22.02.2005, 23:34
Eine Textstelle, die mir gefallen hat, kann man auch in meiner Sig nachlesen, sie ist aus MIDDLESEX von Jeffrey Eugenides:
You used to be able to tell a person's nationality by the face. Immigration ended that. Next you discerned nationality via the footwear. Globalization ended that. Those Finnish seal puppies, those German flounders - you don't see them much anymore. Only Nikes, on Basque, on Dutch, on Siberian feet.
Find ich irgendwie lustig, weià ned...
You used to be able to tell a person's nationality by the face. Immigration ended that. Next you discerned nationality via the footwear. Globalization ended that. Those Finnish seal puppies, those German flounders - you don't see them much anymore. Only Nikes, on Basque, on Dutch, on Siberian feet.
Find ich irgendwie lustig, weià ned...
.hey dude, I could buy and sell this place.