Different master-plan (JJ)

Kurze Info an Jessi
  • Ganze Dateibeträgt bereits 58 Seiten Top
  • Anne hat es sich ausgedruckt und wird es lesen Wink

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Zuerst will ich mich bedanken, dass die FF mir die langeweile in der Uni genommen hat. Leider hatte ich durch einen PC Fehler der ersten 6 Kapitel nicht, aber die konnte ich ja jetzt nachlesen.

Die Idee ist wirklich toll. Außerdem gefällt mir das Hin und Her zwischen Lorelai und Luke.
Max, der olle Spannungsbogen, hat auch etwas an sich und erfüllt seine Aufgabe gut ^^
Das letzte Kapitel hat mir ganz besonders gefallen, weil ich Lukes Reaktion auf Max toll fand. Irgendwie war er wie ein Daddy, auch wenn er dabei wohl nicht nur an Rory gedacht hat.

Ich habe über kein Kapitel zu meckern und freue mich schon auf die nächsten.

Gruß Anne

Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen. [url=http://ema.mtv.de/vote/][/url]

Ja, ich schreibe auch wenn ich krank bin und mich vor Schmerzen winde :heulSadJa, ich wil MITLEID!)

Zitat:Das war traurig. und ich mag traurig nicht. Zumindest im Moment *sfz*
Ich fürchte da kann ich dir im Moment nicht helfen, 'cause I've got a plan Big Grin

Zitat:Überhaupt, schick die beiden mal zu mir. Dann spiele ich Psychater oder auch Verkuppler
Na wo wäre denn da der Spaß?!

Zitat:Aber die beiden waren noch nie gut darin über ihre Gefühle für einander zu reden.
Ich hoffe die beiden gehen sich jetzt nicht ewig aus dem Weg, und dass Lorelai all ihren Mut zusammen nimmt und mit Luke redet. Jetzt. Sofort. Gleich nach dem Streit.

Zitat:Bin gespannt, wie lange du uns darauf wirst wrten lassen ich vermute, du wirst es so lange wie möglich ausreizen, um uns auch ja bei der Stange zu halten...
Big Grin

Zitat:Wenigstens hat sie ja nun schon mal eingesehen, dass sie Luke will, aber warum kapiert die denn nicht, dass er genauso denkt?! Wie blind kann man sein?
na was soll ich dazu sagen außer: "Eight years? Eight years!"

Zitat:Max, der olle Spannungsbogen, hat auch etwas an sich und erfüllt seine Aufgabe gut
ja, dir wäre Jason zwar lieber, aber da kann ich nicht mit dienen ^^

Chapter 13: The house of horror

Over a week later Luke and Lorelai were still fighting. Or actually they were not fighting; they were just ignoring each other and weren’t talking.
Luke had really slept on the couch all week, the first night he had even spend at his old apartment above the diner, what had caused another fight with Lorelai, because she was afraid that her mother would find out and their deal was gone.
So he had come back to the house the next evening, ignoring her completely ever since and had spend the night on the couch.
Rory had asked her the next day why they were fighting, but Lorelai wouldn’t tell her why and all Luke had said was “Ask your mother”.

Lorelai hadn’t even been to the diner since the fight and her mood was getting worse with every passing day. She had yelled at Sookie, she had snapped at Rory several times and all because of a fight with Luke. The gossip in town had several theories what had happened, but none of the theories had come close to what had happened.

So on Rory’s birthday, when the three of them had to show up at the Gilmore mansion to a party which Emily had organized, the mood of all three of them was at the lowest point. Rory was in a bad mood, because she had found out that her grandmother had invited her classmates from Chilton, with which she didn’t get along, Luke was still mad because Lorelai was dating Rory’s teacher and Lorelai was angry because Luke had yelled at her and wanted to tell her who she could see, although it was none of his business.
But while Rory was only angry at her grandmother, both Luke and Lorelai were hurt because of the actions of the other: Luke because she was dating Max, Lorelai because Luke had her on freeze out and wouldn’t even sleep in one bed with her anymore, let alone speak with her.

