leaving Stars Hollow...


Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt Smile

Ja ich hoffe mir geht die Inspiration nicht verloren und ich gleite nicht zu sehr ins kitschige^^

aber wie gesagt ich schreibe so wie ich es gerne als ende gesehen hätte^^



ja, genau so sollte es sein...man hat halt eine vorstellung vom weiteren verlauf und die sollte man behandeln! geade deswegen gab es ja ein offenes...für die fans!!
auch ich tendiere gern zum kitsch...schmachten und so;-)...also mach dir keine sorgen, es ist sicher super ,egal wohin deine geschichte tendiert (ich bewundere alle die texte schrieben können , v.a. GUTE, weil ich selbst absolut unfähig bin !! Smile Smile

Danke dankeSmile

Ich will zwar keinen Kitschroman draus machen^^ aber wenn es so enden soll wie ich es gerne hätte dann ist es ein kitschroman^^

naja mal schaun, bisher hab ich ja auch öfter eine andre richtung eingeschlagen....^^



du shreibst wirklich gut in einglish hab zwar net alles perfekt verstanden aber mein english ist noch nicht so gut wie deinsBig Grin ich bin begeistert es geht doch noch weiter oder? sie will logan zurüch wie shööön und lorelai und loke wie ich verstanden haben heiraten sie oder wie geil ist echt gut....jetz muss man den film nur noch nach deienr story drehen dann ist es perfekt....Big Grin Wink ♥♥♥

Danke Smile !!

Leider drifted es ein wenig ins Kitschige ab.
Und der Teil ist nichts o lang.

Chapter 12

Rory? Now their Campaign leader was confused. Jane seemed to have a problem with her eye, but Rory didn’t look as she would have any problems. He was wrong.

“Mr. Smith”, Rory said to the Campaign leader, “I have a problem, and I’m sure you think it’s nonsens, but it isn’t, it means a lot to me. And I know that I risk my job by asking this, but I have to ask, if not I’ll probably be unable to concentrate on our Campaign any more.”

The Campaign leader sighed, he had no idea what Rory wanted and so he wanted her to go, but friendly as he was, he promised not to fire her, at least if her question was not something like..I am pregnant, what should I do?

“Well, we should go somewhere, where we can sit down”, Rory suggested, she didn’t want to tell him her problem as an aside.
So they went together to the lounge of the hotel. The Campaign leader wondered why Jane was with them and tried not to think about it, he was sure he would be wrong, and on the same side he was a bit curious.

At the lounge the three of them sat down and Rory started to explain her problem. It took a while, but the Campaign leader was very obliging and never interrupted her. He listened carefully and after Rory’s story he made his conclusion.

“So, Ms. Gilmore, you want to get free time to travel to San Francisco to tell Mr. Huntzberger that you still love him and decided to marry him?”

“No, well, yes, but no. Again, I want to tell him that I love him and that I think it was stupid of both of us to say it’s over like this. I want to talk to him, and see if he could live with another solution than all or nothing. I was too busy to talk with him about that, and I want to change it, you know I want to have assurance. If he really wants all or nothing with no exception, than there is no future for us, but if he is able to have an agreement I want him back.
I just want two or three days...I don’t want to call him, it wouldn’t be right to discuss that by phone.”

Rory was nervous, she knew that she explained herself as good as she could, but you’ll never know what other people think. She hoped her Campaign leader understood her problem.

“Ms. Gilmore, you’ll know for sure, that I’m not happy about something like that. I was confident that all of you concentrate on work while our trip. I thought all of you made sure that you’ll be able to do so. And now you tell me this.” He sighed and looked at Rory, irritated. He didn’t want to be part of such a story.

“Well let’s see, I can’t give you free time, but you know that we travel to San Francscio in some weeks, isn’t that enough for you? In San Francisco you will have time to meet him.”

“No, I don’t want to wait another plenty of weeks, I think it’s too late then, I think now it’s extremely tardy to talk with him, but him asking me to marry him is not that long ago…I want to do it now, but if you think there is no way to give me free time for doing that, I will accept it.”

