All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13]

:freu: :freu: :freu: :freu: :freu:
*hüpf* ich freu mich ich freu mich!
heute noch sagst du? Cool ich freu mich ich freu mich Wink!
achja, *reknuddl* hehe

7,50 die stunde? nich schlecht und wie oft arbeitest da dann? und wie lange?

also ich arbeite meist so um die 20h die woche... obwohl letzte woche waren's nciht mal zehn. kommt halt draufan wann sie mich brauchen.Wink

und hier kommt auch schon das neue kapitel. (hab ferien und deswegen ausnahmsweise mal zeit zum schreiben.*gg*) ist auch etwas laenger als der letzte.

Chapter 7:

“Hello Sweetheart” Lorelai shouted, as soon as Rory walked in the door. It was 4pm and Rory just came home from another day of school.
“Hey Mom!” Rory said back. “I’m up for some coffee! Have time to go to Luke’s?”
“I always have time for my wonderful daughter!” Lorelai answered while grabbing her coat.
“OK, what do you want?” Rory asked with a skeptical look on her face…
“Does there have to be a reason for me to call my favorite daughter wonderful?”
“If you ask me with that tone in your voice, yes there usually does…” Rory teased her.
“All right fine…” Lorelai gave in. “You know that Business course I’m taking?”
“Well I need some help from my smart girl again… got a few calculation problems! It’s just been too long since I’ve had this stuff in school…” Lorelai pouted. “I can’t believe my teachers were right!” she said in a displeased tone.
“What? Why?” Rory wanted to know.
“You know, when we first had this stuff in school I never thought I would need it again! That’s why I never paid attention! Unbelievable…”
“Well that’s your own fault!”
“Yah I know… Hey you know what’s weird? That someone like me has such a smart daughter!” Lorelai said while smiling at her.
“Oh come on Mom… you know you’re not stupid!” Rory said.
“If you say so!” Lorelai giggled.
“Anyway… grab your business stuff and we’ll try to do it together at Luke’s with a hot cup of coffee…”
“Sounds fantastic!”

After the two of them successfully completed the work Lorelai had to do they started chatting a little bit. Lorelai was telling Rory about her exciting work day, where Michel apparently had to chase after a dozen screaming kids. Rory just loved listening to her (probably a little over exaggerated) stories.
“So how was your day at school?” Lorelai asked.
“It was good. Nothing special!”
“Oh and I totally forgot to asked you about this! How was your celebration with Dean yesterday? Did you do some kind of crazy eleven month anniversary stuff?”
“Not exactly…”
“Why? Did Dean do something wrong?”
“No of course he didn’t! You’re talking about Dean here!”
“Oh I’m sure you guys had fun! And next month it’s already been a whole year! How exciting!”
“If you say so…” Rory replied frustrated.
“Hun what’s wrong?” Lorelai noticed that something probably didn’t go all too good yesterday.
“Well…” Rory started. “You know I can’t even really explain it to myself. Suddenly everything just seems frustrating and boring in our relationship! I’m missing the excitement! And….”
“Oh my god!” Lorelai suddenly said.
“What?” Rory asked confused.
“There’s someone else!”
“What? Why? Wait!” Rory said a little too suspicious.
“Ha! Don’t lie to me missy. I can see it in your eyes! Plus if someone gets that red it usually is a sure sign!”
“Okok… I admit there MIGHT be another guy…” Rory started quietly.
“I knew it! Does he live in Stars Hollow? Go to Chilton?” nosy Lorelai asked.
Rory gave her a quick smack and said in an ironic tone “If you would just shut up, I’m trying to tell you! Jeez Mom!”
“OK, sorry. I’m listening…” Lorelai said while taking a sip out of her coffee.
“You know that guy Tristan?”
“What? Snobby, jerky Romeo Tristan? Didn’t you tell me like a week ago, that he was sent to military school?”
“He was… but he’s back!”
“Since when?"
“Monday morning…”
“Well that was a short trip to military school there!”
“I know… but it seems like he changed…”
“Over one weekend? Did they like torture him there or something?” Lorelai joked.
“Haha… no seriously. He’s been acting so nice lately! And when he looks at me…. The feeling is just so exciting!”
“He is kind of hot… as far as I remember!” Lorelai grinned.
“ew Mom! Stop…” Rory said. “Besides… I feel horrible right now!”
“Cuz of Dean?”
“Yeah of course because of Dean! I mean… nothing happened with Tristan. But it’s not even fair to think about it!”
“Oh hun… you’re almost 17. It’s normal to look at other guys at that age! But are you in love with Tristan?”
“Seriously… I wish I knew…”