Quietly they got out of the car and trudged to the front-door and Rory rang the bell, while Lorelai was staring at her feet and Luke was adjusting his tie, staring straight ahead, so he didn’t had to face Lorelai.

When the door was opened by one of the maids all three stepped inside and saw that the party was even bigger than they had thought. After handing their coats to the mid, they made their way inside in the living-room where they found Emily, surrounded by her DAR-friends.

“Jeez, Mom. Leave some servants for the rest of the neighbourhood”, Lorelai greeted her mother in a less than friendly tone, but Emily just ignored her and turned to Rory.

“There she is -- the birthday girl”, she smiled at her grand-daughter

“Hi Grandma”, Rory muttered.

“Wow, you really went all out, huh?” Lorelai asked and Luke raised an eyebrow at her tone, because she was clearly provoking Emily, which was never a good idea.

“Well I wanted everything to be perfect. What do you think, Luke?” she replied and turned to him.

“Mhh, nice”, he just said. Lorelai raised her eyebrows disapprovingly at his answer nd then handed Rory her dress, which they had brought nd she still had to change.

“Here, babe, go change”, she told her daughter and Rory nodded and went upstairs. For some moments the three adults stood in uncomfortable silence together and Emily narrowed her eyes. Something was wrong, she knew it. When Lorelai saw her mother’s look, she knew she had to say something, or Emily would.

“Nice candles. Six inches apart?” she asked and led her mother away, leaving Luke behind, alone between all those DAR people.

Two hours later and several annoying talks later with some of the other guests, Luke found himself once again alone, standing in front of the fireplace of the Gilmore’s. Above the fireplace hung the painting of Lorelai and her parents and he could see the sadness radiate from her eyes on the picture.
He looked over to her and found her standing alone beside the bar, starring off into space. She looked so beautiful tonight in her blue dress that accentuated the curves of her body and brought out her sparkling blue eyes.
Luke hated the fact that they were fighting, but he wasn’t willing to give in, because he knew he was right: It was wrong of her to date Rory’s teacher and it was even more so now that they would get married, forced or not wasn’t important. One didn’t date other people a few months before the wedding.
Still, he knew he loved her and he missed her, but he was too hurt by her actions to let it slide this time, just to have her back in his life and back in his arms at night.

“You're drinking white wine tonight? No Scotch?” Richard interrupted his thoughts and Luke had to glance at his glass to see that Richard was right: He was drinking white wine, and he hadn’t even realized, because he had been deep in thoughts already when he had taken the glass from one of the servers. Luke nodded and forced himself to at least look at Richard while he talked to him, but his thoughts were on the other side of the room, with the woman in the blue dress.

Lorelai was equally deep in thoughts, only her thoughts circled around Luke. She hated this party and she knew that he hated it even more and still he was here, for Rory. That thought made her heart swell for him, but at the same time she felt sick to her stomach because she knew she had dug herself in a hole with that dating Max thing and she wasn’t sure how to get out.
She knew she wanted Luke and she knew that this stupid fight was killing her, even more so since Max kept calling and asking for a date.
She looked over at Luke who was talking to her father and by the way he stood there she could see how uncomfortable he was. He was wearing a suit and a tie and Lorelai knew he didn’t like either one, although he looked really hot in it. She liked him in flannel, she liked him in his sleeping clothes, but GQ-ed up Luke was a thing for itself. He looked so handsome, that she had wanted to jump him right the second she had seen him at their house, but the icy glance from him had shown her once again that he was not interested in her.
That fact had made her so depressed over the last week, that she had found herself going through her wallowing plan, at least as much she could. She had put the sheets he had last slept on together with her own nightgown and his shirt, which he had lend her and which she had kept, into a Luke-box. She had watched old movies and she had eaten ice-cream in her pyjamas. She felt ridiculous, that she was wallowing only because the man who had shared a bed with her for a few weeks, platonically, was now sleeping on the couch in her living-room.
She sighed and took a drink from the bar before she walked over to Rory, who sat on the couch.

“What are you drinking? “ Rory asked her when she saw the green drink.

“A Shirley Temple Black”, Lorelai replied and held it out so Rory could smell at it.

