Kiss Kiss (JJ - engl.) one-shot

okay hier der zweite Streich meiner nicht zu stoppenden Schreiblust. Diesmal in englischer Sprache. Ich hoffe es gefällt euch. Dieser one-shot ist in einem recht gut zu verstehenden englisch verfasst, so dass keine großen verständnisprobleme auftreten sollten. hoffe ich jedenfalls ^^

Natürlich ist es eine JJ story und es hat auch ein der englischen Sprache mächtiger Betaleser drüber geschaut Wink

na dann.. ich hoffe es gefäll euch



Kiss Kiss

Hey. My name is… Stop forget the name. I just want to know: Have you ever heard about Luke and Lorelai?
Yes? Great. But do you also know the story of the Kiss? No? Then I have to tell you.
Ready? Okay lets begin.

Lorelai and Luke. What shall I say about them? They are really stupid people. Very crazy. And if you get to know them you will agree with me.
So there was this one special day. You know?
One of these warm days in spring. The flowers were reaching in the sun’s direction and every couple in love smiled the whole day.
And Lorelai, a really crazy but at the same time lovely woman, was sitting at Luke’s and bantered the Diner owner Luke.
He is a very sarcastic man. Always a little grimly but if you really need him he will be there for you.
Both are friends. Best friends. And very close to each other. Although they didn’t realize feelings for the person sitting next to them. You could have asked any of the two of them. They’d always tell you the same thing over and over again: ‘There is nothing.’ ‘We are just friends.’ ‘Nothing more than friends.’
Just friends? Really? Knock knock !!!
Do you believe this? Yes? Then I really have to explain you the whole story, because I know better.

So the story began in the evening at, let me remember, 6 o’clock p.m. And our “just friends”- couple was joking about the spring and the stupid people kissing each other the whole day.
Luke couldn’t understand these young couples in love. What the hell was wrong with them that they were acting like crazy because of a kiss. Sure a kiss expresses to the other person how much you like him or her but was that an excuse to entertain the whole town with stupid babbling about ‘one kiss from the right person and you never want to live without them?’
Lorelai was sitting in front of Luke with a big cup of coffee in one hand and tried to understand Luke’s point of view about this whole kiss-thinking.

‘Luke, I assure you, some things in this life might happen and you can’t explain why they’re happening, you know?.’
‘Yeah, but is it their obligation to tell everyone around them, that kissing is the only real damn thing in this life?.’
‘Hey Jack Frost. They are in love.’
‘They are crazy. Period’
‘You too, but am I complaining about something?’
‘I’m crazy? Consider to take a look at your mirror image.’.
‘Did you?’
‘Lorelai, they are talking about kissing.’
‘So what?’
‘Everyone of us has already kissed someone but we were not talking about such crap. It is damn spring. I swear. In spring people become crazy.’
‘Luke a kiss can be great. It can make you feel so important.’
‘One Kiss?’
‘How do you know?’
‘I… I think it is true.’
‘You think …?’
‘I hope so. I know it is true. Okay.’
‘Okay.’ He grinned at her. ‘Lorelai?’
‘I want one.’
‘I want to have a kiss from you.’
‘What? Why?’
‘I’m kidding.’
‘Oh yeah yeah, right. I know.’
‘No you don’t. You have had this face, like you were surprised.’
‘No I hadn’t .’
‘Yes you had.’
‘Oh no mister. You said you wanted to kiss me.’
‘Right, I would like to have one kiss from you.’
‘But you said you were kidding.’
‘So, I was kidding about the kidding.’
‘I.. I..’
‘Lorelai relax. It was just a joke.’
‘Pretty weird jokes, we have here.’
‘Really? You sounded a little bit nervous.’
‘I sounded..? Oh no don’t come up with this mind-reading thing of yours..’
‘Mixing up the words I said.’
‘I only tell you what I have heard.’
‘I didn’t lose anything about being nervous.’
‘You were acting nervous.’
‘No I didn’t.’
‘Yes you did.’
‘No I did not, because there is no reason to be nervous. And completely not, if it concerns to kiss you. It’s not a big deal. Really.’
‘Yeah?’ He smiled amused.
‘Of course not.’
He kissed her. Lorelai pushed back.
‘Luke? What’s wrong with you?’
‘What? You said it wasn’t a big deal.’
‘And that gives you permission to kiss me without any warning?’
‘Why not. You are a beautiful woman. We are friends and you sounded nervous when I asked you to kiss me.’
‘I.. I’m far away from being nervous because of you?’
‘You are nervous because of me? I thought you’ve been nervous about the kiss?’
‘I’m not nervous because of you.’
‘You are. There is still this face.’
'Forget the face.'
‘You realized it, too?’
‘Realized what?’
‘Your face.’
‘Luke! Stop it!’
Luke smirked at her.
‘Ok Luke. There is no other way to clear this up.’ She obviated towards him and gave him a soft kiss.
He kissed her back and just for a moment they forgot the time ticking. Then they stepped back and looked at each other. But before anyone could say a word, Lorelai opened the door and ran across the street. Very fast. Luke smiled at her.

