Oh so different-2. Sequel to different pregnancy different man

karana schrieb:Jaja, das ist William.... :biggrin: Rolleyes

Hätt ich jetzt nicht gedacht :biggrin: Neee...aba wirklich zu süß...wo haste den eigentlich her? also das Bild? weil der sieht wirklich so aus, wie ich mir nen Kind von L&L vorstellen würde


Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

also ich stelle schon mal fest, dass es mir echt schwer fällt englische storys zu lesen...ich verstehe zwar das grobe, aber teilweiseRolleyes
aber die 70% die ich verstanden habe, waren toll
die idee und auch die umsetzung waren wirklich super. da waren auch lustige und tolle momente drin. ich hab nichts zu meckern und würde mich freuen wenn du die kapitel hier wirklich weiter postest...nicht nur im LJ

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Oh, das ist ne lange Story... Kasia (sie schreibt Falling ihr nick ist fojbe) und ich waren(sind) beide besessen davon die perfekten Kinder zu meiner Geschichte zu suchen. Ich hatte irgendwann mal ein Bild von Zwillingen gefunden und das im Kopf gehabt als ich die erste Story geschrieben habe. Jedenfalls habe ich irgendwann die Bilder von William gefunden (der Kleine heißt wirklich William) und unsere Obsession stieg weiter. Schließlich fanden wir die perfekten Kinder zu der Story, bzw. so wie wir sie uns vorstellen. Mittlerweile existiert ne ganze Gallerie und wir basteln weiter, denn meistens stimmt irgendwas nicht, die Haarfarbe, die Augenfarbe... aber wozu gibt es Photoshop?!Wink

Zur 1 Sequel habe ich mittlerweile auch die Bilder, aber da müsst ihr wohl noch warten bis ich die vielleicht mal übersetze:biggrin:

23 Zwerge schrieb:also ich stelle schon mal fest, dass es mir echt schwer fällt englische storys zu lesen...ich verstehe zwar das grobe, aber teilweiseRolleyes
aber die 70% die ich verstanden habe, waren toll
die idee und auch die umsetzung waren wirklich super. da waren auch lustige und tolle momente drin. ich hab nichts zu meckern und würde mich freuen wenn du die kapitel hier wirklich weiter postest...nicht nur im LJ

Was verstehste denn nicht, vielleicht kann ich dir ja Vokabelangaben drunter schreiben!

au weia, du doppelposter!

nein, vokabeln (whoa....wie in der schule)sind nicht nötig...ich find schon ne lösung...im prinzip versteh ich ja auch das meiste, aber wenn es dann um details bzw. beschreibungen geht seh ich oft so aus: :confused:
vielleicht muss ich mich einfach nur daran gewöhnen, dass ich auch hin und wieder was engl. lese

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Ja, ich hab das mit dem Doppelpost erst gemerkt als ich es schon abgeschickt hatte. Ich mach nebenbei noch was anderes, da hab ich nicht aufgepasst, also sorry.

Falls du doch noch das ein oder andere Wort wissen willst sag Bescheid, in dem Fall kann ich dir bestimmt helfen:biggrin:

lol ich bekomme immer nen shock wenn ich ne mail im postfach habe, weil ich die ganze zeit hoffe, dass ich auch mal nen FB bei meiner FF bekomme(gestern kam nen neuer teil on, bis jetzt 1fb) und dann bist "nur" du es lol

okay, danke mach ich
das mit dem doppelpost war nen spaß...ich mach das auch immer

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Okay um 23Zwerge zu ärgern (wieder kein review) und weil ich euch hier vergessen hatte, der nächste Teil gleich hinterher:

[Bild: ohsodifbannersized.jpg]