“Wow”, Rory said and felt drunk from just smelling at it. She looked at her mother and found her glancing at Luke again, a sad look in her eyes. But before she could say something Emily showed up beside them.

There you are. Come, there's some people I want you to meet”, she said to Rory and led her away, leaving Lorelai alone on the sofa. Again she looked up and glnced at Luke, just to find him looking back at her. For a second their eyes locked, but then they both looked away as quickly as they could.

When Emily and Rory came back into the room minutes later, Rory looked at Lorelai and Luke both with a look that clearly said “Help me”. Both adults came from where they standing towards Rory, wondering what Emily had done now.

“I think it's time that she says a few words to her guests“, Emily informed the Rory rescue-guard.

“What? “ Luke exclaimed and the sound of his voice send shivers done Lorelai spine, since she hadn’t heard it in over a week, except when he was yelling at her.

“Just a little speech to say thank you and tell everyone how it feels to be one year older”, Emily clarified for Luke.

“Mom, I don't she wants...” Lorelai tried to stop her.

“She's the hostess, Lorelai. This is her responsibility”, Emily remained stubborn, but that’s when Rory snapped.

“I am not the hostess! You are!” she yelled at her grandmother.

“Hey, honey, hold on... “ Lorelai tried to calm her and Luke was too surprised to say something.

“This is your party and these are your guests and I don't have anything to say to them, so you give the speech”, Rory said.

“Rory?” Luke asked when he found his voice and placed hand on the teens shoulder to calm her, but it didn’t work.

“Excuse me”, Rory said and hurried off, up the stairs to Lorelai’s old bedroom.

“What was that all about?” Luke asked and turned to Emily, but she had already turned to Lorelai.

“Lorelai, your daughter has no manners whatsoever. You should be ashamed of yourself” she told her daughter and marched off.

“OK, how did this become my fault? “ Lorelai asked and Luke just shrugged before he walked away and left her standing there, just like she had done it with him earlier in the evening.

When the party was finally coming to an end, all Luke wanted to do was get into the car and drive back home. He knew he couldn’t stand one more talk about trustfonds and insurances or he would kill himself, drown himself in the pool outside.
So while Lorelai and Rory said goodbye to Emily, Luke told Rory that he would get the car and hurried off, escaping the house of horror.

“Hey, Mom. Great party. One of your best. I even liked those brown mushroom things”, Lorelai said, knowing that she had to calm her mother, so she wouldn’t let her anger out on Rory.

“Grandma, can I talk to you for a sec?” Rory asked.

“Richard, they are leaving”, was all Emily said to that and Richard immediately came over.

“Well, Rory, I hope you had a good time”, he said.

“Yes, I did”, Rory lied, thinking back to the confrontation with her stupid classmates and especially with Tristan.

“Now, I know that your grandmother has already bought you a gift and signed my name to it. That was part of our agreement when we got married. However, I feel this occasion calls for something a little extra. Put that towards your trip to Fez”, Richard said and handed Rory a cheque.

“Oh, Grandpa!” Rory said and hugged her grandfather shortly.

“You girls should get going. You've got quite a drive ahead of you nd Luke is already waiting in the car”, Emily said and gave them both a pointed look.

“Grandma, we're having a party tomorrow at our house and -- I mean, it won't be anything like this but it will be fun and maybe you and Grandpa can come?” Rory asked hopeful, wanting to put the fight between her and her grandmother behind her.

“That's very sweet, dear, but I'm afraid we already have plans”, Emily said icily.

“Oh, Ok”, Rory said disappointed.

“Have a safe trip. Lock the door behind you, OK?” Emily said and walked back into the dining-room, leaving Lorelai and Rory alone in the entry way.

“Hey, um, why don't you go and look that Luke is waiting for us still?”, Lorelai said to Rory and her daughter went obediently outside.

“Where is your mother?” Luke asked when Rory entered the car alone.

“I guess she wanted to talk to grandma, because she send me out to keep you company”, Rory said.

“Ah. What a party”, Luke sighed and Rory nodded.

“What a party”.