Now you have every right to ask me: ‘Why did she run away?' The answer is, I don’t know, but I think she felt unsettled about the things that happened inside of her. I think the kiss made her feel good. Very good. She felt important, but she couldn’t explain why. And that makes her feel afraid. And so she thought the only choice she had was to run. Running far far away from this kiss. But I assure you. You can’t run away from anything.

In Luke’s mind all this repeated. And he couldn’t stop thinking about her. But also he felt bad. I think Luke really felt stupid about kissing her. Luke is a gentleman, but this time he crossed the border.
What made him kissing Lorelai? How on earth could he’ve asked? He only wanted to make a joke. To make her embarrassed. To have fun. They always make such stuff. Every day they do crazy things. But that they really kissed, was confusing. It was very.. He couldn’t describe it. First is was fun, but when she kissed him, there was more. More than kidding around. More than a crazy joke you do with a friend.

At this point it would be very funny to ask them about the “just friends” - thing, but the story didn´t end up here. No. The crazy evening still went on.

A loud knock was breaking Luke’s thinking. He opened the door of his apartment. And there was Lorelai. And she was very furious.

‘Luke we need to talk.’
‘I know.’
‘Luke it’s.. you..’
‘Luke, you are.. You kissed me. I don’t get it. You cant just kiss me. You have to ask first.’
‘I asked.’
‘But you..’
‘You kissed me, too, remember.’
‘Yes to show you that I’m not afraid of kissing you.’
‘And now you are angry.’
‘Yeah? I mean. Was it this bad.’
‘Bad? No. it was good. But it..’
He smiled at her.
‘Oh no, don’t do that. Don’t look at me like this.’
‘You liked it?’
‘This is not the point.’
‘Of course not. We are friends. We are not allowed to kiss.’
‘Yeah you are probably right.’
‘Probably? Hello? Been here? Friends!’
‘What’s okay?’
‘You are right. I was not allowed to kiss you.’
‘Yeah. Right.’

She was breathing out. Then she took a look around. He agreed with what she said to him. That’s great. She was right and he was not. But why didn’t she feel better. Why was this painful spike deep inside her stomach.
I know why but Lorelai.? Oh Lorelai. Sometimes she is so blind.
But this time she took a step in the right direction. This time she felt she had to do something to feel better, because there was a question. This stupid question that was crashing her mind. So she was breathing in and…

‘Kiss me.’
‘Kiss me again.’
‘You were yelling at me...’
‘I know.’
‘Exactly one minute ago.’
‘I know.’
‘Oh of course you know.’
‘But I want to kiss you again.’
‘Why? To kick my ass?’
‘I have to find something out.’
‘To find..?’
She didn’t have the time for senseless conversations. So she grabbed his lips with her mouth and gave him a warm and tender kiss. He kissed back. And his soft lips caught hers. Powerful. Then they stepped back.
‘Wow.’ Luke said.
‘Oh my god. Do it again.’
‘The kiss. Do it again. Please.’
She looked at him with her bright blue eyes.
He took his hands down to her hips and accroached her. Then he kissed her. And now she placed her tongue deep in his mouth. His heart was running. Her knees felt like, as if they wanted to break away but that was nothing against this other things, he did to her. There was a feeling she couldn’t describe. It was unexpected and warm and... Lorelai pushed him away.
‘I… I have to go.. I..’
‘Lorelai stop.’
‘Luke there.. there is an early delivery tomorrow. I have to..’
She went to the front door. Very confused about these last 5 minutes. She was a little afraid.
Luke nodded and tried to stop her. He cut her way off and closed the door just in front of her.
‘Don’t do that. Don’t run away.’
‘Luke I can’t.’
He put his finger on her lips to cut her off, so she couldn’t say anything.
He saw some kind of fear in her eyes. And her blue eyes filled with tears. He gave her a warm smile.
‘Shh. Trust me.’
He grabbed her and kept her warm in his strong arms. Then he kissed her again. At first she wanted to stop but when his tender palm touched her face and his soft lips merged with hers, she gave up trying to get away from him. She only wanted to be with him. There was closeness. There was passion. Maybe there was love. And when she realized the deep tickle at her belly, Lorelai let her guard down, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.

