leaving Stars Hollow...

So hmm ich hab mich auch mal dazu durchgerungen was zu schreiben, allerdings auf englisch, also k.a. wie das ankommt Wink

ich hab auch noch null plan wie's weiter gehn soll, aber zu bald wird es nicht enden denk ich?

naja mal schaun....

Titel:leaving Stars Hollow
Autor : melitta
Genre :ich würd sagen crossover
Raiting : PG-13
Disclaimer :

Ich bin nicht der Copyrightbesitzer der vorkommenden Gilmore Girls Figuren und ziehe keinerlei finanziellen Nutzen aus dieser Geschichte.
Sonstige Bemerkungen/Spoilerwarnung:

In englischer Sprache
Inhalt: It’s about Rory’s time while her work at the Barack Obama campaign trail. Wink

Chapter One:

Rory wasn’t sure about her feelings, leaving Stars Hollow for who knows how long, but most of all, leaving her mother, who, literally, had given her everything she needed.
All this made a complexity of feelings inside her, which didn’t felt very good.
She leant back on her seat, in the back row of the Barack Obama campaign bus, as her mother had suggested her, and tried to look forward.

After some minutes of regret due to the fact that she left Stars Hollow, the feeling of joy and anticipation came back.
She took a deep breath, forgot all anxieties, smiled and beheld the girl sitting next to her.
Rory remembered that her name was Jane, but she had hardly any time to speak with her while they all introduced theirselfes and asked their chief questions about work at the meeting briefly before they got on the bus, but now, on the bus, there was plenty of time.
,,Your name is Jane, right?’’
Jane, who seemed to deliberate about something, didn’t respond immediately.
,,Oh, ahm, sorry, I was just, I ahm, right, my name’s Jane, and you are..?’’
,,Rory, my name’s Rory.’’
,,Right, Rory, you were the one who asked the great number of questions.’’
,,Yes, that was me. I need to have a good overview before I start things, that’s my philosophy- have an overview- make a plan-and then write, that’s how I work.’’
,,Ah, you’re a little control freak?’’
,,Maybe. I just want to make sure, that I’ll give my best before I start writing.’’

Jane smiled and Rory wasn’t sure how to take it. Was she smiling about her? Or was she just smiling to be polite?
Jane noticed Rory's doubts.
,,Oh, no need to be upset, I’m the same way, I need an overview before I start work, if there’s no overview, there will be no good work.’’
,,Exactly! Jane, I think we might get gum buddies.’’
,,Gum buddies?’’
,,Yeah, my mum, she made fun of the things on the list, they gave us, and meant I may get gum buddy with Obama when he needs gum, cause’ my fanny pack might have been lime green, but finally it’s not, and someone could commemorate me, the lime green fanny pack girl and might say, what about the lime green fanny pack girl? You know lime green like gum, and then I will meet Obama giving him gum, so we’re gum buddies, but of course, this will never ever happen.’’.
,,Wow, your mum seems pretty cool.’’
,,Yes, she defintitely is.’’
,,Be thankful for that, my mom, is a beast, she left me and dad for a guy called Darren, when I was five, dad and I tried to make the best of that situation, but then he met Jessica, who’s been my stepmother, since ten years. She’s crazy.’’
,,She believes that she’s the reincarnation of an old egypt cat. She truely has lost her marbles.’’
Rory laughed the first time since she has left Stars Hollow.
Their conversation last till’ their first stop at an Inn somewhere in Pennsylvania.
Jane and Rory got a bedroom for two and went sleeping after having shower.

In bed, Rory was lying wide awake. She was happy to be close forming a friendship with Jane, who seemed very nice to her.
Finding sleep wasn’t easy, but after some time Rory finally fell asleep, with great anticipations for the following days.



Hey Du!

