JoeMoore schrieb:1. Beitrag ging mal gleich in die Hose
Die ist aber sowas von tot !!! 
ok, ok habs geraft oma ist tote hose (

der potenziele nächste tote wäre...
schörlock homs sagt: kombiniere kombiniere ist evtl. max,der ex lover von loralei oder es ist die ex von luke die mit den locken und zwei augen+nase, ja genau die.
@elif: Ein Tipp, schau dir mal das erste Posting aus dem 5.11 Thread genau an, dann weiÃt du wer auf jedenfall nicht sterben wird.
@spiro: das ist erst die 99. Episode, da es in Season 1 nur 21. Episoden gab.
Season 1 21Epis
Season 2 22Epis
Season 3 22Epis
Season 4 22Epis
Season 5 13Epis
= 100 Folgen
Fanforum hat ein paar neue interessante Spoilers für 5.12, die für neue Diskussionen sorgen können, wenn sie denn auch aus einer vertraulichen Quelle entspringen....
Zitat:- The episode starts with L/L in bad and Luke is trying to sleep but Lorelai is wide awake and she wants Luke to get a tv and they have a very funny convo about tv and Mel Brooks(who knew Luke knew about the Producers?) and it ends with the cutest thing...Lorelai says "Say Goodnight,Gracie" and Luke grumbles "Goodnight,Gracie"
- Then Paris/Rory meet Logan's dad...I think you guys already know that scene.Rory volunteers to give Logan her notes for an article and meet with him(alittle too quickly might I add)
- I think that Michel in this eppy is too funny.He wants to have a meeting about sexual harrassment issues and also says that someone has been messing up the rooms and eating tolberones.Kirk is sitting in on the meeting and claims he's thinking of going into the hotel business...he's all Kirk and funny
- Kyon tells Lane that Mrs.Kim is having a party and Lane has to come.Zack and Brian come in and show Lane the band photos they took and Lane is upset because she thinks she looks ugly with her glasses.Zack says that Lane looks smart with her glasses and there's a funny line.
- Emily and Richard are talking at the diningroom table and they decide that since there's this party that they should both be at,they should just both go.Their tones are not cold and there's some...connection there
- Logan meets Rory and she gives him her notes...he questions why she wanted to meet with him and Rory blushes and all.There's a cute line where Rory is trying to tell Logan she doesn't have a boring life and says,"I'm not really that boring" and he says,"Oh,I know I know you're not boring at all."They talk about his dad's party and then Logan goes ot get Rory a drink.
- Lorelai comes into Luke's and Lane isn't wearing her glasses.They talk and Lorelai goes to help Luke setting up his new oven.When he asks why she knows all this stuff about the oven,she tells him she read the manual when she couldn't get to sleep..t.he scene is too cute.Zack sees Lane with no glasses and doesn't like it...he wants her to put the glasses back on,but she says no.
- Richard and some business guy are talking about hiring a lawyer...Richard brings up Simon and then finds out that Emily went out with Simon.He's hurt but doesn't show it.
- Michel is still mad about the messy beds and missing tolberones...lorelai and sookie say they have a's hilarious..michel thinks two employees are having an affair at work and goes to confront the guy about it.Kirk is working in the kitchen because he thinks he might go into the cooking world...lorelai tells him to get out.Rory calls and asks Lorelai to get her out of friday night dinner because she has "a thing with a guy"..i.e. she thinks she might be going to the party with Logan..Lorelai wants to know,but Rory doesn't want to jinx it.Michel comes back and says that the guy might file sexual harrassment suit because Michel was asking if he was seeing anyone special..that part is also hilarious
- Mrs Kim comes to Lane's apartment and wants Lane to come to the party.Lane says why should she when Mrs Kim yelled at Zack.She says she'll only come if she can bring Zack...then when Mrs Kim counters..Lane says she's bringing the whole band.
- They go to the party and basically the scenes are really funny...I think you guys know about them already though...Brian and Kyon are too cute and there's a little korean boy who keeps zack from going to the bathroom.
- Lorelai runs into Jackson who says that sookie has been working really hard lately and coming home late...Lorelai is confused
- Emily and Richard are going to the party and Richard is acting cold to her.
- Logan and Rory are talking about the office and Logan says he finished the story..Logan says he's heading to New York for te party and Rory is disapointed he didn't invite her but doesn't sayt anything...his line at the end is too cute..he says "Hey...don't be a stranger"
- Lorelai finds Sookie in a room watching tv and eating tolberone and sookie says that she found out this show was on and she decided to watch it..she says that she could watch it at home but then jackson would be fine and take davy and sookie would feel guilty that he works all day like she does but still has to take care of davy..Lorelai and Sookie watch tv together
- Emily is waiting for her valet ticket...simon comes by and they talk.Richard bangs into the back of emily's car and yells at simon.He then grabs emily and says he's taking her to the hospital.They argue and talk about simon and pennilyn lott
- There is more of the Lane
- Emily and Richard get home and they're sweet...the end is sweet..Emily tells him to come home
- Rory and Lorelai meet outside of the house and rory says the guy thing didn't work out..Lorelai wants to know who it was and thinks it's Marty.They see Emily and Richard kissing and freak out...Emily and Richard welcome them in and tell them they're together and going renew their vows...and Lorelai is going to be the maid of honor and Rory the best man.Miss Celine is there and is fitting Emily for a wedding dress...Lorelai holds one infront of the mirror for herself and looking on,longingly
- Luke and Lorelai are at his apartment and Lorelai tells Luke about the wedding...he doesn't know if he should go because he doesn't fit in there.Lorelai convinces him to and she sees he got a tv because of her...they're cute
- Emily comes to Christopher's apartment and sees GG...who I thought was GiGi but apparently she's GG.Lorelai invites Chris to the wedding and gives him a speech about how she never liked him,but she knows he loves Lorelai and that Luke is not right for Lorelai and Chris never had good timing,but now is his timing...he looks dumbfounded and emily leaves
Wow, also läd Chris Emily ein!!

