25.02.2006, 01:04
![[Bild: JJfic2.jpg]](http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f143/jessijava/GG/JJfic2.jpg)
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Basic-Fics :
It´s right there(Compl.):Luke/Lorelai. She looked him in the eye, she saw something there, and she realized she felt the same way.
It´s still there (Sequel zu It´s right there)(compl.): Sequel to "It's Right There." A look into Luke and Lorelai's married life.
Fancy meeting your belly here (compl.): Future fic Luke and Lorelai as a MARRIED couple, What would happen if they ran into their Exes?
It doesn´t make any sense (compl.): Lorelai finds out she is pregnant. Sheâs dating Luke for almost a year now, but they havenât talked about children yet. How will he respond, and Rory, and her parents?
Presenting... Lukas Danes:
Rory fragt Luke, ob er sie bei einem Ball präsentiert, als Chris einmal mehr nicht da ist. Das bringt auch Luke und Lorelai näher...
Meet me at the Chuppah: Luke and Lorelai have been dating for a while. Christopher did as Rory asked and stayed away from Lorelai. As for Rory, she and Dean broke up and sheâs seeing Logan now. No one knows about her new relationship, except for Paris and some of Loganâs friends.
Back to reality(Original compl., Sequel not compl.)
Gute Fics:
A desirable couple (compl.):Set in S4 after Luke & Lorelai's talk in 'Luke can see her face'. Lorelai drags Luke to a singles bar to prove to herself & the cats that she is still young and desirable...but he already knows.
A different path (compl.): She had just never been that good at loving someone, at staying in one place. But this was Luke. He was different, and she was still there.
A Faire weekened (compl.): Post Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller. Lorelai visits Luke at the Renaissance Faire
Alles Anders: Die Geschichte spielt ganz am Anfang. Lorelai ist 15 und mit Chris zusammen. Doch dann lernt sie jemand anderes kennen
A little emotional (compl.): Lorelai gets a little emotional when Rory leaves for Yale
And Wonder-woman took off her mask (compl.):What would happen if Luke and Lorelai mended their friendship the night of Sookieâs wedding
A new beginning: Lorelai married Christopher when she was 16. This story picks up 16 years later when she divorces him and moves to Stars Hollow with Rory. There, she finds a new life, a new independence, and most unexpectedly, a new friend... Luke.
Angel of mine (one-shot): set after 06.05: Just one shot. Lorelais thoughts when she listens to Angel of Mine
A question worth asking: Lorelai has an important question for Luke and it's not a proposal. They are not together yet.
Bad day good result (one-shot):a bad day, and Lorelai's depression about Rory growing up lead to a step to an important stage in Luke and Lorelai's relationship.
Blueberry Chocolate Pancakes(one shot): Written for the 2006 LL Picaficathon. Communication never was their strength
Comfort: Rory's death deeply affects the lives of her loved ones.
Coming clean: Love and intimacy. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it isn't.
Contemplations of an expectant father (compl.):Luke and Lorelai are expecting their first child. Luke shares his thoughts and feelings during the pregnancy with us
Dead man don´t wear flannel(compl.):Luke Danes, Private Eye, is visited by Lorelai Gilmore after her father is kidnapped. In the style of a film noir mystery.
Different pregnancy different man (compl.): One year after S5 Final everything is different: Lorelai is married to Luke and has a baby. But will everything turn out the way she wants?
deutsche Version: http://forum.gilmoregirls.de/showthread.php?t=6303
diferent start: a new strat Luke and Lorelai are together and have a son named William. they'll go thru most of the same plot from the show, only a little diferent
Everything´s falling apart(compl.):Yes, yes, another post season five finale fic. Just what we need, right? LL, RL undertones
Father´s day (compl.): A series of Father's Days in Luke's life
Fire!And Fired!(compl.): When a fire all but destroys the diner, Luke and Lorelai's relationship is severly tested
Friends doing the twist:what could have happened after luke discovers Nicole is a CHEATER CHEATER SOCKMAN EATER
Hope floats (compl.): Luke and Loralai have broken up since her parents wedding. Two months later she finds out she's pregnant and doesn't know what to do. Meanwhile Rory is still seeing Logan. All seems well, but what is she to do with Tristan, who transfers to Yale.
Ins Netz gegangen, Liebe geht seltsame Wege: Lorelai surft nachts im Internet und trifft in einem Forum auf einen gewissen "William". Sie surfen sehr lange in einem Chatroom und als sie später ein Treffen ausmachen, erlebt Lorelai eine groÃe Ãberraschung... Was kann noch daraus werden?
