[6x21] - Driving Miss Gilmore/ Verpflegt noch mal

Episode 6.21 - Driving Miss Gilmore
Air Date: 2
May 2006

Jamie Babbit

Logan comes home from the hospital and is cared for by an overprotective Rory; Liz has big news for Luke; Emily has LASIK eye surgery, so Lorelai has to serve as her chauffeur; Rory is upset by a statement Logan's dad made about her in an interview in the Wall Street Journal; Jackson discovers that former employees planted marijuana in one of his fields, and he and Sookie try to dispose of it.
Quelle: TV Guide Online

04/14 - Temporarily unable to see after minor eye surgery, Emily enlists Lorelai's help as her driver and companion, finally revealing a huge surprise that catches Lorelai completely off-guard. Meanwhile, Rory takes charge of Logan's recovery when he is released from the hospital. Finally, Luke helps his sister Liz and her husband T.J. deal with Liz's pregnancy. Source: WPIX

03/23 - Rory contacts Kimberly Wells, a Wall Street Journal reporter, about an interview Wells did with Mitchum Huntzberger. Rory wants the Journal to publish a correction about the article... to correct everything Mitchum said about her in the article. It's not what Mitchum said but what it implied that Rory is not happy with. Liz is at the Diner with a few women; she doesn't really fit in the conversations. She and T.J. had a disagreement and Luke helps patch things up. Lorelai is concerned when Emily asks her to accompany her to a real estate office where they are presented pictures of marvelous houses. Bill also appears. Source: SpoilerFix.com

From Wings711 on TWoP: When Lorelai is at the real estate office with Emily, Lorelai loves the house, thinks it is perfect for her and Luke, then tells Emily that the wedding is not going to happen, and cries.

From massimin on TWoP: the reason that Lorelai is "Driving Miss Gilmore" is that Emily had a botched eye surgery and is temporarily, for the most part, blind. Lorelai has to help her run errands because Richard is out of town.

Quelle: Genevieve, FF

Sides released March 23


Scene 20 - Day 2 - Yale Daily News - Rory is at her desk, a phone glued to her shoulder as she deals with one of the staffers. A woman's voice comes through over the phone, Rory asks if it's Kimberly Wells as the scene starts to intercut...

Scene 21 - Day 2 - Wall Street Journal Office - KIMBERLY WELLS sits at her desk. Rory thanks her for taking the call and starts to say the reason she's calling. Kimberly says it's something to do with her Huntzberger interview, right? Rory says yes. Bill comes up to Rory in the newsroom. Rory says she's calling to request a correction to everything Mitchum said about her. Kimberly says she's looking at the piece and he didn't say much about Rory. Rory says that's the thing, he didn't use many words, but he said a lot. Kimberly reads the excerpt from the article that says Mitchum gave Rory her first internship at the Stamford paper and now she's editor of the Yale Daily News. Kimberly asks which part is wrong. Rory says technically none of it is wrong but it's all a lie. Kimberly questions the facts and Rory confirms them, but says it's the impresison he left. Rory says he didn't give her her start. Bill leans over and is listening to the headpiece with Rory. HE tells her to tell Kimberly that if a correction isn't appropriate maybe a clarification is. Rory says that's dumb and Bill says it doesn't hurt to ask. Rory goes back to Kimberly and says the thing is that Mitchum is depicting her as a feather in his cap and she isn't a feather. Kimberly says that they don'y print corrections on impressions. Rory asks if that's even when the impression is misleading and Kimberly says that again that's an impression. Rory says she sees... then asks about a clarification. Kimberly says they don't do those either. She says he needs to run. Rory says it's going to bug her forever that he put this thing out. Kimberly says that's showboz. Rory sighs and says she's right and she guesses it's going to be in people's recycling bins by tonight and forgotten. Kimberly says she actually hopes that the stuff she works so hard on isn't forgotten the next day. Rory backtrakcks and says her too, "back at you, sister." Rory thanks her for her time, Bill and Rory say something and then Kimberly says goodbye and they hang up. Rory shoots Bill a dirty look and he slinks away. Rory still looks made about the whole thing.

Scene 22 - Day 2 - Luke's Diner - Liz is at a couple of tables with some friends, a couple of them pregnant, including DARLENE. The women are complaining about their husbands and commiserating. Liz looks unhappy for a different reason but still tries to be part of the group. Luke enters and takes in the scene. Liz joins Luke, away from the group. *missing page* Liz says "If he'll forgive me" and Luke points outside where T.J. is standing by the truck. Liz is happy to see him. Luke says he was afraid to come in and they talk about his lack of a jacket. Luke says T.J. needs her and she needs him so she should go to him and go home. Liz thanks Luke and hugs him. Darlene calls out bitterly asking where Liz is going. Liz happily says her man is here. After Liz exits Darlene makes a remark frull of disdain. Luks asks if there's antyhing he can get the ladies, some compassion or perspective? They just stare at him. Luke looks outside and sees T.J and Liz reuniting lovingly then walking off.