“So she invited all of your classmates without asking you?” Luke asked her.

“Yup. She did. Half of them didn’t even know who I am, the other half hates me”, Rory told Luke.

“Unbelievable. I guess she likes surprises like those”, he huffed.

“True. But it wasn’t that big of a surprise, because Tristan showed me the invitation at school and I had no idea what he was talking about”, Rory admitted.

“Why didn’t you say something? By the look on her face I would say your mother knew either”.

“I didn’t want to stress you even more. Ever since your fight you are not talking to each other and you’re both in such a bad mood, that I didn’t want to make it even worse”, Rory said quietly.

“Rory, no matter if your mother and I are fighting you should have said something. This has nothing to do with you, okay?” Luke asked her and turned in his seat to face her.

“But I am the reason that you re fighting! If I wouldn’t go to Chilton then grandma wouldn’t…”

“This is not your fault. Believe me, we would have fought about this no matter what”, Luke said and gave her a reassuring smile.

“Will you make up again?” Rory asked him and sounded timid and unsure.

“At some point we will make up again”, Luke told her and then turned around, because Lorelai opened the car door and fell down in the passengers seat, a defeated and sad look on her face.

“Let’s go”, she muttered and faced the side window, while Luke drove them home.

Later that night when Rory was already in bed and Luke was sleeping on the couch, Lorelai was tossing and turning in bed again. She needed to confide someone in, someone to rant to, someone who would keep her from crying
Slowly she got up and walked quietly down the stairs and swallowed her pride when she walked over to the couch.

“Luke?” she whispered to check if he was awake. She was surprised when he immediately sat up and looked at her, which she could see in the dark, because it was full moon.
Without waiting for him to say something she sat down beside him.

“She said that Rory humiliated her in front of her friends and that it was my fault. She said Rory has no manners. She said that I always give up and that she knows me better than I think she does and that she won’t come to the party tomorrow”, Lorelai said quietly, her voice quivering.

“You know it’s not true”, Luke said slowly.

“What that she won’t be coming? Oh believe me…” she started, but he interrupted her.
“Rory’s an amazing kid and you know it. And you re not a quitter, you’re the most stubborn person I know. And with or without Emily the party will be a success tomorrow”, Luke reassured her.

“You think so?”

“Hey, she’s the only girl whose birthday party as a kid was ended by the cops”, Luke said and she was sure he was rolling his eyes at that.

“True”, she nodded and even had to smile.

“I guess you should go to bed. Busy day tomorrow”, Luke said quietly.

“Yeah.. right”, she agreed and reluctantly got up and walked back up the stairs, going back to her empty bedroom, to the bed where Luke was missing in.


karana schrieb:Ja, ich schreibe auch wenn ich krank bin und mich vor Schmerzen winde :heulSadJa, ich wil MITLEID!)
Och du arme! Rolleyes Was genau tut dir denn weh?

Zitat:Anne: ja, dir wäre Json zwar lieber, aberda kann ich nicht mit dienen ^^
Hast du solche Schmerzen, dass du nicht mehr tippen kannst? Big Grin

Jetzt mal zum ernsten Part in meinem FB ^^

Mir gefällt es, dass die Kapitel trotz der leicht veränderten Situation noch so viel Kontakt mit der Story aus Season 1 haben.
In diesem Kapitel hat mir wieder eine stelle (eigentlich 2) ganz besonders gefallen. Die schönste Stelle war
[SIZE=3]“Where is your mother?” Luke asked when Rory entered the car alone.

“I guess she wanted to talk to grandma, because she send me out to keep you company”, Rory said.

“Ah. What a party”, Luke sighed and Rory nodded.

“What a party”.

“So she invited all of your classmates without asking you?” Luke asked her.

“Yup. She did. Half of them didn’t even know who I am, the other half hates me”, Rory told Luke.

“Unbelievable. I guess she likes surprises like those”, he huffed.

“True. But it wasn’t that big of a surprise, because Tristan showed me the invitation at school and I had no idea what he was talking about”, Rory admitted.

“Why didn’t you say something? By the look on her face I would say your mother knew either”.

