I want to be with you

Hi ihr Lieben! Danke für eure ganzes FB! Wie ich sehe findet ihr Lorelais Reaktion übertrieben. Tja, wer weiß, was da noch alles passieren wird... ich schon *g*
hel, GGjessi
Jetzt gehts weiter!!!
Teil 17:
Als Rory an diesem Morgen aufwacht ahnt sie noch nicht, was dieser Tag für sie bereit halten wird. Eigentlich ist es wie an jedem anderen Morgen auch: Sie steht auf, geht ins Bad, isst einen Happen und geht dann zu Uni. Jess ist meistens schon im Café. Es kommt selten vor, dass sie sich morgens sehen, da er meistens schon zwei Stunden vor ihr aus der Wohnung geht. Rory merkt nichts. Für sie scheint dieser Morgen ganz normal zu sein. Es ist der dritte Morgen nach Lukes Geburtstag, es ist Montag Morgen. Nichts besonderes. Weder Luke noch Lorelai hatte sich gemeldet. Es ist besser so, denkt Rory sich. Mit Jess hat sie über diesen Abend auch nicht weiter geredet. Verdrängen, ziemlich feige, aber das beste. Was hätte sie denn auch großartig reden sollen? Zu oft hatten sie über Lorelai geredet, viel zu oft ohne Ergebnis.

Auf dem Weg zur Uni lässt Rory die vergangenen Tage Revue passieren. Jess ist anders zu ihr. Irgendwie kühler. Aber das ist ja auch verständlich. Sie bereut es, dass sie Lorelai in Jess Anwesenheit so offen angesprochen hat. Es wäre besser gewesen, sie hätte es gelassen. Jedoch lassen Rorys Kurse ihr keine weitere Zeit, um weiter nachzudenken...

Erst als sie am Nachmittag die Wohnung betritt sieht sie den Zettel auf den Küchentisch. Rory legt ihren Schlüssel auf die Kommode neben der Tür, bevor sie die Küche betritt. Seit wann liegt er da? Er ist so winzig, es wäre also kein Wunder, wenn sie ihn am Morgen übersehen hätte. Sie legt ihren Rucksack auf den Stuhl und greift zum Zettel....

Nein, bitte nicht. Rory schreit und weint. Sie lässt den Zettel zu Boden fallen. Sie muss sich hinsetzen. Obwohl, nein - sie kann nicht still sitzen. Sie ist am Rande eines Nervenzusammenbruches. Im Sekundentakt wischt sie sich die Tränen aus den Augen, doch sie weint so sehr, dass sie es gar nicht schafft. Eingeschüchtert hockt sie vor dem Kühlschrank. Das kann nicht wahr sein, es muss ein Irrtum sein. Wieso? Wieso nur? Sie steht auf und geht in der ganzen Wohnung umher. Hatten wirklich alle Recht? Für Rory sieht es in diesem Moment so aus. Alle scheinen es gewusst zu haben, nur sie nicht...

Fortsetzung folgt....