Her Campaign leader sighed again and his thoughts went back to his youth. What Rory didn’t know was, that he was in a similar position when he was younger. He asked a girl to marry him, but she didn’t want to commit. She followed her career and he went to another state to get a job at a newspaper magazine.
Three years later, he was married to another girl. Looking at that now, he knows that it was a preciptious decision, but at the time he married he was in love and didn’t think too much of their future. Two months after the marriage he got a phone call from Chicago. It was Joan, the girl who didn’t want to marry him due to her career.
He was overstrained by her call. But when he heard what she wanted he had to hung up, it hurt too much.
She told him that she had deeply regreted her decision three years ago, she now is sure to want him back. But it was too late, he was married and at that time happy, until this call.
He told his wife about the girl and she was extremely jealous. Their relationship wasn’t the best after that incident, but they carried on like nothing happened and didn’t talk abou it. One day it was enough, both decided that it would be better to divorce.

“Ms. Gilmore you hit the right part of me. I think I know how you feel. I’ll tell you what we can do. But I have to ask my boss if he is thinking that it’s okay to do so. I won’t tell him your story but I have to explain why I want you to go to San Francscio now. I’m going to call him , and in about two hours we’ll meet here again, alright?”

Rory was happy, she never expected that reaction, she was sure that he wouldn’t understand, but obviously he did, he thanked him a lot and promised to be here in two hours.

Two hours later Rory was back at the lounge and couldn’t wait for the Campaign leader to arrive.
She ordered a drink and her thoughts zoned out to Logan, when her Campaign leader finalyy arrived.

“Ms. Gilmore, I talked to my boss and I have good news, but only with one condition!”

“You can go to San Francisco, but you have to do research for us, you will have a harder job to do than now. We want you to check the situation in San Francisco, we want you to do interviews, stuff like that. And to help you with that, a good friend of mine at the San Francisco Chronicle will give you a room at their office. You will help them with their articles and you will not get more money than now. And you will not get any references. You agree with that?”

Rory was happy, she couldn’t answer immediately but noded her head.

Her Campaign leader condemned himself for being so compliable and went back to his room, after making sure that he will meet Rory at evening, to clarify the conditions of her trip to San Francisco. He wondered if she will be able to buy herself a plane ticket



jipii-endlich ein neues kapitel!!! Big Grin
freu mich schon besonders darauf, dass rory und logan sich wiedersehn und was dann noch alles passiert!

das angebot ist ja unglaublich toll, dass sie da bekommen hat!
wie immer super zu lesen!!! weiter, weiter,....will mehr!!!SmileSmileSmile

Danke Big Grin

Ich bemüh mich bald weiterzuschreiben Smile

Und ja ich hoffe ich bekomme keine fiese Anwandlung und bau noch was ganz gemeines ein XD



Ein neuer Teil ist da (endlich) Smile ich hoffe ohne grobe Fehler XD

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Chapter 13

It didn’t take long to find an appropriate flight to San Francisco, after Rory clarified the conditions of her trip with her Campaign leader, she promised to do anything he wanted her to do. They arranged that Rory’s going to call him every day after work, to tell him how things are going.
But Rory didn’t want to think about that now. She was sitting next to a man who looked extremely busy, by hitting the buttons on his laptop. She leaned back and closed her eyes. Logan I’m coming was all she was thinking of.

Still two hours of flight, Rory stood up and asked a stewardess for something to drink. She got an apple juice with water and drank it immediately.
There was nothing to do for her right now, but she made plans for the hours after her landing. She’ll have to find the hotel, her Campaign leader booked for her, and then she’ll have to find the headquarters of the Chronicle, she had an address, but she didn’t know where it was. After finding the hotel and the headquarters, she’ll have to find out where exactly Logan was living, she knew that he settled in Paolo Alto and she knew the street name, but not the exact number.
Rory sighed, it would be a long taxi ride to Paolo Alto and an expensive one too, so she had to find a bus connection to Paolo Alto with cheap tickets.
To find that, she added to her plan that she’ll have to find a tourist information office and she was sure that San Francisco had some offices around.

She closed her eyes again and tried to relax. But the excitement inside of her didn’t want to rest. Rory kneaded her hands and watched the man sitting next to her.
He was still hitting the buttons on his laptop, Rory tried to get a look on it, to find out what was so important for him to write. She expanded her neck and peered at the laptop.
It wasn’t what she expected, after a while she was sure that the man repeated one sentence constantly.
This plane is not going to crash, you’ll survive this flight, no need to worry.
Rory absorbed air and turned her head to the other side and was a bit afraid.
It wasn’t what the man was thinking, it was the man himself. She was afraid that he’d have enough of hitting the buttons sooner or later and had a mental meltdown, right beside her. Don’t think about it, she told herself and ordered headphones to listen to the film which was airing right now.