Chapter 9: One more

“Good morning, sweeties. You´re feeling better?” Lorelai asked the twins when they made their appearance at breakfast. It had been a long night for the four of them because Laila had thrown up two more times. But now they weren´t pale anymore and just looked a bit tired.
The both nodded as an answer to Lorelai’s question.
“Sara, would you come here, your nightgown is stuck in your panties.” Lorelai laughed and held out one hand towards her daughter.
“I am not Sara, I am Laila.” The girl said with a duh-tone.
“That´s not true and now come over here.” Lorelai smiled.
“Mommy, I am Sara!” The other girl said and stood beside her sister. Lorelai shot a puzzled look at Luke, silently asking him with her eyes if she had lost her mind. Luke just laughed.
“Okay, you two. You might have changed your pajamas, but you don’t look that much alike, that I can’t tell you apart. You would have to change your hair and get a face-operation. And now you, with the dark brown curls and my eyes, get your cute little butt over here!” She said and laughed, while Sara took her hand and muttered,
“Damn. How does she know who I am?!”
“Because I am your mother, who birthed you and breastfed you, my little clone.” Lorelai told her and pulled the shirt out of her panties.
“Eeew, mommy!” William protested and made a disgusted face.
“You better be quiet! I even nursed you when I was pregnant with your sisters and let me tell you it was not at all pleasant.” Lorelai told William and ruffled through his hair with one hand, which caused him to press his hands on his head to keep his hair from sticking out.
“Daddy, why do you and mommy always know that I am Laila?”
“And that I am Sara?” The twins asked and sat down on their chairs.
“You are not identical twins, everybody can tell you apart.” Luke said.
“Kirk can´t.” Laila said and shook her head.
“Kirk is a crazy fool!” William mumbled.
“William Jeremy Danes I don´t want you to speak in such a tone about our neighbors.” Lorelai scolded.
“But Daddy said it first!” William argued.
“Daddy also said that he will strangle Taylor with his ugly grey vest one day.” Laila recited.
“Yeah, ´cause he is an annoying idiot who organizes festivals and pesters everyone.” Sara finished and all three giggled.
“My my Mr. Danes I think it´s good that I am back because I´ m shocked by the way our kids talk. How could you say such things in front of them?” She asked but smiled.
“They were in the diner a lot and maybe I freaked out one or two times.” Luke confessed and looked ashamed at his plate.
“Shame on you Luke for saying such things!” Lorelai said still smiling and gave his hand a squeeze so that he looked up and saw her smiling face. He squeezed her hand right back before he took the jam out of Sara´s hands because she had one finger in it and was eating the jam that way.
“Stop that and go and wash your hands and face, then you can have toast with jam.” Luke scolded this time.
“But I don´t want toast. I only want jam.” Sara said and tried to take the jam out of Luke´s hand, but he held it back.
“No way! And now bathroom!” He told her.
“But that´s not fair! Mommy always eats the jam like this!”
“Not true!” Lorelai shot back.
“Stop it!” Luke interrupted their arguing.
“But it is true! Mommy takes a spoon and eats the jam out of the jar.” Sara pouted.
“Fink!” Lorelai hissed at Sara and took the jam out of Luke´s hand, dipped one finger in and licked the jam off.
“Mmmmh, my Lukey don´t be mad! I know you like it, you know you like it.” She grinned seductively and sucked one last time on her finger. The kids looked at her like she had lost her mind and Luke needed a second to snap out of the daze she had put him in with her little demonstration.
“Bathroom! Both of you!” He said and pointed in the direction of the bathroom.
“Man!” Sara huffed and Lorelai threw Luke a playful glare, scooped up Sara in her arms, and went into the bathroom with her. William, Laila, and Luke started laughing once they were out of sight.
“We can hear you, you traitors! You three are no longer knights of the order of Willy Wonka.” Lorelai yelled from the bathroom.
“Crazy Lady.” Luke muttered which caused the two kids to laugh even more.