Jessie (compl.): Luke's eight-year-old niece, Jessie, comes to live with him for the summer.
Kiss!Luke! (compl.): Part of the ORIGINAL WOULDA SHOULDA COULDA SERIES ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTESrnThe Q: What if Nicole didnât show up to go skiing with Luke in Keg! Max?
Kiss with open eyes(compl.):They just keep dancing around each other. Luke feels guilty, and Lorelai knows itâs wrong, but the music is playing, and they canât help but dance.
Left behind: Can Luke and Lorelai live without each other?
Man in black flanell: Fanfiction nach dem Vorbild von Man in Black
Marriage on a promise(compl.): They agreed to marry each other in five years if they were still single. Time is up, will they keep the promise? Being drunk leads to certain, very interesting things! Baby on the way!
Of Subterfuge and Pie: Plans are drawn, and in the end, a wedding. Early chapters are loosely based on 6.11/6.12
Oh Baby: Title pretty much explains the story
OSP All your fault(one-shot): This âOne Shot Pleasureâ occurs at Lorelaiâs home. Luke and Lorelai half naked on the floor. Huh, wonder how that happened.
Reconciliation (compl.): A month after their breakup, Luke bids on Lorelai's basket. Spoilers through 5.14, Say Something.
Renaissance Rendevouz (compl.): Lorelai gets bored and decides she's not just going to sit around and wait for Luke to come back from Maine and the Ren. Fair when there is so much more fun to be had if she follows him
Scenes from a marriage: Post S5. Part 9 is up. First comes love, then comes a list, then comes marriage, you get the gist.
Seal of approval (compl.): Future FIC; Luke and Lorelai both have important things they need to get off their chests < Dirty !! > no seriously, a short future fic in a post Raincoats and Recipies world
Speed dial (compl.?): What if speed dial rescue worked both ways
Spitfire at Luke´s: Luke's world gets turned upside down when he finds he's the father of an eight year old girl. LL later
Star crossed lies and other hidden feelings(compl.):Luke tells a lie NO surely not!. He tells Rachel that he and Lorelai are together since Rachel concluded as much from Lorelaiâs weird behavior before at the diner I have to go sit in a closet comment⦠Letâs see what happensâ¦.
Tales of a lonely girl: Picks up after 'Say Goodbye To Daisy Miller.' Follow Lorelai's phone conversations & visit to Maine while Luke's gone.
The father daughter dance(compl.): Stars Hollow hosts its first annual father-daughter dance. "Now, I know your father is a grump, but, well, if he really loves you, heâll go to the dance with you."
The little things(compl.): Lorelai learns to appreciate the little things Luke does for her.
The first move(one-shot):This is a one-shot. My version of 6.22 based on spoilers and speculation.
The persistance of memories (one-shot):An unexpected memory is pulled up while Luke and Lorelai clean out Lorelai's attic
The right moment (compl.): After Rachel left town, Luke and Lorelai can start a serious relationship. With a lot of JJ fluff
The wedding date: What happens when Lorelai needs a fake date to her cousins wedding? Who will she turn to?
The whole package: The whole package, but what is it really and how do you get it, and when do you get it? Sequel to It doesn't make any sense
Unexpected result: LL Lorelai was dating Jason then broke it up, but something came up and she calls him back.
Welcome to the family (one-shot): Lorelai wants to meet Luke's parents.
When love betrayes (compl.): Luke and Lorelai might be brought closer because of a play Miss Patty is directing. That is if Luke doesn't let a guy from his past get between them.
Written in the stars: What if LL hooked up when they first met?
You get me (compl.): Die Story spielt so zwischen Anfang und Mitte der 4. Staffel.
You´re not alone: LL Lorelai is having a cold and there's no one to take care of her except Luke. Will this friendly gesture lead to something more
Zufall, Schicksal oder Liebe:Sie spielt 1 Jahr nach der Eröffnung des Dragonfly Inn und somit 1 Jahr nachdem Rory Jess alleine zurück nach New York geschickt hat.
Adult-rated fictions(bitte nur lesen wenn ihr 18 seid!):
Aftermath: After the kiss in Raincoats & Recipes. It just wasn't enough.
All in: Missing Scene from 5.03 'Written in the Stars'. From Sniffy's Tavern to Luke's bed...A lot of talking, and some not talking...
All that´s left:Luke and Lorelai unexpectedly cross paths after 4 months apart and all kinds of chaos ensues
A tale of fire and a sleepover:What would have happend when Luke had told Nicole that Lorelai's staying overnight and if Lorelai would have been honest all the way?