[Bild: kjjkhj9gg.jpg]
You need a vacation to wake up the cavemen and take them to mexico


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 26.03.2005, 18:39
I want to be with you - von Blume333 - 26.03.2005, 18:47
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 26.03.2005, 19:00
I want to be with you - von Blume333 - 26.03.2005, 19:09
I want to be with you - von *Julä* - 26.03.2005, 19:21
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 26.03.2005, 19:54
I want to be with you - von Nici - 26.03.2005, 20:49
I want to be with you - von Tory - 26.03.2005, 23:14
I want to be with you - von -Rory-and-Jess-4-ever- - 27.03.2005, 11:54
I want to be with you - von Selene - 28.03.2005, 09:10
I want to be with you - von Blume333 - 28.03.2005, 15:32
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 29.03.2005, 14:17
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 29.03.2005, 14:21
I want to be with you - von eval - 29.03.2005, 15:15
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 31.03.2005, 13:26
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 31.03.2005, 13:31
I want to be with you - von Nici - 31.03.2005, 15:23
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 03.04.2005, 16:41
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 03.04.2005, 17:07
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 03.04.2005, 20:35
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 04.04.2005, 15:22
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 04.04.2005, 16:17
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 08.04.2005, 17:58
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 08.04.2005, 19:20
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 09.04.2005, 15:44
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 09.04.2005, 16:00
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 09.04.2005, 19:49
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 09.04.2005, 19:55
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 09.04.2005, 20:00
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 09.04.2005, 20:46
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 09.04.2005, 21:04
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 10.04.2005, 14:50
I want to be with you - von Vany-Hexe - 10.04.2005, 15:17
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 10.04.2005, 15:21
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 10.04.2005, 15:46
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 12.04.2005, 17:49
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 12.04.2005, 19:43
I want to be with you - von Vany-Hexe - 15.04.2005, 17:38
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 15.04.2005, 18:35
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 15.04.2005, 20:32
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 16.04.2005, 16:36
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 16.04.2005, 16:39
I want to be with you - von stars Hollow - 16.04.2005, 16:42
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 16.04.2005, 16:50
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 16.04.2005, 21:16
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 16.04.2005, 21:25
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 16.04.2005, 21:26
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 16.04.2005, 21:29
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 16.04.2005, 21:32
I want to be with you - von Kimberly90 - 16.04.2005, 22:27
I want to be with you - von knolliwolli - 18.04.2005, 16:16
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 19.04.2005, 12:00
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 21.04.2005, 15:59
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 21.04.2005, 17:52
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 21.04.2005, 20:20
I want to be with you - von Kimberly90 - 21.04.2005, 20:42
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 21.04.2005, 21:26
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 22.04.2005, 17:48
I want to be with you - von Vany-Hexe - 22.04.2005, 17:57
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 22.04.2005, 20:10
I want to be with you - von Kimberly90 - 22.04.2005, 20:55
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 22.04.2005, 21:34
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 22.04.2005, 21:39
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 22.04.2005, 22:44
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 23.04.2005, 16:21
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 23.04.2005, 16:24
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 23.04.2005, 16:26
I want to be with you - von Alexis_Milo233 - 23.04.2005, 16:43
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 23.04.2005, 19:29
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 23.04.2005, 19:37
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 23.04.2005, 19:40
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 23.04.2005, 19:49
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 23.04.2005, 20:17
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 23.04.2005, 20:20
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 24.04.2005, 08:55
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 24.04.2005, 14:13
I want to be with you - von Kimberly90 - 24.04.2005, 15:27
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 25.04.2005, 21:05
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 26.04.2005, 19:09
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 26.04.2005, 19:10
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 26.04.2005, 19:21
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 26.04.2005, 20:21
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 26.04.2005, 20:24
I want to be with you - von MaraMariano - 27.04.2005, 14:13
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 28.04.2005, 14:33
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 28.04.2005, 15:16
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 28.04.2005, 19:10
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 28.04.2005, 20:14