It was afternoon and the whole family was gathered around the large pool. Laila lay on a deckchair, listening to some music, and was nearly asleep, while Sara and William played with his cars and her dolls, Luke was dozing on a deckchair with his cap lying over his face, and Lorelai was swimming in the pool. She had the air mattress with her and laid on it when she wasn´t in the mood for sporty activities anymore.
When it got very quiet she looked up and saw that Sara and William were tiptoeing in Luke´s direction. She smiled and lay back down, knowing what would come.
“Ah jeez, give me my cap back!” She heard Luke´s voice seconds later and smiled. These were so her kids.
William and Sara just laughed and ran away. Luke grumbled something, but lay back down and closed his eyes again.
It didn´t take long for Sara and William to argue over the cap. In the end William pulled the cap out of Sara´s hands and ran. Sara followed him, screaming that he should give her the cap. William only laughed and neither Luke nor Lorelai interfered. Both kept their eyes shut and were oblivious to what was happening.
While they ran around the pool Sara and William got closer and closer to the edge of it. While Sara was wearing shoes, William wasn´t. He was just laughing and teasing his sister when he slipped and fell head first in the pool. His face hit the water hard. It hurt and for some seconds he couldn´t see anymore. Everything was black around him.
Immediately he was under water, and had no orientation to where the ground and the air was. He couldn´t swim and he panicked. He struggled, fought against the water, kicking with his legs in all directions. He felt that oxygen was getting rare and panicked and fought even more. He had to cough, but couldn´t, and swallowed more water. The chlorine in the water stung in his eyes and he swallowed more water. He shut his eyes tight.
Then suddenly he felt an arm around his chest and was pulled in one direction.
Lorelai had heard and felt the splash, her air mattress was shaking. She sat up and saw the cap on the water and Sara on the edge of the pool. She scanned the water with her eyes, while Luke had jumped up and pulled Sara back from the edge of the pool.
Lorelai dove in the water and swam in the direction where Sara was standing. She couldn´t remember ever having swam so fast. Luke pressed Sara against him and also searched the pool with his eyes.
But Lorelai had already found him. She tried to grab William’s arm but he was wet and slippery and it took four tries until she finally got a hold of him.
All that had only taken seconds, but for all of them it seemed like hours.

William was pulled up and the first thing he saw was the face of his mother, looking panicked and concerned. He started coughing and she held him tight while she swam to the end of the pool where she could stand. He spit out some water and started to cry hysterically and loud. Lorelai pulled him against her, turning him around, and hugged him tight. He slung his arms around her neck and his legs around her her waist and clung to her. He cried, sobbed, and coughed all at once.
“God, Lorelai is he okay?” Luke yelled from the side of the pool.
“Yeah, yeah, he is... he is fine I guess!” She yelled back and hugged William a little tighter, if that was possible. Although she was completely freaked out, trembling, and upset, she tried to calm him. She rubbed over his back with one hand, the other lay on his head and pressed him to her shoulder, where he had buried his face.
“Sshh, honey it´s okay. I´m here. Shhh, William it´s over. I have you and I will not let you go. Oh my baby! Calm down honey and breathe.” While she talked soothingly with him she climbed up the few steps and walked out of the pool, William safe in her arms.
She sat down on one of the deckchairs, William in her lap. She tried to pull back to be able to take a closer look at him and see if he was really okay, but he held her even tighter.
“No mommy! Don´t go! Mommy.” He cried panicked.
“I am not going anywhere, angel. But let me take a look at you so that I know you´re okay.” She whispered and pressed her lips against his dripping hair several times.
“Noooo.” He cried and coughed once more, his face still buried in her shoulder.
“Hon, calm down. Everything is all right. It´s all right.” She whispered and lay down in the chair, William still in the same position.
Luke meanwhile had calmed Sara and sat down next to Lorelai and William for a few minutes to place some kisses on his son´s head and whisper soothing words to both of them, because he knew that while Lorelai was calm on the outside, she was just as upset as William on the inside.

