Different master-plan (JJ)

Also ich finde die Geschichte bisher ganz lustig und spannend.

Obwohl ich bezweifeln würde ob ich mir Gilmore Girls mit so einem Anfang wirklich weiter angeschaut hätte. Das wäre ja doch schon irgendwie zu abgedreht.

Aber so als Story zu lesen wirklich super. Bitte poste schnell den nächsten Teil, ich möchte wissen was bei dem Dinner am Freitag passiert... Big Grin


>That's why I don't know how to share.<
Lauren (on skipping kindergarten)

[/QUOTE]So, danke für die reviews an mom, wohnraumheldin und >Lauren<

Zitat:Aber eins versteh ich nicht (Gehirn = Off). Wenn Luke durch das Geld der toten Großmutter reich ist, warum zahlt er denn das nicht einfach für Rory? Das wäre doch besser als zur Hochzeit gezwungen zu werden, also für beide!
Abwarten, abwarten. Einen Teil bekommst du jetzt schon erklärt, der Rest kommt noch. Wenn ich jetzt schon alles an Fakten raushaue wo bleibt denn da die Spannung?!

Zitat:Du spinnst wohl!
Das ist ja wohl spätestens seit dem FF-Projekt klar,oder?! :p

Zitat:ich möchte wissen was bei dem Dinner am Freitag passiert
nicht so schnell, ne alte Frau ist ja kein D-Zug!

Chapter 5: The god-mother

While Lorelai made her rounds through the Independence Inn, she was getting more and more nervous.
She was relieved that her fight with Rory wasn’t settled it seemed eclipsed, at least for the time being. She still hadn’t figures out what had caused Rory to act the way she had acted and she still couldn’t believe that Rory suddenly didn’t want to go to Chilton anymore. The girl who had lived for learning and for school since she had been born now didn’t want to enter one of the best schools in the country, although she had a space and could start immediately.
That was so un-Rory-like that she, Lorelai Gilmore, wasn’t sure how to react or what to say.
She had reacted by pulling the mom-card, like she had called it, but that didn’t make her feel any better. She never really had forced Rory to do anything, other than combing her hair, when she had been three and decided that combing hurt too much.
She was repelled by her own action to react with restraint to her daughter’s behaviour, but at the moment everything was just too much.

Her parents would force her to get married on Friday and just thinking about it made her chest tighten painfully.
She had thought about this all day and had come to the conclusion that maybe Sookie had a point. It wasn’t a bad thing that it was Luke. He was her friend, she liked him and he liked her. He was forced into this just like she was and they could talk about it and find a solution. But on top of it all he really cared for Rory.
That knowledge gave her a warm and fuzzy feeling and whenever the thought came to surface, she knew she didn’t have to worry as much anymore. They would find a way, together, and no matter what way it would be, he would still be Luke afterwards and that made every option bearable.
Sookie was right, a stranger or someone like Chris would have been worse and would have set the stage for disaster.

When she finally left the hotel at eight that evening she had been brooding about her mother’s condition all day, but still couldn’t offer Luke a way out of the situation. Maybe he had been more successful, if he had thought about it at all.
But then again, it was Luke, Mr. Fix-it, he just had to know a way to fix this, to fix her.
She was broken somehow since she had had that disastrous talk with her parents. She had secluded with her dream of a romantic proposal, of a husband who loved her and whom she loved. And her pride had been shattered because of all of this. She had to admit to herself that she couldn’t do it on her own. She had sworn to herself that night she had fled out of her parent’s house with her daughter that she wouldn’t come back, that she wouldn’t need them and that she fine all alone. That had been an illusion and it hurt to admit it. She wasn’t super-woman and beside all her efforts and her hard-work, she still needed them to pay for her kid’s school.

She arrived at the diner a few minutes after she had left the hotel and was surprised when the sign at the door was already flipped to “close”. For a second she had the urge to turn around and walk away, but she knew that this wouldn’t help and so she tried the door and discovered it was unlocked.

“Hello?” she called when she stepped in and didn’t see Luke.

“Hi”, Luke said when he came out of the kitchen, a towel in his hands with which he dried his hands.
“Closed already?” she asked him, trying to make some small talk before they had to come to business.