ich finde es klasse, dass du ferien hast :biggrin:
was mir in diesem Teil ganz besonders gefallen hat, war wie gut du Lorelai getroffen hast. Sie ist so richtig schön "in character", vor allem wo sie Rory so über den "other guy" ausfragt, aber auch da wo sie sich über das, was ihre Lehrer damals gesagt hatten, aufregt....
Besonders diese eine Aussage von Lore war einfach nur klasse. das hat total gepasst:
Zitat: He is kind of hot… as far as I remember!” Lorelai grinned.

*g* lorelai ist einfach nur göttlich. so richtig schön ein wenig abgedreht. so ne mum wünscht sich doch jeder...
ich finde deinen Schreibstil und deine Wortwahl richtig angenehm zu lesen.
ich liebe englishe ff viel mehr als deutsche ,solang sie gut geschrieben sind *schmacht*
ich finde deine ff wird immer besser, hoffentlich schreibst du bald weiter...

lg JamieA


ach man jamie weisch... Sad immer bist du die erste und sagst auch noch das, was ich sagen will!!!! hehe

also ich kann eigentlich wieder nur sagen, dass es nichts mehr zu sagen gibt, nach jamie's aussage!! echt, lorelai hast du sooo toll getroffen!! echt suuper!! wie du dich da rein versetzten kannst und dann der satz:

Zitat:“Over one weekend? Did they like torture him there or something?” Lorelai joked.

so toll!! Wink kann mir richtig vorstellen, wie lorelai das sagen würde!
aber rory hast du auch total gut getroffen, grade schau ich mir die 2. staffel auf englisch an und grade die folgen, in denen es rory langweilig geworden is mit dean zusammen zu sein, und das is echt seeehhr(!!) gut getroffen von dir!!

freu mich auf den nächsten teil!!!


bis dann amélie!

*freu* vielenvielen dank fuer euer liebes FB! ihr zwei seid toll!Wink freut mich immer soo sehr, wenn ich eure beitraege lese!
bin erleichtert, dass es mir anscheinend gelungen ist lore in character rueberzubringen. war auch mein ziel.Smile
von wegen neuer teil. Bin von Donnerstag bis Sonntag in den Ferien. Werde aber mein bestes geben euch vorher noch einen neuen Teil zu liefern.Smile


Alyssa schrieb:ihr zwei seid toll! Werde aber mein bestes geben euch vorher noch einen neuen Teil zu liefern.Smile
Das hört man doch beides gerne *g*...
Kanns kaum erwarten, dass du weiterschreibst. Nach deiner ff guck ich nämlich neuerdings immer als erstes wenn ich ins forum geh...

lg JamieA


I'm very happy that you wrote so much in the last time. 'cause if you write so much, I can read a lot of stuff.
I'm sorry that I haven't read your great story for a while but I was very busy.
I can only say: it's great!
your describtion of rory's feelings are really impressing and I can identify with them. it's just this feeling: you should be happy; but you aren't...
Zitat:Suddenly everything just seems frustrating and boring in our relationship! I’m missing the excitement! And….”
in the last part I also loved 'your' Lorelai. she was just so 'Lorelai-like'...
I just want you to know that I'm waiting impatient for a new part of "All you wanted"...
PS if you find any mistakes in this, tell me or keep them *g*

hab deine ff auch gerade gelesen, finds super, dass du auf englisch schreibst, und die ff gefällt mir auch recht gut! bis dann!

