Oh so different-2. Sequel to different pregnancy different man

Ich glaub ich hatte angefangen das zu übersetzen, aber nur bis Kapitel? Da es keiner gelesen hat, habe ich es sein lassen.
Das engl. Original ist wie immer bei FF.net zu finden

Ich hab den Link gefunden: http://forum.gilmoregirls.de/showthread.php?t=7376

Aber einige haben das doch gelesen. Also jedenfalls mehr als die, die meine FF lesen, würde ich sagen.


I love you and I am going to marry you and at our wedding, we're having lobster.
Life sucks, and then you die. - Yeah, I should be so lucky.

wie hieß die überschrift im deutschen?
edit: zu lang gesucht
eine familie zu sein hab ich doch gelesen und brav FB gegeben

Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen. [url=http://ema.mtv.de/vote/][/url]

Sry, dass ich erst jetzt FB gebe, aber ich war die letzten 2 Wochen in Frankreich und da gabs echt KEIN EINZIGSTES Internetcafé...
Also, hier kommt das verspätete FB:


das war einfach nur ein hammer Kapitel..... auch ich habe so die hälfte von den Verletzungen net geschnallt, aber es war zu verstehen, dass es Luke wirklich nicht gut geht...
Einfach nur super die Gefühle usw. ausgedrückt, fand ich echt klasse.....

Ich glaube, ich habe die 1. Sequel net von anfang an gelesen..... wusste auch net, wer Kirsten is.... Wink

Bitte gaaaaaaaaanz schnell den nächsten Teil posten...

Nils Casas
16.01.1991 - 06.08.07
Du lebst in unseren Herzen weiter, wir werden dich nicht vergessen...

just found your FF and I really liked it!
First of all it's english. That's good for me. Don't have to concentrate so hard....Your english's very good. Like that.

The story's well written, too. Liked the topic and story line.

Next time I'll give a longer answer, right now, i'm just too tired.
bye for now,


So, also nach ner Ewigkeit melde ich mich hier auch mal wieder zu Wort.
1.: Das nächste Kapitel ist schon geschrieben aber ich komme nicht dran, weil mein Laptop seit 2 Wochen in Reparatur ist und bis das Ding nicht wieder da ist geht FF-technisch nix. Das gilt auch für alle anderen Stories + Websites auf denen ich die poste

2. Ich werd jetzt mal kurz die Verletzungen übersetzen, damit ihr wisst was der Arme alles hat:
Zitat:“He has some very serious injuries Lorelai. He has a collapsed lung because of a broken rib which went through the right part of his lung. His kidneys and his liver are damaged. He has severe internal bleeding because of all of this. His right hip is broken on top. He has a dislocated shoulder, a broken wrist, and several smaller things like bruises, cuts, and scratches. They are operating him still and succeeded to stop the internal bleeding, at least by taking out a part of his liver, for example.”
Also: Da ne Rippe durch die Lunge gedrungen ist, ist diese zusammengefallen (Pneumotorax). Er hat nen Nieren und Leberschaden und innere Blutungen deshalb. Seine rechte Hüfte ist gebrochen, er hat ne ausgerenkte Schulter, ein gebrochenes Handgelenk und verschiedene Prellungen, Schnittwunden und Kratzer. Sie operieren ihn und konnten die Inneren Blutungen stoppen,a ber wissen noch nicht ob sein Gehirn nicht auch was abbekommen hat, obwohl die ersten CT Untersuchungen unauffällig waren

Ansonsten danke fürs Fb, ich hoffe ihr habt noch etwas Geduld bis mein Laptop wieder da ist, auch wenn ich sie langsam verliere Wink