“I didn’t want to stress you even more. Ever since your fight you are not talking to each other and you’re both in such a bad mood, that I didn’t want to make it even worse”, Rory said quietly.

“Rory, no matter if your mother and I are fighting you should have said something. This has nothing to do with you, okay?” Luke asked her and turned in his seat to face her.

“But I am the reason that you re fighting! If I wouldn’t go to Chilton then grandma wouldn’t…”

“This is not your fault. Believe me, we would have fought about this no matter what”, Luke said and gave her a reassuring smile.

“Will you make up again?” Rory asked him and sounded timid and unsure.

“At some point we will make up again”, Luke told her and then turned around, because Lorelai opened the car door and fell down in the passengers seat, a defeated and sad look on her face.

“Let’s go”, she muttered and faced the side window, while Luke drove them home.
Luke ist so süß und ich bleib bei meinem Daddy-geschreibsel. Wie Tochter und Vater. Zum drücken ^^

Und die letzte "Szene" hat mir auch gefallen, abgesehen vom letzten Satz, der schon wieder so traurig war.

Aber Luke ist toll Wub Wub Wub

Tolles Kapitel, ich habe nichts zu meckern ^^
Bis dann

Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen. [url=http://ema.mtv.de/vote/][/url]

Krank? Du Arme! *tröst* *Kekse reich* *knuff*

Jetzt zur Story - toll wie immer Big Grin Toll find ich den Satz hier:

Zitat:He looked so handsome, that she had wanted to jump him right the second she had seen him at their house, but the icy glance from him had shown her once again that he was not interested in her.

Ihn anspringen? *gg* Nice Big Grin

Och menno die sollen endlich aufhören mit streiten... Die letzte Szene war zwar süß, aber so richtig versöhnt haben sie sich ja nich... Süß find ich das mit dem T-Shirt Wub

Das nächste Kapitel wird sich ja sicher um die Party drehen *froi* Smile

Sleeping without dreaming doesn't mean that you're still fine
[B]Not to be dead doesn't mean that you're alive...


Wärmflasche reich, Tee aufbrüh, Hustensaft hinstell und Kekse back - ach ja, dein "a" repariere *g* Gehts dir besser?
Gefällt mir die Party mit Luke!! He is her rock! Ich will auch so jemanden, aber bitte ohne Streit.
Hmm etwas unaktionreich diesesmal. Freu mich schon auf das nächste Kapitel und bin gespannd, ob Luke da auch das Eis bringt Smile.
Wirklich schön war die Scene mit dem Gespräch zwischen Rory und Luke im Auto. LG

I never thought it could hurt so much!!

Ich bin neu hier und möchte meinen ersten Beitrag dir widmen.
Ich liebe deine FF, die Charaktere sind genau getroffen und durch die Zitate wird sie etwas ganz besonderes.

Zum Kapitel:
Es war zwar nicht viel Handlung, aber dennoch ist es sehr sehr schön, vor allem Lukes Vater-Reaktion. Ich freu mich schon auf die Party und sorg bitte dafür das mein JJ-Herz aufhört zu leidenBig Grin

Gute Besserung
Lg Lästersis

War ja klar, dass beide mal wieder nicht den Mund aufkriegen, genau wie in der Serie, die Kommunikation war immer das, was bei ihnen nie perfekt geklappt hat.
Mein Wunsch wär wohl auch zu OOC gewesen, aber man kann ja hoffen Wink.

Traurig, dass Lorelai und Luke seit einer Woche nicht mehr mit einander gesprochen haben, aber vielleicht, irgendwann, hoffentlich ziemlich bald, werden sie sich wieder vertragen. Big Grin
Das kann ja nicht ewig so gehen, beide wollen eigentlich den Streit beenden, beide vermissen den anderen, beide gucken den anderen immer wieder an. Es sei denn Max taucht wieder auf und verhärtet die Fronten nochmal.
Lass uns nicht zu lange schmoren!!

Ich hoffe es geht bald weiter.