A Tale of love and hickeys:Making up is always good when it doesn't come with apologies
A woman of means:It was hot and furious and primordial, she thought, this thanking. Post episode for 6.14, You've Been Gilmored.
Baseball blows: LL Luke is invited to a World Series, and so is Lorelai. But first they want to know if she could live through 1 game
Close quarters:Lorelai asks Luke to help out Rory by taking them on a camping trip so Rory is ready for one coming up at school. Will it bring Luke and Lorelai closer together?
Daydreams: Lorelai hat eine Menge Tagträume über sich und Luke. Deren Vergangenheit, deren Gegenwart und die Zukunft
Hook, sigh, whimper: "She was standing in front of the mirror when his fingertips connected with the bare flesh on her shoulder." An exploration of sensation between a loving couple.
Hot as Ice: Kirk sees a couple in Taylors ice-cream-shop...
It´s right there(adult version):Takes place after "It Should've Been Lorelai
Jason and Lorelai:The beginning:The rest of the first date.......and what happens after.......and will Luke ever find out? We can only hope! Sparks need to fly.......needs have to be met.
June 3: Contains minor spoilers seen in the promos for Episodes 6.18 and 6.19, and 2 major rumored spoilers for 6.22. It also features an act of violence. Please do not read if this will upset you.
Keeping score : Lorelai wakes up, not in her bed. The experience causes her to confront Luke. 'The shirt was all wrong. The pheromones must be wrong.'
Late night visit:Luke comes over to Lorelai's late at night.
Luke and Lorelai: The beginning:Sequel to JASON AND LORELAI The Beginning Picks up on the trip to Hartford (dinner with the Gilmores) and hopefully will follow the beginning of this new phase of their lives
Man in black flanell (NC17-version): Fanfiction nach dem Vorbild von Man in Black
Naughty feelings: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2826126/1/
Luke and Lorelai on the phone after the test run at the inn. Their feelings get the best of them. Lots of smut.
Out of my League:Life doesn't always go the way one plans, one day you're sailing along in a perfect calm and then WHAM, you slam into a brick wall.
Poker Faces: She hates change. He stays the same. Sheâs lonely. He likes the company. She wants to keep a secret. Heâd never tell. Itâs completely perfect, until something unexpected happensâ¦
Postcards from the edge: After Rory´s graduation from Chilton Lorelai does stop by Luke´s diner and asks him not to get engaged to Nicole while she´s gone...
Recipe for the disgarded raincoat:After the fact......after the finale......just a tale.....just for fun. Rory and Lorelai,,,,,and of course, Luke and Lorelai.
Reservations:Luke and Lorelai learn to live with each other.
The art of staring at the sun without blinking:"Looking at Lorelai is pretty much like staring directly into the sun: after a while you begin to blink and end up staring at your shoes. And even if you almost can't bear it, physically concerning the sun and emotionally concerning Lorelai, you are magnetically attracted to look up and try again."
The broken road:When Lorelai Gilmore met Luke Danes in a hospital waiting room, she was 16, pregnant, and looking for a way out of the life her parents have chosen for her. Luke was 18 and had the kind of life that was completely different from the Gilmores. Now, 21 years later, the couple prepares for their twentieth anniversary. This is their story.
Them pills: Was passiert wenn Luke aus versehen 2 Viagra-Pillen schluckt, adult+ -rating
http://loveluke10.livejournal.com/1757.html (auf grüne Pfeile klicken, private posts übersringen)
The open window:An unfortunate event brings Luke and Lorelai together, 3,000 miles from home
These tiny drunky non chocolate substitutey moments : "we're dirty, 'cause we figured out, that lorelai needs to be drunk, to have wild sex and it really sends her through the roof, if any zima is involved"
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow: A lil dirty LL get together fic set at the end of 'Run Away Little Boy.' My mind fantasies came out to play! 'Defeated he looks into her beautiful blue eyes and asks, What do you want from me, Lorelai'
Two roads diverged:To be or not to be, that is the question. AU end of season 3
Upward:He kept it in his wallet, and it got him lucky.
What if:Set in season 4, how sad, I can't remember the episode name, but its when Luke falls asleep during Hardbodies, but, he didn't fall asleep..
Jetzt seid ihr dran!
Mir ist gerade noch was aufgefallen: Falls ihr lange links zu den fics postet, macht das bitte als Text und nicht als link, weil ich die sonst nicht einfach kopieren kann, sondern erst die Seite öffnen muss, da die abgekürzt werden!