Thank you sooso much for your nice FB! I'm very happy that you like my FF. lol.. and I didn't see any mistakes.Wink

also leutz.. hier kommt ein neuer teil, wie versprochen. Passiert zwar nicht wirklich viel. Im naechsten Teil kriegt ihr mal etwas mehr spannung. oder dann spaetestens im uebernaechsten.
Bin jetzt aber erstmal bis sonntag weg. Muesst also noch etwas geduld haben wegen dem neuen teil (naja, sonst dauerts zwar meist genauso
aalso, hoffe euch gefaellt der neue teil und ihr gebt FB! (+ or - Wink)

Chapter 8:

Tristan was sitting in his chair, nervously moving his legs and hammering his pencil against his forehead. He was trying to concentrate and squeezed his small green eyes while reading and copying what was on the blackboard. He bit his lips and was trying to understand what was being teached. Rory was sitting a row behind him. It was interesting to watch him. He was really trying, in a cute way… she thought while looking at him. Tristan was smart, Rory knew that. But before he just used to kind of hang in his chair, not pay attention, throw in nasty comments and goof around with his buddies. Something else that changed about him! But what was she doing! She was so busy looking at Tristan that she herself totally forgot to pay attention. Ok, focus Rory! She thought while taking a deep breath. But that moment Tristan turned his head and gave her a quick smile. Rory shyly smiled back but then quickly looked away. That moment made her feel dizzy…but not in a bad way! Tristan just looked so incredibly hot today! When the bell rang that moment, Rory felt relieved, since she had the hardest time concentrating. Tristan wasn’t in her next class, which might help. At least she couldn’t spend the time staring at him there. Rory quickly grabbed her bags and walked out of the classroom.
“Mary, you forgot your pen!” She heard as soon as she was in the hall. Her heart made a big jump that moment, while she turned around. And there he stood with his messy, but good-looking haircut, handsome smile and beautiful eyes...
“Does that bother you?” he asked while handing her her pencil.
“Does what bother me?”
“You know… that I call you Mary… It’s just that old habits die hard” he joked. “But if you don’t like it, I’ll stop!”
“Tristan, what happened to you in military school?” Rory giggled.
“I guess I’m just figuring out, that I should start showing my true self!” he said with a smile.
“I like it! I mean… that you are trying!” Rory said nervously “Anyway, I don’t mind Mary. Actually I’ve gotten kinda used to it!”
“Soo how’s your boyfriend?” Tristan wanted to know.
“Uh… he’s…he’s um…” Rory stumbled. That subject just didn’t make her feels comfortable… especially not with Tristan around!
“Fine?” Tristan answered for her.
“Yeah, I guess” Rory finally brought out.
Tristan just loved how Rory has been so off balance since he was back… it was cute! She was just awesome! And the whole being nice thing obviously was working. And he himself actually enjoyed being nice. He suddenly realized how stupid it was to put on a snobby macho act all this time. It might have worked with other girls like his ex Summer. But he had noticed something special about Rory from the very first time he met her… why did he never realize, for more than a year, that she just hated his jerky attitude? But Tristan just felt thankful this moment, to have another chance with Rory and start over again. He wanted to prove to her, that he really was a nice guy. He sure wasn’t perfect, but not an asshole anymore…
“I think I’ll better start going to class” Rory suddenly interrupted his quick thoughts.
“Yeah, me too! See you later!” Tristan said while giving her a smile.
Rory’s legs were feeling all weak, when she headed toward the classroom. She had to smile all the way and felt like she was in trance….


Wie schön, dass es neue Teile gibt. Also mir gefällt die FF immer besser... Du hast Lorelai super gut getroffen und besonders der letzte Teil ist total süß. Du schreibst so schön detailiert. Das gefällt mir.
Das Verhalten von Tristan und Rory ist so niedlich. Wie er es schafft sie immer wieder nervös zu machen. Hast du echt schön beschrieben. :biggrin:

one night of magic rush. the start a simple touch.
we were in love


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