leaving Stars Hollow...

Chapter 7

Jane knew that her feelings for Josh were superficial, she didn’t know him at all, met him just
a few times and she was the one, who discovered his crush on Rory. Now she hoped, that she
failed at that and he hadn’t a crush on her friend Rory.

,,See”, Jane said ,,It’s totally stupid and the best is that I think he has a crush on you, that
makes it more complicated for me, but not less stupid.”

,,Jane, I told you before, I’m sure he has no crush on me. Honestly, I think he’s a freak and no
bad boy. He acts so stupid. You hadn’t have to sit in a van with him for about one and a half
hour. He’s extremely childish. He made dirty jokes and the best was that he and the others,
except Harry, were burping all time long. If that made up a bad boy I would be aware of them.

,,I know it’s stupid, so stupid. I don’t trust my feelings. Actually I’m childish too, I act like
I’m deeply in love with him, but I don’t know him at all, and hearing that he burps and makes
dirty jokes all time, makes my brain think he is extremely dumb. But my heart doesn’t care
about that. Oh my God Rory, I need distraction, right now.”

Rory, who really wanted to distract Jane, stopped talking about bad boys and dumb Josh. She
grabbed her fanny pack, which wasn’t lime green at all, but blue, so she couldn’t be the lime
green fanny pack girl with the gums, and put out a picture album, Lorelai gave her shortly
before her trip has started.
She gave it to Jane, who took a look at it, while Rory explained the pictures to her. There
where some of her as baby, many of her as teenager and the last ones added, were from the
Bon Voyage party, Luke had made up for her.

Finally, after a very long drive the Capaign Trail reached Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Rory just wanted to sleep, her day was one of the most bad days since Logan and her have
broken up.

James Inn wasn’t very luxerious, but as the Chief promised, he gave Rory the best room he
could get. It was a one bedroom, the bathroom had a tube and a shower and a separate toilette
room. The rest of the room wasn’t very luxerious, just a normal bedroom at an Inn, but Rory
didn’t care.

She fell asleep while listening to one of the CD’s Lane gave to her.

At morning Rory had the feeling, like all her energy got lost. She remembered Jane’s start-
the-morning-with energy-and-joy-ritual. After making sure, nobody could see or hear her,
Rory started the morning ritual, she tried her best to remember what moves and noises Jane
exactly had done.

She stamped as quietly as she could, turned around several times, she didn’t remember the
exact amount of turnarounds Jane had made then she sat down and crossed her feet.

Energy and joy, energy and joy, was all she was thinking about, trying to avoid
embarrassment of herself.
She took a very deep breath and started to imitate Jane’s noises.

,,Uiiiiweeeeee, eweeeh, uuuuu, weeeeehhh.”

Jane was right, there was defenitly a lot of joy coming from this ritual. Rory had to laugh, the
noises were too crappy to stay serious.

Ten minutes later someone knocked on her door. It was Jane, who was coming to pick her up for breakfast.

,,Rory? You look, ahm, …different, you didn’t take any illegal medicaments didn’t you?”
Jane didn’t mean it serious, she knew Rory had done something funny, she looked like someone, who just had plenty of fun. Or joy. Now Jane was suspicious.

,,You made my ritual, right? I see it’s sucessful. The joy part seems to be more than succesful, overwhelming or so.”

Rory, who was smiling brightly at Jane all the time, told her, that she really did the ritual and it was extremely fun.

,,You have to have joy, when you’re doing that. It’s awesome. After the Uiwee and eweeeh, I started imagine my mother doing the same. It was so much fun, that ritual fits her perfectly. I have to do that sometime with her.”



Ich wusste doch, ich hätte besser eine französische ff schreiben sollenWink



Hey Süsse!

Ich hatte gerade nichts zu tun und habe begonnen deine FF zu lesen. Nun habe ich mal die ersten 7 Kapitel durchgelesen. Ich finde du schreibst toll und ich finds schön in diesem Forum mal wieder eine englische FF zu finden.

Ich finde, es lässt sich sehr leicht lesen und die Kapitel sind immer schön 'portioniert'. Es ist nie zu wenig aber auch nicht zu viel.

Normalerweise lese ich wirklich nur JJ-FF, aber diese FF werde ich auf alle Fälle weiterlesen.

Hoffe du schreibst bald weiter! Freu mich...


Sometime I take a carton of eggs out of the fridge an look at it and think
that maybe one day I'll crack an egg and a little baby chicken will fall out and I'll wash him of and rais him indoors and then...
I'll have a friend.

Smile danke Smile obwohl englisch ja offenbar nicht so gut ankommt^^ aber ich brauch eh ein wenig übung und da schreib ich lieber was, das mich interessiert^^ und wenn es verständlich ist, ist es auch gut Smile

Chapter 8

Both were heading to the breakfast room, and Jane reminded Rory, that Josh and his fellas might be there too.

After they entered the room and took their seats, Jane observed the whole room, trying to find out, if Josh is really there, but she neither saw him nor one of his fellas. It made her feel a bit more comfortable, so she could enjoy her toast and coffee without the feeling of having to control every of her moves, just in case Josh is looking at her (or Rory).

,,Rory… Jane, here you are.”

It was Harry, coming from nowhere. He was truly happy to see Rory again.

,,Harry, nice to meet you again, won’t you take a seat?”, Rory asked, without thinking that his collegues might come over too. Jane looked at her angrily, but Rory didn’t notice it.

,,That’s a nice offer, but I can’t take it, you know, if Josh, Mike and Tommy come, they wouldn’t behave appropriate.”

Rory, who remember her discussion with Jane about Josh the day before, urgently felt pretty uncomfortable.