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 28.04.2005, 20:29
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 30.04.2005, 17:04
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 30.04.2005, 17:13
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 30.04.2005, 17:19
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 30.04.2005, 17:22
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 30.04.2005, 17:43
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 30.04.2005, 20:46
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 30.04.2005, 21:57
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 30.04.2005, 22:03
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 30.04.2005, 22:32
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 01.05.2005, 14:49
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 01.05.2005, 14:54
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 01.05.2005, 14:56
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 01.05.2005, 14:58
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 01.05.2005, 15:01
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 01.05.2005, 15:03
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 01.05.2005, 15:11
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 01.05.2005, 15:17
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 01.05.2005, 15:18
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 01.05.2005, 15:25
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 01.05.2005, 15:32
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 01.05.2005, 17:50
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 01.05.2005, 20:12
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 01.05.2005, 20:19
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 02.05.2005, 11:50
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 03.05.2005, 20:08
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 04.05.2005, 13:33
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 04.05.2005, 13:41
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 04.05.2005, 13:43
I want to be with you - von MaraMariano - 04.05.2005, 13:50
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 04.05.2005, 19:20
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 04.05.2005, 19:28
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 04.05.2005, 19:29
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 04.05.2005, 19:31
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 04.05.2005, 19:42
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 04.05.2005, 20:23
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 04.05.2005, 20:23
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 04.05.2005, 20:37
I want to be with you - von Alexis_Milo233 - 05.05.2005, 15:57
I want to be with you - von knolliwolli - 05.05.2005, 19:33
I want to be with you - von Kimberly90 - 05.05.2005, 20:28
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 06.05.2005, 19:28
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 06.05.2005, 19:36
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 06.05.2005, 19:39
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 06.05.2005, 19:43
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 06.05.2005, 20:03
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 06.05.2005, 20:28
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 07.05.2005, 16:01
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 07.05.2005, 16:09
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 07.05.2005, 16:33
I want to be with you - von Alexis_Milo233 - 07.05.2005, 16:36
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 07.05.2005, 17:33
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 07.05.2005, 17:34
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 07.05.2005, 17:43
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 07.05.2005, 17:47
I want to be with you - von Lava - 07.05.2005, 18:10
I want to be with you - von Vany-Hexe - 07.05.2005, 18:13
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 08.05.2005, 08:05
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 08.05.2005, 10:42
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 08.05.2005, 13:57
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 08.05.2005, 14:03
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 08.05.2005, 16:45
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 08.05.2005, 17:17
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 08.05.2005, 18:32
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 09.05.2005, 13:37
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 09.05.2005, 18:21
I want to be with you - von Lava - 09.05.2005, 18:37
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 09.05.2005, 19:29
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 09.05.2005, 19:48
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 09.05.2005, 20:11
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 09.05.2005, 21:48
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 09.05.2005, 21:57
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 10.05.2005, 18:15
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 12.05.2005, 18:56
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 12.05.2005, 19:02
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 12.05.2005, 19:07
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 12.05.2005, 19:12
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 12.05.2005, 19:16
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 12.05.2005, 19:55
I want to be with you - von Lava - 12.05.2005, 20:18
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 13.05.2005, 17:01
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 13.05.2005, 19:09
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 13.05.2005, 19:18
I want to be with you - von Sky Angel - 13.05.2005, 19:41
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 13.05.2005, 19:46
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 13.05.2005, 19:48