auer: Dann will sie Luke & Lore auseinander bringen! Das gibt Krieg!

Emily ist so unmöglich

*sie noch mehr als jetzt schon hasst*
Eigentlich mag ich sie, aber sie ist im Moment gegen Lore & Luke und dann bin ich auch gegen sie!

OMG!!!! :zensiert:
Das wird ja ne hammerfolge, wenn das alles so stimmt...
Em und Rich wieder vereint, Lore denkt über hochzeiten nach (interpretier ich jetzt mal so

Em mag chris nicht
Aber sie will Luke und Lore auseinander bringen

Oh ich freu mich schon soooo

oh my.. wenn die denn dann so stimmen...
freu mich ja erstmal riesig, dass em und richard wieder zusammen kommen und des hört sich super an so ^^ endlich sprechen sie sich aus... ja...
die L/L szenen hören sich auch süà an und endlich mehr lane

aber wieso zur hölle lädt em chris ein *grrrrrrr* und von wegen luke is nicht gut für lore... so glücklich war sie doch vorher nie... find ich jedenfalls...

jöö... ein paar süÃe LL szenen sind ja zu erwarten.. aber das am ende mit da emily is ja wohl ein witz!!
woah... ich pack die frau net. eigentlich mag ichs ja recht gern.. aber wenn sie sich ständig überall einmisch.. wah.. regt mich schon wieda auf!!!

ausgenommen dieser Geschichte mit Emilys Einladung an Christopher scheint diese Folge wirklich sehr interessant zu werden. Ich frage mich aus welchem Grund Lorelai verwirrt darüber ist, dass Sookie so viel arbeitet??? Wieso weià Jackson mehr über ihre Arbeit als sie selbst...immerhin arbeiten sie ja an einem Ort zusammen.
Ebenfalls frage ich mich was mit Logan los scheint ziemlich kühl gegenüber Rory zu sein.....vielleicht war ihre Bemerkung bei der Folge 5.10 "you and me...very different people" ein wenig zu hart? vielleicht sieht er das jetzt genauso und hat sich ein wenig zurückgezogen??? Denn wieso lädt er Rory zum Geier nicht zu dieser Party in New York ein....grrr.....
Naja....hoffentlich kommt der 01.02.2005 bald.....meine Nerven halten das bald nicht mehr aus.... :lach: