14.04.2007, 12:55
Genre :Humor/Romance
Pairing : wenn ich schreibe, was wohl
Raiting : T
Disclaimer : Mir gehört wie immer nix
Wenn man nicht schlafen kann weil das Meerschwein zwitschert, macht man komische Sachen.
Ich habe heute Nacht um drei angefangen mal meine komische Idee zu Papier zu bringen, das ich die wenigstens aus dem Kopf habe, wenn ich jetzt an meiner Hausarbeit schreibe und mir später die ersten Kapitel des Projekts anschaue (die heute reinkommen sollten...)
Ihr werdet ziemlich schnell mitbekommen um was es geht. Der Einfachheit halber (für mich) ist die Story auf Englisch
![[Bild: masterplan.jpg]](http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f143/jessijava/Arts/masterplan.jpg)
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Chapter 1: Hell is frozen
Lorelai sat on the runner of her jeep and thought about her situation. If she would enter through this gate and ring the doorbell, the independence she had always been so proud of would be gone.
Everything she had done on her own, everything she had told Rory, and everything would be worthless, if she would run back to them and beg for help.
She had done everything for Rory, everything for her little daughter, which she never wanted to grow up like her. No expensive dresses, forced pictures and gala- dinners while you’re sick. She had left because of her, only a little bit for herself, and now she was coming back for Rory, somehow that was ironic.
“And isn't it ironic...dontcha think. It's like rain on your wedding day, It's a free ride when you've already paid, It's the good advice that you just didn't take, Who would've thought...it figures”, she sang quietly and took another sip of her coffee.
She never likes the huge grey building in front of her and she took another glance and shuddered. She really didn’t want to enter, but she couldn’t think of another solution.
Rory had been accepted to Chilton. Her smart girl should have the best education. Lorelai was sure that Rory would come very far in her life. She was a brainiac, always reading, always seeking for new information and so smart that sometimes it scared her how she could raise such a child.
Sighing she stood up, brushed her hands over her jeans, not sure how clean the runner was, and took another deep breath.
She held onto the coffee-cup in her hand like it was her life-line, her connection to sanity and the key to escape and walked slowly through the open gate, up the driveway and to the front-door.
Her mother’s cars stood in the drive-way, so maybe her father couldn’t prevent another huge fight by his pure presence, and that made her even more nervous.
She had seen them the last time on Easter, for dinner and had been happy when she could leave and escape the accusations, which flew towards her, wrapped up in politeness and so subtle it made her sick just to think about it.
She looked up the mansion and could see the window of her old bedroom. She hadn’t been in there for years, the last time the day she had fled and now she was crawling back to her parents.
For a second she wanted to turn around and walk away, but then she saw her daughters face in her mind and rang the doorbell, so she couldn’t back out anymore.
While she waited she calculated the seconds on her head she would have until she h to face her mother. A maid would open, she would have to explain herself and convince her to let her in. Then she would have to wait in the living-room until her mother would make an appearance, which would take another two or three minutes. So if she was lucky she had still five minutes until she had to face Emily Gilmore.
The door opened and all the calculation flew out the window, because Emily Gilmore opened the door herself and Lorelai was sure that now the hell must have frozen the very second.
She forced herself to smile, convincing herself that she could just be as manipulating as her parents.
“Hi, Mom”, she said as casual as possible and wondered if she really could have seen something like joy in her mother’s eyes.
“Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?“ Emily replied and the honest surprise in her mother’s words made Lorelai nervous. Who was she trying to fool? She never stopped by randomly. Never.
“No, I just, uh, finished up my business class and I thought I would stop by”, she blurted out the first excuse that came to her mind. Dad where are you? She thought.
“To see me?” Emily asked, still not inviting her in the house.
“Yes”, Lorelai nodded. Not a complete lie.
“Well, isn't that nice. Come in”, her mother said and by the tone of her voice Lorelai already knew, that her mother knew she was lying.
“Thanks”, she said and followed her mother into the living-room, dumping the coffee-cup into a trash-bin by the door. Her last thing to hold on to was gone now.
“The place looks great”, she complimented, trying to get more time somehow.
“It hasn't changed”, Emily cut her short, she wanted to know what Lorelai wanted.
“Well, there you go. How are the girls at the bridge club?”, Lorelai asked, feeling like her life-time was running out. She could hear the ticking in her head.
“Old”, Tick-tock, tick-tock.
“Well...good”, she nodded and followed her mothers lead and sat down on the sofa.