Also ich find es toll, dass du eine englische FF geschrieben hast.=)

Mir gefällt der Anfang wirklich, wirklich gutBig Grin

Und Jane mag ich auch, sie scheint nett zu seinTongue

Also schreib bald weiter
kussi Anni

P.S: muss man jetzt auch in Englisch FB geben??^^xD

And I felt Hope {Twilight|Alice&Jasper}
[♥]ava&sig by Avi[XxPruexX][♥]

Ich kann mich Sophie nur anschliessen ... toll, eine FF auf Englisch zu lesen und Jane scheint auch ganz nett zu sein. Also, schreib schnell weiter Smile


vielen dank Smile

hab schon gezweifelt ob das ankommt auf englisch...

ja hmm ich hab schon was im kopf wie es weiter gehn soll Wink

der nächste teil kommt bald Smile

und zwar jetzt Wink

Chapter Two:

The alarm clock had hardly any time to ring.
Rory was awake the same time the alarm started ringing and so she turned it off.
Jane who was lying peacefully in her bed made a grunting sound and opened her eyes slowly.
,,Ah, what? Time to stand up?’’
,,Yes, honey, time to stand up, I’m in the bathroom, so you have little time to stand up and finally get awake.’’
,,Alright Rory.’’
Rory went to the bathroom, locked the door behind her and turned on the faucet, the reason why she wasn’t able to hear the plopping sound in the bedroom.
It was Jane falling out of the bed. She got up looked around and starred at the door of the bathroom to be sure that Rory didn’t get her little accident. After making herself sure nobody, but her, got her accident, she shaked her body and made some funny moves, which where part of her morning ritual.
She stamped her feet, turned around about ten times, sat down, crossed her feet and made some funny noises.
,,Ouuuoooweeeehhh, ouweh, oooooo, weeeeee.’’
,,Damn! Rory, you scared me, I tought you wouldn’t leave the bathroom the next ten minutes.”
,,I told you, that you would have little time to stand up. How could I know, that you were planning to do this…, this…’’, Rory gasped ,,Alright Jane, what are you doing here?’’
,,Just my morning ritual.’’
,,Yeah, strange ritual, and does your ritual has any meaning?’’
,,Yes, it’s the, start-the-morning-with-energy-and-joy, ritual.’’
,,Hmm I think I should go back to the bathroom until you finsih your, ahm, morning ritual, but Jane you should hurry, we ought to leave in less than twenty minutes. We will have breakfast on the bus, no idea how it will work.”
,,No need to hurry, I’ve already finished the ritual. You can stay at the bedroom, I’m going to the bath and prepare myself for the bus trip.’’
Jane stood up and ran to the bathroom, locked the door and opened it again just to grab up her clothes, then ran back to the bath and locked the door again.
Rory was standing next to her bed and observed Jane astonished.
She wasn’t sure what to think about Jane’s ritual and strange behavior, maybe her stepmother had a bad influence on her?
When Jane came out of the bath, Rory was waiting for her, ready to leave.
,,Jane, hurry, they are waiting for us. We don’t want them to have a bad impression of us, right?’’
,,Right, let’s go!”
Jane took her suitcase and the girls ran to the bus, where the other campaign members were already waiting for them.
Rory was a bit ashamed, it was not her manner to be late. She told the chief that she was very sorry for being late, but fortunately he didn’t mind.
Surprisingly, the seats in the backrow, where they sat the day before, weren’t filled.
Rory remembered Lorelai’s words, about people, who always trend to take the same seats.
She missed her mum, but the feeling wasn’t as bad as it was yesterday.
After five minutes of drive, their chief stood up and took a microphone.
,,So ladies and gentlemen, I hope all of you slept well, we have a long ride before us. Our next stop will be in two hours, then you can go to the toilette or just sprain your ankles. I’m now going to give you guys a brochure, about the meeting in Sioux City, all informations are collected in there, so don’t lose it. If there are any questions feel free to ask.’’
Jane looked at Rory, waiting for her to ask a question, but Rory had none.
The chief continued :,,After that we will have a little breakfast, I bought brownies and doughnuts, water bottle’s are here too.’’

They got the brochure, and after the next two hours until their first stop, Rory was busy with reading it and eating one of the brownies.

The aim of the ride was to reach Dayton, Ohio, even today.

Arriving in Dayton, about seven hours later, the same procedure as yesterday began, Rory and Jane got a twobedroom at an Inn, like the other campaign members, and Rory was glad to have Jane with her, but this day, they all were invited to a big dinner at a restaurant in midtown Dayton.

After dinner Rory was really stuffed. It was good to have a fine warm meal after the long ride.
And falling asleep was way easier for her than yesterday.



hmm also ich hab schon nen neuen teil...aber offenbar kommt englisch doch nicht so an Wink na egal Smile



Ohhhhh I'm so sorry for not comment your chapter. I didn't notice itSad
Bekommst du mein FB halt jetzt etwas verspätet...

