Beiträge: 1.149
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Registriert seit: 10.11.2007
Hey Du!
Wieder ein schöner Teil=)
Mal gespannt, wie sich Josh noch gibt, bis jetzt mag ich ihn noch nicht so

Kann ja noch werden=)
Rory und Jane scheinen sich ja echt gut zu verstehen, das ist toll=)
Eine Frage habe ich noch. Wird deine FF irgendein bestimmtes Pairing haben?
Oder weiÃt du das noch nicht? Oder gar keins?
Freu mich auf den nächsten Teil

Beiträge: 10.371
Themen: 86
Registriert seit: 06.10.2007
ja hmm das sollt ich vlt. noch ändern mit dem pairing, nur wie ich nagefangen hab zu schreiben wusste ich noch nicht ob's das gibt...hmm
Beiträge: 10.371
Themen: 86
Registriert seit: 06.10.2007
so hier kommt ein neuer teil
Chapter 4
Roryâs and Joshâs eyes met.
Unlike Rory, Josh was pleased to see her again. He stood up and while the other campaign members took their seats, Rory waited for him.
,,Hey, what a coincident to see you again.ââ
,,Yeah Josh, great..ââ
,,So I happened to realize that I, ahm, never asked you about your name?!ââ
,,Oh, ahm, Iâm Rory, and Iâm thirsty and tired. Josh, I am pretty sure we will see each other again, I mean you and your fellas follow Barack as well, thereâs a great chance to meet once again, right?ââ
,,Yes, right, â¦.ââ
Josh, who wasnât sure what to do now, was standing motionless and speechless next to Rory.
,,Hmm good night Josh, Iâm going to my colleagues.ââ
Rory moved on and Josh yelled goodbye after her.
Jane who watched Rory and Josh smiled, after Rory sat down, and meant that it seemed to her as if Josh had a little crush on Rory.
,,What? No Jane, I donât think so, heâs just trying to be nice.ââ
,,Oh Rory, didnât you see it? Heâs running after you and ahm, at the moment heâs starring at you.ââ
Rory, who felt queasy by the idea of Josh gazing at her, tried to avoid looking at him.
,,Jane, I donât want to think about that right now, I just want to drink something and then Iâm going to sleep.ââ
Lying in their beds, Jane tried to pick up the conversation about Josh again.
But Rory already had fallen asleep, she was dreaming of Stars Hollow, about her mum, Taylor, who was trying to invent an alarm system for rushing cyclists and last but not least, about Logan. A Logan, who was taller and had darker hair, than the one, who wanted to marry Rory. The dream wasnât important for Rory, she wouldnât be able to remember it at morning.
The following day, at midday, the campaign bus started its ride to their next aim, Dallas, Texas.
Jane who felt sick, was sitting in the front row of the bus, following an advice of the chief, who had meant that sitting in the front row might help her to overcome the sickness.
Therefor Rory was sitting alone in the backrow, the other members, except Jane, seemed to prefer the front rows, but Rory didnât care much about it, she listened to some music and beholded the countryside, while the bus drove past it.
After a while the bus stopped at a roadhouse, and Rory left, like the other occupants, the bus to go to the toilette.
Fifteen minutes later the bus left the roadhouse and continued its ride.
Meanwhile Rory was trying to open the toilette door. It was impossible to open it. Rory, who was getting nervous, put her best foot forward to stay calmed.
After two minutes of trying she started screaming for help.
,,Hello? Is there somebody?ââ
But there was no answer.
,,Please, I need help! Iâm unable to unlock the toilette door, hello? HELLO?!ââ
She heard a snap and then a manâs voice answered her demand for help.
,,Hello? What happened? Are you in there?ââ
The person knocked on Roryâs door.
,,Thank God, yes, oh Iâm so happy that youâre here. I need help, I canât open the blasted door, it just doesnât work out.ââ
,,No need to worry, Iâll get you out there, just a minute.ââ
The man left and then he asked Rory to leave the door, which wasnât easy for her- the toilette wasnât very big.
Then something crashed against the door, and the bolt broke.
,,Are you ok?ââ
Rory, glad to be out there, said thanks and ran outside to see if the camapign members were waiting for her, but there was no one left.
She couldnât believe it, didnât someone realize that sheâs missing? Jane?
Upset and angry she went back into the roadhouse.
And then she cursed herself. She never asked for a mobile phone number of any of the campaign members, not even Janeâs, how could sheâve been so stupid?
The man who helped her with the toilette, saw Rory and asked her what has happened.