“You said you were taking a business class?” Emily asked curiously while Lorelai started to fiddle with her fingers.
“Yeah, mmhmm, yeah. I'm taking a business class at the college twice a week. I'm sure I told you”, Lorelai gave her as much information as she was willing to.
“Well, if you're sure then you must have.”, her mother replied and that was already the point where they were out of things to talk about. Both stared straight ahead, wracking their brains what to say, although Lorelai’s was clouded by plain fear.
“Would you like some tea?” Emily asked after nearly a minute of awkward silence.
“I would love some coffee”, Lorelai replied and was relieved that the awkwardness would stop for at least the minutes Emily would leave the room.
“Emily? I'm home”, her father’s voice suddenly echoes through the house and Lorelai nearly laughed in relieve.
“We're in here”, her mother replied and seconds later her father appeared.
“Hi, Dad”, Lorelai waved at him.
“What is it, Christmas already?” Richard replied with a confused expression.
“Lorelai was taking a business class at the college today and decided to drop in to see us”, Emily informed him, but even Lorelai could hear that her words held more information than it seemed.
“What business class?”
“Well, she told us about it, dear, remember?” her mother said, again with that edge in her voice.
“No”, Richard replied honestly.
“Well, actually, I came here for a reason. Dad, would you mind sitting down for a minute?” Lorelai said and took all courage and strength she had in her.
“You need money” her father stated and got himself a drink.
“I have a situation” she started.
“You need money”, he stated again and grinned.
“Dad, will you just please let me get this out, okay? Um, Rory has been accepted to Chilton”, she decided to start with the good news.
“Chilton? Oh, that's a wonderful school. It's only five minutes from here”, Emily said happily.
“That's right, it is. She can start as early as Monday. Um, the problem is that they want me to put down an enrollment fee plus the first semester's tuition, and I have to do that immediately or she loses her spot”, Lorelai came to the point and waited for the whole building to crumble and fall on her head.
“So, you need money”, her father shrugged, a proud expression on his face that he had guessed right.
“Yeah. But it's not for me, it's for Rory. And I fully intend to pay you back every cent. I don't ask for favors, you know that”, she told her parents, trying to hold at least a bit of dignity.
“Oh, yes, we know”, Emily huffed.
“I'll get the checkbook”, her father ignored her mothers comment and was about to leave the room.
“Thank you. You have no idea. Thank you”, Lorelai asid relieved and would have hugged him, if it wouldn’t have been her father.
“On one condition”, Emily stopped them both.
“So close”, Lorelai muttered and prepared herself for whatever would come.
“Since we are now financially involved in your life, I want to be actively involved in your life”, her mother started.
“What does that mean, Mother?” Lorelai asked and the aggression in her voice was not as subtle as she thought.
“I want you to marry”, her mother enlightened her.
“What?” Lorelai said and felt like she had been punched. She can’t be serious!
“Friday night you will get married. We have found a nice young man for you and I’m sure you two will be happy together.”
“Mom... “ was all Lorelai got out.
“You already know him and I have it on good authority that you two like each other. Actually there are rumours about the two of you for a while now. I knew his mother, she was one of my dearest friends before she died and I promised her to keep an eye on him. Because he is as stubborn as his father, a man the poor girl married, who was in no way acceptable, it was a difficult thing, but somehow we managed. Years ago we helped the boy with money and he said he would do everything to pay us back. I guess the time has come now. We will buy you two a house in that strange town of yours where you can live and you have to get married this Friday. As long as Rory attends Chilton you have to stay married and visit us at least once a month, so we can be sure you are still together. That's it. That's the condition. If you agree, you'll come to dinner Friday night and leave here with a check. Otherwise, I'm sorry, we can't help you” Emily told her the master-plan.
Lorelai was so shocked, she couldn’t reply at first. This was not the seventeenth century anymore. They couldn’t marry her off to a stranger. But then again her mother said she already knew him…
“Who is it? And please don’t say Chris, or I leave and never come back, Chilton or no Chilton”, Lorelai said.
“You will find out soon enough. I will call him later and tell him to contact you. Oh and don’t forget to tell Rory, she wouldn’t want to miss your wedding”, Emily smiled, she knew she had won.
“I don't want her to know that I borrowed money from you. Can that just be between us?” Lorelai sighed.
“Does seven o'clock work for you?” Emily referred to the wedding on Friday.
“Perfect”, Lorelai said with a forced smile. She still couldn’t believe this. She would get married of. The girl who lived on her own since she was seventeen. Hell was definitely frozen now.