“Yeah, I wasn’t sure when you would come, so I decided to close early”, he shrugged and turned to the coffee- can to pour her a cup of coffee.

“The advantage of owning the business, huh?” she smiled and sat down on “her” chair at the counter and took the blue cup, which was filled to the rim with coffee, from him.

“Yeah well”, he shrugged and started to wipe the counter, a habit he had when he was nervous or uncomfortable.

“So…” Lorelai said after a moment of silence.

“So… maybe we should go upstairs? You know to, uhm, talk”, he replied and motioned upstairs with his hand.

“Okay”, Lorelai shrugged and stood up from her chair, grabbed her cup and followed him upstairs.

She looked at his backside while he was walking up the stairs in front of her, at couldn’t help herself noticing that he had a nice behind. She shook her head about herself and lectured herself in her head that this wasn’t the time to check the diner-owner out.

“You wanna… uhm…sit?” Luke asked uncomfortably when they stood in the apartment and they both sat down at the kitchen- table. Lorelai played with the coffee- cup in front of her and Luke followed the cup with his eyes.

Then suddenly she stopped herself and took a deep breath before she said. “Luke I m sorry for the things I said yesterday. I want you to know that I didn’t mean any of them. I was just so shocked that it is you my parents want me to marry. I mean... not that it’s you, but… uhm... you that it…” she stumbled over her words and looked up for the first time and met Luke’s eyes. She could see that he didn’t get what she wanted to tell him.

She took another deep breath and then clarified, “I mean, actually I am relieved that it is you and not some stranger, because that really would have been sick, but I am shocked that you know my parents. Why did you never say anything? I mean you know my last name and obviously you know my parents. So?”

“I don’t know, really I just… I don’t know. I guess somehow it never crossed my mind. I never made the connection between those Gilmore’s in Hartford and you. I mean I have known them all my life somehow and I knew they had a daughter. My mother always said her name is Lola, but now I learned that is just a nick-name she gave you. I thought Lola had graduated from some expensive college, then joined her mother in the DAR and married some rich snob. It never crossed my mind that you could be their daughter”, he admitted.

“Thank you, I guess”, Lorelai chuckled and took a sip of her coffee.

“You knew my mother?” Luke asked then.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I can’t remember anybody calling me Lola”, she replied.

“Maybe you were too young when she died to remember her”, Luke said and sounded sad.

“How old were you when she died?” she asked.

“Eight”, Luke replied and sounded so sad that Lorelai laid her hand on top of his and gave it a squeeze. She was four years younger than Luke, so she had been four by the time his mother had died and wasn’t surprised that she couldn’t remember his mother.

“Why do our mother’s know each other? I actually can’t imagine Emily Gilmore hanging out here in Stars Hollow”, Lorelai smiled and gave his hand another squeeze before she pulled hers away.

“My mother wasn’t from Stars Hollow. Her birth-name was McGregor”, Luke said and wanted to go on when Lorelai interrupted him.

“As in Devon McGregor?” she asked.

“Yeah, that was my grand-father actually. I think I met him two times in my whole life and I can’t say I am sad about that”, Luke shrugged.

“I can imagine. I don’t remember him, but his wife was a witch. She was the one who wanted to kick my mother out of the DAR when I got pregnant”, Lorelai said.

“That fits. So our mothers were friends at College, room-mates. But then my mother met my father, got pregnant and dropped out”.

“Oh my”, Lorelai flinched, already knowing how the story would continue.

“Her parents kicked her out and cut her off and she married my father. She was happy here, I guess, she had always been the black- sheep in the family and here everybody was friendly to her at least. The only contact that remained with her former life was your mother. As far as I know the two kept in contact, although your mother didn’t approve of my father. She even is my god-mother”, Luke explained and Lorelai started coughing because she had swallowed on her coffee.

“She is what?” Lorelai exclaimed when she got her voice back.

“My god-mother. But after my mom died my father broke off the contact with your parents and I never heard anything of them anymore until he died. A few weeks after his death your mother showed up here and asked my how I was, what I was doing, what I wanted to do. I told her that I had dropped out of college when my dad got sick and that I wanted to turn the hardware-store into a diner, but I didn’t have the money to. We had sold the house to pay the hospital- bills and all I had left was the store and the office above. She offered to pay for it, but I didn’t want her to. She was a stranger.