Gute Besserung, ich hoffe die Schmerzen sind nicht allzu schlimm?! (Mein Mitleid hast du Wink)



So,mir war langweilig, da dachte ich, ich schreib mal weiter Big Grin Danke für die reviews Smile

Chapter 14: Melting ice

It had been another sleepless night for Lorelai and she had tossed and turned in bed, contemplating the whole night what she could do to make everything okay between her and Luke again.
At six o’clock she had got up and made herself a cup of coffee. Luke was already gone when she arrived downstairs and another opportunity to finally talk to him was gone.
Since the night before she wasn’t really angry anymore, but sad that it had come this far. With her coffee she sat down on the couch in the living room and starred into the semi-dark room, before she put the cup on the table and lay down on the couch. She grabbed the folded blanket from the other end of the couch and wrapped herself in it. It smelled like Luke, she discovered and smiled. She was asleep in no time.

The rest of the day she spend preparing the party for the evening. Sookie brought the food and Patty would bring the punch. Everything was organized and planed the only thing she wasn’t sure about was if Luke would come.
Granted, it was Rory’s party and she knew that her daughter had invited him, but on the other hand she feared that after the party last night he would just stay in the diner and wouldn’t show up.

At eight o’ clock everyone had arrived, even her parents had made an unexpected appearance, but Luke was still missing.

“Hey birthday girl. Present time”, Lorelai announced and Rory happily cut the cake and then unwrapped her presents.

“Oh mom, this is too much! Thank you”, Rory exclaimed when she saw the notebook her mother had bought her.

“Well, it’s from Luke and me”, Lorelai said and thought back to the day three weeks ago when she had dragged Luke shopping for presents for Rory. He had grumped the whole time, but in the end the notebook had been his idea and they had split the costs fifty fifty, because he had insisted.

The townies in the room started to murmur, picking up on this gossip immediately.
They still weren’t sure what was going on in the Gilmore house. All they knew was that Luke had moved in with Lorelai, that he accompanied her once a week to her parents and that nobody had seen them kissing or making out yet. And there was the blow-out in the front yard during the wake. After another guy had kissed Lorelai on the cheek Luke had yelled at her, obviously jealous, and ever since then they weren’t speaking. The facts weren’t fitting, everything was too confusing to get a clear picture yet and one theory was more obscure than the other.

“Still, mom. It’s really… wow”, Rory said and hugged her mother.

“Well, if you don’t want it I take it”, Lorelai laughed.

“No way”, Rory said and stepped back from the hug, looked around the room for Luke so she could thank him as well. She couldn’t see him. “Mom, where is Luke?” she asked.

“I don’t know. I guess he has to work”, Lorelai said and tried to hide her sadness that he hadn’t come behind a smile.

After Rory had unpacked every present Lorelai suddenly came face to face with her father.

“Hey dad”, she smiled and handed him a glass of punch.

“Hello Lorelai. Your fireplace needs a check-up”, he said.

“I will tell Luke”, she said and again her smile vanished. She hadn’t been aware of how much he was doing for her until they had this stupid fight.

“Where is he?” Emily, who had joined them, wanted to know.

“He has to work”, Lorelai said.

“You’re sure?” her mother questioned.

“Yes, mom”, Lorelai replied confused.

“Well, you weren’t sure before when Rory asked”, Emily remarked.

“Yeah, well…” Lorelai said and was glad when she saw Sookie waving. “Excuse me”, she apologized and went over to her friend.

“What’s with the panicked look on your face?” she asked her.

“OK, don't panic”, Sookie said.

“Well, I am not the one who actually looks panicked.. although I just faced my parents, so I dunno.. what’s wrong?” Lorelai rambled.

“We're out of ice”, Sookie admitted.

“How could we be out of ice? We had a ton of ice. It was like a penguin habitat in there”, Lorelai asked.

“I don't know how it happened, I just know it happened and somehow we have to deal with it”, Sookie said.

