedroom in the burrow with Harry and Ron. Ginny was in her room with Luna, who was visiting her and the two didn't want to be disturbed. They were probably talking about Ginny's crush on Harry. She really liked Ginny but she didn't want to hear her talking about kissing her best friend. Well, at least not always. Sometimes she liked gossip.
"So, what was Malfoy doing to you?" Harry asked and Hermione sighed. She knew that he wouldn't just let it be. He was Harry after all.
[SIZE=2]"[SIZE=2]Nothing, Harry. He was just telling me, that I'm a mudblood and that I'm the dirt under his shoes. The normal things. He didn't hurt [/SIZE]me.", Hermione answered and decided that she wouldn't tell Harry that Malfoy knew that they were following him.[/SIZE]
"I really think that he's a death eater. I mean Lucius is like Voldemort's right hand. Why wouldn't he want Malfoy as a follower?" Harry said and looked at Hermione and Ron.
"Harry I never said that Voldemort didn't want Draco. I just said that Draco isn't legal yet. And if he isn't legal, he isn't allowed to do magic so he's useless." Hermione said and Harry shook his head.
"But then he has a spy inside of Hogwarts. He can spy on me and Dumbledore. He could know everything about me. Who I love, what I like to eat."
"Harry, I doubt that Voldemort wants to know what you're eating in the mornings." Hermione said and sighed. Sometimes Harry was really a little bit crazy.
"But Hermione…" Harry said.
"No, Harry. That's crazy. I'm going to bed." She stood up and left the room while Harry talked to Ron about Draco being a death eater.
Sehr schön. Gut zu lesen. Und wenn ich nicht müde wäre, würde ich die Spannung zwischen Hermine und Draco noch viel besser nachvollziehen können äh halt, nachfühlen Wink

Und du hast etwas großartiges vollbracht. Ich mag Hermine. In den HP Bänden von J.K. mag ich sie zu 90% nicht.
So, Malfoy knew that he was followed, did he? Smart boy, I have to admit ^^
Well, I really liked the chap. You were right, it didn't take me that long to read, and I enjoyed every sentence, hon xD
Well, I think, you already made me become a fan. lol. That was fast, really ^^
So, I'm waiting for Broken to be continued as soon as possible :p
Danke für euer FB :knuddel:

Chapter 2:

The next morning Hermione woke up early. Or better said she was woken up early by Mrs. Weasley storming into the room yelling for Ginny and Hermione to get up because they had to be at King’s Cross in an hour.
“Great, one hour. I wanted to shower and wash my hair but it won’t get dry till we have to leave and now I’ll look like a homeless person.” Hermione said and sighed. She looked at Ginny which was staring at her with a smile.
“You do know that you can do magic? I know a spell for your hair. But now you really should shower before Ron gets in there.” Ginny shooed her out of the room and Hermione smiled. Ginny may not now it but she really was like her mother sometimes.
She opened the bathroom door and was relieved to see it empty. She once walked into Fred – or was it George – in the shower and was embarrassed for the next week. Oh and the twins made it even worse by telling everyone. She would never forget Ron’s face. That was the first time that Hermione thought that Ron had feelings for her but he said nothing. She stepped under the shower and enjoyed the feeling of the warm water on her skin. She loved to shower or the rain. She always enjoyed her private baths in the prefect’s bathroom. Yeah, she wasn’t prefect but she always made sure to know the password and you just had to do the homework of one of the prefect’s to get. It was easy. And she wasn’t the only one who had that brilliant idea. At the end of last year she went to the prefect’s bathroom to see Draco Malfoy swimming in the pool. She didn’t want him to know that she was there so she slipped out again and went back to the Common room. But she was sure that he would be there this year again and she swore to herself that she would borrow Harry’s cloak. She didn’t want a repeat of what happened in Diagon Alley.
While she was drying herself of she was thinking about Harry’s words again. What if Malfoy was a death eater? Why would Voldemort want someone in Hogwarts? It was insane. The pupils didn’t have their one shower and you can’t make the Mark all invisible. She still saw pieces of Snape’s mark sometimes. She put her clothes on and while walking back to her room she was convinced that Malfoy wasn’t a death eater.
“Ah, there you are again. So I asked my mom if she knew a spell and she does. And you can be lucky that I showered last night.” Ginny said and sat next to Hermione. “So, you just point your wand at your hair and say which hairstyle you want. So if you want locks you say curl it. If you want straight hair you say, straighten it and so on. So come on try it out.”
“Okay” Hermione thought about her hairstyle for a minute before pointing the wand to her hair and saying “Straight hair.”
At first she didn’t feel anything and thought that she did something wrong but then she felt her hair getting dry and being straightened. She looked into the mirror and gasped. Her hair was straight and it looked perfect. “Wow.” She said before pulling it into a ponytail and looking at her watch.