“You can’t refuse her anything”, Lorelai smiled knowingly.

“No, you can’t. Finally we made the deal that she would pay for it and I would pay her back as fast as I could”, Luke said.
“You never did?” Lorelai asked surprised.

“I wanted to. I don’t know how often I drove to Hartford with a check, but they always send me back home, telling me that the time would come when I could return the favour. So yesterday she called me and told me that the time had come and I could finally pay her back, but not with money. She asked me if I remembered my mother’s letter, which I do”, Luke said and stood up. He started to pace in front of the table.

“What does it say?”

“it’s a letter from my mother to your mother, which Emily gave us back after mom died. Basically it says that they had always planned that their kids would get married someday, but that my mom knew that Emily and Richard couldn’t let you marry me, because of where I come from. But that she hoped that one day we would meet at least and if she had say in it she would still want us to marry, because that would just be great when the daughter of her best friend would marry her son. I guess that she hoped that we would fall in love with each other if we would ever meet”, Luke said and Lorelai stopped breathing for a few seconds.

“Which we didn’t”, Luke said quietly, knowing that he was lying to her.

“No, which we didn’t”, Lorelai repeated and suddenly felt sad.

“Emily said that I had to marry you, that this would be the pay-back. She also said that she wouldn’t accept a no and that I should keep the fact in mind that this was for Rory’s future”, he finished his explanation.

“This is so sick. She uses Rory to marry us off”, Lorelai said and the sadness was replaced by anger.

“Yeah it is. But what are we gonna do?” Luke shrugged and sat back down on the chair.

“I have no idea. The only thing I know is that Rory needs to go to Chilton and I need my parent’s to pay for it. So unless you know where I can get 70.000 dollars available until Monday and then another ten-thousand in a few weeks, I have no other idea”, Lorelai shrugged defeated.

“I wish I could give you the money, but my financial investments will be paid out in two years and the rest I had to invest in new furniture for Liz’s new apartment a few weeks ago”, he said.

“Liz?” Lorelai asked confused, wondering if he had a girlfriend she knew nothing about.

“My sister”, he explained.

“Mmh, didn’t know you have a sister”, she said surprised.

“Yeah, well… I have… Liz”, Luke shrugged uncomfortably. He had told her enough about his family now.

“So, back to the original problem: What are we gonna do?” Luke said then.

“Get married I guess. I’m so sorry Luke that my mother dragged you into this. You shouldn’t have to do this that my kid can go to another school. I am.. I am so sorry”, Lorelai babbled.

“It’s okay, don’t worry. But Friday is just.. very soon. I mean, we can’t get used to the thought, we have to tell Rory and the town, have to invite relatives and friends and so on and so on”, Luke said.

“Right. But maybe the town and Rory don’t have to know. I mean it’s not like anthing would change. You will live here over the diner, I will live at my house, we will meet when I get coffee or when the Crap Shack needs fixing. Nothing would change”, Lorelai slightly panicked by the thought of telling her friends and her daughter.

“You want to lie to Rory and Sookie?” Luke asked.

“No, I don’t, but I just… I can… I will…. I need time to process it”, she stuttered. Luke looked at her for a long moment and then sighed.

“You know what? I guess we should drive to Hartford and talk to your parents. Maybe we can get them to agree to get more time at least”, he suggested then.

“I don’t think we can bargain with my mother, but it’s worth a try”.

“Okay”, he nodded and Lorelai got up.

“Hey Luke?” she asked while she slung her purse over her shoulder.


“I’m glad that it’s you”, she admitted shyly.

“I think I’m really relived you feel that way”, he nodded.

“So you concur?” she asked with a smile.

“Dear god yes”, he laughed and got up from his chair to escort her to the door.

“Good. So, then, I guess we will discuss this with my later?” she asked.

“Tomorrow?” he asked.

“I will call my mother first thing in the morning and make an appointment with them”, she said.

“Okay, tell me when you know something”, he shrugged.

“Thanks Luke”, she said again and gave him a kiss on the cheek without thinking about it.

“You’re welcome”, he said, blushed and watched her walk into the dark-corridor and down the stairs, before he closed the door.