Chapter 20: Not him
When they arrived back inside, Lorelai felt ashamed that she had left Sara alone for so long and she immediately sat down on Sara’s bed, observing her daughter.
“She slept right through. They gave her the medicine against the pain through the IV, so they didn´t need to wake her up.” Emily told her quietly.
“Your father and Rory packed some stuff for Sara, Luke, and you it’s in the bag over there. It’s just some clothes and toiletries.” Kirsten said after another moment of silence.
“Did John call again?” Lorelai asked Emily and bit down on her lip.
“He called a few minutes ago and said that the operation will be over soon and that he will call again when they are finished. Luke is doing fine.” Emily said and tried a little smile, to reassure Lorelai.
“I think I will change and freshen up, and then change Sara out of this smelly hospital gown, while I´m waiting for news.” Lorelai sighed.
“I will go and ask a nurse if that is okay.” Emily said and was out of the room before Lorelai could say another word.
Lorelai lifted herself up slowly and felt like an old woman. Her back was aching, like the rest of her body, and every step exhausted her. The last time she had felt like this, she had been pregnant with the twins, but then Luke had been there to carry her around and attend to her every wish. Tears came into her eyes once again and she was surprised that she had any left after last night.
The face in the bathroom mirror didn't look like her own; it was swollen and ugly, with deep dark circles around her eyes, which were puffy and red. If Luke could see her like this he would be shocked. She needed to fix this, because she didn´t want to scare him when he came out of the operating room. She found some jeans and a blue shirt in the bag, as well as her make-up and water-proof mascara. She thanked Rory silently for knowing her so well, brushed her teeth, and blew her nose before she emerged out of the bathroom.
“You´re looking better.” Kirsten told her and Lorelai tried to smile back, but wasn´t really succeeding.
“Mrs. Danes, your mother told me that you want to change Sara. That´s okay, you just have to be careful with the IV and try not to move her leg.” The doctor said when he came through the door that second.
“Oh really, I thought I could just rip off the IV and her cast!” Lorelai snapped aggressively, before she looked down, ashamed of herself.
“I'm sorry.” She told him quietly.
“It´s okay, I know that this is a very difficult time for you, but I also have good news. Dr. John Lionel called me and told me that your husband is out of the operating room and you can go and see him.” Lorelai threw Sara's nightgown on the bed and froze. Luke was alive.
“Go, I’ll change her.” Kirsten told her and shoved her in the direction of the door.
When Lorelai stepped outside, the doctor right behind her, she found her mother on a chair next to the door, a tissue pressed to her mouth, to quiet the sobs.
“Luke is out of the operating room. He is alive, mom.” Lorelai told her while she rushed past, and missed the new flood of tears from Emily's eyes, this time out of relief.
John already awaited her in front of the intensive care unit.
“Is he already awake?” She asked him hopefully.
“No” The doctor shook his head.
“When will he wake up?” She wanted to know and grabbed his arm.
“Lorelai, I think we should sit down for a second.” He said and led her to some chairs which stood nearby.
“What´s wrong?” She started to panic again.
“Lorelai, I already told you that your husband has very serious injuries. It is a miracle that he survived this operation, after all the complications and his severe injuries. He is still far from being stable and the next 24 hours are very critical. He had two cardiac arrests in the last twelve hours and his lung is not working the way it should. Because of this and the extreme pain he would be feeling the doctors decided to put him into an artificial coma.”
“What? Why?”