“I will go and get some then”, Lorelai sighed. She knew that to get ice at this time she had to go to the diner and face Luke. Sookie only nodded and went back into the kitchen, and quietly checked the door to the backyard that one couldn’t see the bag with ice she had hid there, wanting Lorelai and Luke to have a chance to work out whatever the problem was.
Lorelai got her keys from the desk and grabbed her jacket, just as the door opened and Luke came in, carrying two bags with ice. Lorelai stared at him and yelled without taking her eyes from him. “Oh! Oh my God! You're a vision! Sookie, we have ice!”

“Hallelujah”, Sookie said when she looked around the corner, just to disappear again when she saw how Lorelai was looking at Luke.

“ How did you know? “ Lorelai asked Luke and smiled.

“Well, a good rule of thumb is you can never have too much ice”, he said.

“Oh, you're the best”, Lorelai exclaimed and rushed over to him and hugged him tight. Luke couldn’t resists and let the bags of ice drop to the floor and wrapped his arms around her. It felt too good to have her back. Lorelai pulled back slightly and looked up to him, starring into his blue eyes. It hit her again how much she liked him- as more than a friend and she had the overwhelming urge to kiss him.
Luke stared back, tightened his arms around her waist and mirrored her smile with one of his own. He could see her eyes sparkling in the dimly lit entry-way and he thought, for the first time, that she could actually feel the same he did for her. That she could be interested in him as in more than friends, that maybe, this marriage wouldn’t be as hard as he thought.
He took one hand from her waist and stroked one strand of her hair behind her ear let his hand linger on her cheek, while slowly their faces got closer and closer.
Until they heard someone clear his throat and they jumped apart, turned around and came face to face with Emily Gilmore.

“Oh, hi, Mom. Luke brought ice”, Lorelai stuttered while Emily smiled with raised eyebrows.

“How are you doing?” Luke asked after clearing his throat, the distant look back in his eyes.

“Fine, thank you”, Emily still grinned.

“Well I'd better get these in the freezer before it melts” , Luke said and hurried of into the kitchen, to get out of the situation.

“Well, not very likely in here”, Lorelai muttered and glared at her mother, before rushing past her in the living-room, angry at her mother and the rest of the world, that they hadn’t kissed.

Later in the evening, when everyone was telling stories from Rory’s childhood, Lorelai kept throwing glances at Luke. He was sitting in the arm-chair by the fireplace, laughing with the rest of them, sharing memories from Rory’s and her past with the others.
From time to time their gazes locked, just like the evening before, and just like the evening before they kept breaking it quickly and looked away.
When Lorelai saw her mother disappearing upstairs, she followed her, shrugged when Luke threw her a questioning look.

She found Emily in her bedroom, `Our bedroom`, she corrected herself, with a quilt in her hand which lay on the bed.

“I made that”, Lorelai said and made her presence known.

“Really? “ Emily asked surprised.

“From Rory's old baby clothes”.

“How nice. Hope you washed them first”, Emily said and lay the quilt back down on the bed.

“Oh, rats. I knew I forgot something”, Lorelai cursed jokingly.
“That's quite an assortment of characters you've assembled down there”. Emily stated and sat down on the bed.

“They're great people”.

“This Patricia ..”

“Miss Patty” Lorelai corrected.

“She teaches dance?” her mother asked.

“Among other things”, Lorelai smiled.

“And Luke..” Emily said in a soft tone.

“Luke”, Lorelai repeated and sighed quietly, which did not go unnoticed by her mother.

“How long have you been seeing him? Since my condition or even before?” Emily asked.

“Luke? I'm not seeing Luke. He's just a friend. And will be husband soon… because of your condition”, Lorelai explained, but stopped smiling.

“Mm-hmm”, Emily nodded knowingly.

“Mom, I swear. Luke keeps me in coffee, he feeds me.. that’s all”, Lorelai said and sounded disappointed even for her own ears.

“He likes you”, Emily stated.

“And you're judging this by what? “ Lorelai asked surprised.

“By they way he looks at you”, Emily smiled.

“Which is how?”

“Like you were about to give him a lap dance right in the foyer when you hugged him”.

“Mom, he did not look at me like that”, Lorelai shook her head, but smiled. She liked the possibility that maybe, for once, her mother could be right.

“You're pleased”, Emily noticed.

“What? “ Lorelai asked and snapped out of her thoughts.