Zitat:Du spinnst wohl!
Das ist ja wohl spätestens seit dem FF-Projekt klar,oder?! :p

Definitly Big Grin

Och menno, die sollen gefälligst nicht rumzicken, sondern heiraten Big Grin Mach weiter!! Big Grin

Sleeping without dreaming doesn't mean that you're still fine
[B]Not to be dead doesn't mean that you're alive...


Zitat:ich möchte wissen was bei dem Dinner am Freitag passiert
nicht so schnell, ne alte Frau ist ja kein D-Zug!

Ein ICE reicht mir ja auch schon, aber auf Höchstgeschwindigkeit bitte!^^ Wink

Also ich finde die Story wird immer besser... erst dachte ich ja, dass die ein bisschen zu abgedreht ist, aber das muss ich jetzt mal zurück nehmen, ich find's einfach nur noch klasse. Smile

Bitte, bitte, bitte schreib schnell weiter, ich will ja nicht hetzen, aber ich bin halt ungeduldig und es ist gerade so spannend. Big Grin


>That's why I don't know how to share.<
Lauren (on skipping kindergarten)

lol das ist ja mal eine Idee
Aber es ist mal etwas ganz anderes und das finde ich sehr cool
also schon einmal ein ganz großes Lob für die Idee.
Es ist verständlich geschrieben, was ich auch gut finde und joa. ich habe nichts zu meckern und freue mich aufs nächste Kapitel. Big Grin

Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen. [url=http://ema.mtv.de/vote/][/url]

Ah jetzt wird alles geklärt und es war auch kaum GG Dialog drin, also für mich sehr gut! Bin auf jeden Fall total gespannt was denn da morgen (nächster Teil meine ich) mit Em rauskommt!
Hoffe sehr, dass sie es nicht Rory erzählen, die würde doch alles dransetzten die Hochzeit zu verhindern - was ja auch richtig ist!!!
Die Luke Story war tollllll!!!! Ich liebe Hintergrund sachen!!!
Okey ich weiß wieder schlechtes FB aber ich krieg einfach gerad kein gutes hin! LG

I never thought it could hurt so much!!

Juhuuu, eine neue FF von karana. Big Grin

Die Idee ist wieder mal was neues, so wie bei "Through all of these years". Obwohl ich sagen muss, dass es mich zu anfang etwas geschockt hat. Emily verlangt von Lorelai zu heiraten, und dann auch noch jemanden den sie "nicht kennt"? Natürlich ist nicht nur Lorelai froh, dass es Luke ist Wink.

" “Which we didn’t”, Luke said quietly, knowing that he was lying to her. "
Heißt es das was ich denke? Ich hoffe mal, dass er sich in sie verliebt hat, dann hätten wir schon mal einen, der dem Hochzeits Happy End nicht im Weg steht. Wink

Ich bin gespannt wie es weiter geht.



Chapter 6: Gimme hope, Jo'anna

When she had informed her mother that they would pay them a visit Emily had insisted that Rory would join them as well. Lorelai was aware that that wasn’t a good idea, concerning what they had to talk about, but she was too nervous to say no to that. Another fight, especially because they wanted something, wouldn’t have been good.

She had been desperately looking for an excuse why Luke had to come with them, but in the end she had decided that she was already lying enough to her daughter as it was and had told her at least as much as she had to know: That Luke’s mother had been an old friend of Emily, that they only found out recently and that Emily insisted to see him again. It wasn’t a complete lie, but neither was it the complete truth.

Lorelai felt sick to her stomach when they were all standing in front of the Gilmore mansion and she and Luke both had the same nervous look on their faces while they stared at the door, neither making a move to ring the bell.

“So, do we go in or do we just stand here?” Rory grinned, wondering what was wrong with them. She knew her mother had problems with her grand-parents, but Luke seemed to be an old friend and she was surprised when he dreaded to enter as well.
When they both just kept staring at the door without saying something or reacting, Rory stepped forward and rang the bell.

“Fine”, she shrugged and saw her mother and Luke exchanging a look, which she couldn’t place. When the door opened and her grandmother herself stood there both Luke and Lorelai jumped a bit, acting like they were facing the devil himself.