“Because it is better for him and helps him to recover, because otherwise his whole body would be in a constant alarm situation because of all his injuries and his heart couldn´t take it. He can´t breath on his own and he needs non-stop supervision, which means that he is hooked up to several machines. I just want to prepare you for this, because it isn´t a pleasant sight. If you want to you can go in now.” He said and squeezed her hand.
“But if he´s in a coma he doesn´t even know that I´m here.” Lorelai whispered.
“Nobody knows how much people in a coma know about their surroundings, but I am sure he can hear you. He needs you. When you´re in there he knows what he´s fighting for.”
“Or he gets upset because it´s my fault he is lying there. I... I really shouldn´t go in there.” Lorelai cried self conscious again.
“Lorelai, he needs you. Go in there. I don´t know what happened, but I can´t imagine you would ever do something like this to your husband and your daughter willingly, so this is not your fault! Now go.” He pulled her up and before she knew what had happened she stood in Luke´s room, wearing one of his green gowns herself.
Luke´s legs were covered with a blanket, but around his hip she saw that they had put him in a strange plaster-construction. His upper body wasn´t covered or clothed, but she could barely see anything under all the wires and tubes. He had several bandages, casts, and band aids on nearly all parts of his body. His face, or what she could see of it, was swollen, slightly blue, and covered with scratches. There was another bandage around his forehead and his nose and mouth were covered by the intubations.
Lorelai stood in shock next to the door for a few minutes, taking him in and listening to the several beeping sounds in the room.
When she walked over to the side, where she could at least make out his hand under the bandage, she tried to see something familiar in the person lying in front of her, but she couldn´t. Her husband was strong, beautiful, healthy... this wasn´t him.
With her index finger she stroked over one of his fingers that came out of the bandage, when she found the courage after another couple of minutes.
“God Luke, what have I done?” She asked him with a quivering voice, while her tears dropped on his hand.
“I´m so sorry, so sorry, I should be laying here, not you.” She cried, when her knees gave in and she kneeled next to him on the floor, pressing her face to his fingers.
She had no idea how long she sat next to him on the floor, sobbing and mumbling apologies, but at some point she realized that someone pulled her up and led her out of the room, before everything went dark around her.
“Lorelai? Lorelai?” Emily´s voice came to her ears when she slowly regained consciousness.
“Mom?” She asked with a raspy voice.
“Thank god, you´re awake again.” Emily exclaimed and pressed a kiss on Lorelai´s cheek, which surprised her.
“What happened?” Lorelai asked and sat up, realizing, that she too lay in a hospital bed, her feet propped up on some pillows.
“You broke down in Luke´s room and became unconscious when they led you out.”
“They put him in a coma, mom. He looks horrible! His face is swollen and blue and without the name tag on his bed you don´t even recognize him.” Lorelai told Emily, who took her hand.
“Lorelai, I know this is hard and that you feel horrible and that you´re worried, but you have to take care of yourself. While Luke is in such a bad state, the kids need you even more. I know how you´re feeling, but please, sleep for awhile, then eat something and compose yourself!” Emily begged.
“You know how I feel? You have no idea how I am feeling at the moment! My husband might die and I might never see him alive and healthy again. I am so scared I can´t think straight! How would you know how I am feeling? You never had to worry about anything, other than when dad had some little problems with his heart.” Lorelai suddenly yelled.
“All right, obviously the fact that my only daughter ran away at 17, with her baby, and we didn´t know if she was dead or alive for weeks, doesn´t put me in the position of understanding, because it didn´t affect me a bit back then! I only lay in bed for weeks, crying my eyes out, because I thought I would never see them again.” Emily yelled right back and they stared at each other.