Rory told him her story and his advice was to ask some of the passing car drivers to take her with them. She was anything but not amused about that, but what other choice did she have?
She went outside and sat down at a bank inf ront of the roadhouse.
What a horrible feeling to be forgotten.
About half an hour later a black van stopped at the roadhouse.
The doors opened and Rory couldnât tell how happy she was to see the occupants.
Beiträge: 1.149
Themen: 8
Registriert seit: 10.11.2007
Hey Du!
Wieder ein toller Teil=)
Ohhh arme Rory, vergessen zu werden, dasi ist echt fies
Aber sie sind ja wider da, soweit ich das verstanden habe=)
Beiträge: 782
Themen: 4
Registriert seit: 19.06.2007
der Teil hat mir sehr gut gefallen.
Die arme Rory..
Weiter so
Liebe GrüÃe Lulu
Beiträge: 2.577
Themen: 22
Registriert seit: 26.12.2006
hey du
bin erst jetzt auf deine ff gestoÃen und mir gefällt sie ziemlich gut. ich lese gern auf englisch, versteh aber meistens die hälfte nicht und komm mit meinem dictonary dann immer so langsam voran, dass mir die lust total vergeht. aber hier versteh ich so gut wie alles und hab mich über deine ideen und die witzigen dialoge total amüsiert. ich muss gleich mal die stellen kommentieren, die mir am besten gefallen haben..
,,Oh, ahm, sorry, I was just, I ahm, right, my nameâs Jane, and you are..?ââ
,,Rory, my nameâs Rory.ââ
,,Right, Rory, you were the one who asked the great number of questions.ââ
,,Yes, that was me. I need to have a good overview before I start things, thatâs my philosophy- have an overview- make a plan-and then write, thatâs how I work.ââ
,,Ah, youâre a little control freak?ââ
,,Maybe. I just want to make sure, that Iâll give my best before I start writing.ââ
jane ist mir vom ersten augenblick an total sympatisch und rory ist einfach rory, unser kleiner kontroll-freak^^
Zitat:[SIZE=3],,Exactly! Jane, I think we might get gum buddies.ââ
,,Gum buddies?ââ
,,Yeah, my mum, she made fun of the things on the list, they gave us, and meant I may get gum buddy with Obama when he needs gum, causeâ my fanny pack might have been lime green, but finally itâs not, and someone could commemorate me, the lime green fanny pack girl and might say, what about the lime green fanny pack girl? You know lime green like gum, and then I will meet Obama giving him gum, so weâre gum buddies, but of course, this will never ever happen.ââ.
,,Wow, your mum seems pretty cool.ââ
,,Yes, she defintitely is.ââ
da musste ich so was von lachen. typisch lorelai.
Zitat:,,She believes that sheâs the reincarnation of an old egypt cat. She truely has lost her marbles.ââ
Zitat:Rory went to the bathroom, locked the door behind her and turned on the faucet, the reason why she wasnât able to hear the plopping sound in the bedroom.
It was Jane falling out of the bed. She got up looked around and starred at the door of the bathroom to be sure that Rory didnât get her little accident. After making herself sure nobody, but her, got her accident, she shaked her body and made some funny moves, which where part of her morning ritual.
She stamped her feet, turned around about ten times, sat down, crossed her feet and made some funny noises.
oh mann. jane ist wirklich verrückt. witzig, wie du das beschreibst 
Zitat:,,Alright Jane, what are you doing here?ââ
,,Just my morning ritual.ââ
,,Yeah, strange ritual, and does your ritual has any meaning?ââ
,,Yes, itâs the, start-the-morning-with-energy-and-joy, ritual.ââ
haha, so ein ritual sollte ich mir auch aneignen. rorys reaktion fand ich echt lustig. du bringst rory super rüber.
Zitat:,,Good, I think Sioux City really likes Obama.ââ
,,Right, any informations you want to give to me?ââ
,,Just wanted to know, you know, itâs hard for me to get some infoâs about the whole meeting and the people here, but you and your collegues seem to have no problems with that so I thought you might hand out some infoâs, for me.ââ
,,Come on, are you serious? What a stupid idea to think I would give out any information.ââ
,,Right, but thereâs no harm in asking.ââ
Rory went on, just to leave stupid Josh behind. No good reporter would asked another for information, maybe heâs just pretty lazy
also, mir ist josh auch nich so richtig symphatisch. hast du etwa gröÃeres mit ihm vor? naja, vllt freunde ich mich mit ihm ja noch an...
Zitat:,,Hey, what a coincident to see you again.ââ
,,Yeah Josh, great..ââ
ich kann mir vorstellen, wie begeistert sie das gesagt haben muss^^ ich bin froh, dass du deine ff auf englisch schreibst. ich glaub, auf deutsch wär das alles noch lang nich so witzig.
Zitat:Fifteen minutes later the bus left the roadhouse and continued its ride.