“Hi, Grandma”, Rory broke the silence once again and went to greet her grandmother

“Well, you're right on time”, Emily said and shook Luke’s hand before she greeted Lorelai and took their coats.

“Yeah, yeah, Luke kept complaining that we would be late and that we should hurry up”, Lorelai shrugged.

“I can't tell you what a treat it is to have you all here. Like a family”, Emily gushed and led them into the living-room, causing Luke and Lorelai to exchange another look.

“Oh, well, we're excited, too”, Lorelai shrugged and sat down next to Luke.

“Is that a collector's cup or can I throw it away for you?” Emily asked then and pointed to the take-out cup in Lorelai’s hand.

“Jeez, you still have that. You’ve gulped down the coffee hours ago”, grumbled Luke and took the cup out of her hand and got up to throw it in the nearby wastebasket.

“In the kitchen, please Luke”, Emily told him and pointed in the general direction of the kitchen and then turned to Rory. “So, I want to hear all about Chilton”.

“Well, I haven't actually started yet”, Rory shrugged and was glad when Luke came back, accompanied by Richard.

“Richard, look who's here”, Emily smiled proudly and Luke took his place next to Lorelai again.

“Rory. You're tall”, Richard stated.

“I guess.”

“Well, what's your height?” he wanted to know

“5'7"”, she said.

“That's tall. She's tall”, he stated again.

“Hi, Dad”, Lorelai waved from the couch to stop the awkward “she’s tall” speech, but had no luck.

“Lorelai, your daughter's tall”, Richard went on.

“Oh, I know. It's freakish. We're thinking of having her studied at M.I.T.”, Lorelai joked, what brought her another “stop it”- glance from Luke.

“Ah”, Richard only said and sat down in the armchair and grabbed his paper.

“Champagne, anyone?” Emily asked.

“I hate champagne”, Luke muttered only loud enough that Lorelai could hear him.

“Oh, that's fancy”, she ignored him.

“Well, it's not every day that I have my girls and Luke here for dinner on a day the banks are open. A toast - to Rory entering Chilton and an exciting new phase in all our lifes”, Emily toasted after she had handed a glass to everyone.

“Here, here”, Richard said absent –minded and kept reading.

“This is just wonderful. An education is the most important thing in the world, next to family”, Emily said and looked at Luke and Lorelai with a smile that made both of them flinch.

“And pie” Lorelai said without thinking and the only thing that followed was silence.

“I guess that was one of her jokes”, Luke informed her parents.

“Ah”, Emily only made and another awkward silence followed. When Lorelai couldn’t stand it anymore she excused herself.

“Excuse me. I'm just gonna go to the restroom”.

”Well, hurry back. Dinner's almost on”, Emily replied.

” Yes, ma'am”, she said and gestured at Luke to follow her, which he did when the opportunity rose and dinner was ready.

“We need to get out of here!”she said when he knocked and pulled him into the bathroom.

“What?”, he asked confused.

“How did I used to get out of here?”, she asked and tried to open the window.

”What are you talking about?”, Luke asked and held her back by her arm when she tried to climb out the small window.

“Stop, that you’ll be stuck”, he said and closed it.

“I’m not fat!”

“No, but you’re not a mouse either. You won’t fit through this window anymore”, he told her.

“It’s nice of you to tell me that. But I had many ways of sneaking out of here. Which drainpipe was it that I used to crawl down?” she thought loudly and Luke just shook his head.

”I think I used to get to it from the attic window, does the attic window still access the drainpipe that drops you off by the garage? Did you pay attention to that when we came here? Men usually pay attention to architecture” She asked him, but he just grabbed her by both arms.

“You are not going to get out of here. Think about Chilton, think about Rory”, he reminded her.

“All I can think about are her stupid comments about family. She is forcing us into marriage. If I could I would kill her with my bare hands, but that won’t get me any money. Hey, wait.. actually it does. If I kill dad as well I will get all of their money”, she smiled.

“Lorelai”, he sighed.

“I know I know. No killing”

“Right, no murders. And now we have to get out of here and go to dinner so we can talk alone with your mother at one point or the other”, Luke nodded and pushed her out of the bathroom and into the dinning-room.