“Mrs. Danes, you are awake again. Very good, because so is your daughter. We tried to give her something to eat, but she wouldn´t. Maybe you could try it?” A nurse, who entered the room, asked.
“Yes sure.” Lorelai nodded and slowly stood up. She walked past Emily towards the door, then stopped, turned around and came back to her mother, who was still staring at the empty bed.
“I’m sorry, but... help me mom. I don´t know how to get through this. I need you.” Lorelai whispered when she hugged Emily suddenly. Emily held her close and gave her a squeeze before they walked into Sara´s room together, where Kirsten was reading a story to the girl.
“Good morning, my angel. The nurse told me you were awake, which is great because I am hungry and we can have breakfast together.” Lorelai greeted Sara with fake joy in her voice and hoped her daughter wouldn´t notice. She kissed her, careful not to hurt her.
“Wow, look you have bread with honey. Here, one peace for Mommy...” Lorelai said, sat down on the bed, and held a piece of bread in front of Sara´s mouth. The girl didn´t react.
“Sara, come on. Eat this little piece, for me, pretty please!” Lorelai pouted and tried to cover the fear which arose in her chest when her daughter still wasn´t reacting.
“Sara, you need to eat to get healthy. What do you think your daddy will say when he visits you and you´re not eating? Come on babe... one piece for your daddy!” Lorelai said quieter this time, it hurt to speak about Luke and the pictures from just minutes before popped up in her head.
Sara didn´t move any part of her body other than her eyes. For the first time since the accident she looked at Lorelai before she slowly opened her mouth.
Lorelai succeeded to feed Sara most of the slice of bread and ate the rest herself, to please her own mother, who sat on a chair beside the windows and chatted quietly with Kirsten.
When there was a knock on the door all looked up surprised and before anyone could say a word the door was pushed open and William ran in. He threw himself into his mother’s arms and instinctively she pressed him against her without thinking about it.
When William pulled back a bit and looked at her she realized that he wasn´t crying, like she had thought.
“Mommy, are you okay?” He asked and stroked over her cheek.
“I´m fine Will. Don´t worry about me, okay? I´m fine.”
“Mommy, Rory told us that daddy will need time to get better, but don´t worry I will help you. I will be the man of the house as long as daddy isn´t home.” He assured her and wiped away the few tears, which had spilled from her eyes once again.
“Oh Will...” She mumbled and buried her face in her son’s shoulder.
“Mom?” Rory asked and stroked over her mother’s hair after she had greeted Sara without getting a reaction from her.
“Rory, you´re here?” Lorelai tried to smile, but failed.
“Yeah, Laila is still with Sookie, but William insisted on coming here and seeing you, Sara, and Dad.”
“It´s okay,” Lorelai nodded and kissed William’s hair.
“Mommy, can we go and see daddy?” He asked.
“Honey, your daddy is asleep and he will be for awhile because the doctors gave him a sleeping pill, so he won´t feel the pain from his injuries.You will have to wait a while before you can go and visit him.” Lorelai explained. William thought about it then nodded.
“Okay,” He agreed.
“Mom, we thought you might want to get home for some time and look after Laila, she is pretty freaked out and cried the whole night, although William tried to soothe her. And grandpa needs you to decide some stuff.”
“I can´t. I need to stay here.” Lorelai refused.
“Lorelai, go, take your son home and take care of Laila. We will stay here and if there is any news we will call you immediately.” Emily jumped in.
“Come on, I´ll drive you.” Kirsten spoke up also.
“Baby, you heard them, but mommy will be back very soon.” Lorelai told Sara and took William´s hand. Before they reached the door, William ran back to Sara.
“I brought you piggy!” He told her, pulled the little pink pig out of his jacket pocket and laid it on top of Sara.
“Bye Sara!” He said and ran back to Lorelai, grabbed her hand and led her out the door, to the parking lot.