So, now you know the truth about Luke, Lorelai and the Kiss.
And I am going to finally ask you again. Do you think they are just friends? No? I agree with you. They are really crazy people but it is always lovely to take a look at them.
So my story is gonna end up right here, but I hope you liked it.
Now I have to go and tell other people about the kiss-story. Sorry. But if you liked my story I will come back to tell you more about our JUST FRIENDS couple.
So have a nice day. Bye and see you.

written by little_earthquake

Sixty-two and a half B Street. And that’s another thing – what’s with this half business? Why do all these apartments have this half thing going? It’s stupid. If sixty-two is taken, move on to sixty-three.

Oh, das ist ja sooo niedlich! Obwohl es englisch war, konnte man es sehr gut lesen und verstand es auch! Total niedliche Idee, super geschrieben, bildlich klasse vorstellbar! Großes, fettes Lob!!! Top

Junkie of the United States of America

Oh mein gott, die story war wunderschön! Wub
Das wäre auf Deutsch nicht mal halb so gut rübergekommen, als auf englisch...
Du schreibst wunderbar! (nicht nur auf englisch :biggrin: )
echt klasse!
Ich freu mich schon auf mehr One Shots, und vielleicht mal eine Longfic! würd mich freun Smile

lg, av


danke ^^ euch beiden. freue mich riesig wenn es euch gefällt..

ich schreibe derzeit an einer längeren FF aber die is halt vollgepackt mit spoilern der 5. staffel und naja es wollen sich ja einige bestimmt überraschen lassen Wink

Sixty-two and a half B Street. And that’s another thing – what’s with this half business? Why do all these apartments have this half thing going? It’s stupid. If sixty-two is taken, move on to sixty-three.

Endlich habe ich deine neue FF gelesen!
Du bist genau so gut, wie ich dich von der ersten Story her kenne. In deutsch hätte die Geschichte wirklich keinen Stil gehabt. Ich fand es gut, dass du sie in englisch ins Forum gestellt hast. (Kannst du öfters machenWink )
Richtig putzig fand ich das hier:

>He grinned at her. ‘Lorelai?’
‘I want one.’
‘I want to have a kiss from you.’
‘What? Why?’
‘I’m kidding.’
‘Oh yeah yeah, right. I know.’
‘No you don’t. You have had this face, like you were surprised.’
‘No I hadn’t .’
‘Yes you had.’
‘Oh no mister. You said you wanted to kiss me.’
‘Right, I would like to have one kiss from you.’
‘But you said you were kidding.’
‘So, I was kidding about the kidding.’
‘I.. I..’
‘Lorelai relax. It was just a joke.’
‘Pretty weird jokes, we have here.’
‘Really? You sounded a little bit nervous.’
‘I sounded..? Oh no don’t come up with this mind-reading thing of yours..’
‘Mixing up the words I said.’
‘I only tell you what I have heard.’
‘I didn’t lose anything about being nervous.’
‘You were acting nervous.’
‘No I didn’t.’
‘Yes you did.’
‘No I did not, because there is no reason to be nervous. And completely not, if it concerns to kiss you. It’s not a big deal. Really.’
‘Yeah?’ He smiled amused.
‘Of course not.’
He kissed her. Lorelai pushed back.
‘Luke? What’s wrong with you?’
‘What? You said it wasn’t a big deal.’
‘And that gives you permission to kiss me without any warning?’
‘Why not. You are a beautiful woman. We are friends and you sounded nervous when I asked you to kiss me.’
‘I.. I’m far away from being nervous because of you?’
‘You are nervous because of me? I thought you’ve been nervous about the kiss?’
‘I’m not nervous because of you.’
‘You are. There is still this face.’
'Forget the face.'
‘You realized it, too?’
‘Realized what?’
‘Your face.’
‘Luke! Stop it!’
Luke smirked at her.<