The first minutes of the dinner passed in complete silence and suddenly Lorelai started to sing, but so silent that only Luke, who was sitting beside her, could hear it.

“Gimme hope, Jo'anna Hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna 'Fore the morning come. Gimme hope, Jo'anna Hope, Jo'anna Hope before the morning come”

“Stop it!” he hissed and was glad when Emily turned to Rory.

“Rory, how do you like the lamb?”, she asked her granddaughter.

“It's good”, Rory said.

“Too dry?” Emily turned to Luke

“No, it's perfect, Emily”

“Potatoes could use a little salt, though”, Lorelai said, again trying to be funny.

“Excuse me?” Emily asked and glared at her daughter.

“Another joke, Emily. She’s a funny one”, Luke said and rolled his eyes.

“Good. It’s nice to know that at least one person can tell when she is joking”, Emily remarked dryly.

“So, Grandpa, how's the insurance biz?” Rory tried to ease the tension and Lorelai started to sing again.

“I hear she make all the golden money,To buy new weapons, any shape of guns.While every mother in black Soweto fears The killing of another son Sneakin' across all the neighbours' borders Now and again having little fun She doesn't care if the fun and games she play Is dang'rous to ev'ryone.”

“Oh, people die, we pay. People crash cars, we pay. People lose a foot, we pay”, Richard said, unaware of his daughter’s singing.

“Well, at least you have your new slogan”, Lorelai muttered and stopped her tune.

“Ow!” she hissed a second later, because Luke had pinched her under the table.

“Lorelai?” Emily raised her eyebrows questioningly.

“Sorry, food’s hot”, Lorelai lied and swatted Luke’s knee.

“And how are things at the motel?” her father asked her.

“The Inn? They're great” she smiled.

“Lorelai's the executive manager now”, Luke informed them and sounded proud.

“Oh, that’s wonderful”, Emily replied in a pleasant tone.

“Speaking of which, how is the diner going?” Richard asked.

“The diner is good. People always eat”, Luke replied and shrugged.

“Yeah, I remember you said that back when you turned your father’s store into the diner”, Emily replied.

“Yeah well.. it’s true”, Luke shrugged again.

“Luke I have to tell you though, that I am still disappointed you didn’t go to college like we told you. You could be successful in business now”

“He owns a successful business, mom”, Lorelai jumped in.

“He owns a diner”, Emily said and raised her eyebrows.

“And what is wrong with that?” Lorelai asked and raised her voice.

"There is no need to yell at me. I'm just stating the facts”.

“Yeah, sure. You could have easily exchanged the word diner for brothel, it would have been the same tone in your voice”, Lorelai barked.

“Ah Jeez. Lorelai it’s no big deal”, Luke said and lay a hand on her knee to calm her down. It wouldn’t help their case if she would lose her nerve in front of Rory. But he had underestimated how upset Lorelai still was about that whole deal. All the time the only thing she could think of was how her parents would force them into this marriage.

“I'm gonna get a Coke. Or a knife”, she said, stood up and threw her serviette on the table. Then she stormed out of the room and into the kitchen, followed closely by Luke, who had excused himself and ran after her.

“Lorelai…”he said when he reached her and she stood in front of the sink scrubbing a pan aggressively.

“No, don’t Lorelai me. This is disgusting. You don’t wanna marry me and I don’t…. They force us into this and they use Rory to make sure we can’t escape. And then we should sit out there, make small-talk and act like the perfect family while they keep insulting you? What kind of parents marry their daughter off to a man they despise? How much can you hate own kid?” she said loudly and Luke saw that her eyes watered.

“Hey..” he just wanted to sooth her when Emily burst through the kitchen door.

“You two, come back to the table”, she ordered.

“Is this what it's gonna be like once a month? We come over and play happy family while you force us into something so.. urgh!”

“You're being very dramatic” Emily snorted

“Dramatic? Were you in that room last Monday? You are forcing us into marriage!”, Lorelai said and yelled the last word.

“Yes, I was, and I think you took what we said the wrong way”

“The wrong way? How could I have taken it the wrong way? What was open to interpretation?“ Lorelai yelled

“Keep your voice down”

“No, Mother. I can't take it anymore. All this just seems like a nightmare” she said and looked surprised when Luke handed her a towel.