wow das war ja....wow
ich bin platt so ein geiles Kapitel
es war einfach...mehr als super
du hastest so extrem tolle parts dabei-unglaublich
karana schrieb:“God Luke, what have I done?”
das hier war einer dieser parts...das passte 100% zu lorelai und es war in der situation einfach unglaublich passend

und dann waren auch wieder so tolle parts von will dabei
Zitat:“Mommy, Rory told us that daddy will need time to get better, but don´t worry I will help you. I will be the man of the house as long as daddy isn´t home.”
das ist so süß...ich könnte diesen jungen den ganzen Tag knutschen ey

oder auch das hier:
Zitat: “I brought you piggy!” He told her, pulled the little pink pig out of his jacket pocket and laid it on top of Sara.
“Bye Sara!” He said and ran back to Lorelai, grabbed her hand and led her out the door, to the parking lot.
das ist total lieb...er ist so toll ^-^ ein kleiner luke

ich bin ja mal gespannt was du mit unserem luke machst.
freu mich schon aufs nächste kapitel ^-^

Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen. [url=http://ema.mtv.de/vote/][/url]

[Bild: ohsodifbannersized.jpg]

Chapter 21: Help out

The first stop for the three of them back at Stars Hollow was Sookie's house to pick up Laila.
"Hey, you're back" Sookie greeted them and hugged Lorelai. Lorelai returned the hug shortly, but when she felt that her emotions were going to overwhelm her once again she pulled back, trying to keep everything in.
"Where is Laila?" Lorelai asked and by the look on Sookie's face she knew that her friend knew that she was seconds away from crying once again.
"She is asleep in the living-room. She cried the whole night and fell asleep just an hour ago on the couch. I didn't want to risk waking her, so I let her sleep there." Sookie explained while she walked behind Lorelai into the living-room.
Lorelai picked up Laila carefully a kissed the girl's forehead, while Laila snuggled up to her mother, but stayed asleep.
"How are Sara and Luke?" Sookie whispered and picked up Laila's stuff and handed it to William and Kirsten.
"Sara is okay, they operated her leg and she is still in shock, but she will be alright. Luke on the other hand... the put him into artificial coma for now, because his injuries are so serious." Lorelai whispered back without any emotions in her voice.
"I think we should get you home" Kirsten jumped in and shared a concerned look with Sookie.
"Bye Sookie and Thank you" Lorelai whispered before she walked out.
"Anytime. Call me when you need something"
"I will. And we have to talk because of the Inn"
"Don't worry about it. Everything is covered. You go and care for your daughter and your husband" Sookie reassured her.
"Thanks" Lorelai said quietly and walked back to the car.

Lorelai didn't even think about putting Laila in her own bed, but placed her immediately in her and Luke's bed, before she changed and lay down beside her. She was exhausted but the knot in her stomach didn't let her fall asleep. She tossed and turned, but she couldn't sleep.

"Mommy?" she heard Williams voice after an hour and turned around once more to face him, while he was standing beside her side of the bed.
"Yeah?" she asked and opened her eyes.
"Move a bit" William said and Lorelai obliged. William climbed in the bed and over Lorelai, lay down beside Lorelai and Laila.
"I am the man now. Lay your head on my chest, mommy. Just like you do with daddy. As long as he's asleep I'm going to help out" he declared. As sad as it was, it made Lorelai smile.
"Will, my head is way to heavy for your little chest. You couldn't breathe anymore if I lay my head on your chest" she told him quietly.
"Mommy, I'm five, I'm not a baby anymore. Come on, lay your head here" he said and tapped on his chest. Lorelai kissed him first, then lay her head carefully on his little chest.
"You can put the full weight on me mommy. I am the man now" he assured her and started to stroke her hair, like Luke always did. Lorelai took a shaky breath, then closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