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 13.05.2005, 20:34
I want to be with you - von Lava - 13.05.2005, 20:44
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 13.05.2005, 21:04
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 13.05.2005, 21:10
I want to be with you - von Lisa_003 - 14.05.2005, 09:16
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 14.05.2005, 14:43
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 14.05.2005, 16:20
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 14.05.2005, 17:19
I want to be with you - von Vany-Hexe - 14.05.2005, 20:14
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 14.05.2005, 20:18
I want to be with you - von Lava - 14.05.2005, 21:52
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 14.05.2005, 22:17
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 14.05.2005, 22:32
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 14.05.2005, 23:40
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 15.05.2005, 19:38
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 15.05.2005, 19:43
I want to be with you - von Lava - 15.05.2005, 20:31
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 15.05.2005, 20:54
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 15.05.2005, 20:59
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 15.05.2005, 21:25
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 15.05.2005, 22:43
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 15.05.2005, 22:46
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 16.05.2005, 17:05
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 16.05.2005, 19:29
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 16.05.2005, 20:02
I want to be with you - von Searsha - 16.05.2005, 20:05
I want to be with you - von Macster - 16.05.2005, 21:17
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 17.05.2005, 09:00
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 17.05.2005, 15:48
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 17.05.2005, 15:53
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 17.05.2005, 15:59
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 17.05.2005, 16:08
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 17.05.2005, 19:25
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 18.05.2005, 17:00
I want to be with you - von Sky Angel - 18.05.2005, 17:29
I want to be with you - von Lava - 18.05.2005, 17:49
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 18.05.2005, 18:10
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 18.05.2005, 18:22
I want to be with you - von Macster - 18.05.2005, 18:43
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 18.05.2005, 18:46
I want to be with you - von Searsha - 18.05.2005, 19:05
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 18.05.2005, 19:37
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 18.05.2005, 22:09
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 19.05.2005, 14:57
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 19.05.2005, 15:03
I want to be with you - von Macster - 19.05.2005, 15:41
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 19.05.2005, 16:23
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 19.05.2005, 16:25
I want to be with you - von MaraMariano - 19.05.2005, 16:38
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 19.05.2005, 16:47
I want to be with you - von Lava - 19.05.2005, 17:50
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 19.05.2005, 18:16
I want to be with you - von Lava - 19.05.2005, 18:17
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 19.05.2005, 18:17
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 19.05.2005, 18:30
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 19.05.2005, 18:36
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 19.05.2005, 21:08
I want to be with you - von MaraMariano - 19.05.2005, 21:22
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 20.05.2005, 16:41
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 20.05.2005, 16:55
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 20.05.2005, 20:12
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 20.05.2005, 22:12
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 20.05.2005, 22:18
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 21.05.2005, 12:27
I want to be with you - von Lava - 21.05.2005, 12:37
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 21.05.2005, 13:39
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 21.05.2005, 14:37
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 21.05.2005, 15:04
I want to be with you - von Sky Angel - 21.05.2005, 15:11
I want to be with you - von Macster - 21.05.2005, 17:31
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 21.05.2005, 18:28
I want to be with you - von Stars_Hollow - 21.05.2005, 19:18
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 21.05.2005, 21:40
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 21.05.2005, 21:47
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 21.05.2005, 21:49
I want to be with you - von Sky Angel - 21.05.2005, 21:49
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 21.05.2005, 21:54
I want to be with you - von Sky Angel - 21.05.2005, 22:03
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 21.05.2005, 22:07
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 21.05.2005, 22:10
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 21.05.2005, 22:12
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 21.05.2005, 22:15
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 21.05.2005, 22:59
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 21.05.2005, 23:00
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 21.05.2005, 23:41
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 22.05.2005, 08:56
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 22.05.2005, 11:14
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 22.05.2005, 12:21
I want to be with you - von Stars_Hollow - 22.05.2005, 12:35
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 22.05.2005, 13:30