Scene 23 -

Scene 24 - ...Emily starts to gather her things. Lorelai remarks that they're at a real estate office and asks why they're there. Emily just asks if she's coming and tells her not to forget to lock the car, she's leaving her bananas there. Emily gets out of the car and Lorelai asks why she's coming with Emily to a real estate office then quickly gets out of the car.

Scene 25 - Day 2 - Real Estate Office - Emily and Lorelai enter the office and Emily goes to the receptionist desk and starts to introduce herself. A woman, MAUREEN, comes over. Emily says she's sorry they're late. She had an awful surgery and today has been a nightmare. Maureen says she hopes Emily is feeling all right. Lorelai says something. Emily introduces Lorelai saying she (Lorelai) gets headaches that tend to make her babble. Maureen offers Lorelai some apsirin. Lorelai says she's fine. Maureen leads them to another area where a presentation is ready. Emily asks how Maureen's twins are. Lorelai tries to ask Emily what presentation they're looking at. Easels are set up with large pictures of a pretty house like Lorelai's but bigger and with more property. Maureen says she talked to the owner and he'd be willing to throw in any of the furniture or appliances she wanted. Emily says that's wonderful and Lorelai asks why it's wonderful. Emily lets out a "Lorelai..." and asks Maureen to continue. Maureen says the pictures are pretty complete but she can get Emily in this weekend if she wants a closer look. Lorelai asks if Emily wants a closer look. Does she? Maureen goes on to say that this is only the second time the house has been on the market in 100 years and lists the rooms and ground features. She says it's a pretty special property and Emily agrees. Emily asks if Lorelai thinks so too and then asks if she's breathing. Lorelai desperately asks why Emily is looking at this house. Emily asks Maureen if she can excuse them for a minute. Emily asks what Lorelai thinks and Lorelai says Emily has to tell her what's going on. Emily says she'll tell her as soon as Lorelai tells her what she thinks of the house. Lorelai says she's thinks it's fine. "Fine?" Emily questions...

Scene 26 - ?
Quelle: Genevieve, FF

Was für ein Interview der gute Mitchum da bloß gegeben hat??? Warum spricht er anscheinend über Rory in diesem Artikel??? Das macht mich jetzt aber ganz schön neugierig...


Ich frag mich, was es mit dem Haus auf sich hat....

Be original.

ich bin ja dafür, dass Emily und Richard nach Stars Hollow ziehen :biggrin:

glaube aber eher, dass sie es für Lorelai und Luke möchte

was mich aber viel mehr interessiert, ist die Operation die Emily hatte

03/23 - Rory contacts Kimberly Wells, a Wall Street Journal reporter, about an interview Wells did with Mitchum Huntzberger. Rory wants the Journal to publish a correction about the article... to correct everything Mitchum said about her in the article. It's not what Mitchum said but what it implied that Rory is not happy with. Liz is at the Diner with a few women; she doesn't really fit in the conversations. She and T.J. had a disagreement and Luke helps patch things up. Lorelai is concerned when Emily asks her to accompany her to a real estate office where they are presented pictures of marvelous houses. Bill also appears. Source: SpoilerFix.com

WEr ist noch schnell mal Bill? (bin sehr vergesslich Rolleyes )

Be original.

From Gen: Liz is Pregnant, Driving Miss Gilmore

Zitat: Hey guys. Went on a tour today with a couple people. They weren't filming GG, but we had fun anyway. My recap is up. And we found out that...

The title of episode 6.21 is "Driving Miss Gilmore"

The ep is directed by Jamie Babbit

And Liz is pregnant [Bild: smile.gif]
Quelle: FF

Repugnant schrieb:WEr ist noch schnell mal Bill? (bin sehr vergesslich Rolleyes )

Bill ist der mit dem Jojo aus der Redaktion. Smile


Zitat:From Wings711 on TWoP: When Lorelai is at the real estate office with Emily, Lorelai loves the house, thinks it is perfect for her and Luke, then tells Emily that the wedding is not going to happen, and cries.

From massimin on TWoP: the reason that Lorelai is "Driving Miss Gilmore" is that Emily had a botched eye surgery and is temporarily, for the most part, blind. Lorelai has to help her run errands because Richard is out of town.
Quelle: [URL="http://www.fanforum.com/showpost.php?p=9321850&postcount=203"]Genevieve, FF

Oh nein wie traurig...dass sie vor ihrer Mutter weint ist aba eher untypisch, oder??? Da sieht man mal wie sehr sie Luke liebt...aba mit der Augen-OP find ich sehr lustig:biggrin:

[SIGPIC][IMG] http://forum.gilmoregirls.de/signaturepics/sigpic8147_8.gif [/IMG][/SIGPIC]
JJ mit :herz: und Seele
'cause Chris-free is the way to be

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