24.08.2004, 18:59
LizEvans schrieb:Das sind die, die ich weiÃ:
Lorelai & Luke - JavaJunkies
Lorelai & Christopher - Balcony Buddies
Lorelai & Max - Teachers Pets
Rory & Jess - Literati
Rory & Dean - Narcoleptic
Rory & Tristan - Trory
Lane & Dave - Bandmates
Kirk and Lulu - Diner Dates
Jess & Paris - Dippers
ich hab da noch einen für dich auch wenn der nicht zu den character passt
Milo & Alexis - The Vendelis
Milo: "Me and Alexis, that been completely the lightning blow. All happened so quickly... She is really the woman of my life, she is perfect for me, I hope to be perfect for her"
http://www.the-vendelis.com the Milo/Alexis Fanlisting