About two hours later the plane hit ground, it landed at the San Francisco International Airport a bit outside of San Francisco.
Rory was happy that the man had no meltdown and hurried to leave the plane soon.
Outside she waited for her luggage. After a while all suitcases were reunited with Rory and she made her way out of the hall to the duty free section. She needed to find a bancomat to take out enough money for the next few days.
She thought about the amount of money she would need. For the taxi to the hotel and to the headquarters of the Chronicle. And a bit for the trip to Logan. She shook her body in antipathy. Now she knew why she had always thought that a day without any plan is pure horror.

Ten minutes later, she was near desperation, she had looked everywhere for a bancomat, but didn’t find one. So she went to a police officer, who was standing at the airport’s entrance.
“Excuse me?” she asked him.

“Yes? How can I help you?” he answered and offered help.

“Oh you know, I’m completely new here, I’ve never been here before and I need to take out money, but I can’t find a bancomat around. Do you know where I can find one? It would be perfect, if it’s close-by.”

“Of course, there is one, it’s outside the airport, by the taxi stand. Good luck.”

“Thank you so much!”

Rory hurried to leave the airport and got angry about herself, it was stupid only to look inside the airport for a bancomat, but mistakes happen, she thought.. She sighed and looked for the taxi stand. It was only a few steps away and there was the desperately needed bancomat.

She took out some hundred dollar and put it into her wallet.
There were a couple of taxis standing next to her and she decided to take the one with the friendly looking woman at the driver’s seat.

“Where do you want to be taken?” she asked Rory friendly.

“Oh.”Rory was surprised that the woman asked her for the destination, cause’ she was accustomed to unfriendly never asking taxi drivers from New York.

“Ah, do you know where the Hyatt at Fisherman’s Wharf is?”

“Sure. It’ll take around 35 minutes till we get there.”

The taxi driver introduced herself as Marleen and helped Rory with the luggage.
Rory was happy. Now she’ll have 35 minutes to relax a bit. Maybe Marleen could tell her something about San Francisco or, especially, about Paolo Alto.

“I’m Rory and I’m here to support the Barack Obama Campaign trail.” She was sure that Marleen was an Obama supporter herself, at least 70% of the cities inhabitants were Obama fans and Marleen didn’t look anything republican.

“Great! Let’s hope he wins the election! He has my vote for sure, I want change.”

“Yeah I think Obama’s a good choice for president. We’ll see on November 4th if the rest of the Americans think equally… Marleen, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what do you want to know?”

“I’ll be visting a friend in Paolo Alto in one day, or two, I’m not sure right now, and I wanted to know if you can tell me something about the town, cause’ I don’t know anything. Is it big? What people are living there? Stuff like that?!”

“Oh well, I wonder that you have a friend there. Paolo Alto is more a town for old men. And it’s the cemetery of San Francisco.”

Rory didn’t know how Marleen meant that, so she asked :”The cemetery? Do I have to be afraid?”

“Yes, the cemetery of San Francisco, but no, you don’t need be afraid. You know San Francisco is located on a peninsula and there is less space left for new buildings and so on, especially for cemeteries, they’re too big for the city, so the city’s council decided to remove the public cemeteries to Paolo Alto, and now people who are dying in San Francisco are burried in Paolo Alto. So the biggest tourist attraction of Paolo Alto are its cemeteries.”



cool, es geht weiter ...
ich mag deine story!!!
das sie ihre Kampange verlässt um zu Logan zu fahren ist irgendwie einerseits typisch rory und andererseit total untypisch ^^
aber gut!!!
ich finds toll, dass du in engölisch schreibst und ich werde den fortschritt der FF mitverfolgen!!! *versprochen*


Le future appartient à ceux qui croient en la beauté de leurs rêves

Danke Smile Freut mich, dass es doch ein paar Leser gibt die einer englischen FF auch etwas abgewinnen können (auch wenn Fehler drinnen sind) Big Grin

Ich schreib schon fleißig weiter, aber es wird bald zuende sein Smile
Mal schauen wohin es mich treibt, Happy End, offenes Ende (wobei ich kein Fan davon bin) oder ein richtig kitischiges Ende Smile



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