All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13]

@Lienchen: Trory und hier.. gute wahl. lol. Wink

also hab mich jetzt mal an nen neuen teil gesetzt!yay!
moechte alle dies sich durchlesen um FB bitten! das muss keineswegs positiv sein. negatives FB ist manchmal auch sehr hilfreich!Wink

also hier der neue teil:

Chapter 5:

When Rory got to school the following day, she already saw Tristan from far away. He was goofing around with his buddies as usual. Probably making stupid jokes and nasty comments… As Rory headed toward her looker, she saw Tristan nodding and smiling at her. She couldn’t help it but had to smile back! She saw how he headed toward her and felt her heart beating faster and faster as he approached. What the hell was wrong with her?!
“Hey Mary, what’s up!?” she heard his voice behind her.
“Uhm… not much actually…” Rory stumbled.
“Are you sure? You were a little out of it yesterday and still seem to be!”
“No, don’t worry about it! Actually I’m feeling pretty good right now!” Rory replied with a smile.
“Well I’m glad to hear that!”
“Seriously?!” Rory could not believe how nice Tristan was all of a sudden. Maybe it was just another act he tried to put on. But it seemed like he really changed in military school, which was kind of strange, since he actually only was there over the weekend and came back Monday afternoon. Although to Rory, the time he was gone seemed like forever! The whole thing was just crazy!
“So what did I miss yesterday in all the classes?”
“Hmm… let me think! I don’t really remember actually!” In fact, Rory did not remember anything from the last day, since she kept on thinking about Tristan all the time!
“Are you kidding me? Rory Gilmore did not pay attention in class?!” Tristan teased her.
“Hey! Everyone needs a brake every once in awhile! Even I do… although it happens very, very rarely!!” Rory humorously pouted.
“And all this time I thought you were perfect…” Tristan went on teasing her with a huge grin on his face. He knew Rory was easy to tease about school…
“Shut up Tristan!” Rory said with a laugh. “I had my reasons! I wasn’t feeling well yesterday!”
“Oh! I see…” Tristan said. “Uhm, what I wanted to ask you…. You know we have this biology test today? Do you maybe have some notes I could borrow? Except for if you happened to space out all last week too…” Tristan asked.
“Of course I didn’t! But you can’t be serious about this!” Rory laughed.


(verdammt! irgendwie hat das neue forum die totalen stoerungen!!! ich kann den text nicht richtig vom word hierher kopieren! treibt mich echt in den wahnsinn! hat sonst ncoh einer von euch FF schreibern das problem?)


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Alyssa - 16.02.2005, 01:12
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All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Belle - 04.04.2005, 16:22
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Alyssa - 04.04.2005, 22:21
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All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von 2GG-FAN2 - 07.04.2005, 20:44
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Alyssa - 15.04.2005, 00:23
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von 2GG-FAN2 - 15.04.2005, 15:26
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All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Belle - 21.04.2005, 16:03
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Alyssa - 26.04.2005, 05:24
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von JamieA - 26.04.2005, 13:59
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All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von 2GG-FAN2 - 28.04.2005, 20:04
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von werderschwester - 30.04.2005, 20:32
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All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von 2GG-FAN2 - 15.06.2005, 17:57
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All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Alyssa - 14.08.2005, 21:58
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von JamieA - 15.08.2005, 10:26
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Lana007 - 17.08.2005, 18:47
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von 2GG-FAN2 - 29.08.2005, 15:48
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von *lilly-maus* - 30.08.2005, 18:19
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Alyssa - 27.09.2005, 11:25
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von *lilly-maus* - 27.09.2005, 12:57
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von JamieA - 28.09.2005, 15:48
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von 2GG-FAN2 - 28.09.2005, 20:44
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Natalie - 01.10.2005, 17:09
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von *lilly-maus* - 07.10.2005, 23:48
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von sweetie - 08.10.2005, 12:12
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Alyssa - 10.10.2005, 13:22
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Natalie - 10.10.2005, 13:40
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Alyssa - 13.10.2005, 11:53
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Natalie - 13.10.2005, 12:52
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von *lilly-maus* - 14.10.2005, 13:22
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von *lilly-maus* - 15.11.2005, 23:12
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von JamieA - 16.11.2005, 13:19
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von JamieA - 06.04.2006, 19:54
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von *lilly-maus* - 07.04.2006, 18:24
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Fanny - 28.09.2006, 12:55
All You Wanted! (englische FF) [PG-13] - von Alyssa - 05.03.2005, 23:50

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