“Yes, I know, we have to go.” Ginny said and smiled. “Let’s go.”
They went downstairs and saw Mrs. Weasley talking to Harry and Ron in a stern tone. They probably had done something wrong again. Ginny cleared her throat and her mother looked up. “Oh, there you are. Let’s go. We are going to floo to King’s Cross. So you know how to it. Arthur hast your package and will be meeting us there.”
“Ron, you are first.” She shooed her youngest son to the fireplace and gave him some floe powder. When Ron disappeared she looked at Harry. “You and Ginny are next. At let Ginny talk. Hermione you’ll be going after me, ok?”
Hermione nodded and watched how Ginny, Ron and Mrs. Weasley disappeared. Then she stepped into the fireplace and shouted “King’s Cross” She felt herself being pulled through the fireplaces and when she landed at King’s Cross she was so dizzy that she tripped and stumbled into someone.
“Gosh, I’m so…” she looked up and her eyes met the ones of Draco Malfoy
“Sorry?” he asked her and smirked. Oh, how she hated that smirk.
“Yes. That’s what I wanted to say. So know you know and I can go.” She said and walked away.
“Hermione, we are here.” She heard Harry shout and saw them standing with Neville and Luna.
“Hey. How are you?” she asked them and smiled. She liked Neville and even though Luna was a little bit strange she was nice. Really nice.

She looked up and saw Malfoy standing with Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson. He had his arm around her waist and she was smiling at him. Hermione didn’t understand why he chose Parkinson? He could have everyone. He was a good looking guy and even some Gryffindors – not her but some – would be his girlfriend. She watched Blaise say something and Hermione saw how Malfoy was looking around before answering Blaise. He looked nervous. What were they talking about? And where was Narcissa? She always went to King’s Cross with her son.
“Hermione, we have to board the train.” She heard Ron say and nodded. While waiting to board the train she looked and Malfoy again and saw that he was looking back. Brown met blue. But they didn’t narrow their eyes like normally. They just continued looking – without any prejudice or hate. Just two young people – not Granger and Malfoy, not mudblood and ferret. But the moment was lost when they were being pushed onto the train.

Hermione searched for a compartment with her friends, trying not to think about what just happened. Trying not to think about how blue Malfoy’s eyes were and how good he looked. He was Malfoy after all. Her enemy. The boy that bullied her since 1st year.
“So, I really think that Malfoy is a death eater.” Harry said when they were seated and Hermione rolled her eyes.
“No, Harry, he’s not. It doesn’t make any sense.” She said and Ginny nodded in agreement.

“But Voldemort wants a spy in Hogwarts.” Harry said and looked at Ron which was oblivious to the world around him because he had his sweets.
“That maybe through but he wouldn’t take a kid that isn’t legal yet and has to shower with about 50 other boys. Voldemort isn’t stupid, Harry.” Hermione answered and sighed. She then saw Malfoy walking by their compartment and saw Harry pulling out his cloak and smiling slightly. Oh great, he planned something.
“I’ll be right back.” He said after 5 minutes and slipped out of the compartment. Hermione looked at Ginny which was watching her. She then looked at Ron which was sleeping.

“Ginny he’s planning something. I’ll go after him, kay?”
Ginny nodded and Hermione went after Harry. She saw Harry going into Malfoy’s compartment and cursed. He may have his cloak but that doesn’t mean that he’s superman. But she was too late – he already was inside.
“Oh, see what the cat dragged in.” she suddenly heard Malfoy whisper in her ear and turned around. “You again.”

“Oh come on. Try something new. It’s getting boring.” She answered and smirked at him – yes, Hermione Granger can smirk, too. She just doesn’t do it so frequently.
“What do you want here?” Malfoy asked her and looked at her.

“Luna lost her strange glasses and I’m helping her finding them. She says that she can see these little things in our brains with them. I don’t know. But, I’m going because I don’t want to waste my time with you.”
Hermione stepped forward but Malfoy was faster. “Stop” He pushed her against the wall – again. Did he have a wall fetish? Oh, bad thoughts.
“Did you tell anyone about our meeting in Knockturn Alley?” He asked and watched her intently.
“No, I didn’t. And it wasn’t a meeting. But I didn’t tell a soul so you can be happy. Now let me go.” Draco didn’t move and Hermione looked at him. “What?”
“You will never tell anyone.” He said low and Hermione nodded.
“Didn’t plan to.” She brushed past Draco and went back to her compartment. She only hoped that Harry was okay.
awww, you mentioned Cissy! <3 *fangirl moment*
lol, okay, sorry, I'll stop dancing around now :gg:
Loved the chap. Bis jetzt gefällt mir das wirklich am Besten ^^ (sag ich nach zwei Kapiteln inklusive Prolog. lol.)
Ich mag Malfoy. Irgendwie find ich ihn sympathisch xD Auch wenn er noch fies zu Hermine ist ^^ (Oder es zumindest versucht)
Freu mich auf mehr <33
Schönes neues Kapitel Smile
Ich hab einige Male gelacht Big Grin
Und wie schon erwähnt, Hermine ist toll.
Seiten: 1 2 3