“You smiled. You're pleased that Luke looked at you like a Porterhouse steak”, Emily grinned.

“I'm smiling because you're crazy and that's what you do to crazy people to keep them calm”, Lorelai stalled, not willing to admit anything to her mother, because she knew that it could easily backfire. Emily just looked at her and raised her eyebrows, kept smiling.
Then she got off the bed and looked around the room, saw Luke’s jeans lying over the back of a chair, several of Lorelai’s shirts on top. She saw Luke’s razor on a shelf in the bathroom and his bathrobe on a hook on the door.
Then she saw something different: A picture of Lorelai on crutches.

“What's this?” she asked Lorelai and picked up the picture frame.

“Well, that's me, Mom”.

“I know that's you. You're wearing a cast”.

“Yeah, that's when I broke my leg”, Lorelai shrugged.

“You broke your leg? “

“Yeah, three years ago during a yoga class. The headstand portion took a very ugly turn. The good thing was I brought the smug, blonde, pretzel chick down with me. I've since learned that I'm a bit too competitive for yoga”, Lorelai smiled at the memory.

“I never knew that you broke your leg”, Emily said quietly.

“It was no big deal, Mom. If I'd been really sick you would have known”, Lorelai dismissed it.

“Yeah, well...You know, could get a maid in here once a week to at least tidy the place up. I’m sure Luke is not too fond of this chaos”, Emily changed the topic and put the frame back down on the dresser.

“I like it cluttered nd Luke hasn’t complained so far”, Lorelai said.

“You can't even find the bed”.

“Yes I can. It's the thing that I crash into on the way to the closet”, she joked.

“I should go check on your father”, Emily said.
“It was nice that you came tonight, Mom. It meant a lot. To Rory. Really”, Lorelai said and gave her mother an honest smile.

“Well, she is my granddaughter, after all. I should be here”, her mother said.

“I totally agree”, Lorelai nodded and Emily picked up the quilt again, wanting to fold it neatly.

“Leave it”, Lorelai smiled at her mother, who lay down the quilt and left the room. Lorelai stayed back, thought about what her mother had told her. Could it really be true? Did Luke look at her that way ? For a moment she let herself believe that Luke actually had a thing for her. She thought back to the look in his eyes earlier, to their game of look-and-look-away, to the way he had held her each night, to the way he comforted her with a few words last night. But then the thoughts of the fight came back, of the icy stares he had given her, the freeze-out he had put her on. She sighed again and left the room, switched the light of. She had a party to host.

Later that night, when all the guests were gone, Luke was getting rid of the trash and Lorelai found herself alone in the kitchen, packing away the left-overs, she looked out of the window and saw Rory and the boy, Rory didn’t want to talk about. By the way her daughter looked at him, and by the way he smiled at her she knew it had to be him.
She saw that he handed Rory a gift, which she unwrapped. It was a bracelet, which looked like he had made it himself.
She saw how he tied it around Rory’s wrist, saw her daughter smile at the boy, before he leaned in and kissed her daughter and she kissed him back.
Lorelai’s mouth stood open and she turned around, debating if she should run out and slap him. She whirled around again, saw him walking away, saw the happy smile on Rory’s face.
Right that moment she was jealous of her daughter, because for her everything came easy, while for her everything was always twisted and complicated.
She heard the door open and close and knew Luke was back, just before the back-door opened and Rory came in, a happy look still on her face. Rory kissed her on the cheek, said good-night and went to bed, Luke retreated to the living-room, made the couch read to sleep on.
Right then Lorelai knew something had to change, the sooner the better. She was sick of being alone and unhappy.


der Schluss war schon wieder so traurig auch wenn er etwas schönes an sich hatte ^^
ansonsten war das Kapitel wieder toll.
Der Story war es wirklich gut angepasst (luke ist nicht da, dann aber doch der Eismann) und die neuen Ideen by jessi passen super rein.
also mir hat es wirklich gefallen. Ich habe nichts zu meckern und freue mich aufs nächste Kapitel ^^

so und jetzt muss ich dringend ins Bett ^^

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