Meanwhile Rory was trying to open the toilette door.
ojeoje. arme rory. 
Zitat:About half an hour later a black van stopped at the roadhouse.
The doors opened and Rory couldnât tell how happy she was to see the occupants.
na, da bin ich schon gespannt, wies weitergeht
ich lese auf jeden fall weiter.
alles liebe
Beiträge: 10.371
Themen: 86
Registriert seit: 06.10.2007
ich hab nen neuen teil, find ihn aber nicht so dolle^^ war müde und meine muse war pennen wie ichd a sgeschrieben hab x)
also nicht böse sein
Chapter 5
The people in the van where the reporters from the Boston Herald, among them, Josh, again.
First, Rory was just happy to see them, but the next moment she cursed God for sending Josh and his colleagues as her rescue.
,,Rory? I canât believe it. Where are your fellas?ââ
,,Theyâre gone.ââ
,,Thatâs a long story, I donât want to talk about it right now. Youâre moving to Dallas right?ââ
One of Joshâs colleagues came and introduced himself, right after Josh answered Roryâs question with a yes.
,,Hey, are you Jane? The girl from the Obama campaign trail? Iâm Harry.ââ
,,Jane? No, Iâm not Jane, Iâm Rory, actually really pleased to meet you and your van. Do you have a seat left? I need a ride to Oklahoma City, to follow my colleagues, thereâs an Inn where we wanted to spend the night, its name was James Inn somewhere at 6th avenue.ââ
Harry apologized for taking Rory for Jane, but she didnât mind, she just wanted to get the ride to Dallas for sure.
Harry laughed, of course, Rory was welcome at their little car pool.
They weâre heading to Oklahoma City too, not to James Inn, but they will find it for Rory, no need to worry about it.
Rory was thankful, but she had a bad feeling about a long ride with Josh and his three colleagues, Harry, Mike and Tommy.
She took a deep breath before she took her seat next to Harry.
Not sure how the trip will run.
After a while of silence, Josh began a conversation, at least he tried, but Rory wasnât interested in it, she was worried about the whole scenario.
Then she had an idea, maybe the campaign bus was waiting at the next roadhouse for her? Hoping someone had pick her up?
She told Harry that she felt better, if they could stop at the next roadhouse, just to check if the bus and campaign members were waiting for her.
,,Sure Rory, no problem! Mike, could you please stop at the next roadhouse?ââ
Mike, who was driving the van wanted to know why Harry needed to stop again, and Harry explained it to him.
Unfortunately the next roadhouse was miles away, so Rory had to make herself a bit comfortable and decided to start a conversation with Harry, who seemed way nicer to her than Josh and the other guys, who were busy with making corny jokes.
,,So Harry, why are you hanging out with Josh, Mike and Tommy, they seem to be, ahm, a bit childish..ââ
,,Yeah, no wonder, they do act like children, but I have no opportunity, you know weâre here for the Boston Herald, I have no other choice...ââ
,,I wonder how these guys got the job at the newspaper.ââ
,,Well thatâs something I ask myself everyday, but there is no possible answer.ââ
,,Harry, I am so sorry that you have to work with them, you seem to be completely different.ââ
,,Youâre not the first one, who is telling me that.ââ
,,Well, that doesnât surprise me..ââ
Both were smiling, but the same time Mike had to burp, and Roryâs smile vanished immediately.
Harry and Rory started their talk again, after the other three calmed down.
Now the next roadhouse wasnât that far away anymore.
Some minutes later they stopped, and they got out of the bus.
Rory was nervous, and was truely hoping that her colleagues were waiting for her, at this place.
,,Rory? ROOOORY!!! Oh my God, Rory!!â
It was Jane.
Rory was relieved and angry at the same time.
,,Why? Why did you forget me? I was worried that I would have to stay with Josh the whole trip to Oklahoma City.ââ
,,Rory, Iâm so sorry we are so sorry, we just, it was a hurry and everyone took their seats, you know, no one was paying attention to the back row, we assumed that you are there.ââ
Roryâs chief came and apologized, he was feeling pretty bad, he promised Rory, the most comfortable room he could get at James Inn.
Rory said goodbye to Harry, Josh, Mike and Tommy, who was searching for a bush to pee.
They were sure to meet at Dallas again.
Back at the good old campaign bus, Jane promised Rory, never to leave the back row, or Rory again.
Beiträge: 1.149
Themen: 8
Registriert seit: 10.11.2007
Hui, Harry seems to be nice