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 22.05.2005, 14:11
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 22.05.2005, 14:16
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 22.05.2005, 14:21
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 22.05.2005, 14:26
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 22.05.2005, 14:29
I want to be with you - von Secia - 22.05.2005, 14:35
I want to be with you - von Stars_Hollow - 22.05.2005, 17:05
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 22.05.2005, 18:00
I want to be with you - von Macster - 22.05.2005, 18:06
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 22.05.2005, 18:10
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 22.05.2005, 20:18
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 22.05.2005, 20:25
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 22.05.2005, 20:26
I want to be with you - von Lava - 22.05.2005, 20:57
I want to be with you - von Vany-Hexe - 23.05.2005, 15:33
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 26.05.2005, 07:37
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 27.05.2005, 21:13
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 27.05.2005, 21:15
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 27.05.2005, 21:22
I want to be with you - von Lava - 27.05.2005, 21:23
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 27.05.2005, 21:34
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 27.05.2005, 22:56
I want to be with you - von Secia - 28.05.2005, 15:16
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 28.05.2005, 15:45
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 29.05.2005, 14:33
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 14.06.2005, 21:21
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 14.06.2005, 21:56
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 14.06.2005, 22:07
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 15.06.2005, 12:38
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 15.06.2005, 20:45
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 15.06.2005, 20:51
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 15.06.2005, 20:52
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 15.06.2005, 20:53
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 15.06.2005, 20:54
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 15.06.2005, 21:03
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 18.06.2005, 20:41
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 18.06.2005, 20:47
I want to be with you - von MaraMariano - 18.06.2005, 20:53
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 18.06.2005, 21:27
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 18.06.2005, 21:39
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 18.06.2005, 21:49
I want to be with you - von Sky Angel - 18.06.2005, 22:05
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 18.06.2005, 23:00
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 18.06.2005, 23:02
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 19.06.2005, 13:21
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 19.06.2005, 14:35
I want to be with you - von Lava - 19.06.2005, 14:55
I want to be with you - von Secia - 19.06.2005, 15:38
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 19.06.2005, 19:33
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 19.06.2005, 19:35
I want to be with you - von maja246 - 19.06.2005, 22:20
I want to be with you - von Secia - 19.06.2005, 22:45
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 20.06.2005, 20:36
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 20.06.2005, 21:05
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 20.06.2005, 21:13
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 20.06.2005, 21:18
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 20.06.2005, 21:23
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 20.06.2005, 21:27
I want to be with you - von Secia - 21.06.2005, 12:45
I want to be with you - von Lava - 21.06.2005, 13:26
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 21.06.2005, 20:57
I want to be with you - von maja246 - 21.06.2005, 21:37
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 21.06.2005, 21:55
I want to be with you - von maja246 - 22.06.2005, 13:36
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 22.06.2005, 13:50
I want to be with you - von Lava - 22.06.2005, 13:55
I want to be with you - von silbernerschatz - 22.06.2005, 13:55
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 22.06.2005, 13:58
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 22.06.2005, 17:26
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 22.06.2005, 21:05
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 22.06.2005, 21:23
I want to be with you - von Jersey - 22.06.2005, 21:42
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 23.06.2005, 16:41
I want to be with you - von maja246 - 23.06.2005, 18:16
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 23.06.2005, 20:25
I want to be with you - von Alexis_Milo233 - 23.06.2005, 20:38
I want to be with you - von Alexis_Milo233 - 23.06.2005, 20:39
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 23.06.2005, 20:42
I want to be with you - von MaraMariano - 23.06.2005, 20:43
I want to be with you - von Jersey - 23.06.2005, 20:55
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 23.06.2005, 21:22
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 23.06.2005, 22:53
I want to be with you - von Secia - 24.06.2005, 12:33
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 24.06.2005, 14:16
I want to be with you - von Lava - 24.06.2005, 18:54
I want to be with you - von Vany-Hexe - 24.06.2005, 18:57
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 26.06.2005, 17:50
I want to be with you - von Lava - 26.06.2005, 17:57
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 26.06.2005, 18:08
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 26.06.2005, 18:10
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 26.06.2005, 21:27
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 26.06.2005, 21:47