“You're dripping all over the floor”, he shrugged.

“Emily actually we wanted to talk to you about that.. uhm… arrangement”, he turned his attention to Emily then and hoped that Lorelai would use the time to cool of.

“What is there to talk about?” she asked him.

“We need more time”, he said simply.

“More time? To do what?” Luke took a deep breath to be able to stay calm, while he lay his hand on Lorelai’s shoulder to keep her from attacking her mother.

“Look, we both know what this letter says and I am sure you are just as aware as we are that this is a crazy thing to demand. You did, we accepted to pay our.. dues. But we need more time to arrange a wedding, because I am sure my mother hadn’t want me to marry in a two minute ceremony without guests and without family. If this should last as long Rory is going to Chilton without that we’ll get the town crown for the craziest people there, we need time. We have to send out invitations, talk to our friends and neighbors, Lorelai needs dress, we need a church.. and so on. We can’t do that until the day after tomorrow, there’s just no way.”

“Well, I must say I am surprised”, Emily said.

“Well, it’s what my mother wanted and I want to do it the right way,” he played her.

“Okay, I will give you two time until Rory finished her first semester at Chilton. But then you’ll have to be married, otherwise we will stop paying and you Luke will have to pay us back everything at once”.

“Thank you Emily”, Luke shrugged and really felt somehow relieved.

“And you will move in together”, Emily said then.

“What?” Lorelai exclaimed.

“You two will move in together on Friday. You can stay at your or Luke’s house or we’ll buy you a house, but you will move in together to get used to it. I’m not dumb, Lorelai. I know that you are trying to get out of this”

“That's not true” Lorelai shook her head, Luke’s hand on her shoulder still calming her somehow.

“Why would do we have to get married? Is that really necessary?” she started again.

“A child needs a mother and a father”, Emily just said, tired of the discussion.

“Luke doesn’t want to marry me. Ask him mom. He doesn’t want to marry me and he doesn’t want to play daddy to Rory” Lorelai tried it again and felt Luke tense beside her.

“That’s too bad, because you two will get married. And this discussion is now over. I gave you two more time, that’s it!” Emily decided and Lorelai and Luke realized that there really wasn’t a way out of this.

“We don’t want Rory to know about the deal or where I have the money from”, Lorelai spat out.

“Are you too proud to tell her you will marry a dinner-owner”, Emily tried to get a reaction out of her. She wanted Lorelai to stand up for Luke again, to show him how she felt, because these few hours with the two of them in the same room had shown her that the wish Abby and she always had, had already come true, those two were only too stubborn to admit it. The rumors were true.

“Was I too proud to come here and beg for money?” Lorelai shot back instead.

“No, you certainly weren't. But you're too proud to let her know where you got it from, aren't you? Well, fine, you have your precious pride and I have you two married. We all win”, Emily said and marched out of the kitchen.

While Luke focused on the floor, Lorelai was breathing hard from yelling at her mother. She thought it would do her good, but she actually felt worse. She had said some things about Luke, that she shouldn’t have said.

“I’m sorry”, she said meekly.

“It’s okay”, he shrugged, hiding how he really felt. The comment that he didn’t want to play daddy for Rory had hurt him. Then what had he been doing all these years?

“No, Luke really. I know you don’t mind. I mean.. I know… you don’t want to marry me, but…” she stuttered.

“I get it”, he shrugged again and Lorelai knew that he wouldn’t discuss this any further.

“You wanna move in with us on Friday? I’ll even clear a drawer for you?” she asked him some seconds later and gave him a small smile.

“Okay”, he nodded and smiled back before they both left the kitchen, unaware that Rory had heard every word of their fight with Emily in the dinning-room.

They sat back down at the table and Lorelai whispered “She's got supporters in high up places Who turn their heads to the city sun Jo'anna give them the fancy money Oh to tempt anyone who'd come. Gimme hope Jo’ana…” Luke just sighed.


Jippie endlich ein neuer Teil - hach ich finds toll Smile Sie ziehen zusammen Big Grin Ich bin immer noch restlos begeistert von der Story und freu mich auf die weiteren Teile Smile

Sleeping without dreaming doesn't mean that you're still fine
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