Oh Gott, die anderen drei sid ja nervig

Schöner Teil

Zum Glück haben sie die anderen gefunden, sonst hätte mir Rory leidgetan, mit denen, ausgenommen von Harry, in einem Bus zu sein

Schreib bald weiter

Beiträge: 10.371
Themen: 86
Registriert seit: 06.10.2007
So ich seh grad, dass ich schon vor ner weile den letzten teil reingestellt hab^^ ich bin jetzt zwei wochen auf urlaub und werd ein wenig per hand weiterschreiben und sobald ich zurück bin werd ich es eintippen dann werden die kapitel auch länger sein

aber es gehta uf jeden fall weiter
Beiträge: 10.371
Themen: 86
Registriert seit: 06.10.2007
Ein neuer Teil

produziert im Urlaub.
Für Rechtschreibfehler oder etwaige Grammatikfehler übernehme ich keine Verantwortung^^
Chapter 6
Sitting in the bus, without Josh and his collegues, was very peaceful for Rory. Although she had to admit that she missed Harry and the conversation with him a bit. He was pretty intelligent and friendly and best of all, no freak. What canât be said about his fellas from the Boston Herald. Especially Josh, who was bothering Rory the most.
And if that couldnât be enough, referring to Jane, he had a crush on Rory. And Rory didnât feel very comfortable about that.
Jane who didnât brake her promise, was sitting next to Rory. She was deeply thinking about something, or at least, Rory thought she was.
She couldnât tell what Jane was debatting about, but it seemed very difficult for her to find a final resolution for the problem.
After a while Jane gave up thinking and sighed deeply :,,Rory you have no idea how hard it is to find an accurate boyfriend these days.â
Rory was confused. What exactly did she want to tell her?
âHmm Jane, I do know the problems of boyfriends, yes, I do know that (What Jane didnât know, was, that Rory was referring to her former boyfriends, Logan, Jess and Dean. With whom she had had more or less troubles while their relationship and afterward, than she had wanted to have.), but Iâm glad I made those experiences. Maybe itâs hard to find someone you truely love and who is the perfect match in your eyes, but you can never avoid fights and troubles, thatâs part of a relationship. Iâm sure there are more accurate boyfriends, as you want to tell them, than you can actually see or at least there are more who would be accurate if they got the chance to prove that.ââ
âYeah Rory, Iâm sure youâre right, but there is a huge problem. There are two kind of boyfriends I long for. The accurate, perfect ones, the ones I dream of every night and sometimes day, the ones, who are even loved by your family, because they are so perfect for you. And then there are the ones, who are my average boyfriends, the ones I fall in love with, but never wanted too, the ones, who are called ,bad boysâ, the ones your family dislikes because of their behaviour and interests, the ones, who are hated, because they are who they are. And that are the ones I always fall in love with. The ones, who I deeply hate, but love at the same time, because they are not perfect, but they are free and crazy and do their own stuff. I think I fall for them, because this is what I never had. Real freedom. Doing what I want to do. My stepmother, you know the kitty, was after me, like, yeah, like a