Pairing : wenn ich schreibe, was wohl

Raiting : T
Disclaimer : Mir gehört wie immer nix
Wenn man nicht schlafen kann weil das Meerschwein zwitschert, macht man komische Sachen.
Ich habe heute Nacht um drei angefangen mal meine komische Idee zu Papier zu bringen, das ich die wenigstens aus dem Kopf habe, wenn ich jetzt an meiner Hausarbeit schreibe und mir später die ersten Kapitel des Projekts anschaue (die heute reinkommen sollten...)
Ihr werdet ziemlich schnell mitbekommen um was es geht. Der Einfachheit halber (für mich) ist die Story auf Englisch

![[Bild: masterplan.jpg]](http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f143/jessijava/Arts/masterplan.jpg)
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Kapitel 15
Chapter 1: Hell is frozen
Lorelai sat on the runner of her jeep and thought about her situation. If she would enter through this gate and ring the doorbell, the independence she had always been so proud of would be gone.
Everything she had done on her own, everything she had told Rory, and everything would be worthless, if she would run back to them and beg for help.
She had done everything for Rory, everything for her little daughter, which she never wanted to grow up like her. No expensive dresses, forced pictures and gala- dinners while you’re sick. She had left because of her, only a little bit for herself, and now she was coming back for Rory, somehow that was ironic.
“And isn't it ironic...dontcha think. It's like rain on your wedding day, It's a free ride when you've already paid, It's the good advice that you just didn't take, Who would've thought...it figures”, she sang quietly and took another sip of her coffee.
She never likes the huge grey building in front of her and she took another glance and shuddered. She really didn’t want to enter, but she couldn’t think of another solution.
Rory had been accepted to Chilton. Her smart girl should have the best education. Lorelai was sure that Rory would come very far in her life. She was a brainiac, always reading, always seeking for new information and so smart that sometimes it scared her how she could raise such a child.
Sighing she stood up, brushed her hands over her jeans, not sure how clean the runner was, and took another deep breath.
She held onto the coffee-cup in her hand like it was her life-line, her connection to sanity and the key to escape and walked slowly through the open gate, up the driveway and to the front-door.
Her mother’s cars stood in the drive-way, so maybe her father couldn’t prevent another huge fight by his pure presence, and that made her even more nervous.
She had seen them the last time on Easter, for dinner and had been happy when she could leave and escape the accusations, which flew towards her, wrapped up in politeness and so subtle it made her sick just to think about it.
She looked up the mansion and could see the window of her old bedroom. She hadn’t been in there for years, the last time the day she had fled and now she was crawling back to her parents.
For a second she wanted to turn around and walk away, but then she saw her daughters face in her mind and rang the doorbell, so she couldn’t back out anymore.
While she waited she calculated the seconds on her head she would have until she h to face her mother. A maid would open, she would have to explain herself and convince her to let her in. Then she would have to wait in the living-room until her mother would make an appearance, which would take another two or three minutes. So if she was lucky she had still five minutes until she had to face Emily Gilmore.
The door opened and all the calculation flew out the window, because Emily Gilmore opened the door herself and Lorelai was sure that now the hell must have frozen the very second.
She forced herself to smile, convincing herself that she could just be as manipulating as her parents.
“Hi, Mom”, she said as casual as possible and wondered if she really could have seen something like joy in her mother’s eyes.
“Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?“ Emily replied and the honest surprise in her mother’s words made Lorelai nervous. Who was she trying to fool? She never stopped by randomly. Never.
“No, I just, uh, finished up my business class and I thought I would stop by”, she blurted out the first excuse that came to her mind. Dad where are you? She thought.
“To see me?” Emily asked, still not inviting her in the house.
“Yes”, Lorelai nodded. Not a complete lie.
“Well, isn't that nice. Come in”, her mother said and by the tone of her voice Lorelai already knew, that her mother knew she was lying.
“Thanks”, she said and followed her mother into the living-room, dumping the coffee-cup into a trash-bin by the door. Her last thing to hold on to was gone now.
“The place looks great”, she complimented, trying to get more time somehow.
“It hasn't changed”, Emily cut her short, she wanted to know what Lorelai wanted.
“Well, there you go. How are the girls at the bridge club?”, Lorelai asked, feeling like her life-time was running out. She could hear the ticking in her head.
“Old”, Tick-tock, tick-tock.
“Well...good”, she nodded and followed her mothers lead and sat down on the sofa.