Das Kapitel hat mir auch dieses Mal sehhhhrrr gut gefallen.
Besonders toll fand ich die Stelle mit Jane's starte-in-den-Morgen-mit-Energie-und-Freude-Ritual <3^^

Also ich bleibe dabei, die FF ist toll und das Englische find ich auch sehr gutBig Grin
Wehe du kommst hier auf dumme GedankenBig Grin

Freu mich auf den nächsten Teil
kussi AnniHeart

And I felt Hope {Twilight|Alice&Jasper}
[♥]ava&sig by Avi[XxPruexX][♥]

i would read thie s story, but i can't read englisch goood
I am so sorry

Love isn't finding someone who you can live with,
it's finding someone who you can't live without.


schön mal was auf englisch zulesen ...Smile
Die ersten Kapitel gefallen mir echt gut Smile
Jane scheint ja echt nett zu sein.

Ich freu mich auf mehr

Lg lulu


Smile freut mich sehr Smile
naja es is doch schwerer als ich dachte was auf englisch zu schreiben...jetzt muss ich mal pepp in das ganze bringen Wink
ich hab schon den neuen teil naja mal gucken...Wink

Chapter Three:

Four days, after some comfortable but even uncomfortable nights at Inns, they finally reached Sioux City, Iowa.
They checked in at a very nice, little Inn, and Rory had the impression that they where the only guests.

The next day, at night, the Town Hall meeting was going to take place.
Rory prepared herself pretty well for it, but Jane told her that her preparations were much more than pretty well and that she felt like an idiot next to her.
But both were excited to meet Barack Obama the first time in their lifes, maybe they wouldn’t get the chance to talk to him, but to follow his speech and make observations and talk to the citizens who are going to attend the meeting, was exciting enough.
There would be an enormouse amount of reporters, but Rory wasn’t scared, just excited, this was all new to her, and she liked it.
Jane indeed, seemed to be a little more scared than excited, but Rory was able to calm her down, there was no need to worry.

At eight p.m. the meeting began, and Rory and Jane took their seats, next to some other reporters from Boston, like their seat reservations told them.
,,Hey, girls, My name’s Josh, I’m here for the Boston Herald, but actually I don’t know if I want to be here, and I’m condemned to follow this guy, Barack for the following next weeks, only to get some infos for the Boston Herald, cause’ the Boston Herald always wants to have infos others don’t have, so we are the only reporters from a daily news paper who constantly follow Barack, thank God, I’m not alone and my three colleagues are with me.’’ He pointed at the other reporters from Boston.
Josh, who was sitting next to Jane, seemed friendly, but neither Rory nor Jane were specially interested in him. They told him, that they were here for the Barack Obama campaign trail, and Josh was clearly impressed.
They weren’t able to add their names, cause’ resounding applause started, which announced Barack’s arrival.

After the meeting, Rory, Jane and the other campaign members started to ask the citizens about their feelings for Barack Obama and his speech, and if there are any questions, they might pass to Obama.
Rory enjoyed that and asked more than fifty people, who all tend to like Obama. After a while, Josh, the reporter from Boston, appeared and wanted to know how it goes for her.
,,Good, I think Sioux City really likes Obama.’’
,,Right, any informations you want to give to me?’’
,,Just wanted to know, you know, it’s hard for me to get some info’s about the whole meeting and the people here, but you and your collegues seem to have no problems with that so I thought you might hand out some info’s, for me.’’
,,Come on, are you serious? What a stupid idea to think I would give out any information.’’
,,Right, but there’s no harm in asking.’’
Rory went on, just to leave stupid Josh behind. No good reporter would asked another for information, maybe he’s just pretty lazy.

After the whole meeting and public opinion asking, the campaign members met at the Inn’s little meeting room, to hand out their informations and later to write their reviews for the official internet site of the campaign.

Then, it was nearly one a.m., they all got some snacks at the dining room.
Rory who didn’t forget her impression of being the only guests, was set right, Jane, her, the campaign members and their chief, were not the only guests at the Inn.
At the dining room, four people were already eating snacks.
It were Josh and his collegues.



Hey du
der neue Teil hat mir echt gut gefallen. Jane und Rory scheinen ja richtig gute Freunde zu werden.
Bin gespannt wie das mit Josh weiter geht.
LG Lulu


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