I am going to type in english, cause seeing it in english and writing in english is way easier. First I wrote my opinion according to the direct epi's developent. Afterwards I'll reflect thoughts of other ones...
Okay first of all, two sentences on zack and lane. This whole Lane storyline has sooooooo gotten an own series character with no relation to Rory or Lorelai anymore. The whole episodes continuation was just predictable and boring.
okay, edit: I typed the lines during the epi, but god believes me, I absolutely did not see the final Lane scene coming *LMAO* Brain at the Kims. löl
To Lorelai and Chris:
Where the hell are these scissors that cut out the Lorelai-Chris-and-Gigi-meet-Sherry-Scene??? I mean we got to know the girlfriend and her kids of Jess' father who by the way had nothing to do with the Gilmore Girls...
But God forbits that we would see a get-together of Sherry (whose importance I've already shown in my post in the 7.06 thread.) Here it's just a freakingly-silly sentence by Chris of the cause why Lorelai and Chris has gone to Paris.
Okay, to admit I laughed my as off during the "fermeeeeeeeeeee

" and the "baguette-I-am-so-hungry-scene"!
When Lorelai told story with the food in the pocket, they had me. For a freakingly short moment, I have been a BB! I thought ok, that could be! Maybe they fit together...
"You gonna feel a kick if you don't get your hand off me stomach, Kirk!" süper-löl --> That's was so slapstick...!
But then it went downhill! Slow down, I just thought. And there it was:
I was just stunned. It took Luke one and a half year time in their relationship. And now in what, 3 month, 4 month? Just overspeeded, rediculous!
And: gimme a moment! What the f*** is going on with Rorys Hair! Pink? Rory and Pink?? Lord and Jesus! But that aside, I soooo could understand her. I had these feelings as well and although I do not really like these other girls from that art show I liked that scene.
And again: "Chris, don't you think it's to soon?" ---> "Noooo!" ---> Ha! !?!?! Soon is nooooooo expression for that.
and again: "Dont't you think it's to soon?" ---> Ha! ---> I could go on ha-ing the whole eve and night. Lord. Daniel, what were you thinking?
"We love each other, we belong to each other!" Its "funny" hearing the nearly exact words from 5.13 in a completly differnt coherence.
I'd been spoilered, I don't know how come, but I knew Marty would return. And I thought when the Girls sat at the Gilmore Girls' House and flipped through these photos, Marty would pop up and Rory'd think: "Hey I could meet Marty again!" But that way? Just soap! Pure Soap *stillfoaming*
Mrs. Hayden??? What??? *silentlyunabletotype*
The Face! Her face! she looked again like "what have I done?", she had at the very end at Season 6 "parting"! It sooooo reminded me of the talk with the shrink in the car in 6.22, when she said she'd never loved anyone until Luke! THEN Y DID YOU MARY CHRIS? Having a one night stand with someone because missing something with your old partner is one thing. But marrying another one 'cause "i don't get were I want" in a-Gigi-spoiled-way isn't just ridiculous, it's pathetic!
This is just weird! Lorelai Hayden? No Lorelai Gilmore-Hayden? Won't the series be renamed into "Gilmore Girl..."? I mean she didn't even call Rory. Or anything! That was just selfish! And I am waiting to see how Emily is going to flip out about eloping just as in 2.04 concerning Max.
AND FINALLY: no F***ing scene or at least conversation of Rory and Lorelai! *upset* So far on the Gilmore GirlSSSSSS!
So far on me, myself and I..
Karana, you're genious. My thoughts, really! You are so right. Reflecting this Chris-and-Lorelai thing its just sad... I am sad. Why could the have left the Storyline of Sherry getting pregnant in 2.22 and having Lore and Chris left their dreamtrip to Mary-Poppins-Wonderland at this very time?
P.S.: Lord, when Lorelai and Chris came into the house, I saw Lore's silhouette and just had one thought: "SKINNY! Simply skinny!" Eat something Lauren or you'll look like Alexis!