She awoke hours later, it was already dark outside, because she felt someone leaning over her. She sat up abruptly.
"Geez, dad, don`t scare me like that!" she said when she saw who it was.
"I thought you are asleep" Richard said.
"I was" she groaned and got out of the bed, careful not to wake William or Laila, who were still asleep. Richard and Lorelai walked out of the bedroom and downstairs into the living-room where they sat down on the couch.
"So..." Lorelai said, not really knowing what there was to say in a situation like this.
"I talked with Sookie and she will arrange everything at the Inn. I also talked to Mr. Cesar at the diner and he will also cover it together with Lane. But there is something I need to talk with you about" Richard broke the silence.
"What?" Lorelai asked, panic in her voice.
"Lorelai we need to talk about your financial situation" Richard said.
"What? Dad, I don`t think this is the time"
"It might seem strange for you, but we need to talk bout it, Lorelai. I will arrange everything, but I need to know some details before I can do something." he said.
"How much of Luke's and Sara's therapy are covered by your insurance? Can you afford it to pay the best therapies, because they need to get the best therapies. And then: Do you have enough money to live without Luke's income? Can you afford hiring more staff at the Inn and the Diner? "
"Dad stop it. I can't deal with that now"
"Lorelai this is important. If Luke has to stay in hospital for some time and then go through physic therapy you will need money and I want to know that you're covered. Does Luke have an insurance for a situation like this? Do you have any savings?"
"I think we can cover the costs for the additional staff in the diner and the Inn. I don`t know yet how much of the insurance will pay for Luke and Sara and I don't know if we get any money from this stupid idiot who nearly killed my daughter and my husband. Could you take care of that? Your agency made the insurances."
"Of course, I will go and check your policies."
"And we don't have any savings. I mean we're having savings but they are for the kids school and College later. Luke would kill me if I use them for anything beside that."
"That`s good. One more thing covered."
"So can we end this talk now?" she asked
"Lorelai, I know it is hard, but I have to ask you: Does Luke have a life insurance?"
"Luke won't die"
"Lorelai, please!"
"He won't die! He can't die! I need him here and not only because of the money he provides. I need him, the kids need him and he knows that. He wouldn't dare to die and leave me alone with this mess here! So forget about the fucking life insurance, because he won't die!" Lorelai yelled at Richard.
"You don't want to hear it and I wish I wouldn't have to talk with you about it, but he might be disabled or die and you have to think about all possibilities, even the worst case scenario, so that you can deal with it when it happens" Richard tried to reason with her.
"I could never deal with losing Luke, no matter how much life-insurance policies he has. If he dies, I don't want to live anymore either" she said very quietly.
"Don't talk like that, Lorelai!" Richard said shocked, stood up and sat beside her on the couch before he took her hands in his.
"If he dies it's my fault and if he doesn't get the chance to see his kids growing up, then I don't deserve it." she said without emotion, just staring blankly ahead.
"Lorelai, no matter what happens with Luke, the kids need you. And Luke wants you to be there for them."
"If I killed their father the would hate me at one point or the other. Maybe I would deserve it, but losing Luke would be unbearable, but when I would lose my kids as well I have no reason to live anymore. And Luke surely doesn't want me to look after them anymore. I did this to him and to Sara, I am not capable of looking after them, that's a proven fact now. If he wakes up I m sure the first thing he requests is divorce" she said in the same monotone voice.
"Stop this nonsense, Lorelai! This accident wasn't your fault and i really don't know where you got the idea from that it was. A trunken eighteen year old drove a truck and caused this. This is not your fault!" Richard said forcefully.
"I convinced him to come outside. He didn't want to. It's my fault!" Lorelai insisted.
"What would have happened if he was still inside? This drunken fool would have crashed into Sara and she would have been dead for sure. And this would have been your fault also? Or Luke's?" Richard shot back and Lorelai remained silent, focused on their joined hands.

After Richard had left Lorelai didn’t really know what to do with her time. The kids were still asleep and she had nothing to do, but couldn’t concentrate on anything on the other hand.
Several times she took the photos from the mantle and looked at them. She wished that only by looking at them she could go back to the exact situation and feel what she felt at that moment again, only to escape the hard reality.
There was one picture of William and Luke where they both lay in the bathtub. William was 2 and sitting on his father’s knees.

"Will , you must take the foam and rub it into daddy’s face" Lorelai giggled.
"Don’t listen to your crazy mother. Daddy is not Santa, he doesn’t need a beard." Luke said and glanced at Lorelai.
"-eerd daddy" William giggled, took some foam and shoved it into Luke’s face, missing his chin and stuffing it in his father’s mouth.
"William, this is disgusting!" Luke said and made a face, causing Lorelai to laugh.
"You’re so cute when you make a face like that" she laughed.
"Your fault!" Luke said accusingly and pointed at her.
"Yes, you faul, mommy!" William giggled.
"Oh, poor thing" she laughed, walked over to them, so that she stood beside the bathtub, leaned down and kissed Luke.
"Ew, you taste like foam" she said when she pulled back after not a whole second. Luke grinned, grabbed her with one arm around her waist and pulled her into he tub with them, fully clothed. When Lorelai came back up from under the water her face was covered with foam.
"See, William, now your mommy is playing Santa!" Luke laughed and William giggled with him.

Another picture showed her and Laila asleep on the couch, when the baby was barely half a year old. They were both covered with a blanket and Lorelai’s left arm hang off the couch, while her right one held the baby tight.