cat after a bird. I was in a nice little cage, and if there ever was the chance to leave it, she was sitting their waiting to catch me. Well, Iâm hundert percent sure, she hadnât eaten me, but she was doing her best to put me back into the cage. I donât want to complain about my life. Dad was the most lovliest one I can imagine, and kitty wasnât that bad either, but she made my life complicated. And Dad had trusted her opinion when it came along girl stuff. No party, No boyfriends, only if they were Prince Charming, but there had never been one, no sports, yeah no sports, I could get a too masculine body. Ahh Rory, Iâm getting too sentimental, sorry.â
Rory, who was busily trying to remember what Jane had mentioned, said :,,No Jane, youâre not to sentimental, itâs nice of you to think you can tell me that stuff. It shows you trust me, I think this can be the begin of a wonderful friendship.â
Jane laughed, and told Rory, that she had never met such a sarcastic and funny person in her life.
âYou never met my Mum, Jane, sheâs me, ten times more sarcastic and funny.â, Rory said, smiling, as she was thinking of her.
âSoâ, Rory continued, âI know your problem with the bad guys, I had, hmm, two boyfriends like that, and one was a really ,badâ one, considering the opinions of people, which they had about him, but I loved him, and forgave him most of his stupid actions. I think you canât say you always fall for them, and maybe your perfect match is a bad boy, who is friendly and smart too. Never thought about that?â
âThatâs a good point Rory. I never thought of a bad boy, as my perfect match. I
mean my dream match is a nice, helpful, humorous, smart, good looking guy from
Princeton, but what, if that isnât my real perfect match? Rory youâre great, truly, I
never thought about it that way.â
Rory smiled âAlways a pleasure to help you. Hmm Jane, tell me, who is the bad
âWhat?ââ Jane replied, trying to pretend as if she didnât know what Rory meant.
âThere must be someone you were referring to, when you started this conversation,
werenât you?â, Rory wanted to know.
âI were. But I donât think of it as a good idea to tell you. You propably wouldnât
âHey! Jane we are friends, have you forgotten? You need to tell me, Iâm your
âAlright Rory, but please donât laugh or say something rude.â
âNever dare to, you should know that!â
Jane, at the moment to tell Rory who it is, was interrupted.
,,But youâre not talking about Barack right?â Rory wisecracked.
âWhat???ââ, Jane was confused.
âForgive me Jane, it was just a little remember of my Mum, she would have said
that right now, Iâm quit sure. You know, I have to keep her in mind. I have to do
that once in a while ignore it, if itâs possible. Itâs her horrible sarcastic humor I have
to keep in mind.ââ
âAlright, I think I have to meet your Mum, she must be a very unique person.â
âShe is, but sorry Jane, I didnât want to interrupt you, please go on, Iâm keen on
getting details about your bad boy, so letâs start with his name.â
âJoshâ, Jane said.
âWhat?, Now Rory was confused, âYou donât mean Josh, from Boston, donât
âI do mean exactly this one.â Jane answered.
Rory didnât know what to say, she promised to at least try to understand, which
was pretty hard for her right now.