William had calmed down after nearly half an hour and was still lying in the same position on top of Lorelai. Sobs shook his body from time to time but he was listening intently to his mother.
“And then with a big push, I pushed you out of me and there you were. All wrinkly and wet, just like right now. But your daddy got to see and hold you first and I know you won´t believe me, but he cried. Your daddy cried when he saw you for the first time, because he was so happy. And me too. He lay you on my chest and we were both crying because our baby boy was finally here and healthy. We did not know then if you were a boy or a girl because you were teasing us even then and played hide and seek with us. I won. I saw that I had a son when your daddy lay you on my chest. You had been screaming so loud, but then you calmed down and looked at us with your beautiful blue eyes. I don’t think I ever kissed anyone as often as I kissed you that day, because you were so cute and you were mine. You look like your daddy, but you were inside of me. And now look at you, you are such a big boy and wouldn´t fit in my belly anymore.” Lorelai told him and for the first time he looked up.
“Mommy, why was I in your belly?” William asked.
“That´s where little babies grow, in the stomach of their mother. But I have to tell you, you were lucky, because you were alone in there. But with your sisters it must have been pretty crowded in there. I was so fat, oh my god!” She smiled but then saw that he must have had a nosebleed.
“Luke could you bring us a wet washcloth?” She asked her husband.
“Why what happened?” He asked and jumped out of his chair.
“I think he had a nosebleed, he and my shoulder are bloody. It´s gross and I want to clean us.” She explained.
“Yeah sure.” Luke said and walked into the house. He came back a few minutes later with a wet washcloth and the bathrobes of the kids. Sara and Laila were both asleep by then and lay on their chairs in the shadow. He handed Lorelai the requested item and the bathrobe and then proceeded to cover the twins.
“Come here, baby, let´s make you pretty again.” Lorelai smiled and carefully cleaned his face and then her shoulder.
“So much blood, honey! Like in a horror-movie.” She said and showed him the red washcloth.
“Mommy, am I dying?” He asked and his lip quivered.
“Oh no, my baby. You´re not dying. You are not allowed to die before your father and me. It´s not that much blood, it just looks like a lot because it is mixed with the pool-water. And now sit up and slip into your bathrobe.” She said and wanted to sit up, but William tackled her back down.
“No, mommy.” He started to sob again and clung to her as tightly as before.
“William I will stay right here and hold you close again afterwards and tell you stories from the time when you were a baby, but you need to wear your bathrobe, otherwise you´ll get sick.” She told him and untangled from him and handed him the bathrobe. He quickly put it on and then curled up on top of her , his head on her shoulder and his feet on her thighs.
“Look at you, no chance you would fit in there now!” She laughed and tickled his feet. He giggled and lifted his head from her shoulder and looked at her. Without hesitation he gave her a kiss on the mouth. Lorelai gave him a kiss on the cheek and smiled at him.
“Can I have one more? I missed you during the last year and I need some more of these kisses to make up for it.” William smiled back and gave her at least a dozen kisses before he lay his head back down on her shoulder and sighed.
“My poor baby, such a shock, huh? I think we need to teach you how to swim so that it won´t happen again.” She said and nuzzled his ear with her nose, while her hands stroked up and down his back and finally pulled the hood of the bathrobe up and over his wet hair.
“Now you look like one of Babette’s gnomes.” She smiled and Luke, who lay on the chair beside her, laughed and took her hand and laced his fingers through hers.
“Mommy?” William asked after some minutes of silence.
“Yes, sweety?”
“One more?” He asked, lifted his head and looked at her with hopeful eyes. Lorelai took his face in both hands and gave him another kiss.
“I thought kissing a girl was gross?” She teased him afterwards.
“Not you mommy.” He told her and lay back down.
Lorelai hugged him with one arm and turned her head to Luke and they smiled at each other.



Gott...mein Herz is fast stehen geblieben, als Will in den Pool fiel.
AberLore hat ihn ja raus geholt und es scheint, als wenn bei den beiden wieder alles gut is. Das is toll!
Ach Will is ja so süß...
Du hast alle 3 Kids so super getroffen...sie haben so viel von Lore aber auch von Luke. das is so klasse!
Ich weiss gar nich, was ich sagen soll...
Wub Wub Wub


Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

warum mich ärgern? ich steh mal wieder auf der leitung lol

ich muss gestehen, dass ich dieses kapitel schon aus dem lj kannte, aber irgendwie nie nen FB dafür gegeben hab.
ich guck grad die super nanny und irgendwie macht mich das immer fertig lol, aber was bei der super nanny grad angesprochen wurde, hat lore von (fast)allein gemerkt...sie macht mehr mit den kids und wie sie sich um will gekümmert hat war echt toll. total tolle idee und wieder toll umgesetzt

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