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 26.06.2005, 21:58
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 26.06.2005, 22:05
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 26.06.2005, 23:39
I want to be with you - von Jersey - 27.06.2005, 00:18
I want to be with you - von Secia - 28.06.2005, 17:44
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 28.06.2005, 19:01
I want to be with you - von Macster - 30.06.2005, 13:06
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 30.06.2005, 16:59
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 01.07.2005, 15:24
I want to be with you - von Stars_Hollow - 01.07.2005, 18:35
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 01.07.2005, 21:02
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 01.07.2005, 21:17
I want to be with you - von Kimberly-alexis - 01.07.2005, 21:53
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 02.07.2005, 11:25
I want to be with you - von Lava - 02.07.2005, 11:39
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 02.07.2005, 23:57
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 03.07.2005, 13:59
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 03.07.2005, 14:06
I want to be with you - von Secia - 03.07.2005, 16:14
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 04.07.2005, 20:09
I want to be with you - von Sky Angel - 04.07.2005, 20:21
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 05.07.2005, 18:04
I want to be with you - von Lava - 05.07.2005, 20:54
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 05.07.2005, 21:10
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 05.07.2005, 21:11
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 06.07.2005, 00:21
I want to be with you - von alexis1002 - 06.07.2005, 14:16
I want to be with you - von Jersey - 06.07.2005, 20:52
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 06.07.2005, 21:44
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 07.07.2005, 12:28
I want to be with you - von MaryKris - 08.07.2005, 02:50
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 09.07.2005, 22:24
I want to be with you - von plaudertasche - 09.07.2005, 22:25
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 10.07.2005, 20:28
I want to be with you - von Jersey - 10.07.2005, 21:58
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 11.07.2005, 20:25
I want to be with you - von silbernerschatz - 11.07.2005, 20:30
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 11.07.2005, 20:31
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 11.07.2005, 20:47
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 11.07.2005, 21:21
I want to be with you - von Lava - 11.07.2005, 21:28
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 12.07.2005, 00:12
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 12.07.2005, 08:16
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 12.07.2005, 11:16
I want to be with you - von Secia - 12.07.2005, 11:34
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 14.07.2005, 19:27
I want to be with you - von basiaGG - 14.07.2005, 23:44
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 07.08.2005, 19:58
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 07.08.2005, 20:07
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 07.08.2005, 20:14
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 07.08.2005, 22:20
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 07.08.2005, 23:17
I want to be with you - von Jersey - 08.08.2005, 02:39
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 08.08.2005, 10:35
I want to be with you - von Lava - 08.08.2005, 16:31
I want to be with you - von MaryKris - 08.08.2005, 18:16
I want to be with you - von Valpuri - 10.08.2005, 10:03
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 17.08.2005, 19:54
I want to be with you - von MaraMariano - 17.08.2005, 20:03
I want to be with you - von Lava - 17.08.2005, 21:08
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 17.08.2005, 21:16
I want to be with you - von life_of_agony - 17.08.2005, 21:56
I want to be with you - von Valpuri - 17.08.2005, 22:35
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 17.08.2005, 23:27
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 19.08.2005, 19:42
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 20.08.2005, 17:29
I want to be with you - von ***jojo*** - 25.08.2005, 14:37
I want to be with you - von Sky Angel - 26.08.2005, 15:31
I want to be with you - von Liongirly*84 - 12.09.2005, 19:24
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 18.09.2005, 15:40
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 18.09.2005, 16:12
I want to be with you - von ***jojo*** - 18.09.2005, 16:32
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 18.09.2005, 20:15
I want to be with you - von Sky Angel - 18.09.2005, 20:32
I want to be with you - von MaryKris - 18.09.2005, 20:34
I want to be with you - von Tweety 37 - 18.09.2005, 20:45
I want to be with you - von Valpuri - 18.09.2005, 21:37
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 22.09.2005, 16:13
I want to be with you - von Lava - 22.09.2005, 16:20
I want to be with you - von Sky Angel - 22.09.2005, 18:20
I want to be with you - von ajnevs04 - 22.09.2005, 21:28
I want to be with you - von silbernerschatz - 22.09.2005, 21:40
I want to be with you - von Valpuri - 23.09.2005, 06:19
I want to be with you - von Tweety 37 - 23.09.2005, 12:15
I want to be with you - von ***jojo*** - 24.09.2005, 19:56
I want to be with you - von Jule13 - 25.09.2005, 15:02
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 25.09.2005, 18:19
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 02.04.2005, 16:55
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 02.04.2005, 17:30
I want to be with you - von GGjessi - 02.04.2005, 19:06
I want to be with you - von jutschi - 02.04.2005, 19:32
I want to be with you - von stars Hollow - 02.04.2005, 20:21
I want to be with you - von DependentOfGG - 11.05.2005, 21:00

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