"God, I am so tired" groaned Lorelai while she tried to rock Sara to sleep. William was asleep in their bed, while Laila and Sara kept crying. All three kids had the flue and Lorelai wasn’t feeling well herself, but had send Luke to work nevertheless. Somehow she wanted to show him, that she could handle this alone. With Rory she had done everything alone. Luke had given up fighting with her and had gone to the diner three hours before and since then the kids kept crying. If not all of them then at least one.
So while William slept, the twins were awake and crying the whole time. She had problems nursing them, because of their stuffy noses and they were probably hungry.
"Shh, Sara sleep. Come on baby, mommy is tired as well and your sister needs me also" Lorelai sang and rocked the baby from side to side.
Half an hour later the situation hadn’t changed a lot. Now the twins were both furiously crying, Lorelai along with them, while she tried to get them to nurse at least a bit, which seemed impossible.
When Luke appeared in the doorway that second he was like a vision to Lorelai, but at the same time she felt ashamed.
"They won’t eat, they won’t sleep and they keep crying." Lorelai sobbed helplessly while she sat in the rocking-chair with her open blouse.
Luke just shook his head, pecked her on the forehead before he took both babies from her.
"Go and lie down, I take over" he said.
"But they must be hungry or thirsty and they are still running a fever and…"
"You’ re not looking so good yourself and you are no help when you are as upset as you are at the moment. Go and calm down, sleep a bit and don’t worry." Luke assured her.
"But Will is sleeping in our bed and I don’t want to wake him." She tried again and wiped the tears away with the back of her hand.
"Then lay down in the living-room" Luke whispered because the twins started to nod off.
"Haven’t you learned a thing in the last three hours and four minutes? I am here Lorelai, you don’t have to do this alone. And you’re sick as well and not helping them a bit when you are so upset."
"You timed it?" was all she said.
"Of course, I did nothing else than sitting in the diner and debating with myself how long I should leave you alone with them. But since you are so stubborn I decided to do it the hard way. If I could I would have been here three hours ago" he told her with a little smile, which Lorelai returned. It felt so good that he was there now.
An hours later she heard steps on the stairs and turned her head to see Luke coming down with Sara.
"She’s being stubborn again?" Lorelai asked him.
"I wonder where she got that from" Luke grinned.
"Come to mommy baby" Lorelai cooed and took Sara from Luke before she lay back down.
"You’re feeling better?" he asked.
"My head is killing me and I am thirsty." She told him, while he caressed her cheek.
"Stay here I go and get you something to drink" he said and stood up.
"Hey Luke?" she said while she held him back on his hand, drew circle on the back of his hand with her thumb.
"Yeah?" he said with this low and sexy voice of his.
"Thank you"
"You don’t have to thank me, we’re in this together, remember?!". He kissed the back of her hand before he walked into the kitchen.
When he came back Lorelai and Sara were both asleep.

Lorelai whipped the tears away that slowly dropped from her eyes on her hand when she heard something behind her and turned around. William stood in front of her.
"Mommy?" he asked, his lip quivering, his eyes full of tears.
"What’s wrong, honey?"
"Is daddy going to die?" he asked, his fears showing for the first time, now that he was still sleepy and not in his protector-mode. Lorelai didn’t know what to tell at him at first and her first impulse was to tell him that everything would be good again.
"I don’t know, Will. I don’t know" she said then, hugging him to her and crying with him, and in the process the picture frame slipped from her hand and shattered without that she even realized it.


schönes Kapitel
wie immer schön geschrieben und total süß
will...so ein engelchen ^-^
und lore kann man ja 100% verstehen.
der letzte absatz war extrem süß, aber auch traurig. =(
ich fand es gut, dass die fotos quasi erklärt wurden
joa was wollt ich noch sagen?
richard war toll getroffen, passt total zu ihm
so, das wars erstmal von mir, freu mich schon aufs nächste kapitel

Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen. [url=http://ema.mtv.de/vote/][/url]

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