,,Ahm yeah, I haven’t thought about them,” she looked at Jane apologetic ,,They wouldn’t be as nice as you are.” She smiled at him.

,,Well then, I’m going to find a table far away from yours. Bye.”
Harry left and Rory told Jane, that she was really sorry, she hadn’t thought that Josh might be coming over too. Jane accepted her excuse and relied on not speaking about him anymore today.

At night Barack Obama held another meeting at the Oklahoma City Town Hall.
Rory, Jane and Susan, who was another Campaign member, had the charging to write down what Obama says and afterwards to write their own article about it. Rory was exicted, that was exactly what she wanted to do.
The Town Hall was filled with people interested in Obama’s speech. Rory and her colleagues had their seats in the front row, nearly face to face with Obama.

After his speech, they had the possibility to ask some questions. Rory wasn’t sure, wether she should ask Obama something or not, but she overcame her shyness, rose her arm, and Obama gave her the word.
She took a deep breath and asked :,,Mr. Obama, my name is Lorelai Gilmore, I’m a reporter for your campaign trail. I wanted to know, how you feel about the people in Europe and the other continents. Do you think it is very important to give them a positive image abot you, or do you want to absolutely concentrate on the US citizens?”
,,Nice to meet you Ms. Gilmore, to answer your question, I want to basically concentrate on the US citizens, but I feel it is very important to give all people around the world a positive image about me…..”
Rory listened carefully and tried to write down every single word he said. It was very exciting for her to have Obama answering her question.

She was the first one and as yet the only one of her campaign, who had the chance to ask Obama a question and afterwards, everyone of the campaign wanted to know how it was. Even Harry came to ask her.

Josh, Mike and Tommy were sitting on their seats, pretty desinterested. Jane saw them and it gave her heart a little stitch, how could she like someone like Josh? She shivered.

After the meeting, the campaign members had some free time. Rory and Jane decided to sightsee Oklahoma City.
It was completely different to New Haven, Hartford, especially Stars Hollow and Providence, where Jane came from. It wasn’t that big, like New York or L.A., but the climate and nature were different.
They bought some postcards and Rory wrote one to Lane and one to her Mum.

Hey, my favourite gum buddy;

I’m in Oklahoma City right now, and I spoke with Obama, believe it or not, but I did!!!
It was awsome, but I’m sure you’re not too interested in him, although I think he is pretty good-looking…
I’m having a good time, you shouldn’t worry, what I know you do!
How’s the Friday night dinner going? I hope grandma doesn’t drive you too crazy, ahm, I forgot, you are already crazy Wink No…, that was a bad joke, sorry!
Ah! I need to do the start-the-morning-with-energy-and-joy-ritual with you, next time we see each other, copyright goes to Jane, one of my fellas, she is so nice, I think I finally made another gum buddy.

Bye, I love you, hope to see you soon,


Back at James Inn Rory immediatly began to write her report, although it hadn’t to be finished until tomorrow afternoon, the reason why Jane decided to write it as recently as tomorrow.



Hey Melitta, habe gerade in diesem Thread, wo man FFs schließen kann
gelesen, dass du diese FF schließen möchtest.

Finde ich echt total schade, denn ich finde deine Story super und hätte
wirklich gerne gewusst, wie es weiter geht

(ja, ich weiß, habe seit einigen Kapiteln kein FB gegeben, da ich lange weg
war und noch nicht alles nachgeholt habe, was FBs angeht, sry by the way)

Alsoo ich persönlich hoffe ja, dass du vllt doch noch weiterschreiben würdest,
auch wenn ich mir eh denken kann, dass deine Entscheidung wohl feststehtSad

Also mir hats gefallen und würde mich auf jeden Fall über neues von dir
kizz Anni

And I felt Hope {Twilight|Alice&Jasper}
[♥]ava&sig by Avi[XxPruexX][♥]

Smile Ja es ist nicht so, dass es keiner gelesen hat^^ Du und ein paar wenige andere haben es gelesen, darüber hab ich mich sehr gefreut danke Smile

Hmm vlt. schreib ich doch noch weiter, ich wollte bei Kapitel 10 so oder so aufhören...



Ich weißBig Grin

Also ich fände es auf jeden Fall sehr schön, mein FB werde ich bei Gelegenheit
so oder so nachholenWink

kizz Anni

And I felt Hope {Twilight|Alice&Jasper}
[♥]ava&sig by Avi[XxPruexX][♥]

hast mich überzeugt Wink

Es fehlt nur i-wie die motivation, wenn man kein FB bekommt, oder halt nur ein FB in einer längeren Spanne.

Aber nachdem es eh nur mehr 2 Kapitel wären, werd ich die fertig schreiben, dann bin ich auch zufrieden^^ war mir eh schon unsiche rob ich das aushalt etwa snicht fertig zu stellen Smile



JUHUUUUU :freu:Big Grin

Danke, das freut mich wirklichBig Grin

Gut, dann warte ich gesapnnt und hole in der Zeit mal den Rest nachWink


And I felt Hope {Twilight|Alice&Jasper}
[♥]ava&sig by Avi[XxPruexX][♥]

hab deine Fb total übersehen....wie kann das sein?? ich bin jetzt gerade erst darauf gestoßen, was wohl daran liegt, dass ich etwa 4 wochen kaum hier war - ich sags dir jetzt jedenfalls dass es unglaublich ist wie su schreibst...ich werd gelich alles aufholen und lesen, lesen!!!
also mein respekt für dieses wortwahlen und dein gutes englisch! ich find die thematik ist so zeimlich am naheliegensten, was weitergeschrieben gehört! Ein großes Lob an dich und bis bald ;-)

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