“You said you were taking a business class?” Emily asked curiously while Lorelai started to fiddle with her fingers.
“Yeah, mmhmm, yeah. I'm taking a business class at the college twice a week. I'm sure I told you”, Lorelai gave her as much information as she was willing to.
“Well, if you're sure then you must have.”, her mother replied and that was already the point where they were out of things to talk about. Both stared straight ahead, wracking their brains what to say, although Lorelai’s was clouded by plain fear.
“Would you like some tea?” Emily asked after nearly a minute of awkward silence.
“I would love some coffee”, Lorelai replied and was relieved that the awkwardness would stop for at least the minutes Emily would leave the room.
“Emily? I'm home”, her father’s voice suddenly echoes through the house and Lorelai nearly laughed in relieve.
“We're in here”, her mother replied and seconds later her father appeared.
“Hi, Dad”, Lorelai waved at him.
“What is it, Christmas already?” Richard replied with a confused expression.
“Lorelai was taking a business class at the college today and decided to drop in to see us”, Emily informed him, but even Lorelai could hear that her words held more information than it seemed.
“What business class?”
“Well, she told us about it, dear, remember?” her mother said, again with that edge in her voice.
“No”, Richard replied honestly.
“Well, actually, I came here for a reason. Dad, would you mind sitting down for a minute?” Lorelai said and took all courage and strength she had in her.
“You need money” her father stated and got himself a drink.
“I have a situation” she started.
“You need money”, he stated again and grinned.
“Dad, will you just please let me get this out, okay? Um, Rory has been accepted to Chilton”, she decided to start with the good news.
“Chilton? Oh, that's a wonderful school. It's only five minutes from here”, Emily said happily.
“That's right, it is. She can start as early as Monday. Um, the problem is that they want me to put down an enrollment fee plus the first semester's tuition, and I have to do that immediately or she loses her spot”, Lorelai came to the point and waited for the whole building to crumble and fall on her head.
“So, you need money”, her father shrugged, a proud expression on his face that he had guessed right.
“Yeah. But it's not for me, it's for Rory. And I fully intend to pay you back every cent. I don't ask for favors, you know that”, she told her parents, trying to hold at least a bit of dignity.
“Oh, yes, we know”, Emily huffed.
“I'll get the checkbook”, her father ignored her mothers comment and was about to leave the room.
“Thank you. You have no idea. Thank you”, Lorelai asid relieved and would have hugged him, if it wouldn’t have been her father.
“On one condition”, Emily stopped them both.
“So close”, Lorelai muttered and prepared herself for whatever would come.
“Since we are now financially involved in your life, I want to be actively involved in your life”, her mother started.
“What does that mean, Mother?” Lorelai asked and the aggression in her voice was not as subtle as she thought.
“I want you to marry”, her mother enlightened her.
“What?” Lorelai said and felt like she had been punched. She can’t be serious!
“Friday night you will get married. We have found a nice young man for you and I’m sure you two will be happy together.”
“Mom... “ was all Lorelai got out.
“You already know him and I have it on good authority that you two like each other. Actually there are rumours about the two of you for a while now. I knew his mother, she was one of my dearest friends before she died and I promised her to keep an eye on him. Because he is as stubborn as his father, a man the poor girl married, who was in no way acceptable, it was a difficult thing, but somehow we managed. Years ago we helped the boy with money and he said he would do everything to pay us back. I guess the time has come now. We will buy you two a house in that strange town of yours where you can live and you have to get married this Friday. As long as Rory attends Chilton you have to stay married and visit us at least once a month, so we can be sure you are still together. That's it. That's the condition. If you agree, you'll come to dinner Friday night and leave here with a check. Otherwise, I'm sorry, we can't help you” Emily told her the master-plan.
Lorelai was so shocked, she couldn’t reply at first. This was not the seventeenth century anymore. They couldn’t marry her off to a stranger. But then again her mother said she already knew him…
“Who is it? And please don’t say Chris, or I leave and never come back, Chilton or no Chilton”, Lorelai said.
“You will find out soon enough. I will call him later and tell him to contact you. Oh and don’t forget to tell Rory, she wouldn’t want to miss your wedding”, Emily smiled, she knew she had won.
“I don't want her to know that I borrowed money from you. Can that just be between us?” Lorelai sighed.
“Does seven o'clock work for you?” Emily referred to the wedding on Friday.
“Perfect”, Lorelai said with a forced smile. She still couldn’t believe this. She would get married of. The girl who lived on her own since she was seventeen. Hell was definitely frozen now.