Wenn du fertig mit schreiben bist, musst du deine längere FF auf jeden Fall ins Forum stellen!!Confusedabber: Verspoiler sie nach Lust und Laune, ich würde sie lesen!!:biggrin:

Vlg lauren

Super Story! Top
Total süß und dann auch noch in Englisch! :freu:
Super geschrieben, hat mir wirklich sehr gut gefallen.

sandwiches sind keine eier!

danke ^^ *rotwerd*

dachte mir auch. dieses wortgefecht würde in deutsch nich so lustig rüber kommen. drum hatte ich damals englisch gewählt ^^

aber ich muss dennoch sagen. ohne meine betaleserin hätte ich des nie geschafft..

Sixty-two and a half B Street. And that’s another thing – what’s with this half business? Why do all these apartments have this half thing going? It’s stupid. If sixty-two is taken, move on to sixty-three.

Oh, wow, wow, wow, wow, WOW!!!...

Einfach nur himmlisch!!! WubWub

Wenn ich mir vorstelle, wie das auf Deutsch gewesen wär... Nein, Englisch klingt es auf jeden Fall besser und es wäre auf Deutsch nicht halb so gut rübergekommen, wie jetzt...

Auch wenn es einfach geschrieben ist und es eigentlich jeder versteht, der schon etwas mehr Englisch kann, ist es einfach nur genial und wunderschön...Wub

Am besten hat mir diese Stelle gefallen:
Zitat: ‘Luke?’
‘Kiss me.’
‘Kiss me again.’
‘You were yelling at me...’
‘I know.’
‘Exactly one minute ago.’
‘I know.’
‘Oh of course you know.’
‘But I want to kiss you again.’
‘Why? To kick my ass?’
‘I have to find something out.’
‘To find..?’
She didn’t have the time for senseless conversations. So she grabbed his lips with her mouth and gave him a warm and tender kiss. He kissed back. And his soft lips caught hers. Powerful. Then they stepped back.
‘Wow.’ Luke said.
‘Oh my god. Do it again.’
‘The kiss. Do it again. Please.’
She looked at him with her bright blue eyes.
He took his hands down to her hips and accroached her. Then he kissed her. And now she placed her tongue deep in his mouth. His heart was running. Her knees felt like, as if they wanted to break away but that was nothing against this other things, he did to her. There was a feeling she couldn’t describe. It was unexpected and warm and... Lorelai pushed him away.
‘I… I have to go.. I..’
‘Lorelai stop.’
‘Luke there.. there is an early delivery tomorrow. I have to..’
She went to the front door. Very confused about these last 5 minutes. She was a little afraid.
Luke nodded and tried to stop her. He cut her way off and closed the door just in front of her.
‘Don’t do that. Don’t run away.’
‘Luke I can’t.’
He put his finger on her lips to cut her off, so she couldn’t say anything.
He saw some kind of fear in her eyes. And her blue eyes filled with tears. He gave her a warm smile.
‘Shh. Trust me.’
He grabbed her and kept her warm in his strong arms. Then he kissed her again. At first she wanted to stop but when his tender palm touched her face and his soft lips merged with hers, she gave up trying to get away from him. She only wanted to be with him. There was closeness. There was passion. Maybe there was love. And when she realized the deep tickle at her belly, Lorelai let her guard down, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.

Das hier war auch süß:
Zitat: He smiled at her.
‘Oh no, don’t do that. Don’t look at me like this.’
‘You liked it?’
‘This is not the point.’
‘Of course not. We are friends. We are not allowed to kiss.’

Ich würde mich über weitere solcher Storys freuen! Du hast's echt drauf! Top

[SIGPIC][Bild: sigpic5060_12.gif][/SIGPIC]
Love my guitar <3


danke ^^ das ist soo lieb von dir Big Grin

naja ich werde noch eine story in englsich schreiben aber bis jetzt fehlen mir noch die ideen ^^

Sixty-two and a half B Street. And that’s another thing – what’s with this half business? Why do all these apartments have this half thing going? It’s stupid. If sixty-two is taken, move on to sixty-three.

Ich hab keinen Zweifel daran, dass sie nicht genauso gut, wenn nicht sogar besser, als dieser wird! Die Ideen kommen noch schon Smile

[SIGPIC][Bild: sigpic5060_12.gif][/SIGPIC]
Love my guitar <3

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